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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
"Who deserves..."
"Worthy additions..."


If they had suggested actual deserving, worthy characters, it wouldn't bother me so much that they didn't mention Ridley.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Heck for all I know Slime/Chocobo team has a much better chance than Kazuya.

Was over at Gamefaqs, what does everyone think of a Chocobo/Slime tag team? Chocobo and Slime. You get the best of both series, their stage would be an amalgamation of many different RPG settings (ala Castle Siege). Their music tracks could be split 50/50.

Stage: Lost Plains
Icon - Crystal sword

Final Fantasy - Battle Scene (Dissidia)
Final Fantasy II - Rebel Army
Final Fantasy III - Vs. Dark Cloud
Final Fantasy IV - Boss Theme
Final Fantasy V - Clash on the Big Bridge
Final Fantasy VI - Dancing Mad
Dragon Quest - Overture/Title Theme
Dragon Quest III - Fighting Spirit/Zoma
Dragon Quest V - Monsters In The Dungeon/Tower of Death/Dark World
Dragon Quest VI - Pegasus
Dragon Quest VII - World of the Strong
Dragon Quest VIII - Great Battle in the Vast Sky


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
My opinions in red.

Zoroark: Probably will be overshadowed in the not to distant future. But he/she remains a possibility.
Starfy: Best choice out of the Nintendo C-list series.
Mii W/ Balance Board: Just the Mii...
Vaati: Not going to happen. If we are to receive a new Legend of Zelda villain it will be Girahim.
King Hippo: Doubtful.
Birdo: Believe it or not I'm not going to outright dismiss this one in the looney bin. There is a chance; a VERY VERY VERY small chance she could fall under the Yoshi series. She certainly has history and some relevance.
Advance Wars character: As long as Solid Snake is in I don't see this as a possibility.
Yarn Kirby: No
Paper Mario: Best choice for a new Mario character by far. The series is a staple now.
Midna and Wolf Link: No. The Twilight Princess boat has passed already.
Megaman: Best third party choice. Yes.
Knuckles: Meh. Don't want him or think he is likely, but it wouldn't bother me per se.
Kazuya Mishima: Lol no.
A Dragon Quest Hero with Slime: OH DEAR YES!!! But now I'd rather have Slime team up with Chocobo. It's cuter and leads to less whining that way.

All I can say is I applaud Gamesradar for at least seeing what I do in regards to Dragon Quest.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Well, would it be more likely for chocobo to get in than the characters from FF? I've seen chocobos in a lot of FF games. I'm pretty sure i've also seen moogles in a few.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
Although I accept that the chances of a universal roster are somewhat (frighteningly) high, IMO, it is ridiculous how the majority seem to promote it as if it will and/or should be the way SSB4's roster is handled.

When you first grab the box cover of SSB4 in your hands, what are you anticipating? I don't think it will be stages or items or even game modes that first come to mind - it will be characters. Having the same roster on both systems limits the appeal of having both, since you could just be playing one of them and have all the same characters.

I can see them adding exclusive game modes or giving a single-player focus on the 3DS while the Wii U has a more multiplayer focus, but honestly, if I had to choose one version over the other, I would choose the Wii U version - I really play Smash Bros. for the multiplayer, and I can't think of many who would think the opposite.

In addition, while I'm sure the 3DS version could potentially hold as many characters as a Wii U version, that is not making good use of the abilities the hardware provides. If a Wii U disc can contain five more characters than the 3DS version, and there are deserving characters that can fill those spots, why the heck would you not take the opportunity to expand the character roster further?

However, despite how bad an idea a universal roster is, many seem to support it. So I would like to ask: what makes you support a universal roster versus a potentially more expansive and more rewarding concept, such as exclusives on one or both systems or the ability to port characters from system to the other?

Thank you for your answers. I mean no offense with what I said here.

EDIT: Wuh, there's been a lot of posts since where I meant to post this following SSBFan and Omega's discussion. My post is late, it appears. But the question still stands.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Well, would it be more likely for chocobo to get in than the characters from FF? I've seen chocobos in a lot of FF games. I'm pretty sure i've also seen moogles in a few.
Well to be honest Slime has the best shot as a Square-Enix rep, maybe Geno but no as much as before. The moogles aren't deserving or even demanding for that matter, they aren't on the same level with Slime.

