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Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Much apologies to Casey. Fortunately, we live in the best of all possible worlds.
New Mexicans everywhere will rejoice the name Kenneth "Casey" Ertle for generations to come. I, myself, couldn't be prouder of him.
The man ****ing hacked my wii!!!

So I've decided that a hiatus is a stupid, uneducated idea. Instead, how would you all like a smashfest this Tuesday the 20th? It'll start around 4 or 5 p.m., and we can go to Buffalo Wild Wings for a nice change. I'll eat wings, too.
Admittedly, I also need some real-life help. Sounds good?
Fest!? I'll go :D


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Please, bring David. I have a feeling that he can help me out better than anybody else.
I work 5 till close sorry =[ Are you free wednesday before 4 tho? Also if you need advice or personal help/councelling, you can always text or PM me k =] But if you feel like getting destroyed in melee... well I can help there too haha
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
i'd be down for a tuesday fest. training mode isn't working for me and i beat nmh2 :O
So...is nmh2 like NEW MEXICO HISTORY 2, or something?!? Man, that sounds like an awesome game!

I'll go tomorrow to a Neil fest. Maybe. I have to study lots of calculus. Mostly though I told my friend I would help him study in the evening so I couldn't stay for very long and it probably wouldn't be worth it to drive up for 30 minutes or so. If the fest started really early maybe.

See's ya soon Twinsies!!!!


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005

I now know what true studying is.

I have spent 50 hours in the past four days studying for my finals.

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
I work 5 till close sorry =[ Are you free wednesday before 4 tho? Also if you need advice or personal help/councelling, you can always text or PM me k =]
I am free from 12 pm on Wednesdays onwards, but not this week :(
Anyways, I'll make sure to call you sometime for that counseling. Like I mentioned to Everett, it's a topic you're far more experienced in than I am - women >_<
I'll go tomorrow to a Neil fest. Maybe. I have to study lots of calculus. Mostly though I told my friend I would help him study in the evening so I couldn't stay for very long and it probably wouldn't be worth it to drive up for 30 minutes or so. If the fest started really early maybe.
Actually, I would love to help you out with calculus. Funny you mentioned because my BC final is later today, and I should be studying, not posting :laugh: Perhaps you could bring your friend too.
Also, I could potentially start the fest much earlier (we're talking like 12 pm) but then I would have to ditch a fairly important class starting at 2:30. I'll post the "fest start time" tomorrow morning.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Lol ok Neil I'll help anytime =]

Ya I'm bored and done with homework so anyone who wants to smash should come over ;) I'm free till 4:30 ish.

Also Erich, I can help you with Calc if you want.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
I'll be showing up to Neil's fest tomorrow with a secret, to-be-revealed game in tow.

Hint: It rhymes with Tassel Mania: Nick's Tea Whore, the classic pornographic film about a pimp named Nick, his brothel catering specifically to tassel enthusiasts, and the zany antics that ensue when he finds out one of his prostitutes is a caffeine addict being paid in tea leaves.
Mar 8, 2010
It's about time we have a Get-Into-the-Castle fest. Unfortunately, I can't make it... So I hope you guys fail repeatedly so I get a chance this weekend.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
.... poor underage people...

I work at 5 which blows even worse. Because not only can I not make the fest, but its barely by a few hours ahhh!!!


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Well, MLG was both amazing, and terrible.


The Smash community is seriously too cool. I talked to just about everybody, from every region, and I've gotta tell you, everyone's cool (minus a VERY select few, who I'd rather not name anyway).

Hype everywhere. I lost my voice due to cheering on friends/**** talking their opponents (I screamed in some skank's ear when she started *****ing about the crowd, and chewed out a megatool for talking **** to mikehaze when all he was doing was cheering, rofl). Luckily they were just spectators so they don't count as Smash community ;p

The guys I stayed with were awesome (GameDragonX, Arturo, DEHF, HRNut, and GDX' roommate Chris, who took us to a random mexican restaurant haha). GDX saved my life with free housing and always being in a cheerful mood, keeping me hyped and just being an all-around great host.

