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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
64 vets will not be cut, Falco and ICs have no reason to be cut.
The only people I can see being cut are Lucas, Lucario and Ike in favor of newer characters and even then they could be put in either 3DS or Wii U versions.

I'd switch 'em out for Poo, Mewtwo and Hector(or Sothe...but that's my biased opinion)
No way Lucas would be cut for Poo. I am a huge fan of EarthBound and Poo is no more significant than Paula or Jeff. Fun fact: Poo's fanbase was basically the forerunner to the Geno one.

Also, if Ike is cut for any lord, it would be Chrome. Hector's chance was with Brawl and he missed it.


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
No way Lucas would be cut for Poo. I am a huge fan of EarthBound and Poo is no more significant than Paula or Jeff. Fun fact: Poo's fanbase was basically the forerunner to the Geno one.

Also, if Ike is cut for any lord, it would be Chrome. Hector's chance was with Brawl and he missed it.
Chrome, that's who I was thinking of. I forgot his name. As for Poo, I care not for his popularity, fan base, or relevance. I just think he'd have an interesting playstyle...and on another note I want the VO actor to facepalm when reading his script.

Edit: I think FE deserves 3 slots...and I do NOT want all 3 to be taken up by blue-haired male sword wielders with blue fashioned into their armour.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
64 vets will not be cut
Are you sure on this part? If I recall correctly, Sakarai wanted to replace Ness with Lucas in Melee but didn't happened since Earthbound 64 was canceled (which that game later turned into the GBA game Mother 3).
Such a thing was said on Ness's profile on the official Japanese Melee site.

And I also heard Sakurai wanted to, again, replace Ness with Lucas in Brawl but since the game got a delay, Sakurai kept Ness to make it up to the fans to apologies for the game's delay (I may be wrong on this part).

I have nothing against Ness but I'm just saying what I'm seeing. (I want all characters to stay if possible)


Smash Lord
Feb 9, 2008
New York
I dont think the keeping Ness in Brawl part was true, but I'm glad he decided not to cut Ness in Melee.He cared for the fans :ness::lucas::awesome:



Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Hey, I said I may be wrong on that Lucas replace Ness in Brawl thing because I think I heard it as a rumor (and I'm currently seeing if such a source exists)

EDIT: Nope, can't find such a thing. I was definitely confusing it with Earthbound 64's delay.


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I have nothing against Ness but I'm just saying what I'm seeing. (I want all characters to stay if possible)
Sakurai wanted Ninten instead of Ness in Smash 64, not 100% sure but I believe he left it up to people at Hal while he started work on the game. He never really liked Ness but still he hasn't been cut and there's not really any proof right now to say otherwise.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Maybe with DLC they could finally include Diddy Kong in MK7

Lol, the Freddy Krueger DLC for MK9 wasn't even all that good, BTW, they didn't even use the Robert Englund version


Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
They didn't what? Use the Englund version?

Nah, NetherRealm used the Freddy design from that crappy Nightmare on Elm Street remake from 2010

Anyway, I'm starting to want Dark Samus more and more everyday



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009

This is my mega roster of ultimate completeness.

This, is a complete Smash. End of story.

70 characters.

Well... I guess it's about as good as a roster can be without Mach Rider on it. Which is... well. You know...
Sorry HOasis, I would have added him, but, I forgot >: And I would have thrown out Chibi robo for him.

I'd play under Shortie's roster if it got rid of some of the randoms, and atleast one of those Pokemon, and some others that are overrepped, and put in the 3 staple 3rd Parties. Until then, won't buy it for that. Especially when some of the choices are very facepalm-worthy.
lol, you talking about Pokemon over rep, is hilarious. The point of the roster was to be oversized, that's the point. To get every character I deemed (Plus a few extras like Ghirahim, Geno, and Dark Samus) worthy into one roster. And no, almost none of these characters are facepalm worthy, you're just, well you know.

This is a pretty damn good roster. Personally, I'd replace Mona, Porky, and Victini with Waluigi, Adam Malkovich and Zoroark, but I'd still be more than happy with this roster.
Ewww. Mona and Porky are much better choices than Waluigi and Adam Malkovich... But Zoroark over Tini is fine. I don't care.

