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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Now I gotta seriously go to sleep, but maaan, GI. Get a LIFE.

Oh, they don't live in Mushroom Kingdom?

Roster should've had scantily clad Palutena or other female, lawl.




Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Pokemon battle, Lucario VS Zoroark. I had Lucario. Enemy had Zoroark.
I used Nasty Plot. They used Flamethrower
SURPRISE! Focus Sash.
Used Vaccum Wave/Life Orb. OHKO. Ah, good day...


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I think you meant "never get old", John :p

My favorite parts are
Nappa calling Chiaotzu a Pokemon and Vegeta when he found out he didn't have the Dragon Ball :laugh:
Yeah, another great part that never gets old is the
"GHOST NAPPA" part, and anything with Guru. "NAILLL!!!!"
You don't want too many 3rd parties roaming around. A while back, some of the rosters that I saw had as many as "5" 3rd parties.
5 isn't too bad or too unlikely (assuming they meant 5 as in Sonic and Snake plus 3 otheres). Anything past 5 though seems a little much, given the roster size. I think most of us can agree that if more than (roughly) 10% of the roster is third party, that would just feel "wrong" or "off."

@ yani
Welcome to the club. We can all agree that those were awful choices! :laugh:
Congrats GI for making the stupidest article I've seen from you guys in a looooong time. How the F*** would Rayman be an alternative to Mario?!

Yall already addressed the rest.
More proof of GI's stupidity.

Well, at least we can all agree that Game Informer sucks at making smash bros rosters! :laugh: :chuckle: :cool:

Also, this made me laugh:

Deleted member

Wasn't it two of every animal?
Why is there a bunch of sheep and deer?

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I've been hearing Impa a lot lately, but I'd rather keep hold of Sheik.
Why? Just for the sake of holding unto a "veteran"? Apperantly with Ness' almost removal in Melee, and Jigglypuff maybe not being 100% priority to have in Brawl, who says Sheik should stay? Mewtwo and Roy also got "out-prioritized" (people be hatin' when I say replaced) by newer characters from their series.

That, and Sheik having that "she was not in Twilight Princess, but they had a spare design lol" comment on Smash Bros. Dojo really makes me think she's the most likely veteran to get cut (she was the last to get revealed as well). There is also relevancy to consider of coarse.

I doubt her "popularity" will mean anything. ESPECIALLY Sakurai stating Mewtwo and Roy where amongst the most favorite newcomers in Melee. That poor lone "black man" who thanked Sakurai with all his heart that Roy was the perfect character for him didn't even got his sympathy either. WHY WOULD SHEIK BE SPARED FROM JUDGEMENT?

Plus, I'd be kind of pissed to see Sheik back AGAIN, and no Mewtwo.

Seriously though, y'all should be rooting for Impa...

Yes that be me

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
You suck big fat ****s though HyperFalcon. :) (he got me on blocked, dont worry)


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
The problem with idea of having a lot of third party characters is Sakurai has said that it is a very difficult process trying to integrate them into the game. Going so far as to say it is as difficult as building a game from the ground up. That speaks volumes to me.
I generally agree. No matter how immensely succesful they are, most games are extremely hard to make and involve a frustrating time consuming process of trial and error that can take years. Add the pressure of time constraints and high expectations and you'll really have some stress. I'm not gonna try and start a movement to get the 3rd party characters that I like in the game, but I am gonna have fun with the idea of what they could do if they were. As long as I like the characters who'll be in and the game is good, I won't have problems.

More proof of GI's stupidity.

Well, at least we can all agree that Game Informer sucks at making smash bros rosters! :laugh: :chuckle: :cool:
Yes. We definitely can.

Wasn't it two of every animal?
Why is there a bunch of sheep and deer?
There's leopards in the foreground and lions behind him. Not to mention 2 rabbits near him.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
@Gameinformer: Wow just looking at the GI ideas makes me glad that I have Nintendo Power. The only real reason I ever got GI was the Gamestop subscription anyway. :p

@DBZA: It's great to see other people liking it.
My favorite part is Freeza meeting Super Kami Guru and Nail.

