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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Samus turning in ZSS during the match is almost as common as Sheik switching to Zelda.

And if the Zelda characters aren't based of relevancy, why did Link had the Gale Boomerang in the first place? Mario also had F.L.U.D.D. for example. And I don't think he will have it in Smash 4.

Impa, being Zelda's bodyguard and all would make perfect sence to be able to switch in for Zelda to fight. While Zelda would just teleport away magically, Impa could just jump in. Doubt the animation would be much different from Zelda warping between time and space to reincarnate in a different lifetime transforming into Sheik in Brawl.

God knows why he has the Gale Boomerang. Sakurai has said that he didn't work on either Link or Sonic so that's up to the original designers.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
But the thing is, is one actually all that likely to be PLAYABLE? Which ties into my evaluation of the "candidates".
Because again, Pichu in Melee was an afterthought. Representing the latest Generation was not on priority.
Again, it comes back to my old montra. "Who else is left?" There are no "huge" Nintendo-owned characters left, aside from Ridley, Dixie, K. Rool, Zoroark, and Victini. Really, Victini and Zoroark are probably 2 of the top 10 most desired Nintendo-owned character. Nintendo would have to be brain dead not to add them, especially since it hypes two of the biggest brands Nintendo owns (Pokémon and smash).

And last I checked, Lucario was picked by the Pokémon Company when Sakurai asked for a new Pokémon. Unless he's adding 5 retro characters, 4 new 3rd party characters, and dumb choices like Waluigi, Sakurai is going to ask the Pokémon Company for the same thing again. There's no reason not to add either of them, given Victini and Zoroark's popularity, originality, and potentially amazing movesets.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Gale Boomerang wasn't bad for Brawl, it was perfectly relevant (the way it was done though was stupid). Just as Zelda / Sheik was in Melee. Doesn't mean it should return.

And yes, Link needs to have a better recovery to. But he needed that since 64.



Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
CDs are the biggest ****ing pain to get though...
Just like real CD'S! :awesome:
And yeah, besides upgrades from his more current weapons, Link is mostly the same in Brawl. Not that that worked good for him however... Which is why a complete revamp wouldn't be bad. Add some speed to his game already... Especially Skyward Sword would be good for inspiration for that.
It's not really Link's moves that are bad in Brawl (as you hinted and somewhat stated), but how it was implemented. Link's got great moveset potential to be a great character for competitive play.
Gale Boomerang wasn't bad for Brawl, it was perfectly relevant (the way it was done though was stupid). Just as Zelda / Sheik was in Melee. Doesn't mean it should return.
The Gale Boomerang could be a unique way to use the boomerang. All it needs to do is do damage, and carry the opponent towards Link if they get "caught" in the tornadoes.
And yes, Link needs to have a better recovery to. But he needed that since 64.
Link's recovery was okay in Melee. He has a lot of options, but he sucks at recovery. Given how nearly everyone had a great recovery in Brawl, this only made Link that much weaker and easier to beat with most of the roster.

Deleted member

Again, it comes back to my old montra. "Who else is left?" There are no "huge" Nintendo-owned characters left, aside from Ridley, Dixie, K. Rool, Zoroark, and Victini. Really, Victini and Zoroark are probably 2 of the top 10 most desired Nintendo-owned character. Nintendo would have to be brain dead not to add them, especially since it hypes two of the biggest brands Nintendo owns (Pokémon and smash).

And last I checked, Lucario was picked by the Pokémon Company when Sakurai asked for a new Pokémon. Unless he's adding 5 retro characters, 4 new 3rd party characters, and dumb choices like Waluigi, Sakurai is going to ask the Pokémon Company for the same thing again. There's no reason not to add either of them, given Victini and Zoroark's popularity, originality, and potentially amazing movesets.
No. They aren't.
Japan is bitter about Mewtwo's exclusion and believe Zoroark would cause Lucario to get the axe as well, and they don't want that. Zoroark is expected but not wanted or desired.
Japan also has little to no views on Victini being a Smash character. Most of Victini's support comes from outside Japan, and most of it is "Victini can't possibly replace Lucario due to his body type!", which is a load of bull. If Lucario can replace Pichu, Victini can replace Lucario.
There is currently one Pokemon that is not only wanted worldwide, but in the Top 10 worldwide, and that's Mewtwo, a Melee character.