I personally would like to see a few of those characters dropped to place Tiny Kong, Lanky Kong, Chunky Kong and maybe Boo

A Tiny, Lanky, Chunky tag team sort of seems like a waste....I mean, DK64 isn't really that well liked, so it seems odd to put in all that effort just to bring its cast back together. That and the fact that the only one anyone cares about of those three is Lanky. :p
Speak for yourself. I LOVE THAT GAME.

My only complaints are just the size because some wierd and unlikely additions, like
Already addressed that. That's the point.

- Masked Man (Sorry for Mother 3-fans! But I think Porky's more fit because he's both Ness's and Lucas's nemesis)
He's still important to his series, no matter what you think. Plus, I added Porky.

- Mona (Screw Wario-ware reps! And Syrup and Mona wouldn't be in the same roster if Sakurai's gonna handle it: Mona'll be over Syrup then! (-ò~ó-)* )
Nope. Get out of here.

- Dark Samus (I know it's NOT a clone of Samus, but then we'd expect Dark Pit to show up as well.)
Second most reaccuring villain, she/he is a good choice in some respects. Also, like clones matter?

- Tom Nook (Animal Crossing was ruled out by Sakurai...)
No matter what Sakurai says, Animal crossing should be represented, and so I picked Nook.

I also question the inclusion of Geno and Ghirahim, (Geno would be great, but Nintendo and Square are ignoring him way too much these days), Ghirahim again would be like another Midna/Zant/Vaati ( (-;^;-) )-type one-shot character. Even Impa with her own moveset and not replacing Sheik would seem more fitting since she's also one of some prominent LOZ-characters... unless Ghirahim will be picked up again for another LOZ-game.

But still, I'd give in my money for this roster that actually includes EVERY of my most wished characters.

I've already said it, but those two were two of my, just add for fun characters. They have a fanbase, and since I'm purposely making a giant roster, I added them.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Personally, Brawl's roster felt pretty much "complete" to me. Then again, I have been following the series since the very beginning, so my perspective on who is important is probably different compared to my contemporaries.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012
Canada ON
Personally, Brawl's roster felt pretty much "complete" to me. Then again, I have been following the series since the very beginning, so my perspective on who is important is probably different compared to my contemporaries.
I guess at the end of the day Brawl is pritty complete I have to agree to that but the more characters the more new experiences there are to be had. I always felt the more characters and levels there are the longer a game can stay fresh and feel like a new experience. I love smash as much as anyone here but the funnest part is exploring the game when it has just come out try out all the new little things they added.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Personally, Brawl's roster felt pretty much "complete" to me. Then again, I have been following the series since the very beginning, so my perspective on who is important is probably different compared to my contemporaries.
By complete though, I mean, every series has their major characters in the game, which, Brawl did not. So yeah, I suppose that we do have different senses of complete. Not that I ever expect Smash to be complete by my standards of course. This is just what I think is complete, with a few extras tacked on.


Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
I'd switch out one of the FE lords for Ephraim but other than that I REALLY like that roster.
Next step: Come up with a unique moveset for each of the people in your roster :laugh:


~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Personally, Brawl's roster felt pretty much "complete" to me. Then again, I have been following the series since the very beginning, so my perspective on who is important is probably different compared to my contemporaries.
I feel bit same, though some series would feel better if completed bit more (Toad, Dixie, King K.Rool, etc)



Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I feel bit same, though some series would feel better if completed bit more (Toad, Dixie, King K.Rool, etc)

The only characters that need to absolutely be in Smash Bros. at this point are Ridley and Little Mac. I think Toad, K. Rool, and Dixie Kong are all very important but are a tier below those two. However, those are the only true newcomers I consider on the same level as the additions from previous Smash Bros. games (though a case could be made for Bowser Jr. and Paper Mario). I think Miis are also very important, but I am unsure whether Sakurai has already ruled them out, if not, then they are definitely on the same level as Ridley and Little Mac.

Also, I am curious about what obscure retro will be chosen for Smash 4. Both Game & Watch and ROB were direct creations of Gunpei Yokoi (I don't think there are any other Nintendo characters left that he personally designed). Maybe a character from an obscure game he was a producer for like Duck Hunt or Panel de Pon? However, I don't think Sakurai will think of the Duck Hunt Dog. Sakurai thinks of Panel de Pon as a "true masterpiece" but worries about "how many people know who she (Lip) is?".


