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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Maybe if Sm4sh shapes up to be as competitive as Melee and as... polished? (???) as Brawl then I'll try and get into the competitive scene. :I

Unfortunately I have to discredit myself and doubt my ability to think quickly enough ON MY TOESIES to be a competitive player, LOL. U3U

Would be cool if my Ridley was the strongest Ridley in the whole world. >8O
Don't doubt yourself, when you hit a performance plateau, ask around for help and do things outside of your "comfort zone" to find things and creativity and you'll be on your way to improving again.

Just have fun with the game and don't worry about winning or losing. What I've told some people is to not necessarily think, but feel. Go with the flow of things.

That's probably a little too deep to explain though.

Ridley being Top Tier?

Lol..that would be awesome, but then again he would probably get some BRoomers upset and probably end up banning him for tourneys.:/


There's no real best way other than matchup charts, but like tier lists (which made be made up by the former), they tend to change.

The big problem with Sakurai's measurements, is that lag is a major factor in the results. The amount of lag in a match depends entirely on the players' connections. Therefore, there's no real consistency. The other problem is that because of lag, some players simply choose to not play online because they find it unbearable to play on. This means that your better players may or may not show up in online matches and they can show the strengths and weaknesses of the characters better.

And you're no better with your conjectures. Unlike the majority of people, you treat your theories as facts, and knowing your past, you don't believe in changing anything for various reasons which is fine and all, but you completely stomp on new ideas. Also, given that Brawl's priorities were messed up, it's quite possible Ganondorf was planned for a new moveset, but that's just conjecture.

Kuma spitting that truth.


Smooth Criminal

If it was built into the game...

Edit: I seem to recall a lot of people shooting this ******** notion down a long time ago. You can play a game however the hell you want to play it. There is a core philosophy behind it---that everybody can pick it up and have fun with it---but that's about as far as it goes.

Harkening back to a blog I read a little while ago: You can't really speak for Sakurai, a game designer by trade, about how he wants to "balance" the gameplay. The players ultimately determine that and it pretty much applies to everybody, including the "pros."

Smooth Criminal
I was going to say something along these lines until I saw your post.

So let's cut the SmashChu interaction short for today.

Does anyone have suggestions for a character that could be a rushdown monster?
WELL DAMN. I think Fox like he was in melee Marth, other characters without projectiles have the potential to be.

When will SSB4 get its own subforum? Sticking everything into a 700 page thread makes discussion difficult and searching through the thread is even worse.
Probably when we get a release date for SSB4.

i dont know about you guys but i can really picture chris red field in smash bros 4, think about it, he has a pretty good chance, he has a lot of weapons that he can bring over to smash 4, and he has been on a nintendo device, the 3DS with mercenaries, so i think he has a good chance. any one else think so?

@Kuma/Chu- This is classic, I remember these times.

Rookies, take a seat and watch how the old skool kids settled things.
Nah dog, I love this thread now. I want to actually be here talk with the big dogs yo.

Forreal though, I'm about to sit down with Kuma and learn/complete some things. You seem really knowledgeable.


Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
That can't be Willis, his post makes too much since =P

That's a good point. I could see some games (star tropics) being realeased via vc and if well received improving mike jones' chance

I spy bomberman '93, '94, and hero



Smash Apprentice
Jun 6, 2011
Fire Nation Royal Palace
I noticed that Arcadenik brought up the Virtual Console in here when counting relevancy. Now this has me curious. Do you think that the Virtual Console could contribute to a character's relevancy in a positive way and if so, how much? And to Arcadenik, why did you bring up the Virtual Console in the first place? My answer to the first question; I am not very sure about this, but I am not going to rule this out as a possibility.

