Yay I learned how make hidden messages! :D Ahem
Hmm...I do agree with your concept of a Melee Online HD thing, as a matter of fact someone suggested a petition for it LoL., but for the most part I believe we will ultimetly be getting a Wii-U downloadable version of Melee, which will probably be a straight port from GNC.
As for your idea, do you mean spin-offs as in a character should have it's own game?
But if it was HD, online and DLC, that would mean no updated graphics right? As with MvC2 on PSN (if anyone knows that too)?
All that with hopes of GC features on the Wii U, or a new GC controller just for Smash :D
For the spin offs, like Mario vs Pokemon or LoZ vs Fire Emblem. OR all four in one. It's just that those four games seem to have the most character hopefuls, when there are already a good amount of spots to represent their franchise. If a spin off like this actutally was released, I would think just Mario, Pokemon and LoZ.
Also sorry for the late reply.
You know what would be funny? If Sakurai did a poll, and the votes were so torn between Isaac and Matthew that it appeared only a few people wanted them in the game. So they end up as assist trophies
lol That'd be sad for their die hard fans. What's the difference between the two tho? Because I have a good feeling Isaac has a better chance since he was an AT already.
My purpose was to list some factual information about Mewtwo's character as that is what was in discussion at that time.
So it's settled that Mewtwo is the "villain" rep for Pokemon? I think it'd be nice to see him in the armor as a special costume
As for the villain talk earlier, anti heroes are acceptable. I didn't mean strictly evil, but just the antagonist figure. With that said I never thought of Metaknight as one, more just of a neutral alignment.
Yeah it's probably more likely that isa is getting in due to the fact that Sin and punishment 2 just recently came out...
He'd also be able to do more stuff like shoot a charge shot and hover...
however who knows what will happen. It'd just be sick to have a SaP character get in to ssb4 as a playable character.
And yeah I'd rather Issac get in as well but Matthew is cool too.
If SSB4 was fast paced enough, Saki or Isa (maybe costume cameo?) would soooo fun to play.