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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Brawl's Engine? Tripping Confirmed. :troll:

I have class now, later.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Except not only is Brawl being used as a base, but Sheik has been in twice.

Why remove a character when precident is completely done for varying physics engines AND like 90% of the work is already done for you?

Sheik is staying. Keeps costs low and keeps fans happier. Also, it opens up more people still since another generation of gamers has been exposed to OoT. Sheik IS a figure in gaming again.
Then why are Roy and Mewtwo gone from Brawl, and Ike and Lucario are in?

If you want OoT fanservice, Ganondorf would be enough. With no recent appearance except OoT3D surely they'll try to give him an actual moveset this time.

And Zelda will likely be based of her most important appearance, which is Skyward Sword. Sheik doesn't fit in with her (and fyi: there IS no SS design for Sheik as confirmed by Hyrule Hystorica) thus Impa remains. She could also be the separate "Sheik" cause its unlikely that we get an actual separate Sheik anyway.

Plus, Impa is more recent, has had far more roles and holds more importance in the Zelda series than Sheik ever did. Not that that is very hard (I'd argue that by now Beedle even beats Sheik in this :/) but Impa overall is the better choice.



Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL

Yep. That means in February Sakurai will finally be working on Smash 4 and already be determining the first newcomers for the roster. Keep in mind that Sakurai determined much of Brawl's roster before the game even started development. We know Sakurai has said that he would not even begin to think of the roster until Uprising was complete, so now that it is complete, it now begins his decisions.
Love this line
We'll take the opportunity to remind him that he has to start working on Smash Bros. now
I'm sure us Smash kiddies will be happy.

@---: A retro revival character was never confirmed. Sakurai just said he "might" be planning it for Smash Bros.
There has always been a retro character added in Smash. Seeing one here will be no different.


That's a paddlin'
Dec 31, 2011
Takamaru I approve of. Samurais in any fighting game are instantly badass.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I also root on Hawkie. (My new nickname for Takamaru, XDD) But Mach Rider sounds cool too. He somehow has this badass aura around him despite his only game appearance.



Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Mach Rider VS Takamaru.

That's all.
Yep. I can't think of any other retro character that Sakurai would like to revive that could have a "cool" modern design like Pit did.

I really like Balloon Fight as a game, but Sakurai pretty much ruled out Balloon Fighter as a character.

I already mentioned before why I don't think he would select Lip.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Lip isn't likely as retro pick. I just wish he'd pick Lip due his love for Puzzle League and maybe for just general reviving. (-l,l-);

But yeah, Takamaru and Mach Rider. Just wondering how he'd handle Takamaru, though.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I vote Takamaru to, though its a close call with Mach Rider. I mainly want Takamaru so that he can take over Link's projectile spam playstyle and he can get shield bash and Skyward Strike. Samurais are still mad cool though. In that he gets my favor to.


Deleted member

Then why are Roy and Mewtwo gone from Brawl, and Ike and Lucario are in?

If you want OoT fanservice, Ganondorf would be enough. With no recent appearance except OoT3D surely they'll try to give him an actual moveset this time.

And Zelda will likely be based of her most important appearance, which is Skyward Sword. Sheik doesn't fit in with her (and fyi: there IS no SS design for Sheik as confirmed by Hyrule Hystorica) thus Impa remains. She could also be the separate "Sheik" cause its unlikely that we get an actual separate Sheik anyway.

Plus, Impa is more recent, has had far more roles and holds more importance in the Zelda series than Sheik ever did. Not that that is very hard (I'd argue that by now Beedle even beats Sheik in this :/) but Impa overall is the better choice.

*Sighs* It's been stated multiple times that Ike and Lucario had NOTHING to do with Roy's and Mewtwo's exclusion.
Had Sakurai delay the game again, both would be in. Or alternatively, if Sonic DIDN'T make the cut, they would have made it as well.

As for the SS dilema, the fact that SS Zelda is drastically different from OoT or TP Zelda (not just talking appearance-wise, mind you) would probably imply that SS Zelda would not be used in favor of TP Zelda, who was in Brawl, or OoT Zelda, seeing as she is now relevant again with OoT3D.

