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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
Sup guise! IIIIIIIIII'm back!

Not that anyone noticed.

Well, back to join in the speculation and madness! And right now, what I see is... well... not enough info to work with anything yet. I wonder when Sakurai might unveil more, but right now all we can talk about is "LAWL IT'S CONFIRRRRM'D" or something like that.

I do hope to see Sonic again, that's for sure. This time with a bit more killing power (or make it easier for him to chase people off the stage.)
Were you here during the DOJO times in the Brawl Section? I think I remember seeing you name...

Deleted member

vVv Rapture said:
Regardless of all of this, they need to bring Mewtwo back and add Ridley and King K. Rool. Only then will it be ready for market.
I'd love to see all three playable in this game. Ridley and King K. Rool stands a good chance of getting in anyway and Ridley is near guarantee.


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
I'd love to see all three playable in this game. Ridley and King K. Rool stands a good chance of getting in anyway and Ridley is near guarantee.
Agreed. I just wish K Rool was a guarantee as well. He is so deserving, but my money ia on Sakurai focusing on DKCR this time around and K Rool was cut from that game. The thing is, I love Sakurai and I know he's brilliant, but he just isn't that familiar with the Donkey Kong fanbase. Any DK fan will tell you that K Rool deserves to get in, but maybe he doesn't give DK much merit and if he does, maybe he considers Dixie a more worthy choice. I'd say that's completely ridiculous, but who knows.


vVv Rapture

Smash Lord
Writing Team
Sep 20, 2009
I actually think it'd be nice for the trailer to be a sort of "rival" kind of ordeal. Like have the trailer have Mario fight Bowser, Samus fight Ridley, DK fight K Rool, Link fight Ganon. That'd be hype.

Then Mewtwo comes out of nowhere and is about to blow everything up with some Psychic.

Trailer ends.



Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
yeah those characters. I would expect someone new who's not obsceure and is pretty famous, a new retro character, a character from melee, a character from brawl, and a villian.

Mewtwo would be perfect btw. Instant hype starter.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Question: Should Marth FINALLY speak English or stay Japanese?


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
Question: Should Marth FINALLY speak English or stay Japanese?
Unless they can get good voice actors, I rather they keep him in Japanese. But at least give him some new dialog.

Same with Falcon. But he can keep that cheesy voice acting. Wouldn't be Falcon without it.

Deleted member

Agreed. I just wish K Rool was a guarantee as well. He is so deserving, but my money ia on Sakurai focusing on DKCR this time around and K Rool was cut from that game. The thing is, I love Sakurai and I know he's brilliant, but he just isn't that familiar with the Donkey Kong fanbase. Any DK fan will tell you that K Rool deserves to get in, but maybe he doesn't give DK much merit and if he does, maybe he considers Dixie a more worthy choice. I'd say that's completely ridiculous, but who knows.

Honestly, if I could, I would have Dixie Kong and King K. Rool as playable characters. Hopefully, we'll get either that or even better, a Diddy/Dixie Kong team and King K. Rool as playable character. Having one of these two would be good enough for me, thought.
ETWIST51294 said:
Who do you guys think the FIRST characters to be shown?

We all know the obvious Mario, Link, Kirby, and Pika.
I'm thinking either one of the other eight veterans or a newcomer. I think it'll be Little Mac.
--- said:
Question: Should Marth FINALLY speak English or stay Japanese?
I'd have it either way.

vVv Rapture

Smash Lord
Writing Team
Sep 20, 2009
Actually I think Little Mac would be a great addition. Having a CQC fighter that could pull off really quick strings of combos and finish with a high knockback punch would be really cool. A small, stocky, powerful character that doesnt have much range, but when he gets in on you, you're most likely screwed.

Deleted member

Sounds like Falcon. Which is nice.

I would love Little Mac and I haven't heard one person say no to him yet.
Exactly. He is easily one of the most likely newcomer in the game, all good rosters I've seen have him on it.

I think I may have finally figured out what the roster could more or less look like. Depending if nothing major changes, I'll present it in a matter of a few days.