Take Geno for example (I know he has a very low chance, but bear with me). Yes, he hasn't appeared in any new games since 2003, but Super Mario RPG: Legends of the Seven Stars, a game which Geno is known for, did release on the Virtual Console on June, 2008 in Japan and August, 2008 elsewhere. This game was not only successful on the SNES (over a million IIRC), but I also remember it selling very strongly for quite awhile, being on the Top 10 for months. Unlike most game, this one had lots of staying power and as such, created a generation of fans of the game and Geno. And also, why was it the first game from Squaresoft on the Virtual Console in North America and Europe and why was it North America's 250th VC game? Also, why was it among the most requested games for the Virtual Console? I believed that massive fan demand for Geno in SSBB may have gotten Nintendo's attention to release the game on the Virtual Console and Nintendo may not have totally forgotten about Geno.

What's ironic about this is that no one who supports Geno uses the fact that this game came out on the Virtual Console when it's quite possibly the best reason for why Geno has a slight chance of being in SSB4 and possibly the only major thing that could count towards Geno's inclusion. If a miracle occurs to fans eyes and Geno is playable in SSB4, I think this would be proof that the Virtual Console counts as relevancy.
I agree with this completely. Famous characters that had high demand to be in Brawl will very likley play some sort of role in Smash 4, whether it be a playable character, a character in Smash 4's adventure mode(if they have one), or even something as simple as a sticker or a trophy(which would lead to extreme dissapointment, but oh well).


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
If it was built into the game...

Edit: I seem to recall a lot of people shooting this ******** notion down a long time ago. You can play a game however the hell you want to play it. There is a core philosophy behind it---that everybody can pick it up and have fun with it---but that's about as far as it goes.

Harkening back to a blog I read a little while ago: You can't really speak for Sakurai, a game designer by trade, about how he wants to "balance" the gameplay. The players ultimately determine that and it pretty much applies to everybody, including the "pros."
[/B]Smooth Criminal
Whelp, looks like I'm going down the rabbit hole again.

Smash Brothers was made as a 4 player fighting game. yes, I know it's hard to grasp, but the game was never built around 1v1 Final Desntination, Fox only. It was made for 4 players, lots of stages and, yes, items. Look at the box for Melee, or on the Dojo where Sakurai says "It's a brawling, battling, action-packed video game that features a varied roster of characters for four-player simultaneous melees!" There are so many inconsistencies that prove this.

-Sakurai nerfed Link in Brawl. A character that was low tier in Melee.
-Sakurai removed many cancels, suggesting they are not the focus and he doesn't care for competitive Smash.
-Sakurai has said that the characters do about the same from online data. Note how he didn't use tournament data.

What you are saying is more what you want to believe. The game is not designed around competitive play and was actually designed to do the exact opposite. Let's not forget that competitive Smash makes up less than 1% of the total fanbase and most people hate it, including those who don't even play Smash.

"OH, but you can turn everything off, so it IS designed for us." No, it's designed to change it and give the players options, not to turn everything off, play Street Fighter Light, and whine to SRK for respect. Items are part of the game, so naturally they'd be part of the balance too. Seeing as competitive Smash turns them off, there would be some balance issues. But all of this is probably hard to see when your on the inside. Basically, when you change something, the whole systems goes out of whack.

Better get out of Wonderland before they send me to the loony bin.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yo what's up with Kuma today? He seemed very active today, it's nice to still be the rulersee him posting some incredicle thoughts and mechanics. :)



Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Oh SmashChu, I love how you come to here and SRK just to ***** and moan about competitive players saying they're doing it wrong while doing nothing yourself to make things better. How do you do this for so many years?

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Whelp, looks like I'm going down the rabbit hole again.

Smash Brothers was made as a 4 player fighting game. yes, I know it's hard to grasp, but the game was never built around 1v1 Final Desntination, Fox only. It was made for 4 players, lots of stages and, yes, items. Look at the box for Melee, or on the Dojo where Sakurai says "It's a brawling, battling, action-packed video game that features a varied roster of characters for four-player simultaneous melees!" There are so many inconsistencies that prove this.

-Sakurai nerfed Link in Brawl. A character that was low tier in Melee.
-Sakurai removed many cancels, suggesting they are not the focus and he doesn't care for competitive Smash.
-Sakurai has said that the characters do about the same from online data. Note how he didn't use tournament data.