As for the Chocobos, I doubt it but I love to see Starphoenix's idea of a duo character come true :awesome:



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Well, would it be more likely for chocobo to get in than the characters from FF? I've seen chocobos in a lot of FF games. I'm pretty sure i've also seen moogles in a few.
Chocobo was pretty highly requested Pre-Melee.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Well to be honest Slime has the best shot as a Square-Enix rep, maybe Geno but no as much as before. The moogles aren't deserving or even demanding for that matter, they aren't on the same level with Slime.

As for the Chocobos, I doubt it but I love to see Starphoenix's idea of a duo character come true :awesome:

Oh i know the moogles aren't, i was just saying.

But yea although i didn't think of it before a chocobo/slime team would be nice, although i'm not sure what the chances of that are.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Oh i know the moogles aren't, i was just saying.

But yea although i didn't think of it before a chocobo/slime team would be nice, although i'm not sure what the chances of that are.
Not any worse than most of the other suggestions I've seen.

Dragon Quest's most famous slime encountered Final Fantasy's most famous bird? Yuji Horii, father of Dragon Quest, must know the answer.

"Maybe Slime hops onto Chocobo," Horii told Kotaku last week through a translator during an interview tied into the U.S. launch of Dragon Quest IX on the Nintendo DS.

"Would they fight?" Kotaku asked.

"Maybe they would fight," Horii replied. "Did you want them to?"
Jun 8, 2009
It would be cool if that picture of Slime riding on Chocobo saying "Come at me bro" is actually the gameplay of Slime. It's the first time we're having a fighter who rides on something


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
It would be cool if the pokemon trainer could ride on some of his pokemon :p

In fact, in the next one, they should have it so the PT's entrance is being flown there by something like a fearow or even a pidgeotto/Pidgeot(i guess those birds must be strong to be able to carry a person)


Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
I don't support exclusives on both sides with the option to transfer to the wiiu version because:
1: it would mean those who only buy the wiiu version miss out on half the game
2: when you transfer the characters to the wiiu version you end up with a watered down 3ds version.

Because of those I use to just prefer a 3ds version that would be limited from the beginning (only the wiiu would have exclusives) but since I found out the 3ds could handle a full roster, why not have a universal roster.



Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I agree, the only link up between the 2 versions should be to gain extra Trophies/Cds/Stickers.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
However, despite how bad an idea a universal roster is, many seem to support it. So I would like to ask: what makes you support a universal roster versus a potentially more expansive and more rewarding concept, such as exclusives on one or both systems or the ability to port characters from system to the other?
The thing is while many such as myself don't support the idea of a fully universal roster, Sakurai may not want to do so, let's think about it though, Sakurai did mention in the Iwata asks article that Sakurai may or may not want to expand on the idea of stages, and IF this were to happen then I could probably see him including a roster that's universal in both.

But I do agree, not filling up the Wii-U's blank space for full capacity just to even up the maximum potential that the 3DS can handle would just be plain dumb, it's a big potential loss on his part not only for Smash 4 sales, but Nintendo's overall Wii-U sales, let's face it, most people are likely to pick up the Wii-U version before the 3DS, it's simple, people want more characters and I belive the Wii-U can deliver without compromising or limiting the roster.



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
So after a wild update yesterday I've decided to swap unexpected for something a little more requested. On top of that it will be a little more subdued than some of my past entries. Not meaning I'm sacrificing quality by any means. But as far as stage mechanics are concerned this one is the least "gimmicky" of them all. Everyone has wanted this stage, much clamoring and whining have ensued. Yet we have never seen it? Until now!

Behold! The frightening, dark tower of the Koopa King himself! Bowser's Castle is as menacing and as conceited as the big turtle/ox thing himself. Over time I have seen many ideas for this stage that usually involve you fighting inside the castle. I'm going a different route. You will be fighting outside atop the castle. This will be more of a "traditional" stage in that it isn't a walk off. You can fall to your deat-err KO... The stage itself will be similar to Super Mario World's Bowser fight, in that you fight on the roof of the castle, except not 16bit and under detailed...

