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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Who says Sakurai doesn't like Ridley? Lol. I think he DOES like him. He's been in every Smash so far in some form.

Ridley was a boss because Sakurai knew he was popular and he wanted to accommodate him in some way. Really, even if a character isn't playable, he still tries to include characters on polls in some form. Probably why Toad is Peach's special move. It's just that NOW Ridley really needs to make the jump from boss to playable. He's one of the few high-profile characters left. There's just no way around that he's necessary.
Jun 8, 2009
Well if Sakurai will not add Ridley...

I expect all of you to meet me in front of nintendo HQ with torches and pitch forks. SAKURAIIIIII!!!!


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I mean it's true he was editing his post, his says 0 while yours says 20000, darnet I wish I could save the image of this page to prove it.



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
WHAT?! All this upping my post count to help you out Omega and you just up and forget?

The title goes to the sidestepper!
Lol, at least it wasn't Iblis who got the post, SSBfan deserved it I guess.

I saw your video, awesome stuff there.



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
You people and your obssession with getting every 10'000th post.

Yay for light yellow font!


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
NAAAAHHH SON. **** THAT. He had this planned out. I know he did!

I was wondering how come he was taking forever to post.

Imad as hell.

Star is salty.

Omega be forgetful.

Nlim8d be mad.

Beserk be wrong.

SSBf be trolling.

Everybody mad though.
Jun 8, 2009
What happened to Oasis? You completely ignored him D:

Me too. The thing is all my logical aura went to the toad discussion happening right now in the Toad group


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Me salty? What'chu talkin' about? I ain't salty. I'm just waking up.

If you want a meaningful topic we could always discuss returning stages in SSB4 like I brought up last night?

Here is an interesting topic I Just thought of, in Brawl each series saw one returning Melee stage (bar Ice Climbers). If we go by that process we could expect one stage to return from Brawl for each series (though in Mario's case it might be two-three). If you could pick one stage to return and one to be disbanded, what would they be? If you need help figuring it out, here is the list:

Delfino Plaza
Mario Circuit
Luigi's Mansion
Mushroomy Kingdom
Mario Bros.

Bridge of Eldin
Pirate Ship

Frigate Orpheon

Donkey Kong:
Rumble Falls

Pokémon Stadium 2
Spear Pillar

Every other series only had one stage, so they automatically will return. Melee's stages will likely not return much as we diid not see any past stages from Shash 64 in Brawl. Here are my selections.

Mario Circuit

This stage is the representative of the largest and best selling Mario spin off to date. I can't see them really ditching this stage for any reason beyond the possibility of a new Mario Kart stage or an all encompassing Mario sports stage.

Mushroomy Kingdom

This an iconic level/s and is one of the most unique stages in the game. There really is no reason I cannot see this returning.

Delfino Plaza, Mario Bros., Luigi's Mansion

Why not?:

Delfino Plaza: This stage will probably be passed over as the others will receive priority. On top of the most recent Mario series being Galaxy and the New Super Mario Bros, Sunshine is kind of "old news". Not to mention the possibility of a Paper Mario stage, which altogether with the returning stages, would already bring the current total of Mario stages to 6. You'll find out why I said six instead of five in a minute.

Mario Bros.: Lets face it, the stage isn't all that great nor is it really that fun. That type of feedback does get back to developers. Although due to the nostalgia factor I can't quite say with certainty this one will absolutely go. But not everything will be returning, and I don't see this one making the cut.

Luigi's Mansion: Before you cry and scream "why?" there is a perfectely reasonable explanation why it won't return. Because we will definitely be seeing a Luigi's Mansion 2 stage. Incorporating more of the potential designs from Luigi's Mansion 3DS. So this stage isn't really "cut" in that sense.

Pirate Ship

Tough to decide between the two, but I feel this one will squeak by on account of the setting. Besides being a major represent of "Celda" era which has been the primary handheld Zelda for the DS generation. Even though Skyward Sword is stylized, it isn't a part of the "Celda" chronology, so to speak.

Bridge of Eldin

Why not?:
Unfortunately this stage will be the victim on account of the other stage receiving priority. Even though the stage represents more of the "realistic" Zelda, I can see them returning to a new "Hyrule Castle" or some other stage based around Ocarina of Time/Link To The Past. So much of the music will be transferred over to the ensuing stage.


If we are going to have a lava level it should be the premier one. Frigate Orpheon is simply just not as interesting in comparison to this stage. Norfair is an important location throughout the first title and Super Metroid, being the stronghold of Ridley.

Frigate Orpheon

Why Not?:
Because after Metroid Prime 3 an d Metroid Prime Trilogy Sakurai will obviously take notice of the recent Metroid games. This series has always had the fortune of having a large presence of stages despite no characters to associate them too. Since Corruption and Other M are the most recent, I see them making respective stages for each game.


Ugh, as horrible as the stage may be, I really do see this returning. Pre-Brawl so many people clamored for a retro Donkey Kong stage I think they will feel comfortable carrying it over to "appease fans". The stage itself is cool, but the execution was horrible... The off-screen boundaries are way too close. See, you think the USA has a problem with borders, look at Nintendo? Their even worse!

Rumble Falls

Why not?:
It's simple, we will be receiving a Donkey Kong Country Returns stage. The whole "jungle" motif will already be covered. It really is that simple, it isn't as though the stage is that memorable or fun. At least 75m has some element of nostalgia, Rumble Falls is kind of a failed amalgamation of sorts.