If Impa is so important, she can be the 5th character.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Then why are Roy and Mewtwo gone from Brawl, and Ike and Lucario are in?
Go look up the Forbidden 7. They were planned, from the beginning, to be in the game. Mewtwo has a lot of left over data.

If you want OoT fanservice, Ganondorf would be enough. With no recent appearance except OoT3D surely they'll try to give him an actual moveset this time.

And Zelda will likely be based of her most important appearance, which is Skyward Sword. Sheik doesn't fit in with her (and fyi: there IS no SS design for Sheik as confirmed by Hyrule Hystorica) thus Impa remains. She could also be the separate "Sheik" cause its unlikely that we get an actual separate Sheik anyway.

Plus, Impa is more recent, has had far more roles and holds more importance in the Zelda series than Sheik ever did. Not that that is very hard (I'd argue that by now Beedle even beats Sheik in this :/) but Impa overall is the better choice.

It's all trying to justify a character who shouldn't be in. Impa did nothing in her own game besides
being old the whole time.

UtiltMario's point is why remove Zelda for Sheik when 1)Sheik has already been in the game and fans like her and 2)Would be easier to program anyway.

Lastly, this same talk came up during Brawl. Everyone said "X could just replace X." Guess who was wrong.


That's a paddlin'
Dec 31, 2011
More Alternate Costumes:
Fox – James McCloud
Wolf – Starfox Assault Oufit
Captain Falcon – Black Shadow
Samus – Dark Samus
Zero Suit Samus – Galactic Federation
Pit – Classic
Little Mac – Training
Takamaru – Mitsurugi
Yoshi - Boshi
Can't really think of anyone else. =/

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Just remember not finished =\= nonexistent.

Well, same could happen for Impa and Sheik. Besides, why does nobody remember Young Link -> Toon Link, Sheik's late reveal, the whole Twilight Princess design story even included with her update on the Dojo... The fact Zelda has had better roles than 'transforming' (actually just changing clothes) to Sheik, more duo characters included in Brawl...

Really, I don't see no reason for Sheik to stay. Lucas was planned to replace Ness to before Mother 64's cancel in Melee which means that not even veterans are safe. There was no 'real' good character to replace Sheik with for Brawl (besides true form Midna maybe, and Toon Zelda / TETRA was scrapped) but now we have Impa. I think its extremely likely that we will see Sheik get cut for her. Especially since Sakurai is playing through SS himself just before development of Smash.

I'm just calling it now to happen.

Also, as far as I know. Wario 'replacing' Doc, Wind Waker Link replacing Young Link, Ike replacing Roy AND even Lucario replacing Mewtwo where suggested a lot before Brawl. Everyone was cool mostly with all, except with Lucario and Mewtwo, most wanted both in.

Also, Impa had MUCH more of a role than what you said. That she's overlooked doesn't make her less important. She was by far the most important character in Skyward Sword I'd say. (After Link and Zelda)

Y'all be in denial.


Deleted member

SmashChu said:
There has always been a retro character added in Smash. Seeing one here will be no different.
I don't think you could say that any of the Original 12 are retro.

That said, I never stated that we would not get a retro character, only that Sakurai didn't confirm a retro revival character.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Well, same could happen for Impa and Sheik. Besides, why does nobody remember Young Link -> Toon Link, Sheik's late reveal, the whole Twilight Princess design story even included with her update on the Dojo... The fact Zelda has had better roles than 'transforming' (actually just changing clothes) to Sheik, more duo characters included in Brawl...

Really, I don't see no reason for Sheik to stay. Lucas was planned to replace Ness to before Mother 64's cancel in Melee which means that not even veterans are safe. There was no 'real' good character to replace Sheik with for Brawl (besides true form Midna maybe, and Toon Zelda / TETRA was scrapped) but now we have Impa. I think its extremely likely that we will see Sheik get cut for her. Especially since Sakurai is playing through SS himself just before development of Smash.

I'm just calling it now to happen.

Also, as far as I know. Wario 'replacing' Doc, Wind Waker Link replacing Young Link, Ike replacing Roy AND even Lucario replacing Mewtwo where suggested a lot before Brawl. Everyone was cool mostly with all, except with Lucario and Mewtwo, most wanted both in.