It will be large, after all Bowser is a big king and he needs all the space for his minions. There will be three platforms above the roof of the caste. The sky is dark red, lightning flashing in the background, airships floating in the sky, Koopa Troopa's patrolling the air, Bullet Bill Cannon's line the hills, and Goomba's march in the hills along the backdrop. Menacing stuff indeed. If you look really closely at one of the stars you can see one of Bowser's dark galaxies being formed, cameo paying tribute to Super Mario Galaxy. The lava moat surrounding the bottom of the castle boils while the Podoboos hop about with the occasional eyeing from a Blargh beneath the pool. Off on one of the rooks the Koopa Clown Car is chained down, obviously because Bowser doesn't want some Goomba joy riding in it and dropping a massive bowling ball into the castle. :D

While not as wild as many of the other stages, this stage would be a classic in it's own right. The many background cameos alone make this stage very unique and enjoyable.

Stage Example:

Stage Name: Bowser's Castle
Stage Icon: Mushroom

Super Mario World/SMB3 - Castle/Boss Fortress (Brawl)
Super Mario Bros 3 - Pipe Land (World 7)/Dark Land (World 8)
Super Mario Bros 3. - Airship Theme (Brawl)
Super Mario World - Bowser
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - Final Boss
Super Mario 64 - Bowser in the Sky
Super Mario Galaxy - Desperation
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Koopa Road
New Super Mario Bros. Wii - Volcano
New Super Mario Bros. Wii - Castle
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - Vs. Dark Boswer
Mario Sports Mix - Bowser Jr. Blvd
Wario Land: Shake It - Mt. Lava Lava

For anyone wondering why Galaxy 2's Bowser music was not listed please refer back to my Starship Mario concept. Overall I'm pleased with this, but I've hit a dilemma. Where do I go for my next stage idea? I am unable to accurately pick a stage for Kirby or Zelda as their latest titles have not been released yet. But one idea sticks out to me, so I will see how that develops. Until next time!


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I'm suprised that Bowser's castle hasn't been in Smash at all yet, good work.
^^^ How about Outer Haven for a MGS stage?


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Having the same roster on both systems limits the appeal of having both, since you could just be playing one of them and have all the same characters.
So you want version exclusives to make each purchase seem more worth the money? I guess I can see where you're coming from, but the main selling point is going to be this new single-player experience as well as the ability to play Smash on the go.

Since the 3DS is capable of having the same (large) roster as the WiiU version, I'd rather it just be that way. "Version exclusive" was always kind of a **** move concept anyway. And already what information we have to go from, any 3DS exclusive would have to already be on the WiiU version anyway. It would be an even ****ier move to have all the 3DS exclusives on the WiiU version, but you couldn't play as them without using the 3DS as a sort of key.


@Bowser's Castle: Yehs. This makes me want a more dynamic lighting system for Sm4sh. The WiiU could certainly do it. Having the lava moat giving everyone a nice red glow from below... Yehs again.

EDIT: Oh goodness that Bowser Jr. Blvd song totally has to be in Sm4sh on that stage~


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I love you, you made the stage I was talking about. Best post to read when getting in from work
And it doesn't have any gimmicks to it. It's a straight up, "traditional" stage in the vein of Battlefield, Smashville, etc...

Nice stage concept Star!

I have some music you could use for Bowser's castle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdg-J4r7mbE
I actually passed on that song for the Bowser fight from Galaxy. Sorry, I felt the other two NSMBWII choices would suffice. :(


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
And it doesn't have any gimmicks to it. It's a straight up, "traditional" stage in the vein of Battlefield, Smashville, etc...

I actually passed on that song for the Bowser fight from Galaxy. Sorry, I felt the other two NSMBWII choices would suffice. :(
Thanks, but aiyyo the competitive community doesn't mind gimmicks long as they aren't over-centralizing or cause the match to be stopped just to avoid said gimmick or hazard for extended periods of time. See stages as Pictochat, Big Blue, etc. are banned competitively for such reasons.

I didn't know you liked Bowser's castle as much as I do. I own with Bowser!!!

Hey Iblis so how about it?? MK?