BTW someone should make a Who We Are list for it.
Toise = Mr. Popo :awesome:


Smash Lord
Feb 9, 2008
New York
You didn't hear? Shiek has Impa chained up in her basement. No Impa for smash

@--- Gamestop is why I have Game Informer as well.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
@Diddy Kong: I'm not against Impa, but she seems to be a long stretch.
If they're adding Ghirahim, I don't think so at all. Skyward Sword-styled Zelda characters increase her chance all the better. I think it's more likely than people give her credit for.

And Iblis why you be putting words in your mouth like that? :( I never said that. :troll:

Deleted member

I've been thinking of a way to add a 5th Gen in my Roster (due to all the complaints), and I've come up with something.

Like how Brawl Link is not the same Link as Melee Link in theory (Melee being OoT, Brawl being TP), then would it be possible that the Brawl Pokemon Trainer isn't the same Trainer as Sm4sh Pokemon Trainer?

So it got me to thinking, with B/W's Trainer as the new Pokemon Trainer, what Pokemon should he have?
Like how Squirtle was arguably the most popular Kanto Starter, while Charizard was the most popular fully evolved Kanto Starter, I should look at which ones are most popular for Unova.

I had found that none of Tepig's line were in the Top 30, while Snivy and Oshawott as well as Serperior and Samurott were. Going by this, Pignite would be the one to use for the Stage 1 Pokemon. (Funny enough, Ash will have a Pignite soon as well.)
Snivy and Serperior are more popular than Oshawott and Samurott, however, Serperior would be very awkward due to it's long, snake body, while Samurott is able to stand on its hind legs and use a weapon of its own.
So by this reasoning, I am considering replacing Brawl Trainer with the B/W Trainer with a set of Snivy, Pignite, and Samurott. This good? Will this stop the complaints about a lack of a 5th Gen?


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Most people as I know them never play with both characters. The few "Shielda" players out there can either move on to Impa, Zelda, or a new transformation character. We already had Zero Suit Samus and Pokemon Trainer in Brawl. Who's to stop them from adding in more characters like that?
The ZSS isn't a transformation/team at all, unless you change from Samus to Zamus, or *shrugs* play with the smash ball on.
Pokemon Trainer especially has potential in this regard.
There's also the Diddy / Dixie team option of coarse.
Pokémon Trainer is a 3-character rotation, therefore it is different. Plus the PT in Brawl was a huge failure, due to the long transformation time and stamina (both of which need to be removed). Plus I dunno... the Sheik/Zelda duo just... "works" in its' own unique way.

And Dixie/Diddy duo sounds terribly broken. If that was in Brawl, it would have been a 2 character competitive scene (the weaker one would have been Meta Knight).
My idea of differenciating Link from Toon Link is making Link less projectile based (especially considering Takamaru will likely take on this style). So they could imo remove his Boomerang completely, and make it unique to Toon Link- and have the Skyward Strike (full powered version of coarse :awesome: ) in it instead.
Down B could be the new Spin Attack, with Melee properties (NTCS version, not PAL- which was my version of the game) and Up B, well it could be Helm Splitter? Or an actual Claw Shot attack. This Bomberman playstyle for Link should finally be discredited...
I think the Gale Boomerang should stay, but it should act... "differently" from Toon Link's boomerang. Perhaps make Toon Link's chase the opponent like a homing missile, and make Link's more of a straight-forward attack. Really, I think either Link or Toon Link should get a slingshot to replace the bow and arrow, too. Maybe replace Link's bombs with the Skyward Strike or whip or something. Perhaps also give Toon Link a brand new "style" of a spin attack.
Zelda should be less power / accuracy-based than she is. She's a glass cannon in the worst way possible, and it doesn't really suit her much. Sure, she could have some moves with more power and ending lag, but I feel it overall doesn't suit her at all. Nayru's Love should perhaps be a barrier-like attack, and Din's Fire should be maybe even better than it is in Brawl. An actual Down B would be very good to have to.
Zelda should do mediocre damage, but great knock back with a few kill moves, and be primarily projectile and long-range attack based. That will go perfectly with Sheik's short-range, combo-based, minimal knock back move set. Brawl was itching that combination of the two more towards a "more perfect union."
And definitely, Ganondorf will take up the most work of them all though with a new moveset. That's obvious. He really needs it now. And to keep in the OoT-references, why not give him a moveset inspired of it? I think that's a bit more than compensation for Sheik's "removal" don't you think? :awesome: I honestly DOUBT that even 0.2% would really complain if that exact situation would occur.
I'm not sure if Ganondorf's moves will change, though (although I certainly hope they do). However, I hope he retains some of his "features" and "play style," including the sense of invincibility you feel when you play him in Melee. Mix in the old style with a new move set. That would be awesome! :cool:
Wasn't it two of every animal?
Why is there a bunch of sheep and deer?
I have no idea (I think it was at least 2 of each animal, one of each sex, although some species are asexual), but it was the best picture for the person. Biblical/Medieval paintings usually aren't too accurate. Seriously, look at some Medieval paintings (including "classics) and you'll see hands that look like fins! :laugh:


