K, I'll be super conservative and assume 30 lol. So, assuming about 75-80 Gallons for a round trip
Average gas prices (as of now of course, I can't tell you how they will change, though it's probably going up)
NM: about 3:70 a Gallon on average
AZ: basically the same
Cali: Prepare to stab baiies, 4.00 is cheap over here as of friday Probably like 4.50
It's about 490 miles to get into Cali, so about 17 Gallons each way there and back. So about 125 dollars in gas for that portion, and it would be much better to gas up there rather than in Cali
For the California part, it's like 550 miles into Cali, so 20 gallons each way. Another 180 in gas.
Basically 300 in gas for round trip assuming gas doesn't go up too much. 75 dollars each.
Since there is 4 of us, we should probably get a double queen room. It's 69 a night, and we are looking at being there Friday, Saturday, Sunday. 210 divided among the 4 of is is basically 50 bucks each. This ignores the fact that we could room with the twins, which might be absurdly cramped, since their room is already holding 6, but the hotel would be at most 25 each with this, assuming the biggest room (IDK which room they got)
They haven't posted tourney entry yet, but for the last genesis it was 20 for venue, and 25 for entries to the games, so I'll go with that again. Assuming you're playing in singles and doubles for one game, 70 dollars for entry.
Then of course there is food. We will be in California, so it won't be cheap. I'd be safe and say 15 a day, though you can obviously be cheaper. Don't forget it's a full days travel each way, so like 75 for food.
I'd assume 275 if you're gonna be cheap, and 325 to be safe. I can't account for gas prices though.