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Characters that I could see people feeling insecure in regards to if Sakurai said, "Smash 4's roster will be around the same size as Brawl's.":

Ness (many saying that only either him or Lucas should be in)
Ice Climbers
Mr. Game & Watch (yes, there would be some idiots saying he's a waste of space under this scenario)
Pokemon Trainer (Charizard, Squirtle, Ivysaur)
Toon Link
Zero Suit Samus

There would be a lot of aggression by supporters of prospective newcomers because they would feel that possible spots on the roster would be extremely limited (especially if they share a similar series to a character that could possibly be cut under this scenario).
I wouldn't mind if that's Sakurai's plan for Smash 4. I want a sequel, not an expansion.

Cutting some old characters and adding a bunch of new characters in the game would make Smash 4 feel like it's a brand-new game... that it isn't like Melee or Brawl... it would have that Smash 64 feeling... like "wow, this is so new!"

Keeping all the old characters, re-adding a couple cut characters and adding few new characters in the game would make Smash 4 feel like it is just an expansion of Brawl... that it is just Brawl but with a few new characters... it would make the series appear like it is becoming stagnant... that the series appears to be heading in that direction.

I want new characters... that means I want to see new faces on the roster... and experience new playstyles they might bring on the table. Cutting characters would just make the fans go nuts and ask Nintendo to bring them back... which in turn would probably push Nintendo to make new games featuring those cut characters, making them "relevant" again for Smash 5. But at the same time, they will fall in love with the new characters anyway.

Case in point, Street Fighter III. After years of re-releasing Street Fighter II with few additions and modifications, Capcom finally made Street Fighter III. That game cut nearly all of the Street Fighter II roster and added a bunch of new characters. Fans hated the roster at first but they later fell in love with those newcomers... come Street Fighter IV and it's back to the old Street Fighter II roster... fans are already asking for Street Fighter III characters in future fighting games.

Go ahead, Sakurai. Cut my mains... cut Jigglypuff, Ness, Lucas, and Toon Link... cut most of the characters who aren't currently relevant to the series or don't have any new games out in ages. Go ahead and cut about 10-12 old characters from Brawl and add about 18-20 new characters. You will just re-add some of those cut characters in Smash 5 to appease the angry fans while cutting some of the newcomers from Smash 4, angering the fans again anyway.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I want Sakurai to use a chainsaw instead of an axe this time.
No, that would be horrible. Melee at least had a few characters that were unpopular with casuals. With Brawl all of the characters were pretty much well-received. Also, much of Brawl's roster are most notable and well known Nintendo characters than most of the characters that are not already in Smash Bros.

If you are so worried about stagnation then ask for a greater emphasis on gameplay.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I think going forward with the way Nintendo has opened titles, particularly platformers, up to including family and friends there will become a more consistent cast for games such as New Super Mario Bros.

Just random thoughts.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012
Canada ON
I wouldn't mind if that's Sakurai's plan for Smash 4. I want a sequel, not an expansion.

Cutting some old characters and adding a bunch of new characters in the game would make Smash 4 feel like it's a brand-new game... that it isn't like Melee or Brawl... it would have that Smash 64 feeling... like "wow, this is so new!"

Keeping all the old characters, re-adding a couple cut characters and adding few new characters in the game would make Smash 4 feel like it is just an expansion of Brawl... that it is just Brawl but with a few new characters... it would make the series appear like it is becoming stagnant... that the series appears to be heading in that direction.

I want new characters... that means I want to see new faces on the roster... and experience new playstyles they might bring on the table. Cutting characters would just make the fans go nuts and ask Nintendo to bring them back... which in turn would probably push Nintendo to make new games featuring those cut characters, making them "relevant" again for Smash 5. But at the same time, they will fall in love with the new characters anyway.

Case in point, Street Fighter III. After years of re-releasing Street Fighter II with few additions and modifications, Capcom finally made Street Fighter III. That game cut nearly all of the Street Fighter II roster and added a bunch of new characters. Fans hated the roster at first but they later fell in love with those newcomers... come Street Fighter IV and it's back to the old Street Fighter II roster... fans are already asking for Street Fighter III characters in future fighting games.