Again, this delves into the candidates, of which I am making a video for with their evaluations.
EDIT: Furthermore, only Lucario was pushed upon by the Pokemon Company/GameFreak. Sakurai used his own judgement for the others.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Again, it comes back to my old montra. "Who else is left?" There are no "huge" Nintendo-owned characters left, aside from Ridley, Dixie, K. Rool, Zoroark, and Victini. Really, Victini and Zoroark are probably 2 of the top 10 most desired Nintendo-owned character. Nintendo would have to be brain dead not to add them, especially since it hypes two of the biggest brands Nintendo owns (Pokémon and smash).

And last I checked, Lucario was picked by the Pokémon Company when Sakurai asked for a new Pokémon. Unless he's adding 5 retro characters, 4 new 3rd party characters, and dumb choices like Waluigi, Sakurai is going to ask the Pokémon Company for the same thing again. There's no reason not to add either of them, given Victini and Zoroark's popularity, originality, and potentially amazing movesets.
I think he'll ask IS about Fire Emblem and the Zelda team as well which characters to add. I doubt the Zelda team will have a spare Skyward Sword Sheik design again however...

And thb, I'm about 97% sure they don't.

Ganondorf will have to represent OoT in his own. Zelda to with her B moves I guess (except Down B)

Also, how the **** can Pichu be considered replaced by Lucario..? This dude be talking that I don't make sence, but this goes even further than some of the stuff HyperFalcon says.

Deleted member

Lucario was DAMN popular when he debuted with his movie.
Lucario had much more going for him. He was one of the most popular requests for Brawl, as well as his creators pushing him because of his iconic status. No 5th Gen has that yet.
Not Zoroark, not Victini.

If we were going by overall popularity, Zoroark and Victini wouldn't come near consideration.
We would have fricking Chandelure.

Does THIS look like a good Smash character to you?

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Mewtwo >>> Lucario in just about everything though. Be prepared.



Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
@Golden Even so, if a 6th gen isn't out, then no doubt Victini or Zoroark will come.

Tbh, Zoroark is fading, and real fast. Victini's still in his prime. So, in short.

4th Gen: Lucario has no excuse to leave.

5th Gen: Tug of War between V and Z, while the 6th gen creeps in slowly.

5th Gen's got alot of pressure on them.

@Diddy He's NOT playable in Brawl. Just going to point that out right away. Also, he's older than Lucario, and made his appearence in the 1st movie.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
@asage- Misty would agree :love:

@Diddy- Why do you have to comment on Golden and Hyper in almost every post you make? Lol, might as well not even have them on ignore :laugh:

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
In the hope you guys quote me of coarse :awesome:

Also, I don't have them on ignore, they both have me on it. Wonder how long they last with each other though.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
@asage- Misty would agree :love:/QUOTE]

Great minds think alike ;)

Anyways, I'll be finishing up my sm4sh wants chart soon, but before I do, I'll be going back to Melee vetrans.

Toon needs to die. Seriously. Even Gannondorf agrees... Oh wait :(

@sw96 Oh wow... I never knew that. That would explain the low-responses... And tbh, your starting to make sense, too :|


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
No. They aren't.
Japan is bitter about Mewtwo's exclusion and believe Zoroark would cause Lucario to get the axe as well, and they don't want that. Zoroark is expected but not wanted or desired.
Prove to me that Zoroark and Victini aren't in anywhere near the top 10 most desired potential newcomers that are Nintendo-owned. Again, we haven't gotten much opinion from Japan, and Japan makes up maybe 1/8th of the sales of Melee/Brawl. Don't use Japanese smasher's opinions as the end alls.

Japan's smash bros fanbase that we have access to don't seem as "into" smash as us here on smash, and honestly, I don't think they will really care about these upcoming games until after a game is announced. Probably most of the smash community and smash fans feel that way! :laugh:

Overall Japan has given minimal opinion on smash, other than they want Mewtwo and Roy back. That isn't a heck of a lot of insight. It also hurts that most Japanese sites IP Block non-Japanese computers.

