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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
how exactly does Dissidia leveling system works?
When you defeat an enemy, or land hits, you gain Exp. Points. The amount of experience depends on several factors, including multipliers, bonuses given by the calendar, the amount of damage dealt, and the level of the opponent. This system can be simplified for Smash 4 to earning experience depending on the skill level of the AI, or maybe even the bonuses given after battles - the bonuses that we got in Smash64 and Melee, like "Pacifist", or "Meteor Survivor", etc..


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
they're more likely to come as alt costumes like Wario, I don't think the customization, especially if they are indeed graphical , would carry over to various VS. modes rather than staying in whatever adventure mode there will be

lets not rush into talking about competitiveness yet

When you defeat an enemy, or land hits, you gain Exp. Points. The amount of experience depends on several factors, including multipliers, bonuses given by the calendar, the amount of damage dealt, and the level of the opponent. This system can be simplified for Smash 4 to earning experience depending on the skill level of the AI, or maybe even the bonuses given after battles - the bonuses that we got in Smash64 and Melee, like "Pacifist", or "Meteor Survivor", etc..
this is even more interesting than I thought then

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
You got a lot of Mach-sie saying that to me.
Thinking now, it's not farfetched for Ridley to make it. Sakurai has said before that they could put Ridley in a Smash game in playable form, but would be too much work or something of that nature.

Let's look at Ridley's history:

Super Smash Bros.: Made a cameo appearance in Planet Zebes flying across the horizon.
Super Smash Bros. Melee: Made a cameo appearance in the opening FMV, and as a trophy.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: Became a boss in two forms as Ridley and Meta-Ridley.

I think after three Smash Bros. games' worth of not being made playable, I'd say Ridley's overdue for a playable appearance.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Something just dawned on me. Keep in mind that this - like everyone else's theories - is just a shot-in-the-dark theory. Sakurai did mention how he intends to have the 3DS version and Wii U version to have some compatibility. He also mentions that he envisions the player developing their character in the 3DS version and then using said character by transferring them to the Wii U.

Here's a "what if" scenario: Imagine if they implemented some level-up system where a player can raise their character(s) on the 3DS, and then use them in the Wii U. I don't know how this system would work, if they did decide to go with such a thing, but still something to imagine. Now, what if a character can learn moves upon leveling up. Consider the following example:

Mario's standard B move is Fireball. Let's say he levels up to, let's say 14, he'll learn Mega Vitamins to be used as his Standard B and can swap Fireball for Mega Vitamins and vice versa. The same can be said for other B moves. Mario's Down B will be F.L.U.D.D., while he can learn the classic Mario Tornado at a later level, choosing to switch out F.L.U.D.D. for said move, possibly giving characters a sense of customization.

Maybe it may go further than that. Perhaps, as a character levels up, they may gain customization points that can be spent to enhance certain stats, like weight, power, speed, etc.. Let's say a character has 30 points to spend, they can use 5 for speed 5 for weight, and the rest in whatever else, or they can take off some points from a stat and redistribute the points elsewhere.

Of course, this is merely an out-of-nowhere thought that hit me after thinking back to what Sakurai said he envisioned regarding the 3DS/Wii U compatibility and relationship between games. What do you guys think? Any thoughts?
Love it, love it, love it, LOVE IT. Productive thinking, right here. :cool:

I have one question: could the same apply to Final Smashes?

Doesn't Dedede usually steal all the food from Dreamland? And bananas are food...

He and K. Rool are definitely chums.
Yep. Eggman and Wily should be buddies, too (LIKE ME AND OMEGA WERE TALKING EARLIER).

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Love it, love it, love it, LOVE IT. Productive thinking, right here. :cool:

I have one question: could the same apply to Final Smashes?
I don't see why not. A character having more than one Final Smash would be cool. Plus, let's face it; some Final Smashes seem rather useless, whether it's Peach's Peach Blossom (love the art though), or MK's Galaxia Darkness. So yeah, giving a character more options for a Final Smash would be great... though they'd likely still be banned. lol

Deleted member

Something just dawned on me. Keep in mind that this - like everyone else's theories - is just a shot-in-the-dark theory. Sakurai did mention how he intends to have the 3DS version and Wii U version to have some compatibility. He also mentions that he envisions the player developing their character in the 3DS version and then using said character by transferring them to the Wii U.

