I do believe introductions are in order. While I have read these forums since the days of Melee, I am completely new to the posting scene. I absolutely love the Smash Bros. series, as I must assume everyone else here does. To me it represents a beautiful culmination (once per console generation) of everything that makes Nintendo great: the characters, music, and atmosphere that draws us to Nintendo gaming. I believe Sakurai said it best himself when he described Smash Bros. as a "festival that all sorts of characters show up for." There's something about Smash that hypes me up more than any other series, and given the recent, albeit likely fabricated, rumors circulating about the new Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS, I should think this the perfect time to join in on the speculation and anticipation. I was unable to participate in the Smash World Forums in the years leading up to Brawl, but I am eager to do so for the fourth game in my favorite series; what better way to do so than with a tl;dr post?
I will be posting a list of 114 characters over the course of the next few weeks. I hesitate to call this a roster, because it, quite honestly, is in no way realistic. The following list is simply the result of my thoughts and opinions on what characters could possibly appear in the new Smash Bros. (which I will henceforth refer to as SSBU, simply for the sake of convenience). I have been reading a few posts in this thread as of late that indicate that the thread is losing steam. It is for your entertainment and my cataloguing efforts that I have a reqeuest of the readers of this thread, and more specifically, this post. Please read the tentative list I have posted below. Consider it, as well as my accompanying notes, and provide feedback. I am not trying to create a list that is realistic in terms of size. The goal of this project is simply to take the list that I currently have (the result of many hours of thought, reading, and consideration) and make it better. My list is more of the lovechild of a wishlist and an actual roster. Perhaps a good comparison is the poll taking place over in Propeller Toad's Blog. Imagine I've taken that comprehensive list, and thinned it out as much as I can on my own. I would definitely love to eventually work the number in this list down to something reasonable to expect in SSBU, but I'm doing so a little at a time. I've gone as far as I can by myself, and I need help. Please, argue with me. Tell me why certain characters I have on my list should be removed, or why someone should be added. I'll provide logical, fact-based arguments for my thoughts, and I welcome any feedback whatsoever. My notes on characters are included below, all veterans shall not be given an argument/explanation. I shall begin with the Mario series, and move on to another when I believe we are finished discussing it. Oh, and I bet this is probably better suited for a blog post, but I prefer to do my work in the court of public opinion. It can certainly be moved if such a request is made.
tl;dr: I'll be posting chunks of this at a time. Help me edit this list. Add or remove characters, and let's have an intelligent discussion about SSBU and its fighters.
Thank you, and without further ado, I present to you, the Super Mario series:
Super Mario - 11 Representatives
Mario - (Veteran)
Luigi - (Veteran)
Peach - (Veteran)
Daisy -
Daisy is admittedly not one of the most requested or expected characters for Smash, and I can see why; she has no major presence in the series aside from sports and racing games. Be that as it may, she touts an above-average popularity among fans, she has outstanding moveset potential, and she has a certain personality and charm. Worth noting in my consideration of Daisy was my tendency to lean toward symmetry in representation. It literally means nothing in terms of the gameplay or conventional ideas behind choosing characters, but it satisfies my compulsive need for Luigi's love interest/princess to be present as Mario's is. This symmetry alone does not warrant her inclusion in SSBU, not at all. She would, however, serve as a great representative for "Mario Sports" in general. I think this would be a great look for her; it's sporty, it differentiates her from Peach, and it allows for a moveset that utilizes many different sports.
Waluigi -
Waluigi's situation is incredibly similar to Daisy's, but he enjoys a good bit more popularity than she does. In fact, in the Dojo post that outed him as an Assist Trophy, Sakurai said something to the effect of, "...Of course, this means that he won't be appearing as a playable character..." To me, that sounds like Sakurai wanted Waluigi to be playable, but for some reason he was resigned to being an AT. Again, he fits into my dogma of symmetry, being Luigi's Wario, but he has many other things going for him. He's physically unique, quite popular within the series (I know there was quite an uproar that he wasn't a racer in Mario Kart 7), and he has good moveset potential.