Mewtwo isn't a newcomer, which obviously I didn't include in my rough estimate of the "top 10" (or so) wanted potential new playable smash characters that are Nintendo owned.
Japan also has little to no views on Victini being a Smash character. Most of Victini's support comes from outside Japan,
There is next to no potential newcomer support in Japan. All they seem to care about is Roy and Mewtwo, for better or worse.

Again, Japan is maybe, MAYBE, 1/8th of Melee and Brawl's sales.
There is currently one Pokemon that is not only wanted worldwide, but in the Top 10 worldwide, and that's Mewtwo, a Melee character.
Japan is a minority of the smash bros community and sales, not the majority (the majority is NTSC, BY FAR!). Mewtwo is a veteran, and not what I'm debating over.
Again, this delves into the candidates, of which I am making a video for with their evaluations.
How many candidates are there=??? As much as I hate to say it, I definitely see Waluigi being a playable in a smash bros game a few titles down, due to Nintendo running out of characters. That is, unless smash heavily increases the amount of retro/WTF/3rd party characters.
EDIT: Furthermore, only Lucario was pushed upon by the Pokemon Company/GameFreak. Sakurai used his own judgement for the others.
Popularity pushed Mewtwo most likely. Why wouldn't that happen with a new Pokémon=??? Again, there are minimal potential newcomers with more popularity or speculation discussion as Zoroark or Victini. You could argue Ridley, Dixie, and K. Rool are as big if not bigger Nintendo-owned characters, sure. After that, there is a whole lot of drop off.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
@Diddy He's NOT playable in Brawl. Just going to point that out right away. Also, he's older than Lucario, and made his appearence in the 1st movie.
That he's not playable is my point. Mewtwo was and still is -I assume- way more popular pre-Melee than Lucario was. Didn't stop them from giving his B move away Lucario priority over him in Brawl.

Despite even that Sakurai said Mewtwo and Roy where amongst the most popular newcomers in Melee.


Deleted member

@Golden Even so, if a 6th gen isn't out, then no doubt Victini or Zoroark will come.

Tbh, Zoroark is fading, and real fast. Victini's still in his prime. So, in short.

4th Gen: Lucario has no excuse to leave.

5th Gen: Tug of War between V and Z, while the 6th gen creeps in slowly.

5th Gen's got alot of pressure on them.

@Diddy He's NOT playable in Brawl. Just going to point that out right away. Also, he's older than Lucario, and made his appearence in the 1st movie.
There are more candidates than just these two. People just assume that these two are the only "acceptable" ones.
There's Chandelure, the current most popular Unova Pokemon in Japan.
There's Zekrom, the version mascot Legendary that has done more and will do even more than his counterpart. And currently one of the two posterchilds.
There's Reshiram, the more popular version mascot Legendary.
There's N, a major character in the 5th Gen. He could use the two previously stated among other Pokemon. INCLUDING Zoroark.
There's Genesect, who is a Mewtwo expy in a way.
There's Meloetta, a Pokemon that can switch forms and provide an interesting moveset.
There's the B/W Trainer, which, as a last resort, could replace the Trainer we got.
There's Keldeo, who could easily become more popular than Victini once it debuts.

It's not just Zoroark and Victini. The sooner people realize that, the sooner people will realize just how awkward a 5th Gen is going to be.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
There are more candidates than just these two. People just assume that these two are the only "acceptable" ones.

There's Chandelure, the current most popular Unova Pokemon in Japan.
Arms? Legs? Nope.

There's Zekrom, the version mascot Legendary that has done more and will do even more than his counterpart. And currently one of the two posterchilds.
There's Reshiram, the more popular version mascot Legendary.
Boss material or Stage material. NEVER playable.

There's N, a major character in the 5th Gen. He could use the two previously
stated among other Pokemon. INCLUDING Zoroark.
There's Genesect, who is a Mewtwo expy in a way.
There's Meloetta, a Pokemon that can switch forms and provide an interesting moveset.
There's the B/W Trainer, which, as a last resort, could replace the Trainer we got.
I agree with these, but at present time, V and Z have more odds of appearing.
There's Keldeo, who could easily become more popular than Victini once it debuts.
I once voted for him like you. Then I got fanman'd to the knee.