What you are saying is more what you want to believe. The game is not designed around competitive play and was actually designed to do the exact opposite. Let's not forget that competitive Smash makes up less than 1% of the total fanbase and most people hate it, including those who don't even play Smash.

"OH, but you can turn everything off, so it IS designed for us." No, it's designed to change it and give the players options, not to turn everything off, play Street Fighter Light, and whine to SRK for respect. Items are part of the game, so naturally they'd be part of the balance too. Seeing as competitive Smash turns them off, there would be some balance issues. But all of this is probably hard to see when your on the inside. Basically, when you change something, the whole systems goes out of whack.

Better get out of Wonderland before they send me to the loony bin.
I wasn't saying it was designed around competitive play at all.

I was saying it was designed to be played by however players wanna play it, including the "pros." You have options to turn whatever you want on or off. That should pretty much spell it out for you.

Learn to read.

Smooth Criminal


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I wasn't saying it was designed around competitive play at all.

I was saying it was designed to be played by however players wanna play it, including the "pros." You have options to turn whatever you want on or off. That pretty much should spell it out for you.

Learn to read.

Smooth Criminal
Pretty much THIS, truth has been spoken.


Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
The short answer, Kuma?

He's just a pretentious little ******* who thinks there's a right or wrong way to play vidjo games. I, for one, am tired of his crap. I would love to see him write up an essay telling me how I should play any kind of game just short of ****ing hacking it.

C'mon, bro. Tell me that my money isn't well-spent because of the way I'm enjoying something.

I'm waiting.

Smooth Criminal

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
You wanna know something really funny? There are people just like him at this Sean Malstrom forum I was ventured into (worst mistake ever) and then there's the stuff compiled in this thread.
footsies and other techniques have been over-defined to go FAR beyond strategy and have been over-refined to the point where they are basically all about exploiting the limitations and design mechanics of the game

footsies are a misnomer, the name should be changed to 'boxies', or 'framies'
I had to put this up here. I keeled over laughing.

Thanks for the link, Kuma. <3

Smooth Criminal


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Whelp, looks like I'm going down the rabbit hole again.

Smash Brothers was made as a 4 player fighting game. yes, I know it's hard to grasp, but the game was never built around 1v1 Final Desntination, Fox only. It was made for 4 players, lots of stages and, yes, items. Look at the box for Melee, or on the Dojo where Sakurai says "It's a brawling, battling, action-packed video game that features a varied roster of characters for four-player simultaneous melees!" There are so many inconsistencies that prove this.

-Sakurai nerfed Link in Brawl. A character that was low tier in Melee.
-Sakurai removed many cancels, suggesting they are not the focus and he doesn't care for competitive Smash.
-Sakurai has said that the characters do about the same from online data. Note how he didn't use tournament data.

What you are saying is more what you want to believe. The game is not designed around competitive play and was actually designed to do the exact opposite. Let's not forget that competitive Smash makes up less than 1% of the total fanbase and most people hate it, including those who don't even play Smash.

"OH, but you can turn everything off, so it IS designed for us." No, it's designed to change it and give the players options, not to turn everything off, play Street Fighter Light, and whine to SRK for respect. Items are part of the game, so naturally they'd be part of the balance too. Seeing as competitive Smash turns them off, there would be some balance issues. But all of this is probably hard to see when your on the inside. Basically, when you change something, the whole systems goes out of whack.

Better get out of Wonderland before they send me to the loony bin.
Maybe you should stay down the rabbit hole. LOL

I love how tall you are on your high horse! Of course it has the 4 player option. Well damn if he wanted to be only 4 player there wouldn't be the option of solo/other gameplay with 3 or less players.

-Link was nerfed but he buffed some characters? What's your point?
-There are still many cancels left in Brawl. Do you even know what you are talking about there is a page full of ATs for Brawl LOL
- Cool story homie. Sorry that Nintendo said Wii U would be more geared to competitive players. Thanks for staying caught up with the times LOL

We know Brawl wasn't designed for competitive play. We choose to play it that way anyways. Idk if you actually read other articles besides the ones that prove your point but there is an article with Sakurai stating that made Melee for the competitive player seeing how times were moving that way. You are a pro at selective reading. Once again okay read that story before dog, Nintendo says otherwise. Go read a book.