Also, Impa had MUCH more of a role than what you said. That she's overlooked doesn't make her less important. She was by far the most important character in Skyward Sword I'd say. (After Link and Zelda)

Y'all be in denial.

Most of what your saying doesn't make sense, which is why everyone has disagreed with you.

I almost don't want to go through every line because it would just be a waste of my time. I'm just going to do a few

Really, I don't see no reason for Sheik to stay. Lucas was planned to replace Ness to before Mother 64's cancel in Melee which means that not even veterans are safe. There was no 'real' good character to replace Sheik with for Brawl (besides true form Midna maybe, and Toon Zelda / TETRA was scrapped) but now we have Impa. I think its extremely likely that we will see Sheik get cut for her. Especially since Sakurai is playing through SS himself just before development of Smash.
So, now, the plan was to ALWAYS replace Sheik with someone. Sakurai had sleepless nights during development saying "Oh, how am I going to get rid of Sheik. HOW?" The real hole in your theory was Lucas didn't replace Ness. Yes, Sakurai said he would have, but it never happened and he kept both. Heck, he even planned to have Dr. Mario and the other characters you said were replaced. No one was replaced. Because everyone was planned and they'll probably be planned again.

I'm also going to steal someone else's great point. If Impa is so importaint and such a good character to have, why does she have to replace Sheik to get it.

Also, as far as I know. Wario 'replacing' Doc, Wind Waker Link replacing Young Link, Ike replacing Roy AND even Lucario replacing Mewtwo where suggested a lot before Brawl. Everyone was cool mostly with all, except with Lucario and Mewtwo, most wanted both in.
Roy was the only one people said, but that was because people were against clones of any kind. No one said Lucario would replace Mewtwo. Everyone thought both would be in. Everyone saw Toon Link and Young Link as the same character (many still do). And NOONE said Wario was replacing Doc. That never happened.

Also, Impa had MUCH more of a role than what you said. That she's overlooked doesn't make her less important. She was by far the most important character in Skyward Sword I'd say. (After Link and Zelda)
She didn't do anything. The only way she became relevaant was
She was an old lady the whole time
Actually go look at what happened in SS. She was only next to Zelda and did nothing else. She
Opens a bridge, says your late, makes a barrier to stop Ghirahim that gets destroyed and you save Zelda instead, destroys the gate of time forcing you to make another........and that's it.
She is only relevant for the first part of the game. Ghirahim did everything as he weas the one chasing and capturing Zelda and was always at your heels. You also fought him 3 times and he
does accomplish his goal.
. Heck, most of the promotional material was about him (if not about Zelda or Link). Now tell me, how is Impa important again?

Y'all be in denial.
How are we. Your entire argument is saying thing without backing them up or saying how Sheik isn't important. If I was arguing for a character, you'd think I'd make more than "She's important I tell you." and knocking down Sheik.

Your in denial and your arguments show it.


Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
Well, same could happen for Impa and Sheik. Besides, why does nobody remember Young Link -> Toon Link, Sheik's late reveal, the whole Twilight Princess design story even included with her update on the Dojo... The fact Zelda has had better roles than 'transforming' (actually just changing clothes) to Sheik, more duo characters included in Brawl...
Lol at yellow. It could happen but it's definitely not going to be talked about at this stage in development. And it won't really be planned for that matter, it will just happen. Just calm down.
Afaik, toon link didn't replace younk link for a newer incarnation of kid link but rather because he reflected the handheld Zelda design.



Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Yep. I can't think of any other retro character that Sakurai would like to revive that could have a "cool" modern design like Pit did.

I really like Balloon Fight as a game, but Sakurai pretty much ruled out Balloon Fighter as a character.

I already mentioned before why I don't think he would select Lip.
It is usually a popular retro character and a WTF retro character. Ice Climbers and Mr. Game & Watch in Melee. Pit and R.O.B in Brawl. Takamaru and Duck Hunt Dog in SSB4. ;)

Ice Climbers represents the early NES games before Super Mario Bros. popularized the NES (Ice Climber, Balloon Fight, Clu Clu Land, Excitebike, Urban Champion, I am listing them because they were the only characters Sakurai considered before choosing the Ice Climbers). Mr. Game & Watch represents the Game & Watch series. Pit was chosen because Sakurai wanted to revive Kid Icarus series. R.O.B. represents the Robot accessory and the Robot series (Gyromite and Stack-Up).