I chilled with Arturo (ARTURITO BURRITO!!!) all weekend, and even babysat him the instant he got off of his plane lol. Later on we met up with Larry (Does Everybody Hate Falco?!) at GDX' then if I remember correctly, we went to some dude's house and we all smashed for a few hours (until around 4 lol ><) I did amazingly in friendlies that night, but meh, they're friendlies. DEHF learned the Diddy match-up like the back of his hand, so we were going back and forth pretty evenly. First day was awesome and hilarious, and full of win.

Laughing at the amount of Tekken entrants was hilarious.

"Will the 7 Tekken entrants please come to the front for the 3v3 competition, it's first come first serve and you don't want to be the one left alone!!!"

Free soda, slimjims (lol,) hot pockets (meh) and dorritos. Awesome sponsors :p


Laggy TVs. I was given fair warning, so whatever. But still, I was misinformed about just how laggy they'd be.

About the TVs again- WE HAD TWENTY SETUPS!!! The FL Smash community could have EASILY supplied 20 CRT TVs, and then some! Wtf!

NO FRIENDLY PLAY! With 20 setups, I understand. But when you've got to adapt to a terrible TV in the first place, all the freeplay you can get helps.

A few people still managed to smell like **** (there was free deodorant at the venuuuue wtf guys!)

I did very poorly for how well I was expected to. The first day, I had a bye, then played CO18 and ***** him very solidly. I was pretty mean through out the set, primarily because he's a bit of a cocky **** all over the boards. It was NEO all over again, except I felt I went a bit overboard. After that, I played someone else who's from massachusetts who admittedly only got to round 3 due to 2 byes lmao ><

That night, I got a text from Molly saying I'd be playing mew2king (I told her like everyone else to not text me my bracket, but she assumed I already knew I'd be playing him the next day, which is the same assumption I would have made because I mean come on, if you're playing M2K people are gonna say something).

After that, I got super nervous. I was more nervous than I'd ever been before, or at least I think I was. I was super anxious, and just wanted to do amazingly, and that whole night I was thinking of setups etc. that I could use against him to put the set in my favor and come out on top. I ended up getting about 1 hour of sleep, because we had to get to the venue early that day (even though my match was tentatively supposed to start at 4pm) because GDX and Arturo were already in the loser's bracket and had to play their matches (Arturo got DQed because the schedule was TENTATIVE as stated, still an extremely ****ing gay thing to happen, regardless).

When I played M2K, I was doing decently, until I got hit by the first tornado. I seriously COULD NOT aim my shield properly to avoid being hit. Time and time again, he tornado'd, and I'd get shield poked by it, and he'd rack up percent on the juggle, and rinse repeat. It was relatively even the first stock, and then he got the lead and finally took my stock.

This is where it went completely bad, he went straight to the ledge, and started sharking me because we were on Delfino, I kept getting shield poked, and finally I took his stock again but I was at mid-stock percent.

He then killed me before I racked up much damage, and then I spawned and immediately spiked him around 0-20 (I think).

We were both last stock, and we were on the umbrellas transformation of Delfino, where I could have potentially walked him off if I hadn't crumbled under pressure.

He took me up to 50%, and then hit me with a dsmash (while at 0%) and when I DI'd extremely poorly, that was the first round.

After this, I had completely and utterly lost the set (in my mind).

Next time, I'll get him.

Against CO, I felt really ****ty after our first match. He was actually beating me on Frigate, and then SDed (Arturo is convinced I forced it but I don't remember that much) and I had split feelings about the whole thing. Part of me wanted to just say "let's rematch cause that was complete bull****" but the other half was just like "this is MLG dumb *** don't be ********" so I never offered to rematch, I felt like a ****ty person for the rest of the set.

After taking me to frigate again and this time winning, I took him to ... FD? Here, he started to **** talk. That sort of bothered me, but at the same time I felt it was deserved. So I talked **** back. Then I tripped into a full walk chain grab > edge guard, which kind of ruined the tempo of the match.