"OH, EVEN THERE IS TEH OPTIONZ TO TURN OFF ITEMS AND NOT HAVE 4 PLAYAS IT MUST MEAN WE SHOULD ANYWAYS" Word, you just proved my point he gave us to option to play Brawl competitively the way we do. Don't bull**** and backtrack when you read that statement because I'm agreeing with what you said there. LOL no one whines for respect from Super Blocking isn't Broken 4: But Yun Twins Are Edition. You sugarcoat your MUs when there have been times when you have been worse balanced than MvC2 LOL. Akuma Fireball dog, whatchu gonna do about it? I guess you are right though, when they make patches for SF they change things and get Yun Twin Are Edition. Don't you hate contradicting yourself?

Oh wait hold on....the jail called. Time to for you and Lunytunes to go back to solitary confinement. When you get out tell me how the rabbit hole feels.

EDIT: LOL@ that link.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Nah it was at SRKChu. I came in this thread and was for the first time close to raging at reading his post. LOL, he is better than Chris.

Deleted member

DarkChris126 said:
i dont know about you guys but i can really picture chris red field in smash bros 4, think about it, he has a pretty good chance, he has a lot of weapons that he can bring over to smash 4, and he has been on a nintendo device, the 3DS with mercenaries, so i think he has a good chance. any one else think so?
I can't even begin to picture Chris Redfield in SSB4. The only Capcom rep that should get in is Mega Man. Maybe Ryu if we get two slots, but I doubt it.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
I expect an answer from you.
You gave an opinion. No need for me to answer it.

The Internet is the main way we as fans can voice our opinions on what characters we want for SSB4, how to improve the online, improve balancing, and of course, the demands to make clone characters unique. It is the main reason why Sonic got into Brawl and considering that I am 100% certain that we won't see thousands of fans march across Tokyo's city to have these requests filled, the Internet is our best and likely only tool to get the message out to the developers. Even if that can be done with a similar moveset, like I said, I highly doubt they're going to make Ganondorf any better unless he gets his own. If he remains shoddy with his own move set in Melee and Brawl, he will likely remain shoddy in SSB4.
Many people in the tourney land said he was fine in Melee and I'd disagree that he was even that bad in Brawl. How is "Making a new moveset," going to magically make him better?

And the reason I oppose the internet mentality is that "conventional wisdom" pops up. All that happens is everyone agrees X will happens and will be wrong.

I'll be frank, if it comes to it, screw the Brawl Ganondorf's main, Sakurai should listen to the majority. The majority is not the Ganondorf's main, it's the people who wants Ganondorf to be able to stand with other characters properly.Sakurai will never give an answer for why Ganondorf is a clone in Brawl (The answer he gave in Melee doesn't count as Ganondorf is established in the Super Smash Bros. series) and if he remains a clone in SSB4, we won't get answers for that either. As such, I'm not going to bother searching for it. What answer he'll give us will be him making up excuses.
How do you know that the people who want Ganondorf different are the majority. You are just assuming it.

Also, Sakurai has answered you. It was something along the lines of "His body is similar to Captain Falcon. If he wasn't, he wouldn't have gotten in." Sakurai has never revamp characters, so why do we expect different in future games.

The problem is your saying "Sakurai SHOULD do X." The man has made three Smash Brothers titles, all which have sold over 5 million copies. He has also worked on numerous other games. I think he knows what he is doing. Your better off find out why than wasting time saying "should."

Ganondorf needs to be unique because it is insulting that the King of Evil is a clone of Captain Falcon. Just because he has similar body structure does not give the developers an excuse to make him as pathetic as he is. It would also fulfill a high requests among many gamers to make Ganondorf unique, which clearly overpowers those who want Ganondorf to remain the same.
How is it insulting. He punches the crap out of people. He's tough. How is it pathetic?

