New topic since I'm tired of arguing against Impa replacing Sheik.[COLLAPSE=Kid Icarus and Kirby from ToiseofChoice]Toise's Super Money Pick:
That's right.
Kid Icarus in general:
First thing to mention is the lack of MK or Dedede in Melee and the inclusion of both in Brawl. Sakurai said he didn't want to play favorites in 2001 while he was still in charge of Kirby. Chances are he wanted to get both in Brawl because A) theoretically, it might've been the last chance to include them in Smash (pretty sure he said exactly that, but I can't find the quote) and B) why not? Kirby's a great series.
Now, you could use the "last chance" argument technically for any character ever, or even just any Sakurai character ever. I'm gonna disagree based on the assumption that that kind of feeling would be reserved for characters/series he has a huge sentimental attachment to. And I'm also assuming he doesn't have nearly as much attachment to something he adopted in his 40's compared to his first creation as a teenager, the very thing that got his career started.
The last point I'd like to make is how hesitant Sakurai has been with including young, unproven series.* The youngest new series included in Smash was Pokemon (2-3 years old in 1998-99). Second youngest? Pikmin at 4-6 years (2005-07). Then Star Fox at 5-6, Kirby at 6-7, and so on (hey, here's a handy list). If we count Uprising as effectively starting the series, then we're talking about a newborn. Doesn't get more unproven than that, and I don't exactly have the highest hopes for this game either, but whatever.
* Yes, I'd label KI as young and unproven given how long ago the last game was released and how drastically different Uprising looks compared to the first two. One's personal take on this bit and the sentimentality thing will define their estimate on this series, so I kinda expect this thread to be about where everyone thinks the distinction lies.
**** The actual characters ****
Seems kinda arbitrary to pick any particular individual, so I'll just talk about what I likes and don't likes.
Palutena: Reminds me a little too much of Zelda, what with the robes and probably magicness. Wonder if she even does anything in Uprising?
Medusa: Sure, I guess. The only thing I'd really like and totally don't expect would be for her to shoot out little Castlevania Medusa heads. Probably not, huh?
Magnus: I like the idea of Man Icarus, but that's not what he is, right? Oh well.
The rest: Oh who cares. Maybe if the Grim Reaper was more like Death in Castlevania, but... you know, I really should just end it here instead of talking about Castlevania for a while.
----- B O N U S ! -----
While we're on the topic of Sakurai, and because I don't expect any real disagreements here:
Toise's Super Money Pick:
Meta Knight
King Dedede
No effort going into an explanation, but feel free to query if you'd like.
This'll probably come up later, so here's Sakurai's response to a poll regarding favorite new characters from the E3 2006 trailer:
“Thank you all very much for your responses! It looks like people are split pretty evenly over which of the four new characters is their favorite. That’s good.
I was well aware that Pit was a popular character in both America and Japan. I tried as best I could to design this version of him in a way that reflected current tastes, so I’m happy to see him so well received.
The creator of Kid Icarus has even jokingly asked if he could make a spin-off using this Pit model.
As for Meta Knight, when I left my previous company I never thought I’d be laying a hand on this character again, let alone on Smash Bros.
Kirby is a character I designed when I was 19 years old, but I created Meta Knight when I was 22. I knew the character was popular in Japan, but last time around I held off and didn’t include him in the game. I wanted to put other people’s titles ahead of my own.
I put Zero Suit Samus in thinking I wanted to include more characters from the popular Metroid series. Also, since Smash Bros. has few female characters, I was quite happy to include her.
I bet you were all surprised by the appearance of Snake!
Finally we’ve gotten over the wall that separates different game makers, but of course this was due to the cooperation of many different people. Now, Smash Snake is fighting furiously and sneaking before my very eyes.
Wario seems to be the only character who isn’t very popular. Is it bad I included him? No, I don’t think that’s the case. You can all look forward to his unprecedented “contributions.”
Thank you all very much for voting. I’m sure there are a lot of different expectations out there, but I’ll work to create something that everyone will enjoy.”[/COLLAPSE]Maybe I'll make a more fleshed-out response, but I will point out this; if Zelda, who had next to no fighting experience pre-Melee can get in, so can Palutena. Both are extremely important to their respective series and in Japan, Kid Icarus is called "Palutena's Mirror" and Kid Icarus: Uprising is called "Palutena's Mirror: Uprising".