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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Top ten most likely CHARACTERS? Hmm. I don't know about that. I could probably tink of top ten most likely SLOTS.

1. (New Pokemon)
2. (New Fire Emblem)
3. (New Donkey Kong)
4. (New Metroid)
5. (New Kid Icarus)
6. (New Smaller Franchise)
7. (New Smaller Franchise)
8. (New F-Zero)
9. (New Mario)
10. (New Loz)

I do believe StarFox, Earthbound, and Kirby will be stagnant in terms of new character and cuts this time around. I also think that LoZ, F-Zero, and Mario have a decent chance at not budging. I don't think Wario, AND DEFINITELY Yoshi will have any new additions. I left out retro's because I'm 100% certain we will get new ones. I left out third parties because I don't know what to make of them quite yet.
- For Pokémon, I predict Zoroark, but would love to see Mewtwo return, even if as a DLC character.
- For Fire Emblem, I'd like the see the Black Knight. I think he'd be a cool addition. Roy returning with a different moveset, or keeping his Standard B from Melee, seeing as Marth's Standard B changed for Brawl, would be a plus.
- Dixie Kong. She deserves a spot. King K. Rool is another one. I could see them sneaking Funky Kong in there... I mean, they did that with Mario Kart Wii.
- Ridley definitely comes to mind, but other options include Sylux, Noxus, and Trace from Metroid Prime: Hunters. Anthony and Adam from Other M are also options that can be considered... hell, even Melissa Bergman might work, but that's too farfetched.
- For Kid Icarus... ummm, Palutena, I guess?
- For smaller franchises, I would like to see the protagonist from Crystalis. Yes, it's rather esoteric, but you can't get any smaller than a one-game series. Originally a game by SNK for the NES, it was a masterpiece of an RPG that helped pave the way for games like Secret of Mana. Then Nintendo bought the rights to the game and butchered it when they "ported" the game to the GBC. The point, however, is that because Nintendo owns the game, they can use it for Smash 4 if they so choose.
- For F-Zero, either Samurai Goroh, or Black Shadow.
- For Mario, there are too many Mario characters as is, but if I had to choose one, then perhaps maybe Fawful, or Toad. Who knows?
- For Zelda, I'm thinking either Vaati, or that new dark-looking mage from Skyward sword.

That's pretty much my theories for character additions.

Well put Sol Diviner. ;)

I think most anyone would love to have a bit of strategy involved especially when it could help with balancing to some extent.

But my only thought now is that Sakurai's track record has shown that he tends to love to de-complicate his games. Heck, Smash is a prime example of this compared to other fighters. The extreme, of course, being Kirby Air Ride.

So forgive me if I have some doubts.
Understandable. The only light I see at the end of the tunnel is the fact that Sakurai is leaving all the balancing issues to the developers, rather than being in charge of it himself. That is where my hopes (albeit not exceptionally high) come from.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
That would cause some gender confusion Omega lol you should though.

y.toonlink calls me Bulma, you call me Yamcha, and army man 'honey'... thats one messed up love square lol
I call you Bulma because of your old avi without Yamcha, but I sure hope army man doesn't get any ideas from calling you honey if you're a guy lol

But anyway, if it was personal picks for Gen 2 Pokemon, I'd want either Totodile or Scizor...there are way too many Pokemon to NOT have spin off xD

Totally agreed. I don't believe so, but Brawl was way too easy to play because Melee was "too fast"


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I like that alot actually, well put.

@Sol: The Black Knight doesn't stand a chance due to Roy and the FE13 lord that is named Chrome. :(


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yeah, I agree, although I prefer Chrome.

As for development, it's safe to say that Sakurai will indeed have SORA to help him out with balancing issues and whatnot, it's definetly something to look forward to as opposed to Brawl in which he worked solo, this has me optimistic about the competative side of things since Sakurai did look into Ken's hitboxes just recently.


Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Yeah, I agree, although I prefer Chrome.

As for development, it's safe to say that Sakurai will indeed have SORA to help him out with balancing issues and whatnot, it's definetly something to look forward to as opposed to Brawl in which he worked solo, this has me optimistic about the competative side of things since Sakurai did look into Ken's hitboxes just recently.

