@Smashchu You intelect warps my mind
I'm not smart. I don't consider myself smart. No one in hear is smart, and if you think you are, than your the most foolish person in the thread.
Fact is, I don't have my own argument. I never have. All I do is I steal other people's arguments. When I talk about Starcraft to my friends, I start throwing out stuff Day9 has said. Day9 is way smarter than me about Starcraft. So I'll use him. I'm leaning about money and have been reading Robert Kiyosaki's books, like
Rich Dad Poor Dad. So, when I talk about money, I don't say what Smashchu says. I say what Robert Kiyosaki says. He's smart than me about money. So why not use him. When I talked about sales, I used Sean Malstrom because he knew what he was taking about (he has been right about gaming far more than any analyst in the industry). So my arguements came from him.
The reason my arguments stand up while Kuma's don't is because I follow the facts. Kuma makes a solution and either tries to find facts that fit it or ignore them altogether. Here is my process.
1)I look at what the designer said. I under stand his viewpoint.
If I do not understand his viewpoint, I can never understand anything else related to that game or what have you. You are wasting your time if you try to argue without this information. You'll just be ignorant. Once you get an understanding of something
2)You evaluate it. From here, you say "OK, is what Mr. X doing right?" This is where you look at the facts (which is what Kuma ignores). So, I say "Sakurai seems to focus on simplicity and making the game easy to play. Is this correct." I look at sales numbers (because a sale is a person) and play data (to see if it was more than hype). I find that Smash Bros is the best selling fighting series where other fighting series are outsold by WWE and Naruto games. This means that more people chose Smash Bros over those other games. And data from the Nintendo channel says that Smash is the second most played game. So people are still playing it. So is Sakurai right. Probably. The data shows us that more people prefer his game to other fighting games and even other games.
Notice that I came to the conclusion though looking at information. I did not make anything up. I did not make my own theory. I looked at the data and it pointed me to a conclusion.
@xIblisx: You have a lot of potential, but your falling into the same trap. I suggested you for the backroom because you were smart. But you may make the mistake of getting into this silly mob and ignoring truth. Learn. Dont try to make your own reality. Seeing as how you both have to "tear this argument down" shows you don't want to have a discussion, but you wont allow people to disagree with your ideas.
Sorry to put so much in your quote asage94.
Where was that quote again? Sounds to me like you're trying to manipulate the words so that they might have a chance at working in your favor. Its not fooling anyone though.
If I get around to it, I'll look for more.