Bowser - (Veteran)
Bowser Jr. -
This one is more or less self-explanitory. Someone mentioned earlier that Sakurai is always behind when it comes to characters that are vocally requested, and I think that assessment is spot-on. Bowser Jr. was a character that sooooo many people wanted/expected, so he's very clearly popular, at least in the west. I'm not quite sure that this is as true in Japan, but it logic would dictate so. My own thoughts? He's a fun character, a main staple of the series (as far as villains go), and he has endless moveset potential. I would absolutely not recommend/enjoy a Shadow Mario transformation as part of the moveset, or even as a Final Smash. Bowser Jr. Is so unique, it would be a shame to see a Mario clone made of him in any way. I think using the paintbrush from Sunshine is a great idea, but no Shadow Mario, if you ask me.
Toadsworth -
This one might be a bit tricky. I understand the clamor for Toad to be a character, and I echo the sentiment. Toadsworth is a recognizable face, and he can fufill the same role that any generic Toad can. I was toying with a transformation moveset idea for Toadsworth in which he utilizes various mushrooms/powerups from the Mario series (Bee Mushroom, Boomerang Flower, etc.), perhaps just to give him a bit more personality. But at any rate, a moveset for Toadsworth is there, just like it would be for a regular Toad.
Rosalina -
Here we go. I should start these notes with the most convincing argument I've got for Rosalina: she's insanely popular. This is evidenced by the fact that she not only got a spot in Mario Kart Wii, but she returned for MK7, and she even got her own course. It's incredibly unusual for a "novelty" character like Rosalina to appear in multiple Mario Kart games, but she seems to have a following, although not unfounded. Again, she is another character that has an interesting moveset potential, and she represents what many consider to be the best 3D Mario platformer. She exudes character thanks to her heartwarming/heartbreaking backstory told in Super Mario Galaxy, and she seems like she'd fit in perfectly amongst the likes of the other two princesses.
Count Bleck -
This could be my personal favorite Mario villain. Oddly enough, he was overlooked in favor of Dimentio in Propeller Toad's poll as a Paper Mario Villain, but to each his own. Bleck raises an interesting topic that seems to be tossed around wh e speculation of characters begins: the Paper Mario series. I've seen Paper Mario's name on many a fan-roster, but for some reason, I always disliked the idea. Multiple versions of characters taking up spots on a a roster is something I only see as necessary in one series: The Legend of Zelda. Furthermore, only three characters in that series warrant another version: Zelda, Link, and Ganondorf. These characters exist in two separate universes, and Toon Link brought enough of a variation to Link's playstyle that I was convinced that the same could possibly be done for the other two holders of the Triforce. Paper Mario does have a unique appeal and a brilliant set of moves at his disposal, but he's still Mario. I've clearly already demonstrated that I compulsively fret over details like this, but it just doesn't seem right to me. I would welcome the possibility of a costume change that would be available for selection via Mario's roster spot, but I think it'd be best to not treat Paper Mario as a separate character. Bleck would be a dynamic, whimsical representative from the Paper series, and again, the moveset is there. Admittedly, Bleck is likely the least popular of the Mario newcomers listed here, but I believe he's the best choice for an iconic Paper representative.
Fawful -
At the very end of the Mario list, we come to Fawful. What can I say, he has a huge fanbase, and that bodes well for him. He's one of the few characters who can simultaneously be hysterical and menacing. A moveset that utilizes his wacky technology would be fitting, and a flighty, clumsy fighting style would make him fun and unique. There is a problem, however. I failed to mention this before with Count Bleck, but it applies to both him, as well as Fawful: the personalities of these characters, what makes them fun and unique, are their dialogue and mannerisms of speech. This is very difficult to translate into a fighting game, but I believe it can be done through their movesets and play styles. Perhaps speech bubbles during their FSs, a la Pokémon Trainer.
tl;dr Super Mario - 11 Reps
Bowser Jr.
Count Bleck
Final Notes on the Super Mario Series
Super Mario is one of Nintendo's biggest franchises. Hell, one could safely say that it is Nintendo's biggest franchise. Eleven representatives is a tall order, but considering the scope of the series, I'd say this list is as close as I can get to the "who's who" of Mario. Noteworthy are a couple of facts about this list:
1) Although it was not my intent when drafting this list, it is almost nearly split evenly in terms of heroes/heroines and villains. The ratio is 6/5, which is an unusual coincidence.*
2) Represented here are characters from most major Mario series and spinoffs. The Mario & Luigi RPGs, the Paper Mario series, the 3D platformers, the Mario Sports titles, and the core 2D platformers are all represented in some capacity. Again, not necessarily my intent, but it is a testament to the popularity and influence of the spinoffs.
Aaaaaaand... go.