Go ahead, Sakurai. Cut my mains... cut Jigglypuff, Ness, Lucas, and Toon Link... cut most of the characters who aren't currently relevant to the series or don't have any new games out in ages. Go ahead and cut about 10-12 old characters from Brawl and add about 18-20 new characters. You will just re-add some of those cut characters in Smash 5 to appease the angry fans while cutting some of the newcomers from Smash 4, angering the fans again anyway.
I kinda see your point but really then they could just add all those new characters they would have added if they droped a ton and keep all the dropped characters too and have this giant huge line up to keep the game new and exciting with match-up's never really being the same for years to come. The more characters there are the more new experiences there are to be had. I also sorta like the idea of getting rewarded for playing the game more with a upgrade system the mentioned in a link a whiles ago but I honestly don't know how they would implement it without it making the game unfair I do think it would add a very new experience however

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
The only characters that need to absolutely be in Smash Bros. at this point are Ridley and Little Mac. I think Toad, K. Rool, and Dixie Kong are all very important but are a tier below those two. However, those are the only true newcomers I consider on the same level as the additions from previous Smash Bros. games (though a case could be made for Bowser Jr. and Paper Mario). I think Miis are also very important, but I am unsure whether Sakurai has already ruled them out, if not, then they are definitely on the same level as Ridley and Little Mac.

Also, I am curious about what obscure retro will be chosen for Smash 4. Both Game & Watch and ROB were direct creations of Gunpei Yokoi (I don't think there are any other Nintendo characters left that he personally designed). Maybe a character from an obscure game he was a producer for like Duck Hunt or Panel de Pon? However, I don't think Sakurai will think of the Duck Hunt Dog. Sakurai thinks of Panel de Pon as a "true masterpiece" but worries about "how many people know who she (Lip) is?".
Agreed bit there, though Paper Mario sounds great, but would easily overshadow the real Mario. (Maybe because how Intelligent Systems are being acclaimed around the world for evolving Mario-characters and the universe. Peach also NEVER sucks in Paper Mario, she's actually the total opposite on Miyamoto's Damsel In Distress/Only Lovable Under Pathetic SigurdHosenfield-fans-Peach )

About Lip, I have some sort of feeling that due Sakurai referring to PDP prominently, I think he tries to make people know the series more by leaving those references in order to kick the curiosity hook? Though trophy descriptions of Lip's Stick seems to say otherwise...

Also, Takamaru is in the same boat as Lip, even if being more likely to be chosen over her, I gotta admit. But surely Lip would be featured in Smash at some point.

(Gotta admit it, my hopes for Lip being playable has been quite super-low! )


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
The only characters that need to absolutely be in Smash Bros. at this point are Ridley and Little Mac. I think Toad, K. Rool, and Dixie Kong are all very important but are a tier below those two. However, those are the only true newcomers I consider on the same level as the additions from previous Smash Bros. games (though a case could be made for Bowser Jr. and Paper Mario). I think Miis are also very important, but I am unsure whether Sakurai has already ruled them out, if not, then they are definitely on the same level as Ridley and Little Mac.

Also, I am curious about what obscure retro will be chosen for Smash 4. Both Game & Watch and ROB were direct creations of Gunpei Yokoi (I don't think there are any other Nintendo characters left that he personally designed). Maybe a character from an obscure game he was a producer for like Duck Hunt or Panel de Pon? However, I don't think Sakurai will think of the Duck Hunt Dog. Sakurai thinks of Panel de Pon as a "true masterpiece" but worries about "how many people know who she (Lip) is?".

If you want obscure...



Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
I think if the character creator option is designed really well I think we could have near endless list of character options. I'm thinking a cross between MK Armaggedon and Soul Caliber.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
The only characters that need to absolutely be in Smash Bros. at this point are Ridley and Little Mac. I think Toad, K. Rool, and Dixie Kong are all very important but are a tier below those two. However, those are the only true newcomers I consider on the same level as the additions from previous Smash Bros. games (though a case could be made for Bowser Jr. and Paper Mario). I think Miis are also very important, but I am unsure whether Sakurai has already ruled them out, if not, then they are definitely on the same level as Ridley and Little Mac.

Also, I am curious about what obscure retro will be chosen for Smash 4. Both Game & Watch and ROB were direct creations of Gunpei Yokoi (I don't think there are any other Nintendo characters left that he personally designed). Maybe a character from an obscure game he was a producer for like Duck Hunt or Panel de Pon? However, I don't think Sakurai will think of the Duck Hunt Dog. Sakurai thinks of Panel de Pon as a "true masterpiece" but worries about "how many people know who she (Lip) is?".
I do believe that Ridley, Little Mac, Toad, King K. Rool, and Dixie Kong should be in Smash 4, too. They are very popular and have a long history within their respective series.