Ken's hitboxes? You mean, Ken as in "Street Fighter"?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Ken's hitboxes? You mean, Ken as in "Street Fighter"?
Yup, that Ken indeed, he recently posted it on his Twitter, he took it as inspiration to probably better the game in some way, it may or may not be a direct connection with Capcom, hopefully it is since it would pretty much mean we could get either Megaman or possibly Ryu.

Personally, I would love Phoenix Wright myself.


Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Yup, that Ken indeed, he recently posted it on his Twitter, he took it as inspiration to probably better the game in some way, it may or may not be a direct connection with Capcom, hopefully it is since it would pretty much mean we could get either Megaman or possibly Ryu.

Personally, I would love Phoenix Wright myself.

I gotta say, that's pretty surprising news, but is also great as well. I gives us hope that they may actually make the game competitive. Yeah, they'll probably make it a party-based as well with items and gimmicky stages, but that's what options, like turning items off, or banning stages are for... right? XD

Deleted member

I think the fact Sakurai looked at Ken's hitbox gives me hope that balancing will be improved next game.



Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2008
Cape Cod, MA
Sakurai admitted that he bought the player's guide so he could -- get this -- play better. He's been a fan of Street Fighter since forever.

Why do people gotta assume he does everything in the name of Smash Bros.? Or that he'd need to buy a player's guide to understand how to balance hitboxes?

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Sakurai admitted that he bought the player's guide so he could -- get this -- play better. He's been a fan of Street Fighter since forever.

Why do people gotta assume he does everything in the name of Smash Bros.? Or that he'd need to buy a player's guide to understand how to balance hitboxes?
Well, perhaps he can use his knowledge of Street Fighter and the competitive aspect, such as hitboxes and balancing, and incorporate that into Smash Bros..


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2011
New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 5860 1420 7528
I just want to have this battle. Mewtwo VS Lucario VS Zoroark VS Victini. THATS IT!
Zoroark, Victini, and Lucario are NOT all going to get in... the only two I can see getting in is Mewtwo and Victini. I really want Zoroark to get in but we'll have to see how things turn out I'm 100% sure that Lucario will get the bootsky though.

Oh yeah and another thing don't take this the wrong way... but why do you always talk about Pokemon I'm not saying its a bad thing I love the series it just gets really boring to talk about.

Also the Sakurai researching Ken's hitbox isn't that old news?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Exactly. The fact he's leaving the balancing to the devs also gives us high hopes. Even then, we can also hope for rebalancing if needed via patches and updates - something Wii games altogeher lack.
Yup, which is why I'm
optimistic about the whole competative scene lol..

And I agree with Sol on the point that Sakurai definetly wants to further improve on it's mechanics and capatilize.


Deleted member

Patches are going to be pretty much necessary for the game but I do hope they don't rush the game and use patch as a cover up.


Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Patches are going to be pretty much necessary for the game but I do hope they don't rush the game and use patch as a cover up.

Knowing Nintendo, I doubt they'd rush something like Super Smash Bros.. I mean, look at Brawl, and all of the push backs they've done with that game to perfect some aspects of it. So if anything, I'd say they'll take their time with Smash 4, and save patches for when/if a character or a character's moveset build (assuming they do the level up system) becomes too broken, or if a character is too pathetic. That, or if there are any bugs and glitches they want to fix that had been discovered.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Zoroark, Victini, and Lucario are NOT all going to get in... the only two I can see getting in is Mewtwo and Victini. I really want Zoroark to get in but we'll have to see how things turn out I'm 100% sure that Lucario will get the bootsky though.

Oh yeah and another thing don't take this the wrong way... but why do you always talk about Pokemon I'm not saying its a bad thing I love the series it just gets really boring to talk about.

