Pit: Lady Palutena, I wouldn't ever expect myself to get into this sort of awkward of situation: I'm fighting against a starfish. And even out of the water, too!
Palutena: You mean Starfy? He's actually no starfish.
Pit: Then what is he?
Palutena: He's the Prince Of Pufftop! A bit of... very clumsy royalty, but he's quite determined when he sets his mind on something. Isn't he just adorable?
Pit: ...
Palutena: Also, there's some rumors and stories about him possessing very supergalactic strength passed down by his father. From what I remember, he once deflected away an entire moon launched by a certain evil extraterrestial force.
Pit: Really?!! You got to be joking there, aren't you! There's no way this little... star could do... Oooh. I get it. Star power.
Palutena: Still doesn't mean he's from outer space himself.
Pit: What was he then, again?
Palutena: The Prince Of Pufftop, of course!
Pit: That doesn't though make sense... I guess I can say he's the only individual of it's own kind?
Pit: Now that we're talking about 'sealife', I think it might be right time to tell something I've felt too embarrassed to mention in front of public.
Palutena: What is it Pit?
Pit: It's just that... I'm not just afraid of eggplants, but I'm also scared of water. My body goes totally numb if I fall on huge body of water.
Palutena: So you swim like a hammer. It might be no wonder, according to one ancient myth..
Pit: A myth? Lady Palutena, what does it have to do with me?
Palutena: Well, long time ago, there were two humans who were held in a prison inside a maze. The father made though wings from feathers and beewax, which he gave to his son. They successfully escaped: but the son was so marvelled with his ability to fly, that he soared even higher and higher...
Pit: Let me guess, that son got too near sunlight, and his wings burned up... Am I correct?
Palutena: That's right. The poor son fell on the sea and drowned. It's sucha tragic story...
Pit: Wait, don't tell me...
Palutena: Don't worry, I don't think there's that much of possibility that you're related to him: it might just be a matter of coincidence.
Pit: I think so too. At least I would've been smarter.
Pit: Lady Palutena?
Cordelia: Hello there little angel.
Pit: Woah! Who're you?! You're no Palutena...
Cordelia: I might not be, but I'm her friend from distant lands of Popples. I'm Cordelia, the Goddess of the Fairies.
Pit: Okay, at least you don't seem sort of evil lady... though you give a bit that vibe. Sorry for that. So do you have anything to say about Lip?
Cordelia: She's quite confident and tomboyish girl, and the wand she uses is the source of her power, and her most valued thing. The powers of plant life are in her command, so do watch out if you see them. Though the fact that she hadn't found herself yet accepting as the new queen worries me.
Pit: Queen...? I didn't expect you to know so much about her.
Cordelia: It's because I'm her mother. *Fufufu*
Pit: M-m-m-mother?! You're her MOTHER?! No wonder! You really know your daughter. So about Lip, you hope she'll become as great as you did?
Cordelia: I hope for so too. I have faith on her. Please, do support her. She needs it in her way to take my place.
Pit: I... I will.
There now, you can give me requests on some other characters. I might try to polish these up after getting Uprising, since I can see their personalities more which could help me incharacterise them better.
So what do you think?