Pokémon Stadium 2

Given the fact that we will probably see zero Melee stages returning, Pokémon Stadium 2 will continue on the tradition of having our "stadium" stage.

Spear Pillar

Why not?:
BDiamond/Pearl/Platinum time to shine is over, the most recent series are currently HeartGold/SoulSilver and Black/White. This stage is, unfortunately, a more natural cut.

Any thoughts? Comments?


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
The fact that you could possibly stream with the controller and maybe online capabilities could link you to major smash events or whatever your friend has up.

I don't make good topics though


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
You know what, **** off, SmashuChu. It's painfully clear this time that you are ignoring anything I say that will make your argument stronger. You've done this with other people in other arguments. You say I don't change, when you're just as guilty, if not more so.

And I don't care if you call me out for language.
You misunderstand. I saw everything you said. None of it was strong or concrete. It never has been.

A tip for you when your doing this: have something more than counter points to my argument. For instance, why did I spend SO much time trying to prove "People at the bottom look to the top?" Because it is the why. Remember, my stance is that other fighting games look towards Smash for success. Sales and play data just prove that Smash is a success. The why is trying to say why fighting games look towards Smash Brothers.

Where your arguments always fall flat is you ignore basic logic and try to make something up. The fact that "OH, the winners can learn from the bottom." But notice how it's all hear say. It COULD happen. A player COULD be unique and be revolutionary. But does it happen. Has it happened? You never went past the hear say. I can name numerous examples that support this idea. Even still, when you say "There are other factors like characters," I can sent this one out to sea by pointing to all the crossover games that did poorly. When you mention it was because third party games can't get those sales, I point to many a game that did, including SF2 when it first released. Notice a pattern? I'm not saying "It's wrong." I'm saying "It's wrong. Here is X, X and X." You arguments lack those Xs, those points that help back up an argument. You lack some kind of evidence.

You frustration has nothing to do with me ignoring anything. My arguments all followed your post. You keep claiming I'm ignoring you, but you never said how. Just that I am. Your frustration tells me you are emotionally involved. You are trying your hardest to argue failed point that will only twist and turn you around, but it will help you sleep better at night. The fact is you don't want to admit that my argument is right. You don't want fighting games to learn from Smash but the other way around. My argument was based on an observation (Smash has done so well, but fighting games keep declining. Why?). Your argument is only a defense to mine. You seem to have a problem with people telling you "No, that doesn't work." You mentioned you didn't want to talk with Toise for the same reason. I think you are too emotionally driven.

Deleted member

In terms of stage likeliness, I will have to agree with Starphoenix on this one, though the only one I'm worried about is Pokemon getting two Pokemon Stadium yet again.
Jun 8, 2009
Phoenix Wright is a lawyer who solves cases about robbery or murder. If he could have a moveset (SUPER OBJECTION FOR LEVEL 1 HYPER), how about Mr. Nook?

SSBF, I replied in the group :troll:

Deleted member

Nooo but the Pokemon Stadium stage I suggested was sooo gooooood.
If we only got one Pokemon Stadium and it was that one, I would be very happy with it. Sadly, I don't see it happening as the most I'm expecting out of Pokemon Stadium 3 is a facelift.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
If Sakurai opens up another poll, I'm going to be suggesting that stage for sure. Along with Takamaru's.

I think Star will be with me on that front.

(Did I say that once before...?)

Come to think of it, I wonder how many votes Star will use on music suggestions alone. :troll:


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
In terms of stage likeliness, I will have to agree with Starphoenix on this one, though the only one I'm worried about is Pokemon getting two Pokemon Stadium yet again.
Agreed, and that's what bothered me in Brawl, I mean why the **** did we need another replica that already looks like Pokemon Stadium, better yet, why did he even include the original Pokemon Stadium when we could have easily gotten PokeFloats instead?!

I'm hoping that in Smash 4 we'll at least get another unique stage aside from two Pokemon Stadium, preferably a new stage like Goldenrod Tower would be nice, it would be the upgrade from Saffron City 64 stage.

There really isn't any point to include two stadiums that already look identical, it's just dumb and is a waste, there are definetly other unique stages that deserve it more than a clone symradium stage IMO.



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
If Sakurai opens up another poll, I'm going to be suggesting that stage for sure. Along with Takamaru's.

I think Star will be with me on that front.

(Did I say that once before...?)

Come to think of it, I wonder how many votes Star will use on music suggestions alone. :troll:
Oh man, I have no idea. There truly is one song I feel MUST be in this next game and am appalled it was not in this game.

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Hyrule Castle

How in the WORLD did they miss this song? You mean to tell me it couldn't have worked on Bridge of Eldin?!

As far as stages go, all I want is a good Earthbound stage. We had one in Melee and we are due for a new one. With Melee stages likely not returning and the possibility New Pork City may not, we will be getting a new MOTHER stage. Personally, I feel Saturn Valley is the best choice.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I have my Black Knight moveset in my Project Begnion group, any suggestions would be nice since I'm currently holding a vote on his moveset.



Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
The fact that you could possibly stream with the controller and maybe online capabilities could link you to major smash events or whatever your friend has up.

I don't make good topics though
lets see how many megs/s this baby sends just to the Wii U console first

LQ 360x240 STREAM
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