Here's a "what if" scenario: Imagine if they implemented some level-up system where a player can raise their character(s) on the 3DS, and then use them in the Wii U. I don't know how this system would work, if they did decide to go with such a thing, but still something to imagine. Now, what if a character can learn moves upon leveling up. Consider the following example:

Mario's standard B move is Fireball. Let's say he levels up to, let's say 14, he'll learn Mega Vitamins to be used as his Standard B and can swap Fireball for Mega Vitamins and vice versa. The same can be said for other B moves. Mario's Down B will be F.L.U.D.D., while he can learn the classic Mario Tornado at a later level, choosing to switch out F.L.U.D.D. for said move, possibly giving characters a sense of customization.

Maybe it may go further than that. Perhaps, as a character levels up, they may gain customization points that can be spent to enhance certain stats, like weight, power, speed, etc.. Let's say a character has 30 points to spend, they can use 5 for speed 5 for weight, and the rest in whatever else, or they can take off some points from a stat and redistribute the points elsewhere.

Of course, this is merely an out-of-nowhere thought that hit me after thinking back to what Sakurai said he envisioned regarding the 3DS/Wii U compatibility and relationship between games. What do you guys think? Any thoughts?
This would be kind of interesting to see, so I'm all for it. There's also the real possibility of him referring to Mii's instead.
Jun 8, 2009
@Asage: Dude...

Everyone calls me Toad (Huge Toad supporter) but.... Who cares? It's true anyway. Lol. In fact, if you're given a nickname, you should be happy since Metal is accepting ya. I mean... Friends do that! Give nicknames and tease each other...

Plus, Omega called Oasis "A puddle of water" since he thought Kuma is called kuma because he likes furries which means he thinks I berserk. LOLOLOL.

Anyway... Back to the topic:

@Level up idea: Hmmm.. Interesting...


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Plus, Omega called Oasis "A puddle of water" since he thought Kuma is called kuma because he likes furries which means he thinks I berserk. LOLOLOL.
I did? Awful.

I like the thought of SSBF joining and thinking "Ah, a Super Smash Bros. fansite. I think I'll join. Let's see... my user name shall be... I know! Super Smash Bros. Fan!"

Deleted member

I did? Awful.

I like the thought of SSBF joining and thinking "Ah, a Super Smash Bros. fansite. I think I'll join. Let's see... my user name shall be... I know! Super Smash Bros. Fan!"
I've had this username since August, 2008 when I first started to access forum sites on a regular basis.
Jun 8, 2009
I did? Awful.

I like the thought of SSBF joining and thinking "Ah, a Super Smash Bros. fansite. I think I'll join. Let's see... my user name shall be... I know! Super Smash Bros. Fan!"
Or Limelight.

Other stuff:

Skyward sword hype. akflsdvgjsd;kv;dkv;dkv;sk;dk

Phoenix Wright UMvC 3 hype. akflsdjvsl;vjlkvlsbdlj

Insert Mario game here. afajsflsjlgvsjlvjsdljdljjkls

Kirby wii hype. skfndgklsjgjdljdlgvjdljldjgldjklgjs

SSB 4 hype..................................waiting.....................................................................

@Thino: I'm fine with it... I guess... Well.... I'm neutral to the level up idea in a good way


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007

Propeller Toad

Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2010
This also got me thinking about the Mii's, I'm betting they too will be customizable with moves and such, if not it would be based on weight class, like Mario Kart Wii for example has such a feature, the stats of a Mii's kart depends on the weight of a said Mii.
Mii move customization? That is very interesting, and sounds something that Nintendo would do if they made the Miis playable. I just hope that there is a balancing within the moves as giving the Miis too many overpowered moves would really make them unfair to fight against.

