[COLLAPSE="~Click here for Shortie's roster~"]
My disagreements with the roster:
-Toad feels like a filler choice on this particular roster.
-I already mentioned I felt Dixie/Diddy was a bad idea, especially since Diddy was already OP and a great character in Brawl (on his own).
-Ghirahim isn't going to be playable, and shouldn't. I don't think it is worth debating over. A
-Waddle Dee is a filler addition, and IMO an unneeded one. That is unless it's a late clone add-on. Other than that, though, this is a definitely a bad pick IMHO.
-Krystal, I think, does not fit with your roster, or really many rosters (unless there are fewer "magic user" newcomers).
-I think cutting Lucario really takes away from your roster, and smash 4. He is such a unique character.
-Porky seems like he would be a really gimmicky character. I don't think he fits in smash. Plus there should not be 3 EarthBound characters in smash (says a EarthBound fan).
-I think that more than likely Pit will be the only Kid Icarus character in Smash 4. Still, Paletuna kinda "fits" this roster, oddly enough, even though she doesn't most rosters.
-Miis feels very out of place on this roster, possibly due to the size.
-Takamaru doesn't seem to "gel well" with the rest of the cast.
-The lack of big name 3rd party characters shows, as the characters on this roster aren't quite as unique as they could be.
Edit: Everything else I agree with. Although I am kinda neutral on Saki in your roster. He fits in your roster, I'm just not sure how well.