Edit: Would anyone be interested in seeing more colors for Yoshi to unlock? It's something that can be done quite easily and there's many variety of Yoshi's color.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
A trailer I would enjoy:

Camera starts on sandbag bob. Zooms out to show Master Hand and Crazy Hand. Crazy Hand picks up bob and throws him towards Master Hand, who punches it off screen.
Screen changes to show Mario and Bowser staring each other down. Mario fsmashes bob towards Bowser who headbutts it off the screen again.
Screen goes to Link and Ganondorf. Link is charging a whirlwind attack and Ganondorf has his sword out. Sandbag bob falls next to Link as he unleashes his whirlwind. Bob flies towards Ganondorf who Warlock Punches it off stage yet again.
Next is Donkey Kong who Donkey Punches it at K. Rool. K. Rool smacks it out again.
Samus hits bob with a fully charged energy ball, then Ridley flies in and body slams it off screen.
Now it goes to Kirby, who sucks sandbag bob up and spits him out as a star towards Dedede, who was charging a powerful smash with his hammer, and again hits bob away.
Bob is flying through the air above Pikachu, who uses Thunder to send him upwards when he stops suddenly and floats slowly back down to the ground. Mewtwo teleports floating into the screen from nowhere and laughs.
Finally, Little Mac runs on and starts beating up sandbag bob and the scene cuts to the logo.

Oh, and Sandbag Bob playable :troll:

Zap tackle

Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
I respect most of your opinions dude, but Yoshi generic? What?
Yoshi is actually a very generic character. See his Brawl trophy? It mentions nothing about the Yoshi character. Even Toad's trophy mainly states about the character as opposed to the Toad species. I guess this is why Yoshi showed no relation to Mario in the SSE unlike various other relations like Mario/Peach and Donkey Kong/Diddy Kong. It was a generic Yoshi after all.

Like I said before, I doubt Toad will make it into SSB4 and I think Bowser Jr. will come in instead.
Toad has his roles coming in as of recent. Also did anyone see the new Wii U game "Chase Mii"? That game featured the Miis dressed up as two characters from the Mario universe. They were Mario and Toad. This shows the significance that Toad has as a Mario character.


Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
Late to discussion: If PT were to come back It'd most definitely be with 1st gen, 2nd gen, or 5th gen pokemon. 1st and 5th gen are way more likely seeing as how 1st gen is what we've already had and 5th gen would be more current. I say 2nd gen because maybe Sakurai would want to go in order, but that would make some people assume that there would be atleast 3 more SSB's to get through all the transitions.
Jun 8, 2009
A trailer I would enjoy:

Camera starts on sandbag bob. Zooms out to show Master Hand and Crazy Hand. Crazy Hand picks up bob and throws him towards Master Hand, who punches it off screen.
Screen changes to show Mario and Bowser staring each other down. Mario fsmashes bob towards Bowser who headbutts it off the screen again.
Screen goes to Link and Ganondorf. Link is charging a whirlwind attack and Ganondorf has his sword out. Sandbag bob falls next to Link as he unleashes his whirlwind. Bob flies towards Ganondorf who Warlock Punches it off stage yet again.
Next is Donkey Kong who Donkey Punches it at K. Rool. K. Rool smacks it out again.
Samus hits bob with a fully charged energy ball, then Ridley flies in and body slams it off screen.
Now it goes to Kirby, who sucks sandbag bob up and spits him out as a star towards Dedede, who was charging a powerful smash with his hammer, and again hits bob away.
Bob is flying through the air above Pikachu, who uses Thunder to send him upwards when he stops suddenly and floats slowly back down to the ground. Mewtwo teleports floating into the screen from nowhere and laughs.
Finally, Little Mac runs on and starts beating up sandbag bob and the scene cuts to the logo.

Oh, and Sandbag Bob playable :troll:
Awesome trailer! But I think in the Kirby part, Dedede should suck it up and spits it up then smashes it away

Toad has his roles coming in as of recent. Also did anyone see the new Wii U game "Chase Mii"? That game featured the Miis dressed up as two characters from the Mario universe. They were Mario and Toad. This shows the significance that Toad has as a Mario character.
Really? I didn't know that :/

I didn't watch the video yet.