Bold is "Sakurai, you better listen to I, Smash Bros. Fan." You've never proven your idea is the majority. I think most people just don't care.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Maybe you should stay down the rabbit hole. LOL

I love how tall you are on your high horse! Of course it has the 4 player option. Well damn if he wanted to be only 4 player there wouldn't be the option of solo/other gameplay with 3 or less players.

-Link was nerfed but he buffed some characters? What's your point?
-There are still many cancels left in Brawl. Do you even know what you are talking about there is a page full of ATs for Brawl LOL
- Cool story homie. Sorry that Nintendo said Wii U would be more geared to competitive players. Thanks for staying caught up with the times LOL

We know Brawl wasn't designed for competitive play. We choose to play it that way anyways. Idk if you actually read other articles besides the ones that prove your point but there is an article with Sakurai stating that made Melee for the competitive player seeing how times were moving that way. You are a pro at selective reading. Once again okay read that story before dog, Nintendo says otherwise. Go read a book.

"OH, EVEN THERE IS TEH OPTIONZ TO TURN OFF ITEMS AND NOT HAVE 4 PLAYAS IT MUST MEAN WE SHOULD ANYWAYS" Word, you just proved my point he gave us to option to play Brawl competitively the way we do. Don't bull**** and backtrack when you read that statement because I'm agreeing with what you said there. LOL no one whines for respect from Super Blocking isn't Broken 4: But Yun Twins Are Edition. You sugarcoat your MUs when there have been times when you have been worse balanced than MvC2 LOL. Akuma Fireball dog, whatchu gonna do about it? I guess you are right though, when they make patches for SF they change things and get Yun Twin Are Edition. Don't you hate contradicting yourself?

Oh wait hold on....the jail called. Time to for you and Lunytunes to go back to solitary confinement. When you get out tell me how the rabbit hole feels.

EDIT: LOL@ that link.
Think you missed the point. You want to talk about how you can play with no items, Fox Only, Final Destination while I'm all the way over here talking about how the game is balanced around 4 players. Those 3 point were example, which you didn't get.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Let's not forget that competitive Smash makes up less than 1% of the total fanbase and most people hate it, including those who don't even play Smash.
Totally legit statistic, def not making that up

it's designed to change it and give the players options, not to turn everything off,
"The game is designed to give everyone options on how they want to play....but the options you choose are wrong."


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Inb4Iblisragesagain :awesome

You win. I'm so close to raging between the below post and Youtube ****** my videos. I'm still on video 4 :mad:

Think you missed the point. You want to talk about how you can play with no items, Fox Only, Final Destination while I'm all the way over here talking about how the game is balanced around 4 players. Those 4 point were example, which you didn't get.
No, I think you missed the counterpoints and are unable to answer them. So you decide to do a metaphorical sidestep of them.

If we have the option to play smash competitively, I'm sure as hell going to talk about it. Just like alllllllllll the other smashes we will find a way, whether he likes or not. Now stop your sidestepping and actually address something. :glare:


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
How is it insulting. He punches the crap out of people. He's tough. How is it pathetic?
Well, it's more or less stupid. Yes he can punch the crap out of people, but he should really be using his sword, and all the powers he has in his own game. It's more of a "WTF why?" situation. The moveset was understandable in Melee, because he was a quick roster buff, but as far as I know, he wasn't a roster buff in Brawl. He should have been full fledged Ganon by this point. Which, he really hasn't been. As a Nintendo fan, it bothers me.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
I can't even begin to picture Chris Redfield in SSB4. The only Capcom rep that should get in is Mega Man. Maybe Ryu if we get two slots, but I doubt it.
Idk, I can see Chris in Smash4 also, Snakes proof enough that Chris could fit right in. Not to mention Chris has been getting alot of attention with all the new games for him and what not.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Inb4Iblisragesagain :awesome:

Nice smiley face edit.:awesome:

Totally legit statistic, def not making that up
Take a look at Smashboards registered members. Note that this is the hub of competitive Smash. Now look at Brawl's sales. 10 million. Now, given, it's actually just over 1%, so I was wrong on that. But even if I magically say there are 200,000 people interested in competitive Smash, it's still only 2%. 10% is 1million and I doubt there are 1 million competitive Smash tournaments (bigger games get around 100,000 for an event).