Also the Sakurai researching Ken's hitbox isn't that old news?
Well, like I say, and always have, we need to bring everyone back plus some. Lucario has been my main ever since Brawl came out, and points beyond if you count Diamond and Pearl. I can say I love to see him, but as you say, probably not. I hate to say this as well, but I doubt (I HATE TO SAY) that Mewtwo is unlikely, unless he gets a new movie soon. The two Pokemon I really see coming is Zoroark and Victini. And looking at Mewtwo and Lucario, I think that's set in stone with one of them. Just my idea, doesn't matter. And I love Pokemon :) that's why I talk about it all the time. I COULD talk about LoZ, but that's a rock to talk about. I mean, only stages and music will probably be the only new things. Tradition: Young Link or Toon Link, or whatever comes next (Don't u dare step into the ring, CD-I Link!). Personally, I think all the games I like are kinda OK the way they are. Pokemon, if you ask me, is hard to predict. Who honestly saw PKMN Trainer coming? And Spear Pillar? I think Pokemon is a random factor, so it's fun to talk about it :)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
All I want is for Sakurai to further perfect the game in anyway possible, even if or means delaying the games till who knows when, I would prefer if it ended up near perfection rather than patched up.



Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2008
Cape Cod, MA
Well, I'm sure he has tried, but to add tripping in Brawl that cannot be toggled off implies he didn't want Brawl to be a competitive fighting game, and wanted it to be more of a party game.
Well every Smash game was designed as a party game first anyway, but something as infrequent as tripping really isn't the best example of anti-competitive features.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Well, like I say, and always have, we need to bring everyone back plus some. Lucario has been my main ever since Brawl came out, and points beyond if you count Diamond and Pearl. I can say I love to see him, but as you say, probably not. I hate to say this as well, but I doubt (I HATE TO SAY) that Mewtwo is unlikely, unless he gets a new movie soon. The two Pokemon I really see coming is Zoroark and Victini. And looking at Mewtwo and Lucario, I think that's set in stone with one of them. Just my idea, doesn't matter. And I love Pokemon :) that's why I talk about it all the time. I COULD talk about LoZ, but that's a rock to talk about. I mean, only stages and music will probably be the only new things. Tradition: Young Link or Toon Link, or whatever comes next (Don't u dare step into the ring, CD-I Link!). Personally, I think all the games I like are kinda OK the way they are. Pokemon, if you ask me, is hard to predict. Who honestly saw PKMN Trainer coming? And Spear Pillar? I think Pokemon is a random factor, so it's fun to talk about it :)
Assuming Vaati or that Skyward Sword mage does not make the cut, and they opt for a Young Link/Toon Link equivalent, then perhaps Four Sword Link? That seems to have some kind of possibility, no?

On the topic of Pokémon, it wouldn't be a surprise if Mewtwo or Lucario become MIA for Smash 4 in favor of Zoroark, Victini, or both. As for the "random" factor, the game has quite a few settings to choose from, tons of musical tracks that are recognizable and classic, and with 649 Pokémon to choose from, there really is no shortage of charatcers or surprises Nintendo can use for a Smash Bros. game. I mean, Pokémon may very well be one of the most dynamic elements in Smash Bros..


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
It is ignorant to say Brawl was made "competative" which clearly wasn't made for, why do
people make assumptions like that? Clearly Sakurai wanted to focus and appeal the casuals thus why we even got a lenghtier Story mode.


Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Four swords' sales stayed in the crapper to the best of my knowledge, so doubtful.
While true, one must take into consideration that The Minish Cap dealt with the Four Sword, and that game was awesome. Also, Nintendo just released Four Swords via the Nintendo eShop for free to play on the DSi and 3DS, though apparently, it's for a limited time. So perhaps those factors could be enough of a justification to bring in Four Sword Link... though I personally would want either Vaati, or that new Skyward Sword jester-looking guy.

EDIT: The Skyward Sword mage guy is named Ghirahim.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Wow, nice theme indeed, were those done by Shinji too?

Yes, his and his team Super Sweep.

Sakurai admitted that he bought the player's guide so he could -- get this -- play better. He's been a fan of Street Fighter since forever.