It's not just Zoroark and Victini. The sooner people realize that, the sooner people will realize just how awkward a 5th Gen is going to be.
We know who's "Possible". We do not know who's "Comfirmed". Always go for the higher dogs, which is Victini and Zoroark. Man, I feel like I'm debating LucarioVSDeoxys in Brawl Time ^v^

Deleted member

Prove to me that Zoroark and Victini aren't in anywhere near the top 10 most desired potential newcomers that are Nintendo-owned. Again, we haven't gotten much opinion from Japan, and Japan makes up maybe 1/8th of the sales of Melee/Brawl. Don't use Japanese smasher's opinions as the end alls.
Prove to me that they are. You seemed all Hell-bent that this was the case.
Need I remind you that most of the Smash characters were based on what Japan liked?
Why do you think Jigglypuff got in? Mother characters? Fire Emblem characters?
Japan comes first to Sakurai. He DOES listen to the West, as he stated with Pit and Sonic, but Japan is where most of his decisions come from.

Japan's smash bros fanbase that we have access to don't seem as "into" smash as us here on smash, and honestly, I don't think they will really care about these upcoming games until after a game is announced. Probably most of the smash community and smash fans feel that way! :laugh:
Overall Japan has given minimal opinion on smash, other than they want Mewtwo and Roy back. That isn't a heck of a lot of insight. It also hurts that most Japanese sites IP Block non-Japanese computers.
There is next to no potential newcomer support in Japan. All they seem to care about is Roy and Mewtwo, for better or worse.
They've given a lot more.

Mewtwo isn't a newcomer, which obviously I didn't include in my rough estimate of the "top 10" (or so) wanted potential new playable smash characters that are Nintendo owned.

Again, Japan is maybe, MAYBE, 1/8th of Melee and Brawl's sales.
Regardless, who do you think has had more say so far?

Popularity pushed Mewtwo most likely. Why wouldn't that happen with a new Pokémon=???
Because a new Pokemon hasn't in all honesty reached at least Lucario's threshold, let alone Mewtwo's.
And Mewtwo was added into Melee because he was planned for 64.
Mewtwo wasn't even in the Top 4 at the time of 64, which I remember were Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Squirtle, and Meowth.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Lucario was DAMN popular when he debuted with his movie.
Lucario had much more going for him. He was one of the most popular requests for Brawl, as well as his creators pushing him because of his iconic status. No 5th Gen has that yet.
Not Zoroark, not Victini.
DAMN popular in the Pokémon community and fanbase? Yes
DAMN popular in the smash community and fanbase? Not quite.

You are overestimating Lucario's smash bros popularity (the only popularity that matters in smash) pre-Brawl. I was here for that. Lucario was one of the top 5 most wanted Brawl potential Nintendo-owned newcomers (or at least near that). However, Lucario wasn't as hugely popular as you say. Diddy Kong, King Dedede, and probably even Ridley and Ike were all much more popular smash bros character choices than Lucario was.

Lucario was much less popular than Victini is now at this point in the Brawl development. There was definitely considerable hype for him, but Lucario was hugely overshadowed by Diddy Kong and King Dedede. I can't overemphasize that. Diddy Kong and King Dedede were huge. Like, almost as huge as Ridley (which makes him too big for Brawl). :cool:

If we were going by overall popularity, Zoroark and Victini wouldn't come near consideration.
We would have fricking Chandelure.

Does THIS look like a good Smash character to you?
That's from the Pokémon fanbase, not the smash bros fanbase. The reason Chandelure is popular is because it is OP (I guess that also made Lucario somewhat more popular). :laugh: What smash bros fans want in a new Pokémon is either Zoroark, Victini, Genesect, or a 6th Generation Pokémon. Again, smash is for smash/Nintendo fans, not Pokémon fans, and most of them, when choosing a new Pokémon newcomer option, would choose the options I gave.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Don't hate. Dat connection used to be the **** until somebody called, of course.

Goes to click on the last character box in the Unlockables section on the DOJO

Bill collector calls :urg:

V @Iblis- Navi from Zelda? :laugh:


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2011
What they did to Yoshi is kinda what I want to do to FanMan sometimes. All this figures and no citings!

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Nintendo needs more commercials like that and the Mario Party 4 one

I posted that before plenty of times... but, as usual, no ever listens :glare:
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