Well, it's more or less stupid. Yes he can punch the crap out of people, but he should really be using his sword, and all the powers he has in his own game. It's more of a "WTF why?" situation. The moveset was understandable in Melee, because he was a quick roster buff, but as far as I know, he wasn't a roster buff in Brawl. He should have been full fledged Ganon by this point. Which, he really hasn't been. As a Nintendo fan, it bothers me.
Good point. But the thing has always been that with the Triforce of Power, Ganondorf would make himself stronger, not just wield a sword. The sword, I think, is kind of irrelevant. It's more how powerful he is (because he has the triforce of power).


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Well, it's more or less stupid. Yes he can punch the crap out of people, but he should really be using his sword, and all the powers he has in his own game. It's more of a "WTF why?" situation. The moveset was understandable in Melee, because he was a quick roster buff, but as far as I know, he wasn't a roster buff in Brawl. He should have been full fledged Ganon by this point. Which, he really hasn't been. As a Nintendo fan, it bothers me.
Even though I couldn't care less for Ganon. Thiisss so much.

Idk, I can see Chris in Smash4 also, Snakes proof enough that Chris could fit right in. Not to mention Chris has been getting alot of attention with all the new games for him and what not.
Is Chris any where near popularity Snake was in? has the developer for said character shown interest for him in smash? Is his history as strong as Snake's?

If a "no" comes up in any of those answers he is in no way comparable to Snake.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Take a look at Smashboards registered members. Note that this is the hub of competitive Smash. Now look at Brawl's sales. 10 million. Now, given, it's actually just over 1%, so I was wrong on that. But even if I magically say there are 200,000 people interested in competitive Smash, it's still only 2%. 10% is 1million and I doubt there are 1 million competitive Smash tournaments (bigger games get around 100,000 for an event).
Sidestepping mad hard yo :awesome:. LOL, this is the American Smash site. Japan has multiple competitive smash sites and EU most likely does too due to the fact there are tounies showing up there.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
I honestly would like to see Four player free-for-all competitive matches, but that doesn't change that Falco vs Marth (**** Iblis :troll:Fox), FD isn't a legit choice at all.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
Is Chris any where near popularity Snake was in? has the developer for said character shown interest for him in smash? Is his history as strong as Snake's?

If a "no" comes up in any of those answers he is in no way comparable to Snake.
Jesus christ man calm down. I was referring to Snake's body structure and use of weapons. They're similar in THAT way.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Think you missed the point. You want to talk about how you can play with no items, Fox Only, Final Destination while I'm all the way over here talking about how the game is balanced around 4 players. Those 4 point were example, which you didn't get.
Telling people how they should play the game again?

Man. You're relentless. Like a ****ing pit.

Lemme spell it out for you: We don't care. We'll play the game with items on, set to high or we won't. That is the majority here. Your piddly opinion is nonexistent when it comes to the boys and girls shelling out the cash for this ****ing game.

We'll speculate on whatever permutations of the game may arise, or on whatever assumptions we have available whether you like it or not. I see nothing wrong with Smash Fan's opinions because they are just that: Opinions. Sprinkled here and there with some facts (quoting articles, pointing out game appearances, etc.), certainly, but he is not speaking for Sakurai in the slightest. He doesn't claim to be some oracular mouthpiece for the game designer. You, on the other hand, are claiming to be everything short of that in the way you present your posts.

Either speculate with the rest of us, or gtfo.

Smooth Criminal


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I can't even begin to picture Chris Redfield in SSB4. The only Capcom rep that should get in is Mega Man. Maybe Ryu if we get two slots, but I doubt it.
Megaman isn't ultimate. Megaman isn't a must have. Megaman isn't a gameplay changing addition. Megaman isn't new to the fighting scene, we see what he does in other fighters, and it isn't that cool. Stop acting like Megaman is god, and every other character pales in comparison. Just because he has the most fanboys, doesn't make him the most deserving. It definitely doesn't make him the most interesting.