I took him to FD again, and this time was winning very handily. He was around ... 120% last stock, and I was at 90% two stocks, when he threw a gordo through my popgun and hit me. He started talking **** again, when he then made a huge mistake and messed up an upB cancel or something (he was in a lag state, at 180%, right next to me). I turned to him and said "I'll just time your ***** *** out instead" and uptilted him away from me, instead of going for the kill. Later in the match, he was around ... 220% ? and I was at 90ish, and then he hit me with a semi-charged usmash, which I didn't DI at all, and I died (I airdodged, instead of just fairing him, because I figured he'd miss and I could further time him out).

I was a cocky douche, and didn't pull through. Should've just gone for the kill but didn't. Hell, if I weren't such a **** I'd have just asked him for a rematch instead, and had good manner. I deserved to lose that set, and did. So oh well.

On Sunday, Arturo and I took 9th (which wasn't bad but wasn't great, by any means) losing to CO18 and ADHD (a team pretty much designed to completely and utterly **** snake, lol ><) after that match, we switched up our gameplan where I supported Arturo, and he played aggressively. We 6 stocked our first match in loser's, then 5 stocked (I think) them again.

After that we played DSF and Ajax, where I had something like a 3.5 damage given/damage taken ratio, we were feeling really good about how well we'd do, and this match was definitely a momentum booster.

After this, we played Shadow and DMBrandon (two very cool guys, minus the fact that they main MK ;P) and we had a decently close first match, but I had poor DI on reaction against dsmashes, and we ended up losing it.

Second match, we played on PS1 and had a huge lead against Shadow's 1 stock and eventually won.

Third match, we were taken to Delfino, where Arturo had bad DI/died twice in the first minute (I'd blame it primarily on lag, because honestly those TVs sucked a lot of ***, and Arturo doesn't make those kinds of mistakes). He ended up having to borrow, and then I made a HUGE mistake throwing a banana at Shadow when arturo was close to him, shadow spotdodged, arturo tripped into DM's tornado, then got shuttle looped off the short blast zone. It was my 1 stock versus their ... 4? I took 1 stock, then spiked shadow early percent and ALMOST took DM with him (if I had, I feel we would have won the match) but DM was saved by Delfino when he shuttle looped and glided or something). Shadow borrowed, and it was my mid percent v their 2 stock low percents. I eventually got shuttle looped FTL :(

All in all, it was definitely an awesome tourney. Next time, I'll sleep better and prepare much more, plus JT will come with me so I'll actually have some hype BEFORE I walk on some people lol.


Smash Rookie
Nov 12, 2007
I wish someone from NM was there to slam you so hard you forgot how to be nervous about m2k.. :(

But still, good job Casey.

On a side note, I finally got around to cleaning my room, so fests can start happening at my house (it isn't very big, so like me and 4 others max) but if you ever wanna play some brawl casey just call me like an hour before hand and we can work something out. I don't think I'll ever try to play it competitively again, but I'd like to get the people who do want to some practice.



Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
You just reminded me, watching reflex play was the sexiest thing ever.

He grab broke Cheese, the IC player, and then instantly taunted him (while at kill percent) it was hilarious.

He also turns to his opponent and makes gestures depending on which move he uses, it's so awesome.


Smash Cadet
Sep 1, 2006
God, man. I'm starting to hate this place. Quit with the maintenance!

Neil, are you still going to have the fest? I tried calling you an hour ago but no such luck.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
Shpongle Falls
He grab broke Cheese, the IC player, and then instantly taunted him (while at kill percent) it was hilarious.
i saw that on the blog thing, i guess thats his grab break secret

also co18 was going on about laggy tvs and how he ***** you the second time around and should have ***** you the first time

just need more balls to the wall next time


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
co18 is a funny dude
good **** to dekar for ****** everyone :3 im going to try to learn how to deal with all your **** nanner pressure and I'll get you at apex :3


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Ahahahaha Molly's a dork.

I made myself lose to m2k :p Let myself get too nervous and anxious and decided to choke like a giant cocklover69000.

Also, co18 is all talk that's why he gets lumped up in the same crowd as seibrik in florida lol (AKA nobody cheering for him ;))
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