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
^Here's the gameplay of Chase Mii:


This is how the game looks:
I don't think this really helps Toad's case at all. As much as he's requested, I still think we'd see Bowser Jr. before Toad if Geno doesn't make it. And then you need to factor in the possibility of Paper Mario who would be much easier to make a moveset for than Toad. To be honest, every sample Toad moveset that I see is REALLY grasping at straws.



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Dang son!! I was gone a few hours and more than 13 pages popped out of nowhere!!

I actually think it'd be nice for the trailer to be a sort of "rival" kind of ordeal. Like have the trailer have Mario fight Bowser, Samus fight Ridley, DK fight K Rool, Link fight Ganon. That'd be hype.

Then Mewtwo comes out of nowhere and is about to blow everything up with some Psychic.
Yea intro like this would certainly make the game more flashy and more suspenful everytime it starts up.

I agree with the characters themselves, if ANY pokemon makes the roster it should be Mewtwo, why? Because he already has an established fan base, plus he was in Melee, and Lucario was not his "replacement" because IMO, didn't work out as good as everyone would have expected, so yeah...

Ganondorf needs to at least carry his mighty sword, I know this isn't Soul Calibur but it would definetly add some uniqueness and strategy to his game.

Bowser is awesome, he just needs a little more buffing and his Dtilt needs more knockback, maybe a modified Forward B as well.

Trailer ends.




Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
foolish Toads. don't they realize they will be nothing more than a meat shield?
This shows the significance that Toad has as a Mario character.
umm.. im gonna say no. id rather not use my fire powers, i mean i could tear this **** a new one, but... yeah.

vVv Rapture

Smash Lord
Writing Team
Sep 20, 2009
No, this is the most epic trailer ever:

A desert, gusts of sand being thrown up into the wind. Nothing but a huge rock plateaus in the background. The camera moves right, against the ground, until it comes upon Mario's hat, sitting by itself until the wind sends it rolling back. It continues to roll until a gloved hand snatches it from its path.

Camera quickly focuses on Mario's hatless head, a moment later the hat is put back in its rightful position. Camera pans out as Mario dusts his clothes off, then looks at Mario from overhead as he stands firm in the burning sun.

In enters Bowser, breathing heavily and bruised. He roars toward the sky, then charges at Mario. Mario takes a step, but fumbles. He quickly gets up and braces himself for impact, taking the brute force of Bowser's charge with him until he almost falls right off a cliff-face, barely hanging onto vegetation. As Bowser slowly walks to the edge to finish Mario, a huge boom is heard in the distance. Mario struggles to get up as Bowser is distracted by the noise, but soon enough the two witness an immense flock of birds in the millions flying toward them high up in the sky. The two stare at disbelief.

It is there when Samus bursts from the horizon, here Speed Booster propelling her at extremely fast speeds. But out of nowhere, as birds still flee from that area, Ridley races towards Samus, screaming before letting loose streams of plasma at his foe. Samus then comes almost to a complete halt, glows, crouches, then shinesparks right through the air, the air crackling behind her, and crashes into Ridley, sending him to a spiraling crash to the ground.

Samus regains herself and begins to run towards the cliff while pressing buttons on her arm cannon. Bowser then attempts to fight Samus, but Mario comes from behind and beats down Bowser before putting a fireball right into his torso, leaving Bowser scorched and pained on the ground. Samus continues to run towards the cliff, grabbing Mario's arm and drags the plumber into the air just as her ship rises from below. They both enter and blast off, leaving Bowser and Ridley near the edge of the cliff face.

Samus pilots her ship as Mario tries to get himself together, just as Samus notices a pulse of light off in the distance. The camera pans out and zooms in on Kirby riding a star as fast as possible with Donkey Kong trying his best to hang on. Behind them is a fleet of Kremling fliers, with a main ship led by King K Rool and King Dedede. As the main ship and the fliers get closer and closer to Kirby and DK, Samus cuts through the fleet and begins to shoot down some of the fliers. DK then pushes off the star, leaps into the air, and DK punches right through the main ship. He then lands on the top of Samus's ship as Kirby lands on it as well, and Samus then pilots the ship to safe ground.

