I'm going to break the last point in the main post into parts while I state my opinion on it, however small my opinion may truly be. I just feel the need to express myself on the matter.
- "So, for the 3DS version, since you must enjoy it alone, it has a system of rewards that you can customize your character with.
Customizing your character seems interesting. I'm rather curious as to how they'll do it. My suspicions want me to say that they'll just do attire customizations for the characters, with boosters kind of like the stickers were in Brawl. However, a bit of me wishes for it to have customizable movepools for each character, even if it's only "You can choose between these three movesets. Have fun."
Personally, the customization of movesets would be truly beneficial to certain characters who either really need to be less of an edited version of a character (Like Ganondorf has been) or characters that have so many options for movesets that they could use the extra movepool selections (Such as either of the Links). Other characters can just have a new movepool that just generally makes sense for them, even if they didn't have a movepool ever to begin with when they were originally created for the game.
They really could do some neat-o stuff with this if they play their cards right.
And then you can bring these characters from the 3DS to the WiiU to fight on. So one "individual" on a handheld will appear in the "stadium" of the home console."
This is quite interesting. Though it would bother me greatly if you could only customize on the 3DS version, therefore making it a necessity to have both versions of the game (Not like I wasn't already planning on getting both but some people may not be able to fork out all that money (Such as myself ;A
Iwata summarizes by saying "The 3DS version is where players will earn individual achievements for themselves, while the WiiU version will be a place to show those achivements off"
Going off of this quote here, my previous statement seems to have been drowned out. Looks like the Wii U is simply the display for the 3DS's "achievements". How unfortunate.
What would be interesting, though annoying if you ask me, is if they have different characters exclusive to different versions (Like Lucas for the 3DS and Ness for the Wii U as an example) the characters from the WIi U would be allowed to use the 3DS's customizations, rather than having that character show up and then go off of the console, which wouldn't make much sense.
Also, there also comes the issue of if the Wii U has more characters than the 3DS does, there's the problem of not having any "achievements" to give to those Wii U characters. Which would be kind of a "Eff You" from the Wii U players to Nintendo/Sakurai.
All-in-all though, I am looking forward to these games, and I hope by the time they're released I'll have both 3DS and Wii U, so I can experience them for myself.