Also I think that weight classes would also be implemented with the Miis if they made it.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 21, 2010
I like this idea of customizing your character, but I have a feeling it will only be the mii's



Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
Customizing your character is BAD for competitive play, which requires balance.
I hope the game is still workable w/o customization.
of course it is bad for competitive play , but competitive play isn't the only way to play Smash Bros, so it might be interesting to play casually


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
When you defeat an enemy, or land hits, you gain Exp. Points. The amount of experience depends on several factors, including multipliers, bonuses given by the calendar, the amount of damage dealt, and the level of the opponent. This system can be simplified for Smash 4 to earning experience depending on the skill level of the AI, or maybe even the bonuses given after battles - the bonuses that we got in Smash64 and Melee, like "Pacifist", or "Meteor Survivor", etc..
My first thought was to use the bonuses from Melee and 64 :)
I like the idea of a simplified Dissidia Level Up System. I forgot who said it (I think Thino) but a separate online mode for casual play with this system sounds like a good idea, and if the devs go through all the trouble of making said system, they might as well let us share our progress with the world, rather than having to move around the Wii haha

Yeah, you see the good alliance is expecting Ridley, Bowser AND Ganondorf to be at the tournament, They want to get some dirt on Ganon, Ridley, and Bowser so they can finally link the three warlords. What they don't realize is partway through the tournament, Ganon is sending the two out of the stadium to their designated posts. Ganon will then EXPLODE the staduim, trying to kill off the band of good guys. From there, Bowser, and his underlings will be scouring the globe, killing off any sort of threat to Ganon's power. Same goes for Ridley, he'll be hunting down all of Starfox, and Kirby and whatnot. IN space of course.

Basically, it's going to be the final stand of good versus evil.

@Bowser/Ganon/Ridley relations. Ganon is the brain, and the other two are the muscle, they aren't "desciples" or anything, they're working together for the greater evil.
Doexys is going to play a key role, he isn't BAD, just in it for his own reasons. He's getting "payed". You'll see. As for Mewtwo, he abstains from any sort of petty nonsense, so he doesn't show up until Cerulean, and all of HIS region is under attack. Basically, when the **** hits the fan, someone is going to have to answer to Mewtwo!

Ah, I got the wrong idea from "right hand men". Sounds good. I can see a cliche coup de tat towards the end (along with a potential "save the girl" part) just for an excuse to fight:
The derpy duo (K.Rool and De3) start off fighting with the Axis Powers
(Ganon: Hitler, Bowser: Italy, Ridley: Japan lol)
until all of them suddenly want that one power, which could be the TriForce in Bowser's Castle or something (a mixture of the usual goals).
The Pokemon addition is cool too. Hopefully Deoxys can make some appearance in SSB4. A Gen 2 rep would be nice, maybe Pichu?


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
I got an idea for SSB4! As you defeat enemies, you earn points instead of experience. Once you have a certain amount of points, you can either choose to level up, get a new move and replace one of your other ones, or if you leveled up once already, upgrade your stats. Here's an example:
Pikachu beast Mario 3 times. Each kill earned him 10 points. He had a 3-streak run, doubling points. Therefore he earns 60 points altogether. After 10 straight kills, Pikachu can chose to level up because he has enough points, which is 200 points (tenth kill gets you 20 points), but say your Pikachu doesn't like his (B) move thunderjolt. Every 20 levels, he can learn 3 different moves, and the first few are, for example (1):
Reversal (B): Costs 30 pts.
Pikachu grabs anyone nearby. If he does, he shocks them, then pushes them. Like Lucario's force palm.
Growl: Costs 30 pts.
Pikachu growls, pushing the opponent back from him at both sides. Compare to Squirtle's (B) move, but with no charge.
Tail Whip: Costs 30 pts.
Pikachu goes into a spin, with his tail out. just like Luigi's (B)v move, but doesn't move left and right, but traps opponent with electric damage.