I'm down dog.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2011
So I just got Samurai Warriors 3 for the Wii which has a mode called Marusame castle where you can unloock Takamaru.
And I have to say, the guy would have such a unique moveset.
I just started to play him, so I dont have a lot of his moves unlocked but..
-He can turn invisible, until he attacks
-His musao attack is him charging his sword and swiping it and creating a giant fire tornado (could be FS)
-Launches enemy into air, and slashes about 3-4 times. (Could be up B)
There's more just can't really explain it.

you can see his up slash and invisibility in this video (pretty much all this guys does...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reFgevZjkyc


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
KK, putting in MKWii.

CARRY ON with discussions though. You should make the top platform like SV and have it move. Just wondering how that would work.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
So I just got Samurai Warriors 3 for the Wii which has a mode called Marusame castle where you can unloock Takamaru.
And I have to say, the guy would have such a unique moveset.
I just started to play him, so I dont have a lot of his moves unlocked but..
-He can turn invisible, until he attacks
-His musao attack is him charging his sword and swiping it and creating a giant fire tornado (could be FS)
-Launches enemy into air, and slashes about 3-4 times. (Could be up B)
There's more just can't really explain it.

you can see his up slash and invisibility in this video (pretty much all this guys does...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reFgevZjkyc
In the NES game, he can toss fireballs (short-range projectile), throw ninja stars, run on water with special sandals (this would probably be a side special recovery move), and send out lightning bolts to kill every enemy on the screen (WOULD PROBABLY BE HIS FINAL SMASH)~ :3

Deleted member

@JavaCroc: Thank you so much for explaining why I hate the idea of universal rosters. There are no benefits to be have with this idea. Even thought it can handle a mid 40s roster, I highly doubt we're going to get even 40.
Master Rapier said:
I hope they allow you to use the 3DS as controller for the Wii U. That way you don't have to switch between controllers.
That would be amazing to see. It would take a miracle for that to happen, but still, it should be done.
OmegaXVII said:
What are you referring to when you say "universal"? You mean as in both the Wii-U and 3DS?
Yes I do mean as in that.
nLiM8d said:
I was thinking over the catalog of characters and when I happened upon the roster sizes (thanks to recent conversations) I began predicting characters that will get the axe.

I wonder if SSBFan's rate their chances poll leads in this direction. First to mind was ROB. Are there others that you guys might claim: "Without a doubt"?
I am not really expecting many newcomers in a 35-40 slot roster, as a matter of fact, I think Nintendo would try to keep the roster from Brawl as intact as possible as they would have limited room to maneuver. However, we will see a ton of axing of the roster drops from Brawl, which I consider unlikely, even with a universal roster.

For the first one to get axe? I would say either Lucario or Toon Link would be likely the first to bite. Also, in regards to the poll (I find it ironic you haven't really participated in it yet, you should as each non-troll vote or votes made to deliberately raise or lower a score), I am planning on using it for discussion later on, but you have a good point their. When all vets gets rated, I'll bring this up again on this thread and try to get some discussion going.
Fatmanonice said:
Here's a Gameradar article on who they think should be in SSB4.


I'll see what they have to say about this:

Zoroark: Personally, I am really against his inclusion and I can't be bothered to get excited over him. I think Genesect and Victini would be much better candidates for the 5th slot, although Genesect is unlikely. If anyone should get the 5th spot, it should be one of those two. However, unlike others mentioned, I will (grudgingly) accept his inclusion.

Starfy: I agree with them on this. Starfy deserves to be in SSB4.

Mii with Wii Balance Board: Good lord no, this is a horrible idea. I am not opposed to Mii's inclusion, but I am not buying an exercise equipment to play Smash.

Vaati: Okay, but we don't really need a fifth Zelda rep. Four is enough, as Ganondorf and Toon Link needs decloning.

King Hippo: Not necessary, one Punch-Out!! rep is enough. There shouldn't be a consideration of a new Punch-Out!! character until the series becomes successful enough.

Birdo: That would be a poor rep for either a Mario rep or Yoshi rep. He would easily be a semi-clone of Yoshi and more clones is a bad idea. Not to mention they have the balls to say he's deserving?

Andy, Sami, and/or Max: Not interested in seeing an Advance Wars rep in SSB4. Sorry, but I don't see the point in having an Advance Wars rep.

New alternates for the old roster said:
Are you kidding me? Do we need alternates aside from Paper Mario? Paper Mario deserves to be playable, but I am against anyone else's inclusion.