Why do people gotta assume he does everything in the name of Smash Bros.? Or that he'd need to buy a player's guide to understand how to balance hitboxes?
Do you want the honest response? Because people think Sakurai is an idiot; even though he is perfectly capable of crafting a game that both sells and performs better than Street Fighter.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Do you want the honest response? Because people think Sakurai is an idiot, even though he is perfectly capable of crafting a game that both sells and performs better than Street Fighter.
^ Pretty much that. I mean, I personally don't think of him as an idiot myself, but to do all the balancing work on one's own isn't exactly the best decision either. Honestly, I'm happy he decided to leave it to the devs.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Or better yet, why not have both, as alternate costumes. ^_^

Let's see...

Mario - Raccoon Mario, Dr.Mario
Luigi - Mr.L
Snake - Old Snake
Ike - Hero/Ranger Ike
Mewtwo - Armored Mewtwo
Megaman - Classic and X



Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2011
New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 5860 1420 7528
Here's some I'd like...

Meta Knight - Unmasked Meta Knight
Mario - Vacation Shirt( Super Mario Sunshine)
Issac - Old Matthew
Toon Link - Train Link( Spirit Tracks)
D3 - Masked Dedede
Luigi - Casino Luigi'

Deleted member

Sol Diviner said:
Knowing Nintendo, I doubt they'd rush something like Super Smash Bros.. I mean, look at Brawl, and all of the push backs they've done with that game to perfect some aspects of it. So if anything, I'd say they'll take their time with Smash 4, and save patches for when/if a character or a character's moveset build (assuming they do the level up system) becomes too broken, or if a character is too pathetic. That, or if there are any bugs and glitches they want to fix that had been discovered.
That's my idea of how patches should work. The last thing we need is a GT5 situation where patches HAVE to be used to introduce contents (which resulted in a lot of infuriated gamers).
King Omasassekke XXVIII said:
Or better yet, why not have both, as alternate costumes. ^_^
I cannot believe that no one thought of this before you did (in regards to Young and Toon Link being alts of each other). *clap hands*


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Here's some I'd like...

Meta Knight - Unmasked Meta Knight
Mario - Vacation Shirt( Super Mario Sunshine)
Issac - Old Matthew
Toon Link - Train Link( Spirit Tracks)
D3 - Masked Dedede
Luigi - Casino Luigi'
Yeah, I like those as well, they could possibly be as DLC perhaps, if not, in game already I suppose such as purchasing it with in-game coins or unlocking them.


Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Haha, or maybe we should just call you Overlord, how's that? ;)

yeah, I'm liking the customization idea, not a big fan of it though, I'm just interested in customizing the Mii's, that way I can create that UBER EPIC showdown between Goku and Vegeta in Smash 4!! :cool:

Also, a stage builder from scratch with alot of unique parts would be very cool as well.

I liked being called Yamcha :(

But, yeah, anyways, how about a Target Smash Builder?

I call you Bulma because of your old avi without Yamcha, but I sure hope army man doesn't get any ideas from calling you honey if you're a guy lol

But anyway, if it was personal picks for Gen 2 Pokemon, I'd want either Totodile or Scizor...there are way too many Pokemon to NOT have spin off xD

Totally agreed. I don't believe so, but Brawl was way too easy to play because Melee was "too fast"
I know that lol but nah me and army man do the same thing you and me do because of his Vegeta avi (I call him future hubby), he wont get the wrong idea lol

Maybe I should start trolling everybody into thinking I'm a dude ;)

OT: I think Sakurai will find a balance between the two. I think the important goal for Sakurai is that he just wants everybody to have fun with Smash in any way they want, whether it be casually or competitively, and that he'll try to reflect that in Sm4sh.

Yeah, I like those as well, they could possibly be as DLC perhaps, if not, in game already I suppose such as purchasing it with in-game coins or unlocking them.

I plan on buying every single piece of DLC that comes for Sm4sh. :)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Wow, yeah, I forgot about Target Stage building, that would be epic, but all I really want is to have Melee style Break the Targets back, like every specific character actually had their own target place that was based on their unique abilities, also Race to the Finish and Board the Platforms should be back as well, I really enjoyed them for their fun.

And yes, I'll call you yamcha. ;)

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