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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Interesting article. However, I don't really see Smash Wii U having DLC contents.
How so? Sakurai clearly showed such interest to integrating voice chat and such, read this article pertaining to Brawl:


According to that, Iwata could make an exception if Sakurai wants it so, he clearly showed interest.

Jun 8, 2009
Well I'm off for now.

If the thread goes down to "stupidity" then its because there's nothing to do which results to random off topic things.
Jun 8, 2009
Hey guys what's up?

@Omega: And look who's the one continuing it...

Oasis, honestly I can take a joke but talking behind my back? Okay... That is just taking it too far

This whole chances thing is too arbitrary. We aren't the developers of the game. Might as well wait for the character trailer or whatever news. Right now, the only thing we should worry about is the gameplay.
Jun 8, 2009
@Omega: Really now?

Now we have to be extremely serious. The private group has been calling us "crap factory" and "****** city". We can't afford to go off topic again like what happened before.

Since I have nothing about the characters to talk about, I might as well discuss the gameplay mechanics.
Jun 8, 2009
We all know not much people like the melee air dodge (Becoming helpless lol). We all know we don't really want wave dashing or L - cancelling...

Air shielding? Got the idea from crimson

Off for now


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
L-cancelling would be nice but it should be implemented in a different way than it was in Melee.

More Hitstun should also be applied, air shielding? Omg that would be so awesome, I wonder what kind of effects it would have using so?

Kuma also suggested some good ideas as well pertaining to counter combos, they sort of work like the Alpha counters from Street Fighter Alpha, hmm...



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Not really so much that, I just had it twisted yo, I'm still f***** up from last night, clearly I'm not thinking straight, you cool though.



Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
Yo Thino, by the way that you've talked to me in the past it seems like you want me to hate you. Isn't that a bit farfetched?
LOL I dun remember how I talked to you in the past , but if its in this thread , theres high chances that I was in a trolling mood

the only time I'll get serious about this thread is when we will get more info about the game , until then , dont take anything I say here seriously :bee:


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2011
[COLLAPSE="my layton moveset"]

Professor layton will be an all round middleweight, middlepower character that needs some strategical insight.

His stats will be:

Weight: 2/5
Height: 3/5
jumps: 3/5
power: 2.5/5
speed: 3/5
range: 3,5/5

Though his stats all look boring and standard he'll actually be a fun character to play and won't be easy to smash off the stage but won't be that hard to, while he will have moderate power to defend himself.

most of his A attacks will be involving his rapier that he will ofcourse bring with him.
but his specials will involve his inventions he made in his games.



N a: just a quick nimble side slash diagonally downwards that doesn't do any knockback and around 1 > 2 percent damage.

N aa: part 2 of a 3 hit combo, he makes another fast slash the opposite way of his first hit so diagonally downwards, it will hit for 2 percent.

N aaa: the final hit of his N a combo, layton will make a quick small spin to backhand slice his opponent, he holds his hat while doing this so it doesn't fall off.

side tilt: layton will take a quick step forward while sweeping his rapier upwards (backhand) it's an attack similar to marths side tilt, layton wil again be holding his hat on his head. it will do around 5 percent damage.

U tilt: the professor will make a quick slash up that doesn't do much damage (around 3 percent) and even smaller knockback it will be a move that's excellent for juggling.

D Tilt: layton will do a small stab to the ground that will make enemies trip from time to time, a little similar to metaknights D tilt, but no forward momentum


F smash:

layton will stab forward with his rapier with considerable speed, it will do 13 percent uncharged and 19 charged, it can be aimed a little. Again he will hold his hat :D

U smash: layton will use his propellocopter hat (more about this in the specials section) to suck an enemy above him in a little and then launch him, more of a damage dealer. it's multiple hit and will do around 16 percent uncharged and 21 percent charged, but not much knockback. will kill charged around 115 percent.

D smash:

the professor slashes in front of him then behind him in a little downward angle.
it's very fast and will deal moderate damage (around 14 percent uncharged) and moderate knockback.


There we are, how are we going to fill in the professors specials, this is my vision:

Neutral special: slot machine gun

Layton will pull out his homemade slotmachine gun (as known from the series) and start charging it ( like sheik charges her needles) he can charge up to 4 times and each charge will contain 3 slot machine bullets with each bullet dealing very little knockback and one percent damage.
the last bullet that comes out will deal a little more knockback and damage but still not that much.

the thing about it is, you'll be able to shoot one slotmachine amo pack at a time! (optional) so youll have four times if you chose so! ofcourse you can shoot all charges at one time.

when in the air layton will shoot with a downwards angle.