Bonus characters would be King Hippo (for the second Punch-Out rep, he's the most popular and famous of all Punch-Out villains - practically the Ridley of Punch-Out) and Kiddy Kong (as Dixie Kong's tag team partner if Sakurai decides to revive his Kong Team concept with Dixie Kong instead of with Diddy Kong).

As for Lip... I do agree that Panel de Pon is a masterpiece but I do not think she's that well-known... she's pretty obscure... she doesn't even show up in her own series anymore and the last game was in 2007 (pre-Brawl). Her only post-Brawl appearance was in Captain Rainbow in 2008. At least Takamaru and Little Mac had new game appearances after Captain Rainbow.

About the Duck Hunt Dog... I know it's a tall order... but the dog is very famous... an iconic NES character. If Sakurai could make up a moveset for a NES peripheral, he could make up a moveset for a cartoon dog. Gunpei helped develop the NES Zapper light gun and Duck Hunt is synonymous with the gun peripheral... and the hunting dog is synonymous with that classic game... the hunting dog would be an ideal character to represent the Light Gun series (including Duck Hunt, Wild Gunman, Hogan's Alley, Gumshoe). That's why I think he is the logical choice if we are going by Gunpei creations (Mr. Game & Watch in Melee, R.O.B. in Brawl)

There is a chance that Lip and Duck Hunt Dog could both end up as Assist Trophies for all we know. :ohwell:

[COLLAPSE="Look at this cool image I found!"]

See?! He can stand on two legs! He can work in Smash! That's what is behind the grass whenever he comes out of the grass holding ducks! :awesome:[/COLLAPSE]


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
No, that would be horrible. Melee at least had a few characters that were unpopular with casuals. With Brawl all of the characters were pretty much well-received. Also, much of Brawl's roster are most notable and well known Nintendo characters than most of the characters that are not already in Smash Bros.

If you are so worried about stagnation then ask for a greater emphasis on gameplay.
So, basically keep all the old characters but change their movesets every time we get a new Smash game just to make them feel new and not stagnant?


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
As far as the star fox cloned triplets I really don't mind wolf as much because at least he has a different feel but fox and falco only feel a little different and have tweaks that separate them. I do disagree about you saying wolf only truly shares one B move with fox.

B: Shoots a lazer
B>: quick dash tilted up
B^: charges for a moment than rockets a direction of choice
B\/: reflector shield

B: Shoots a lazer (but fast)
B>: quick dash
B^: charges for a moment than rockets a direction of choice (but with fire)
B\/: reflector shield (is blue)

at the end of the day his specials are essentially the same I will give wolf credit of feeling different and only being a half clone really and truly but his specials are defiantly the same. My original point was more that one of them either needs to go or be completely change having three characters from the same series all being that similar just looks bad on behalf of the series and on behalf of smash bros itself. Having Krystal would break up all the starfox characters from being so similar as well as add a interesting new play style personally if they gave fox the staff and left falco and wolf alone it would work just as well in my opinion. It is less about Krystal and more about getting some variety in there.
I know what you mean, but at the same time, Lucas and Ness have extremely similar specials as well, even their different normal B moves are pretty darn similar when you get to know them. In any case, I play both of them, and i know that from the small differences in their movesets, their meta games are amazingly different. You wouldn't BELIEVE how different they play.

Basically, I've always just assumed that Fox, Falco and Wolf would be the same. Although your point about making the starfox franchise look bad is kinda valid, but then again, I've never looked down on the starfox franchise for having 3 clones, just as I don't look down on the mario series, nor the Mother series, or the Zelda series etc.

Also, @ Omega: I agree, although I want a remake of MK 64. ;)

Also, sorry to interrupt the discussion guys! D:

And star went back to Staraptor avatar, yay! :D


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Keeping all the old characters, re-adding a couple cut characters and adding few new characters in the game would make Smash 4 feel like it is just an expansion of Brawl... that it is just Brawl but with a few new characters... it would make the series appear like it is becoming stagnant... that the series appears to be heading in that direction.
This is my concern with Smash 4 as well. Even Sakurai has said that you can't just keep adding to the old content. It's just not a good thing to do. So combine this with my controversial mechanics ideas, this game is the perfect time for a reboot, or rather, rebirth of sorts..