Sakurai might choose Takamaru to revive Mysterious Murasame Castle... he did say he would consider Takamaru if he had a new game... and Takamaru showed up in Captain Rainbow and Samurai Warriors 3. Takamaru seems like he might get a "cool" modern redesign like Pit did... look how Takamaru looked in Samurai Warriors 3! Duck Hunt Dog can represent the Light Gun series (Duck Hunt, Wild Gunman, Hogan's Alley). Let's be honest, the NES Zapper is almost always associated with Duck Hunt... they are practically synonymous with each other. Duck Hunt usually comes to mind when the general population talks about the NES Zapper. And the dog is almost always mentioned whenever people discuss Duck Hunt. A hunting dog that fights with ducks, clay pigeons, and the NES Zapper seems very bizarre... just like how strange a 2D stick figure and a NES peripheral are as fighters.

Oh, and Tingle can be the Balloon Fighter. A Balloon Fighter who fights with Rupees, bombs, and fairies seems far more interesting than a Balloon Fighter who becomes useless whenever his balloons pop. ;)

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
More Alternate Costumes:
Fox – James McCloud
Wolf – Starfox Assault Oufit
Captain Falcon – Black Shadow
Samus – Dark Samus
Zero Suit Samus – Galactic Federation
Pit – Classic
Little Mac – Training
Takamaru – Mitsurugi
Yoshi - Boshi
Can't really think of anyone else. =/
The alternate outfit idea won't exactly work if we're talking about two separate entities...

Mario and Dr. Mario would work, since they're one in the same. Peach and Rosalina, not so much.

I originally had that idea, but I later received a knockdown when it became clear that that idea would be an insult to the actual characters.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
SSBF: Not a retro revival.. (-l_i-);;

Then who... who'd he revive then?

/Lip seems one of em/
But Lip's series (Panel de Pon / Puzzle League) is not dormant. We had Planet Puzzle League for the DS in 2007. It was also one of three puzzle games in Nintendo Puzzle Collection for the Gamecube (Japan-only) in 2003. Before that we had Pokemon Puzzle League for the N64 in 2000. If anything, I think Sakurai might make Lip an Assist Trophy to represent the Puzzle League series and to pay homage to the first Puzzle League game. For example, in Brawl we had Dr. Wright as an Assist Trophy. He comes from SimCity but it is a third-party franchise... but he still represents the Sims franchise and pays homage to the SNES version of SimCity. Like Dr. Wright, Lip is a retro character from a franchise that is still ongoing. The same goes for Geno, a retro character from a franchise that is still ongoing.


Smash Lord
Feb 9, 2008
New York
Hmm so Dr. Wright is like the opposite of Geno? Third party franchise but Nintendo owns the right to that character?

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Arcadenik: Sakurai loves Puzzle League though, so I'm somewhat expecting more than just mere boring AT-appearance. In any case, he'd treat Lip with care. (-l-I-);

And she's not retro to me. Maybe not having appearances, but still, I don't that's a reason to say she's a retro. She's from a SNES-game. (-l^l-);

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Because of the fact that one of the GBA games from the 3DS Abassadors Program is F-Zero Maximum Velocity, it's safe to say that F-Zero is relevant again and could raise awareness for another rep from the series.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Hmm so Dr. Wright is like the opposite of Geno? Third party franchise but Nintendo owns the right to that character?
Right. Nintendo owns the rights to Dr. Wright... that's why you never see Dr. Wright in any SimCity games besides the SNES version. But notice this... Nintendo never reuses Dr. Wright in any other games other than insignificant cameos in Zelda games (Dr. Write in Link's Awakening, Dr. Left in Oracle of Seasons and The Minish Cap).