Yarn Kirby: I don't think this is a good idea at all. At least Paper Mario, while plays different from Mario, would not only have a Mr. Game & Watch-like uniqueness, but also wouldn't feel like an unnecessary alternate choice. This one would suck and Kirby does not need a fourth rep anyway.

Paper Mario: I'll give them this one, he does deserves a spot.

Midna and Wolf Link: I fail to see how this works. This looks confusing and considering that they'll be forgotten by many Zelda fans, I would not want them to add a character that will likely be 100% irrelevant later on.

Mega Man: You obviously know how much I want him. I'll give an approval on them.

Knuckles: "Only a matter of time"? Are they working under the assumptions that we'll likely get a second Sonic rep? If they don't like Sonic's friend, they shouldn't have mentioned Knuckles in the first place. Also, it's highly unlikely we're getting a new Sonic rep anyway, so it is not "a matter of time" before we get a second rep. Nintendo isn't going to just let third-parties fly right in.

Kazuya Mishima: I don't think we need a Tekken rep for SSB4. They've only had one appearance on a Nintendo console, so they are clearly not a Nintendo All-Star.

A Dragon Quest Hero with Slime: Slime would make a great addition, but as the mascot of Dragon Quest, I think Slime can stand on his own, especially when Starphoenix's already detailed his move set potentials.

This article sucked. There were only three good suggestions {Starfy, Paper Mario, Mega Man}, and what would have been the fourth {Slime} would be a lot less appealing to play with. Everyone else really should not be in SSB4.

The biggest problem was that it lacked many good choices for newcomers. Where's Little Mac, Ridley, King K. Rool, Saki Amamya, and others that deserves the spot much more? For third-party slots, why wasn't Professor Layton or Ryu Hayabusa suggested?
berserker01 said:
IGN wanted Cloud and Squall in. That's worse.

That's too much 3rd parties and most of their characters in the wish list are not likely
Link please. If it's even worse then this one, they'll be receiving a scathing response from me.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
On the subject of the stage....

This would be an awesome addition. It's interesting, has anyone ever noticed how crazy some bad guys must be? If you land on a rooftop that has no other way to get to it, why is there a bunch of enemies there? How can the enemy possibly think that rooftop soooooo important he/she's gonna fill every inch of it up with henchmen?

Sorry, went off topic, but yea, i need to see the music selection again. I would actually like to see a bowser castle level mario kart style, with the characters maybe jumping from car to car or something while the racers go through bowser's castle(I'd love to see the 64 version of bowser's castle done, but....)


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
Ashley's thread
Nintendo biggest villain realy deserve a stage for him indeed.
What do you people think for a Rythmn heaven's or Wawe Race's stage ?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2011
In the NES game, he can toss fireballs (short-range projectile), throw ninja stars, run on water with special sandals (this would probably be a side special recovery move), and send out lightning bolts to kill every enemy on the screen (WOULD PROBABLY BE HIS FINAL SMASH)~ :3
Haha oh wow that's amazing. He might be able to do something like that on here too, just gonna unlock alla his moves. He wouldn't be the standard Sword user, you know?
I'm glad I could buy this game and appreciate his inclusion now.
Same goes with Saki, and Matthew(Isaaclol). I just got Sin & Punishment for the VC, and got Dark Dawn the other day, but havn't played it yet. Hope to get the same appreciation for his character too.

I wanted to get Custom Robo as well, but had no money left :(


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
On the subject of the stage....

This would be an awesome addition. It's interesting, has anyone ever noticed how crazy some bad guys must be? If you land on a rooftop that has no other way to get to it, why is there a bunch of enemies there? How can the enemy possibly think that rooftop soooooo important he/she's gonna fill every inch of it up with henchmen?