Case in point, Street Fighter III. After years of re-releasing Street Fighter II with few additions and modifications, Capcom finally made Street Fighter III. That game cut nearly all of the Street Fighter II roster and added a bunch of new characters. Fans hated the roster at first but they later fell in love with those newcomers... come Street Fighter IV and it's back to the old Street Fighter II roster... fans are already asking for Street Fighter III characters in future fighting games.
At least we got Ibuki, Dudley, Makoto, Yun, and Yang in SF4 with possibly Elena in SFxTK if the rumors are true.

I think one of the reasons for the roster change had to do with them not wanting to be milking off of SF2's success. They wanted a separate identity for it. SF4 would go on to try to get the early 90s feel while embracing the new mechanics like the two button throw inputs and EX moves.

Go ahead, Sakurai. Cut my mains... cut Jigglypuff, Ness, Lucas, and Toon Link... cut most of the characters who aren't currently relevant to the series or don't have any new games out in ages. Go ahead and cut about 10-12 old characters from Brawl and add about 18-20 new characters. You will just re-add some of those cut characters in Smash 5 to appease the angry fans while cutting some of the newcomers from Smash 4, angering the fans again anyway.
Don't think of it too much in relevance, but just in gameplay diversity. I'm gonna try this out for a 40 character roster, disregarding the current rosters.

  1. Mario
  2. Luigi
  3. Peach
  4. Bowser
  5. Toad
  6. Wario
  7. Capt. Syrup
  8. Yoshi
  9. Donkey Kong
  10. Diddy Kong/Dixie Kong
  11. K. Rool
  12. Link
  13. Zelda
  14. Impa (Sheik 2.0 moveset).
  15. Ganondorf
  16. Fox
  17. Wolf
  18. Krystal
  19. Samus
  20. Zero Suit Samus
  21. Ridley
  22. Pikachu
  23. Jigglypuff
  24. Mewtwo
  25. Pokemon Trainer
  26. Capt. Falcon
  27. Ness
  28. Marth
  29. Ike
  30. Pit
  31. Palutena
  32. Kirby
  33. Meta Knight
  34. Ice Climbers
  35. Olimar
  36. Tom Nook
  37. Isaac (Manly version)
  38. Saki
  39. Lip
  40. Little Mac
  41. Shulk
Only 27 characters made it from the Brawl roster while 14 are newcomers.
EDIT: Forgot Zamus so it's 41 now.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Who the hell suggested 10-12 cuts?

Oh, and Ogre's gonna be in SFxT. Not that True Ogre ****, the REAL, green Ogre. Dreams really do come true



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Anyone wanna take a stab at how many unexpected characters we will get?

In Melee, Young Link, Doc, Ice Climbers, Sheik, and G&W.

Brawl had Pokemon Trainer, ZSS, Pit, and ROB.

I figure, we should get one more retro, maybe Mii as a sort of "Hardware" character, and then one or two suprise characters similar to ZS and PT thrown in somewhere. Someone like Mona, could be used as a good, but unexpected character addition. I suppose Sabure could be a suprise...."retro" choice. Takamaru, Sabure, Mii's, and Mona, would be some decent suprise characters. Anyone else have a little, idea for which, and how many suprise characters should/will be added?

Oh, and I'm talking Ninty characters, not third party.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Considering the only actual cut(and not made it in on time) was Pichu(Young Link doesn't count as he's an actual replacement), I expect some newer characters to have more priority over old, but not actually forcing them to not be in in the end. Pretty much what happened in Brawl. Lucario beat out Mewtwo in this case. Ike beat out Roy. I am fine with this since I want new blood. But I would rather they all be in first.

Notably, the rest of the Forbidden 7 has nothing that really kept them out, or atleast ones we can say for sure. Maybe Wario beat out Dr. Mario at best. But for the rest? Well, time came up, Sonic was deemed more important(well, seeing Mario and Sonic fight was a very commonly well-known dream, soooo...), and so on.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Speaking of obscure characters, I remember something: On the Ice Climbers page on the official Japanese Melee site, Sakurai mentions retro characters he tried to put in Melee but chose the Ice Climbers instead:

Balloon Fighter (Balloon Fight)
Urban Champion (Urban Champion)
Bubbles (Clu Clu Land)
Excitebiker (Excitebike)

Do you think any have the chance again?