Megaman fanboys are killing this character for me. I officially root for Jill Valentine when it comes to Capcom characters.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
I honestly would like to see four person competitive matches, but that doesn't change that Falco vs Marth (**** IlbisFox :D), FD isn't a legit choice at all.

You know we have a whole stage system right? Where in the first match you can strike "neutral" stages until you are left with one. Meaning you can strike FD. When you win a game you can ban a lethal CP if you feel that strongly against FD ban that.

Also, Falco vs. Marth is even as hell. O.o


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Telling people how they should play the game again?Man. You're relentless. Like a ****ing pit.

Lemme spell it out for you: We don't care. We'll play the game with items on, set to high or we won't. That is the majority here. Your piddly opinion is nonexistent when it comes to the boys and girls shelling out the cash for this ****ing game.

We'll speculate on whatever permutations of the game may arise, or on whatever assumptions we have available whether you like it or not. I see nothing wrong with Smash Fan's opinions because they are just that: Opinions. Sprinkled here and there with some facts, certainly, but he is not speaking for Sakurai in the slightest. He doesn't claim to be some oracular mouthpiece for the game designer. You, on the other hand, are claiming to be everything short of that in the way you present your posts.

Either speculate with the rest of us, or gtfo.

Smooth Criminal
You sir have won this debate!!

You deserve access to the DR!! For realz....


Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Megaman isn't ultimate. Megaman isn't a must have. Megaman isn't a gameplay changing addition. Megaman isn't new to the fighting scene, we see what he does in other fighters, and it isn't that cool. Stop acting like Megaman is god, and every other character pales in comparison. Just because he has the most fanboys, doesn't make him the most deserving. It definitely doesn't make him the most interesting.

Megaman fanboys are killing this character for me. I officially root for Jill Valentine when it comes to Capcom characters.
Super Smash Bros. Fan will probably flip his head if he saw that statement. He's literally the biggest Mega Man supporter that I've met.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
You sir have won this debate!!

You deserve access to the DR!! For realz....

Why must we add little comments that don't actually say anything or further the debate? It's kind of annoying. -.-

Super Smash Bros. Fan will probably flip his head if he saw that statement. He's literally the biggest Mega Man supporter that I've met.
Which is fine, because I really don't care. Megaman is just a character that is popular. End of story. It doesn't make him better than other characters. I'm looking for people to add interesting gameplay and unique twists to the game, plenty of other popular third party characters do that better.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Jiggly-master: Don't act victimized because I questioned your character LOL. Your point doesn't answer any of the questions. If you don't want to be criticized like everyone else in here or in the world don't post your speculation or opinion. It will save the

@Smooth: This ***** stays ****ing smooth.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
If we got a Megaman rep in Smash4 its probably going to be Megaman Volnutt or Zero.

Capcom doesn't care for the original Megaman lol except only when he's in 8-bit.

Jiggly-master: Don't act victimized because I questioned your character LOL. Your point doesn't answer any of the questions. If you don't want to be criticized like everyone else in here or in the world don't post your speculation or opinion.
Excuse me? I come on here to make one simple statement and then you decide to take it the wrong way. I try to tell you that it was a misunderstanding and then you flame me? Not cool.

You thought I was comparing Chris to Snake in terms of popularity, which I wasn't. Then I try to tell you what I really ment and you flame me. Can we please just get along?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Megaman isn't ultimate. Megaman isn't a must have. Megaman isn't a gameplay changing addition. Megaman isn't new to the fighting scene, we see what he does in other fighters, and it isn't that cool. Stop acting like Megaman is god, and every other character pales in comparison. Just because he has the most fanboys, doesn't make him the most deserving. It definitely doesn't make him the most interesting.

Megaman fanboys are killing this character for me. I officially root for Jill Valentine when it comes to Capcom characters.
Jill Valentine over Megaman?

WoW, I'm speechless, where did you get alot of hate for Megaman all of a sudden?

I'm sorry to say this but you're in for a big dissapointment.

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