Sorry, went off topic, but yea, i need to see the music selection again. I would actually like to see a bowser castle level mario kart style, with the characters maybe jumping from car to car or something while the racers go through bowser's castle(I'd love to see the 64 version of bowser's castle done, but....)
Here you go:

Super Mario World/SMB3 - Castle/Boss Fortress (Brawl)
Super Mario Bros 3 - Pipe Land (World 7)/Dark Land (World 8)
Super Mario Bros 3. - Airship Theme (Brawl)
Super Mario World - Bowser
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - Final Boss
Super Mario 64 - Bowser in the Sky
Super Mario Galaxy - Desperation
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Koopa Road
New Super Mario Bros. Wii - Volcano
New Super Mario Bros. Wii - Castle
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - Vs. Dark Boswer
Mario Sports Mix - Bowser Jr. Blvd
Wario Land: Shake It - Mt. Lava Lava


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
So after a wild update yesterday I've decided to swap unexpected for something a little more requested. On top of that it will be a little more subdued than some of my past entries. Not meaning I'm sacrificing quality by any means. But as far as stage mechanics are concerned this one is the least "gimmicky" of them all. Everyone has wanted this stage, much clamoring and whining have ensued. Yet we have never seen it? Until now!

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - Vs. Dark Boswer
Wario Land: Shake It - Mt. Lava Lava

For anyone wondering why Galaxy 2's Bowser music was not listed please refer back to my Starship Mario concept. Overall I'm pleased with this, but I've hit a dilemma. Where do I go for my next stage idea? I am unable to accurately pick a stage for Kirby or Zelda as their latest titles have not been released yet. But one idea sticks out to me, so I will see how that develops. Until next time!
Nice stage idea. IMO, since it's Bowser's stage and levels featuring Bowser in any Mario game generally feature lots of hazards, I can't really imagine a Bowser Castle stage without hazards of some sort. But good job.

Also, you get one bonus point for including the Dark Bowser theme and five bonus points for including Mt. Lava Lava.

So you want version exclusives to make each purchase seem more worth the money? I guess I can see where you're coming from, but the main selling point is going to be this new single-player experience as well as the ability to play Smash on the go.

Since the 3DS is capable of having the same (large) roster as the WiiU version, I'd rather it just be that way. "Version exclusive" was always kind of a **** move concept anyway. And already what information we have to go from, any 3DS exclusive would have to already be on the WiiU version anyway. It would be an even ****ier move to have all the 3DS exclusives on the WiiU version, but you couldn't play as them without using the 3DS as a sort of key.


@Bowser's Castle: Yehs. This makes me want a more dynamic lighting system for Sm4sh. The WiiU could certainly do it. Having the lava moat giving everyone a nice red glow from below... Yehs again.
I would quote Disfunctional too, but his quote messed up for some reason when I tried to include it in my post.

I can see the idea of "Smash on the Go" as convincing, but IMO, some people would also just wait until they can return home to play the "better" Smash Bros. game. Unless the single-player is over-hyped or looks seriously outstanding (which I'm personally speculative of), I don't see single-player as reason enough. Most players like Smash Bros. because it means beating the snot out of your friends. Playing alone has never been a strength of the series. However, as a more bite-sized experience, I can see what you mean.

I can see issues with converting certain characters to a WiiU from the 3DS too. The 3DS has less graphical power than the Wii U, so how would the characters on the 3DS upgrade to Wii U versions? However, I'm sure a solution can be found (perhaps keep higher-def models of each 3DS character on the Wii U version and replace 3DS models with those, or use the Internet connection to download any necessary files?), and I doubt the developers would let the 3DS characters be "watered-down" if they were imported into the Wii U. Other than in the graphical department, I don't see how 3DS characters would even be "watered-down" between the two versions. Also, I don't see why you'd need the 3DS still as sort of a "key" to using the characters on the Wii U; once uploaded, they would have all their necessary files and wouldn't require the 3DS anymore.

As for the "half-game" that people with one version could be left with, it would have to be a necessary consequence. But if both versions are packed with great material such as characters and game modes, why wouldn't you get both? I argued previously on how you would choose the Wii U version over the other, but IMO, that would only be based on how iconic multiplayer is in Smash. If you wanted the full SSB4 experience, then getting both games would be a necessary consequence. Actually, that would apply to the splitting of the two games in terms of game modes in the first place.

I'm aware that a universal roster is more likely given Sakurai's comments, but I'm saying that a universal roster would not be the best option for neither Nintendo nor it's fans.

Also, I'm not giving out support just for the concept of importing 3DS-exclusive character into the Wii U version; I would also enjoy there only being Wii U exclusives at the cost of the 3DS.

Anyways, that's my opinion. Hopefully this discussion won't drag across the ground if it progresses.
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