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
@Gameinformer: Wow just looking at the GI ideas makes me glad that I have Nintendo Power. The only real reason I ever got GI was the Gamestop subscription anyway. :p
I used to get it because I thought it was a good magazine, and I've checked it's website even without the magazine subscription for gaming news.

I may need to find a new gaming news site. :laugh:

Dangit, I've got to get on-topic. Err, I want Captain Syrup in SSB4, I guess. I liked the Wario Land games and she's got good moveset potential.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Thanks for proving Sheik doesn't work in Sm4sh GoldenY. Your not there to read it anyway. Pokemon Trainer Red can easily live in the Generation 5 "universe" of Pokemon, Sheik cannot be considered as flexible.

Gonna read your post now John.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
If they're adding Ghirahim, I don't think so at all. Skyward Sword-styled Zelda characters increase her chance all the better. I think it's more likely than people give her credit for.

And Iblis why you be putting words in your mouth like that? :( I never said that. :troll:
Impa would be a smarter choice than Tingle, and like I said before, anyone is better than Ghirahim, so I'll take Impa over him.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
For the record, I think half of GI's choices are stupid and have zero chance (Epic Mickey, various third-party characters, and Kung Fu Panda... really=??? That's not even a funny choice! A funny choice would be people who honestly think Shadow has a chance!), :laugh: a fourth are obvious choices anyone would make (Ridley, Bowser Jr., Mega Man), and the other fourth stand minimal chance (Waluigi, Princess Fluff)


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
Impa would be a smarter choice than Tingle, and like I said before, anyone is better than Ghirahim, so I'll take Impa over him.
Other than the weird narcissistic attitude, 5ft long tongue thing that will definitely be a taunt and flamboyant personality, what's wrong with him again?

Or did I answer my own question?

Deleted member

....Johnknight....I believe Shadow has a chance. Not a good one compared to Mega Man, Layton, and Slime, but still has his foot in the door, so to speak.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
Did everyone just read the character ideas? In the back, they had some decent stage and item ideas (balanced with more crap and ridiculous chances, but NEVERTHELESS).

[COLLAPSE=Stages and Items]Stage: Submarine Stage (Steel Diver)
Well the game wasn’t great, but everybody still loves submarines…right? Plus, you’d get to hear that great AH-WOO-GA sound as the entire stage lowered in the water.
Likelihood: 70%

Stage: Find Mii Castle (Find Mii)
StreetPass-addicted 3DS owners have spent a lot of time in the fortress of Find Mii. This cookie cutter castle could make for a great zoomed-out stage, something like Luigi’s Mansion from SSBB. Add in the ability to play as your Miis and you’ve got a natural fit.
Likelihood: 69%

Stage: Mega Man 2 (Mega Man 2, duh!)
One of the most popular entries in the Mega Man series, the Blue Bomber’s second game would be a great location for a new stage. All eight unique levels, along with Wily’s Fortress, could cycle in and out like the Pokémon stadium arena. Imagine four fighters duking it out while traversing floating blocks in an attempt to escape Wily’s gigantic dragon-bot.
Likelihood: 10% (unless Mega Man is in the game, then Likelihood: 90%)