Square, on the other hand, owns the right to Geno and all the characters created for Super Mario RPG... and notice this... Square isn't doing anything with them. The only one time they did, Geno made an insignificant cameo in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. This is why I do not think Geno is a good choice to represent Mario nor Square. There are many other better choices to represent Mario (Toad, Bowser Jr., Paper Mario, etc.) and Square (Slime, Chocobo, Hero, etc.). Geno just isn't a high priority in Nintendo's nor Square's plans. Same with Dr. Wright for Nintendo, Maxis, and Electronic Arts.

Arcadenik: Sakurai loves Puzzle League though, so I'm somewhat expecting more than just mere boring AT-appearance. In any case, he'd treat Lip with care. (-l-I-);

And she's not retro to me. Maybe not having appearances, but still, I don't that's a reason to say she's a retro. She's from a SNES-game. (-l^l-);
@ the bolded... if I were you, I would be asking for something more than just a mere boring item, a bunch of boring stickers, and a boring theme.

Because of the fact that one of the GBA games from the 3DS Abassadors Program is F-Zero Maximum Velocity, it's safe to say that F-Zero is relevant again and could raise awareness for another rep from the series.
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones is one of those GBA games... does that mean Ephraim and Eirika are relevant again? Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3 is also one of those GBA games... does that mean Baby Mario is relevant now? Remember the last time we played as Baby Mario was in Mario Super Sluggers in 2008 and the last time he was in a main game was in Yoshi's Island DS in 2006.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Yeah... a playable character status is the best role for a character in Smash. Assist Trophy status would be second-best... at least to me.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Assists need an improvement, really. They quite repetitive after a while, you know.

Something that makes more than just summons which have dumb AI depending on character. (Saki is too dumb to live when being an Assist...)

I'm fearing Lip gets a crappy treatment too..



Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
That's basically what Assist Trophies are... Pokeball summons but with Nintendo characters. If Sakurai made Lip an Assist Trophy, I doubt he would treat her worse than Starfy.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Most of what your saying doesn't make sense, which is why everyone has disagreed with you.
How does Sheik's irrelevance make no sence? I've explained all. Read it up.

I almost don't want to go through every line because it would just be a waste of my time. I'm just going to do a few
Same here. I feel this more, cause people refuse to see the point I'm making.

So, now, the plan was to ALWAYS replace Sheik with someone.
Not quite, but now would be a good time cause they seemed to be in doubt already.

Sakurai had sleepless nights during development saying "Oh, how am I going to get rid of Sheik. HOW?"
Not quite, he was pretty lazy with Zelda characters in general I feel. If anything he wanted to use Zelda / Sheik another time cause Zelda had not much to base of from from Twilight Princess. Except for a sword, but Ganon didn't get his either.

The real hole in your theory was Lucas didn't replace Ness. Yes, Sakurai said he would have, but it never happened and he kept both.
You fail to see that with having said this, Sakurai DOES seem to care about relevance, not "Smash importance" which all of you seem to cling on to for a counter argument to Sheik's replacement. That and 64 had less characters to cut than Brawl has, and Ness being more important than Sheik.

Heck, he even planned to have Dr. Mario and the other characters you said were replaced.
Maybe as another last minute Mario addition, but he preferred new characters (keyword: NEW) over him as Wolf and Toon Link, and long time veteran Jigglypuff. Pichu and the actual OoT / MM Young Link where definitely not planned though.

No one was replaced. Because everyone was planned and they'll probably be planned again.
You forgot that Sakurai quite early said there would be cuts from the Melee roster. That he tried to bring back Dr.Mario might be a sort of make up act for that. He didn't push it through however, and if we'd get a veteran back it'd be Mewtwo. He had the most data from all cut characters.

I'm also going to steal someone else's great point. If Impa is so importaint and such a good character to have, why does she have to replace Sheik to get it.
Cause they're both Sheikah, could both function as part of Zelda's moveset, could INDEED be similar to Sheik in terms of regular A moves and why bother upgrade a character to recent appearance (Zelda) with an outdated character coupled with her (Sheik)?