Side special: tea

the professor holds out a cup of tea and pours it on the spot in front of him, the tea will stay there for a while and will give opponents extremely high trip rate and while tripping the opponent slides slightly forward due to the tea being slippy

when smashing the stick while pressing b he will throw the tea further (like normal throwing a middleweight item)

this attack is extremly tactical.

Up special: Propellocopter hat

Professor laytons hat will open up on top and show a propellor wich you can slightly stir. the attack won't deal damage from beneath but can push enemies aside from the top while damaging slightly (2 percent) depending on wich side they come at you. after using it layton doesn't enter helpless mode.

Down special: camera

Layton will pull out his good ol' camera and flash with it, leaving the opponent in front of him dazed and confused for about 2 seconds. when using it in the air layton wil angle slightly downward while using the camera. when using the camera again the opponent will take light knockback and 4 percent damage.


layton has a stunning arial game and moves well in the air.

Neutral air:

The professor will do a quick spin dealing 12 percent damage and great knockback on the first frame.
after the first frame the professor will deal 7 percent and little knockback.

Front air:

a marthish slice comes out while being slightly slower, it's also slightly more powerfull and is a great attack for chasing the opponent of the stage! it deals 8 percent and great knockback.

Back air:

a slice that's extremely quick and will deal about 5 percent damage and moderate knockback, a great attack for WOPing.

Down air:

the professor will stab his rapier downwards with tremendous force, coming out as quickly as ness' Dair. it will spike your opponent while doing 11 percent damage.



his taunts will involve pulling out a cup of tea and saying: ahh refreshing isn't it?

looking at the screen in a thinking pose and dusting off his hat (while it's still on his head ofcourse)

his winning scene's will ofcourse involve his signature pose while saying: Consider this puzzle solved!!
holding onto his hat and saying: i won't leave any puzzle unsolved!
and actually clapping for his opponents while saying: You fought extremly well!



professor layton will tell a puzzle and his opponent's will be completely stunned because of the sheer difficulty this final smash will have about the same effect as luigi's final smash (in terms of the effects) but will take slightly shorter to end. though the area of effect is the complete stage.

that is al ^^

There it is my layton moveset, hope you like it! and please don't leave it unnoticed ^^


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2011
Collapsed please^

We need Kuma here first.

But he mentioned counters as a way to make defensive play more strategic in turning momentum of the aggressor.

Personally I would like a more dynamic shielding system. One that diminishes on a reasonable level and where certain moves (like Marth's Neutral B) makes sense in the break-shield ratio.

I've always thought that grab reversals would be nice. Since damage percents have something to do with how easy or difficult it is to break free, I imagine that having lower percents means that you have higher amounts of stamina to do such a thing.

I'll see if I can find some examples of what I'm talking about.
sorry mate forgot to collapse it, took care of it

Forgot the grabs in my layton moveset a couple of posts ago. i'll leave those to your imagination (:


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
You should go back a few pages, I was discussing that Nintendo will indeed support DLC content and such, Check it out:

Iwata on 'paid transaction systems' for Wii U/3DS, online connectivity and more

- preparing a paid item transaction system for both 3DS and Wii U
- 3DS version will be available to developers by the end of the year
- Nintendo feels that they shouldn't have this kind of system for their own games
- Iwata feels free-to-play games with paid DLC might hurt Nintendo's reputation
- 3DS internet connection rate is far beyond that of the DS
- only a fraction of those people download paid content
- Iwata is hoping to build this online eShop connection over the next 3 years, hoping to bring in many more people
- Iwata has a great desire to create a future where players will pay for digital content just like normal with no reservations
- this is a major point for Nintendo over the next three years
- Nintendo says retail content isn't going away, but they want to make digital downloads another 'pillar'

Just because Sakurai is his own studio and they are developing the game doesn't mean they are going to implement DLC the way you guys are expecting.Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS are going to be more focused on the interconnectivity between the two titles. That will be the schtick here. Not to say Smash Bros Wii U won't receive downloadable content similar to what we had with Brawl. But that's just it, similar to what we had with Brawl. The only expansion I could see would be having music that can be downloaded onto an SD card and set to any stage, basically a customizable My Music.

Lol, I'm a mercenary...meaning I post things in such a way that doesn't get picked up and I don't mind if it does or not.
Join the club...


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Custommizable music is what i've always supported, I even came up with such an idea, they should definetly at least give us an option fir such a feature, it's not really hard to convert the files, plug-in and play, it's that simple!

Yo, what's the club?

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