So that would be the moves he can learn until he levels up to 20, then he can learn 3 more. Once Pikachu is level 100, he can learn only one new move, and it's his strongest.
Volt Tackle: Costs 1000 pts.
Pikachu is covered in an electric cone, then darts foward, 3 character spaces, on the ground. In the air, he goes straight down. This move is 2x stronger then Ness's (B)^

As for stats: Every 10 levels, he can pay 50 points to upgrade his stats:
Obviously speed makes him faster. Smash makes his Smash attacks do more damage and charge less, and defense keeps your pink bubble defense stronger, and less dizzy and flinch time.
So that's just an idea, maybe as a 2nd choice for fighting. I'm going to be making a chart on point-optaining, and movesets for all characters.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2006
Final Destination
Adding new moves would take too much effort and be harder to balance, I would rather the experience system to work like the stickers and just be little bonuses that only apply to 1p


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I DOUBT you will be forced to use the "new moves" thing. So competitive play simply won't. It will stay the same old same old. No reason to knock the new moves if it isn't going to be a MUST. Plus, if they're going to use the new moves thing, I'm sure they'll balance it enough for casual play.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Plus, Omega called Oasis "A puddle of water" since he thought Kuma is called kuma because he likes furries which means he thinks I berserk. LOLOLOL.
That sounds like something Omega would say. :laugh:

Ridley and Mewtwo are undoubtedly the most likely characters for Sm4sh. Even the most deserving, you could say. Nothing against them but silly subjective arguments.
Fixed. ;)

@Goku- For a Gen 2 rep, I would pick Scizor or Typhlosion.

Pichu also has hidden potential, methinks. I'd love for it come back, but sadly it never will. :(


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yeah man, Mewtwo and Ridley are undoubtebly the best candidates for Smash 4, silly puddle of water.

Perhaps I should call you Yamcha. :)



Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I can see customization happening, but only in the same way as Soul Calibur handles it. Of course customization would be banned in competitive play, outside of special occation tournaments.

As for Miis, while I'm neutral on them, I can see some major problems with their customization coming up to discourage them being playable. So I'm doubting now, that we'll see them outside of the bound to happen Wii Sports Resort stage.

Either way at the least I can see us getting better custom stage, music, multiplayer options along with a less linear Adventure mode.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
That would cause some gender confusion Omega lol you should though.

y.toonlink calls me Bulma, you call me Yamcha, and army man 'honey'... thats one messed up love square lol

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Well, the idea of move customization for a character is to give them options against certain character builds. Let's say someone decides to use Meta Knight, but chooses to keep all of his default B moves from Brawl for the sake of nostalgia, a Mario or Sheik player might go with a moveset build that would help them deal with, or even counter the default Meta Knight. When or if said MK is beaten in one round, the MK main may opt for a moveset build for their MK to counterpick whatever moveset their Mario/Sheik opponent used to beat them, and so on and so forth. A move doesn't have to be broken if it's learned via level up or learned at max level.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Haha, or maybe we should just call you Overlord, how's that? ;)

yeah, I'm liking the customization idea, not a big fan of it though, I'm just interested in customizing the Mii's, that way I can create that UBER EPIC showdown between Goku and Vegeta in Smash 4!! :cool:

Also, a stage builder from scratch with alot of unique parts would be very cool as well.



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Top ten most likely CHARACTERS? Hmm. I don't know about that. I could probably tink of top ten most likely SLOTS.

1. (New Pokemon)
2. (New Fire Emblem)
3. (New Donkey Kong)
4. (New Metroid)
5. (New Kid Icarus)
6. (New Smaller Franchise)
7. (New Smaller Franchise)
8. (New F-Zero)
9. (New Mario)
10. (New Loz)

I do believe StarFox, Earthbound, and Kirby will be stagnant in terms of new character and cuts this time around. I also think that LoZ, F-Zero, and Mario have a decent chance at not budging. I don't think Wario, AND DEFINITELY Yoshi will have any new additions. I left out retro's because I'm 100% certain we will get new ones. I left out third parties because I don't know what to make of them quite yet.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Well put Sol Diviner. ;)

I think most anyone would love to have a bit of strategy involved especially when it could help with balancing to some extent.

But my only thought now is that Sakurai's track record has shown that he tends to love to de-complicate his games. Heck, Smash is a prime example of this compared to other fighters. The extreme, of course, being Kirby Air Ride.

So forgive me if I have some doubts.
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