Oh, really? So they can't take the Wii away, and check for hacks? Oh, wait, they can. Nice try, though.
They can't check your console without legal permission. On top of that, there is nothing in the law that bans you from modding something you own. I can download Firefox on my computer, even if Microsoft gives me a Internet Explorer saying I can't.
Also, what the hell kind of world do you live in=??? Name one, JUST ONE tournament that Nintendo called the police/government/their people on just to check for hacks=???
Only because their old systems did not have the EULA that the Wii does. The Wii's EULA protects against third-party modifications.
The law of international and national government overrules anything Nintendo bans, PERIOD! Besides, Nintendo never said they banned it, just that it nullified their warranty contract with you.
As for third party modifications, let's see... there's: Third party controllers, SD cards (I have one), controller modifications, software, and hacking devices.
That settlement does not apply to the Wii's EULA.
There probably was a similar lawsuit. Even if it doesn't that doesn't mean anything to me, since I live in America where the lawsuit was settled.
They agreement is to allow you to play their system and games. If you breach it, they have every right to take it away. You're breaking the law. It's not the warranty it breaches, it's the allowing to play the system and games. All hacks are third-party modifications. Which they deem illegal and a breach of the contract. They do not approve of it. Note with Homebrew, they have updates that remove it, which they can do legally. This is the same reason that Datel cannot make a Cheat Device for the Wii. Because they do not approve of it. Every product you use MUST be approved by Nintendo. End of story.
By agreeing to update your console, you allow Nintendo the right to remove any hacking or modding. It also nullifies your warranty contract. Other than that they can't do crap to you. That's why people don't update their Wiis. Besides, who uses the Wiis' internet anyways=???
Brawl has the same gameplay outside of the 2 unlockable Masterpieces. Everyting is the same. The other 2 games are different. Brawl has online and must have consistency. There is no gameplay differences in the competitive scene outside of illegal hacks.
The Wii is region-locked. Therefore, I can't play people in PAL territory or Japan at Brawl. Just people within the NCST territory.
All Cheat Devices are considered illegal no matter what you live when it comes to the Wii. This does not apply to their other systems as of yet.(possibly 3DS too)
Then why do stores like Wal-Mart and Target get away with selling Game Genies, Game Sharks, and Action Replays=??? If it was illegal, Nintendo would have shut their a**es down a long time ago.
It may be illegal in some countries, but in America, it's legal. I dunno what country you live in, but unless there's a law stating it is illegal, it is legal.
Anyways, I gotta go. Can somebody please agree with me during my absence=???