Samus and Mario exit the ship as DK and Kirby hop off of it. The Kremling mothership crashes to the ground nearby and out come, battered and cut, the two Kings. Dedede and K Rool are about to square off with the four heroes before Ridley enters the scene, Bowser holding onto his tail. Bowser drops off and lands in the crowd, taking swipes at the heroes and breathing fire as Ridley swoops down and attempts to knock out Samus. But, Samus lets out her grapple beam, which attaches to Ridley's leg, and slams him onto the ground.

Mario, Samus, Kirby and DK then try to hold off the angered assault of Bowser and Ridley while the two Kings also get ready for battle. Just as K Rool is about to jump into the fray, Dedede grabs him and shakes his head in disapproval.

Suddenly, another boom is heard in the distance. The sky has become dark. The eight fighters are bewildered, looking up into the sky. The sky begins to turn purpleish, a storm brews, lightning lights up the sky and thunder rattles the ground. And out of the clouds, surrounded by an aura of pure psychic power is Mewtwo, floating high above the fighters.

The Smashers get ready to fight as Mewtwo lets out a burst of Psychic energy that sends a shockwave on the ground. The Smashers brace and endure it. The camera cuts back to Mewtwo as he laughs and prepares another attack. The Smashers band together to let out all of their power at once as Mewtwo snaps and races towards the fighters as they jump and fly into the air to crash right into Mewtwo and all of his power.

The trailer goes dark.

Super Smash Bros. Forever.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
You know, there are millions of those toads, and than there is THE toad.

Peach could just be using a random Toad for her shield. I see no reason why her toad shield prevents THE Toad from being a character
Jun 8, 2009
Is there any name better than clash? I'm fine with SSB 4 being called smash bros. but it feels wrong.

Any suggestions?

Most of the trailers here have the same ending: Mewtwo appears!


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
No, this is the most epic trailer ever:

A desert, gusts of sand being thrown up into the wind. Nothing but a huge rock plateaus in the background. The camera moves right, against the ground, until it comes upon Mario's hat, sitting by itself until the wind sends it rolling back. It continues to roll until a gloved hand snatches it from its path.

Camera quickly focuses on Mario's hatless head, a moment later the hat is put back in its rightful position. Camera pans out as Mario dusts his clothes off, then looks at Mario from overhead as he stands firm in the burning sun.

In enters Bowser, breathing heavily and bruised. He roars toward the sky, then charges at Mario. Mario takes a step, but fumbles. He quickly gets up and braces himself for impact, taking the brute force of Bowser's charge with him until he almost falls right off a cliff-face, barely hanging onto vegetation. As Bowser slowly walks to the edge to finish Mario, a huge boom is heard in the distance. Mario struggles to get up as Bowser is distracted by the noise, but soon enough the two witness an immense flock of birds in the millions flying toward them high up in the sky. The two stare at disbelief.

It is there when Samus bursts from the horizon, here Speed Booster propelling her at extremely fast speeds. But out of nowhere, as birds still flee from that area, Ridley races towards Samus, screaming before letting loose streams of plasma at his foe. Samus then comes almost to a complete halt, glows, crouches, then shinesparks right through the air, the air crackling behind her, and crashes into Ridley, sending him to a spiraling crash to the ground.

Samus regains herself and begins to run towards the cliff while pressing buttons on her arm cannon. Bowser then attempts to fight Samus, but Mario comes from behind and beats down Bowser before putting a fireball right into his torso, leaving Bowser scorched and pained on the ground. Samus continues to run towards the cliff, grabbing Mario's arm and drags the plumber into the air just as her ship rises from below. They both enter and blast off, leaving Bowser and Ridley near the edge of the cliff face.