For me, Balloon Fighter is and always has been my number one wish to be in the game since before Brawl was announced. I love the game and I was bummed to find out he was planned in Melee but the Ice Climbers were chosen over him.

The Urban Champion guy would be great too. I really enjoyed that game (even though the game is hugely hated by many and I can't really see why.) Plus Urban Champion was Nintendo's first 2D fighter so he should get some credit.

Bubbles & Excitebiker are good choices but I'm not totally crazy over them though.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012
Canada ON
I know what you mean, but at the same time, Lucas and Ness have extremely similar specials as well, even their different normal B moves are pretty darn similar when you get to know them. In any case, I play both of them, and i know that from the small differences in their movesets, their meta games are amazingly different. You wouldn't BELIEVE how different they play.

Basically, I've always just assumed that Fox, Falco and Wolf would be the same. Although your point about making the starfox franchise look bad is kinda valid, but then again, I've never looked down on the starfox franchise for having 3 clones, just as I don't look down on the mario series, nor the Mother series, or the Zelda series etc.

Also, @ Omega: I agree, although I want a remake of MK 64. ;)

Also, sorry to interrupt the discussion guys! D:

And star went back to Staraptor avatar, yay! :D
I quite agree with you when you get into competitive terms the characters are all quite different but we all know smash bros tends to give way to casual players first and competitive second and people coming from the outside might question why all the characters from starfox play the similar especially since it is all the starfox characters and there are three too.

Personally I have no problem with all three but I think if any cuts to characters are to be made having three characters that can be considered (*note* Not saying they are clones but they can be considered) clones all from the same series is something that would likely come as a relevant fact towards the decision of cutting anyone.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
You would have to be a big time fanboy to think Krystal has the highest priority of being Star Fox's second character.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
For me, Balloon Fighter is and always has been my number one wish to be in the game since before Brawl was announced. I love the game and I was bummed to find out he was planned in Melee but the Ice Climbers were chosen over him.
Cool, a Balloon Fighter fan. I bought Tingle's Balloon Fight last summer, and how do you feel about Tingle becoming the spiritual successor to Balloon Fighter? If he was in Smash, Tingle would undoubtably use moves akin to Balloon Fight. How would you feel about him getting in, and playing similar to how Balloon Fighter would?

Tingle does have much more to work with than Balloon Fighter, which could be a reason Sakurai didn't end up using him. We could also note, that in each Smash Tingle has sort of "risen" from the ranks. He was a BG character, and then in Brawl, he was bumped up to AT. Maybe Smash4 is his final chapter?

But I'm getting off the point of my question. Tingle getting in instead of Balloon Fighter, thoughts? Please explain your reasoning and whatnot.

I could go for either of them. I just think Tingle has more to work with, and has more personality that Balloon Fighter ever has.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
You would have to be a big time fanboy to think Krystal has the highest priority of being Star Fox's second character.
You would have to mature to not care so much about who people want based on your subjective criteria.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Cool, a Balloon Fighter fan. I bought Tingle's Balloon Fight last summer, and how do you feel about Tingle becoming the spiritual successor to Balloon Fighter? If he was in Smash, Tingle would undoubtably use moves akin to Balloon Fight. How would you feel about him getting in, and playing similar to how Balloon Fighter would?

Tingle does have much more to work with than Balloon Fighter, which could be a reason Sakurai didn't end up using him. We could also note, that in each Smash Tingle has sort of "risen" from the ranks. He was a BG character, and then in Brawl, he was bumped up to AT. Maybe Smash4 is his final chapter?

But I'm getting off the point of my question. Tingle getting in instead of Balloon Fighter, thoughts? Please explain your reasoning and whatnot.

I could go for either of them. I just think Tingle has more to work with, and has more personality that Balloon Fighter ever has.
Meh, I like the Balloon Fighter character as he is. It wouldn't have the same ring to it if Tingle took his place. I like Tingle (his Freshly Picked Rosy Rupeeland game is fun) but my heart still goes to the Balloon Fighter.

And I USE TO have a copy of Tingle's Balloon Fight DS (and I loved it) but back in autumn someone stole that game from me and that REEEEEEEEAAAAALY pissed me off (as well all 4 of my DS Pokémon games plus a few more games. :mad: Thankfully not all my games were stolen). I'm still deciding if I should buy it again or just use my R4 to play it.
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