Roy was the only one people said, but that was because people were against clones of any kind. No one said Lucario would replace Mewtwo. Everyone thought both would be in. Everyone saw Toon Link and Young Link as the same character (many still do). And NOONE said Wario was replacing Doc. That never happened.
Wario your right with, still SOME said what I said.
Lucario and Mewtwo where both wanted, but if you had asked Lucario fans about it, they would indeed pick Lucario as a replacement instead of not having him at all. Which is what likely happened.
Everyone wanted 'Wind Waker' Link to be Luigified based on his Wind Waker appearance. Hence, an UPDATED version. Of coarse relevance had nothing to do with this right :/ New Zelda games should be ignored for Smash of coarse to keep the same (boring) cast with the same (boring) playstyles.
Everyone who actually played Fire Emblem recognized Ike to be the better choice. Here relevance had no role to of coarse?

She didn't do anything. The only way she became relevaant was
She was an old lady the whole time
Actually go look at what happened in SS. She was only next to Zelda and did nothing else. She
Opens a bridge, says your late, makes a barrier to stop Ghirahim that gets destroyed and you save Zelda instead, destroys the gate of time forcing you to make another........and that's it.
She is only relevant for the first part of the game. Ghirahim did everything as he weas the one chasing and capturing Zelda and was always at your heels. You also fought him 3 times and he
does accomplish his goal.
. Heck, most of the promotional material was about him (if not about Zelda or Link). Now tell me, how is Impa important again?
You purposefully left out just about everything, which really makes me doubt if you played the game or not, or just skipped through 87% of the text.

She guided Zelda through all 3 of the first temples, protected her from Ghirahim himself three times, most notable in Earth Temple where she had to interfere cause Link was too slow and of coarse in the cutscene. She knew just about everything on the seal on Demise and how to keep him in there in her old forme, guided Link through everything in her old appearance as well. She was also send by the Goddess herself as her chosen warrior to guide Zelda, a role she kept with for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, she is the first human to know about the Triforce's existance, she literally is responsible for guiding both Link and Zelda, Zelda even both in young and old appearance. Heck, the fact she alone has a double role should be enough actually. Hence she wasn't shown much in the trailers. Was Demise ever shown in trailers? No. Why? Spoilers. The famous cutscene was showed though, and they literally revealed Impa as 'a character you might remember from previous games'.

Thats a lot more than Sheik did in OoT, where she just teaches you songs, and gets beaten by a boss in a cut scene.

That Impa was much in the background doesn't make her less important. Especially as her real role is revealed in the end anyway. If I didn't actually complete SS, I might've agreed. But I did, so I don't.

How are we. Your entire argument is saying thing without backing them up or saying how Sheik isn't important. If I was arguing for a character, you'd think I'd make more than "She's important I tell you." and knocking down Sheik.
Sheik being unimportant is an overlooked fact though. Read this entire post btw.

Your in denial and your arguments show it.
Says the one who disregards Impa by overlooking just about, everything.


~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
That's basically what Assist Trophies are... Pokeball summons but with Nintendo characters. If Sakurai made Lip an Assist Trophy, I doubt he would treat her worse than Starfy.
Bolded = sums my reason on not wanting to be an Assist. She'd be boring as one. And with dumb AI, until she's like Lyn or Knuckle Joe.


EDIT: Here's what I fear the most if she'd treated as an Assist:

- Flails around with her stick like Goroh
-Can be hit like Starfy, she then flinches squeaks like a sissy girl
-Drops an occasional garbage block like Wright

Fandom reception: Sissy Lolicon Fairy

After seeing how Starfy was treated, I have been doubting Sakurai's fanservice style overall.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
If Lip was an Assist Trophy, I expect her to do something like this: waving her stick to switch panels around in the background... when panels connect to make combos and chains, they clear from the grid and fly up to the top of the screen... and then garbage blocks rain down to the stage.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Arkadenik: That would work more better. If she worked like Jeff (Extra attacks for low-percent fellas) and garbage blocks would be deadly, I'd approve this.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Lip would make an interesting character I feel, just don't know if she will become playable after being ignored for so long.


Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I did have an item input to state...

Poke Ball: When thrown, it'll release a Pokemon. On very rare occasions, it'll release a legendary Pokemon.

Master Ball: When thrown, it'll always release a legendary Pokemon. It does not affect your odds of getting Mew, Jirachi, Celebi, Manaphy, and Victini, however. This item, like the Golden Hammer, will be less common to find than the Poke Ball.
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