Samus pilots her ship as Mario tries to get himself together, just as Samus notices a pulse of light off in the distance. The camera pans out and zooms in on Kirby riding a star as fast as possible with Donkey Kong trying his best to hang on. Behind them is a fleet of Kremling fliers, with a main ship led by King K Rool and King Dedede. As the main ship and the fliers get closer and closer to Kirby and DK, Samus cuts through the fleet and begins to shoot down some of the fliers. DK then pushes off the star, leaps into the air, and DK punches right through the main ship. He then lands on the top of Samus's ship as Kirby lands on it as well, and Samus then pilots the ship to safe ground.

Samus and Mario exit the ship as DK and Kirby hop off of it. The Kremling mothership crashes to the ground nearby and out come, battered and cut, the two Kings. Dedede and K Rool are about to square off with the four heroes before Ridley enters the scene, Bowser holding onto his tail. Bowser drops off and lands in the crowd, taking swipes at the heroes and breathing fire as Ridley swoops down and attempts to knock out Samus. But, Samus lets out her grapple beam, which attaches to Ridley's leg, and slams him onto the ground.

Mario, Samus, Kirby and DK then try to hold off the angered assault of Bowser and Ridley while the two Kings also get ready for battle. Just as K Rool is about to jump into the fray, Dedede grabs him and shakes his head in disapproval.

Suddenly, another boom is heard in the distance. The sky has become dark. The eight fighters are bewildered, looking up into the sky. The sky begins to turn purpleish, a storm brews, lightning lights up the sky and thunder rattles the ground. And out of the clouds, surrounded by an aura of pure psychic power is Mewtwo, floating high above the fighters.

The Smashers get ready to fight as Mewtwo lets out a burst of Psychic energy that sends a shockwave on the ground. The Smashers brace and endure it. The camera cuts back to Mewtwo as he laughs and prepares another attack. The Smashers band together to let out all of their power at once as Mewtwo snaps and races towards the fighters as they jump and fly into the air to crash right into Mewtwo and all of his power.

The trailer goes dark.

Super Smash Bros. Forever.
That's hype for ya!!

Honestly thought, why did you name it "Super Smash Bros. Forever 2015"

We don't want this! At least the 2015 part, but I agree, if this game turns out to be as good as Melee, than by all means I should delay it a bit, not on Wii-U's launch.



The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Is there any name better than clash? I'm fine with SSB 4 being called smash bros. but it feels wrong.

Any suggestions?

Most of the trailers here have the same ending: Mewtwo appears!

affray, altercation, argument, battle, battle royal, bickering, broil, clash, disorder, dispute, donnybrook, duke out, feud, fight, fracas, fray, free-for-all, fuss, hassle, melee, quarrel, rhubarb, riot, row, ruckus*, rumble*, rumpus, scrap, scuffle, squabble, tumult, uproar, wrangle


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
practically anyone who denies Toad access into the roster are already aware of the Red Toad and identify him as THE Toad... the very same toad who was playable in Super Mario Bros. 2 (SMB2 referring to the mario version of doki doki panic and not the true smb2 of which we know of called the Lost Levels) apparently.

vVv Rapture

Smash Lord
Writing Team
Sep 20, 2009
I only said 2015 because the game isn't in development yet, so to say anything within this year, next year, or the year after seemed stupid. It really doesn't matter.

And I only made it have Mewtwo almost Taboo like because Mewtwo is the ****ing man.

Just trying to get people hyped is all. xD


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
practically anyone who denies Toad access into the roster are already aware of the Red Toad and identify him as THE Toad... the very same toad who was playable in Super Mario Bros. 2 (SMB2 referring to the mario version of doki doki panic and not the true smb2 of which we know of called the Lost Levels) apparently.
He's not the only red toad though, peach's attack means nothing!
Jun 8, 2009
I only said 2015 because the game isn't in development yet, so to say anything within this year, next year, or the year after seemed stupid. It really doesn't matter.

And I only made it have Mewtwo almost Taboo like because Mewtwo is the ****ing man.

Just trying to get people hyped is all. xD
Is it me only or is it that most of the trailers here end with mewtwo?
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