Assist Trophy: Victini (Pokemon: Black and White)
They replaced the Pokemon Mewtwo in Melee with Lucario in Brawl, and I bet they are going to replace Lucario with Victini. As the most memorable Pokemon addition from Black and White, Victini can use fighting and fire-type moves and also turn invisible.
Likelihood: 92%

Assist Trophy: Slippy Toad (Star Fox)
Slippy isn’t the most skilled pilot on the Star Fox team, but that doesn’t stop him from trying. The way we see it, if players pick up a Slippy assist trophy, they would radio the hapless frog for help, and Slippy would then fly in shooting at their foes, but accidentally crash into the level instead. However, it might be equally as funny if – after calling for Slippy – you had to somehow save him from enemy fighters.
Likelihood: 66%

Assist Trophy: Eggplant Wizard (Kid Icarus)
Kid Icarus’ Eggplant Wizard is one of the most annoying enemies in all of gaming, which is why we want him here. With the wave of a wand, he could turn Pit into a helpless walking eggplant. That curse wouldn’t require laborious amounts of backtracking in Smash Bros., but it would leave its victims wide open for a boot off the nearest ledge.
Likelihood: 43%

Item: Gust Bellows (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Unless you’re rooted to the ground, a few blasts from this windbag will send you flying. Considering that sending your foes flying is kind of important in this series, Link’s latest power-up is right at home on our wish list.
Likelihood: 58%

Item: Virtual Boy (Virtual Boy)
Nintendo’s failed ‘90s “handheld” would probably be best used as a weapon. Characters could throw the Virtual Boy at their opponents like a sticky bomb. Once the Virtual Boy was attached to a character’s head, it would begin to shoot red lasers into their eye, which would slowly give them a migraine as it sapped their energy and made them dizzy. Nintendo might not like to acknowledge the Virtual Boy’s failures, but this would still be brilliant.
Likelihood: 44% (likelihood it will be used the way we want: 0.2%)

Item: Odama (Odama)
Odama may not have been Nintendo’s most well-received GameCube title, but it’s hard to forget it once you’ve played it. Nintendo should pay tribute to its large-scale-pinball-game-set-in-feudal-Japan misstep with a scaled-down version of the stone ball, which could flatten anyone foolish enough not to get out of its way.
Likelihood: 7%[/COLLAPSE]

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
@Golden- You'd be groosin' for a bruisin' if you thought otherwise :reverse:

@Java- Virtual Boy idea= by far the best

But still though, Victini as an avi? Say WHAAAAAAA

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Other than the weird narcissistic attitude, 5ft long tongue thing that will definitely be a taunt and flamboyant personality, what's wrong with him again?

Or did I answer my own question?
You pretty much answered your own question. Even Wario's manners are better than Ghirahim's.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Seriously, who wants new Pokémon for the Pokémon Trainer=??? Tah heck with new generations, lets stick with the classics! I dunno about the rest of y'all, but I rock the classics! I still got the Beatles on my iPod! :cool:

@ BirthNote
I c wat u did thar! :smirk:

@ Golden
I agree, but Shadow's chances are about the same as mine in terms of being playable in smash. In other words, put all your faith in Miis being playable, because that is the only way people will play as you! :laugh:

@ Java Croc
The roster, the characters, and the items... like a third of all of those were from MARIO! Seriously, we don't need 8 Mario characters.

Again, the only good choices Game Informer made were the obvious ones. And even then, they tackled only about 10 to 25 percent of the obvious potential new character, stage, and item choices. Seriously... they didn't even have Dixie Kong, K. Rool, a new Pokémon, or a 3rd party character that isn't Mega Man, Sonic, or Snake anyone with a brain would actual want to play as.

Edit: And only 200 posts until the 69,000th post in this thread! w00t! HYPEEE!!! :laugh:

Edit 2: This picture made me laugh! :laugh:

Deleted member

You pretty much answered your own question. Even Wario's manners are better than Ghirahim's.
That IS true...
While Wario typically is just rude and crude, Ghirahim has boundary issues. To the point where he will go behind you and stick out his long 5 ft tounge near your face and ear.
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