^^ trufax wafflez
Bahahahaha!! I've extensively tested ROB out, and have some surprising results
Test Procedure: My testing is with using a C-sticked DK Fsmash on ROB at closest standing distance from the bottom-left corner of the largest possible custom stage (no hacks, blocks at lowest/leftmost position) hitting ROB to the top-right (but not near the killzone), no SDI or DI. In Training mode (so %s are a bit different than normal), 1/4 speed, mashing buttons to be sure to buffer stuff at the earliest moment. %s are the % given to ROB
before the Fsmash hits.
Absolutely no input from the ROB:
ROB lives to at most 121%.
No hitstun-escaping or momentum-cancelling, just leaning towards the stage at the end of hitstun (tumble):
ROB lives to at most 126%.
^^ leaning towards the stage starts to help at the earliest time that hitstun normally wears off, and you transition to the "tumble" state. I'll just call this "tumble" time, ie. "at tumble".
No hitstun-escaping, just using a Jump at tumble:
No hitstun-escaping, just using side-B at tumble:
^^ yes this is worse LOL. I believe this is because at the very start of the side-B, you're given an extra boost away from the stage due to its momentum-changing nature (like Fox's shine, etc.). What's interesting here is that we're in the knockback that happens
after the natural end of hitstun. This state ("at tumble") is a bit funny; in this range, there might be circumstances in which crazy things like B-reversing might actually be able to help. I haven't studied this circumstance in detail, since usually you can break out of hitstun earlier than it happens anyway. Needs more thorough research. Note:
I don't believe that B-reversing helps here, I'm pretty sure it can only hurt you
126% (no effect)
Fair once:
126% (no effect)
Fair'ing many times towards the stage:
126% (no effect)
Bair'ing towards the stage
126% (no effect)
Bair'ing towards the stage
^^ yes, the Bair is
worse. Why is that? Let's see:
No aerial to cancel hitstun, just lean towards the stage and after tumble starts, Bair:
^^ It's not the
number of Bairs that killed us (since we can do two earlier on and live to 126%); it's the fact that we're doing one close to the killzone. There are two possibilities:
- The Bair moves ROB's hurtbox CLOSER to the killzone, rather than away from it (lol)
I do not believe this for a moment
- What's really happening, IMO: you know how aerials that have momentum-changing properties, don't have those effects during hitstun/knockback? Well, here at tumble-time things are different: your aerial does have an effect, but like Fox's shine, it's an unfriendly boost away from the stage.
Fair > Jump:
^^ Wowwww, ROB's jump
IS completely useless. Well, you can use it if you want; it does not
help, and may well kill you off the top (since remember it boosts you higher up than a normal jump, a-la fox's shine)
Now for things that are actually useful:
Fair > side-B (push side-B once and hold towards the stage, no button-mashing):
Fair > side-B (mash the B button to keep it spinning while holding towards the stage):
^^ keeping it spinning helps!
Note that while side-B hurt us if we start it too close to the killzone (ie. by waiting out hitstun), by cancelling hitstun with the Fair we were able to start it early enough that it overcame its unfriendly boost with friendly momentum.
Airdodge > side-B (mashing the button etc.):
I would need to start over testing with a weaker move than DK's Fsmash to be able to find any % difference between the airdodge and the Fair to escape hitstun before using side-B to avoid the horizontal killzone. Since the Fair can be fastfalled but the Bair can't, this means Fair > side-B w/ button-mashing is our winner thus far.
Item-throw > side-B w/ button-mashing:
Airdodge > immediately cancel airdodge with item-throw > side-B w/ button-mashing:
^^ and maybe higher since it's hard to be frame-perfect with that.
Any questions!?!?
The reason FAir > BAir is good isn't because it slows you down any more or anything like that, it's because the BAir changes ROB's hurtbox so he doesn't hit the death zone as quickly.
we found that fair is better than airdodge even though the airdodge ends 8 frames earlier. The fair has the "oomph" that the airdodge doesn't, which allows you to live even longer.
O rly??
Please define "oomph". Was it the
Fair>Bair is hardest because you have to get the fastfall perfectly (twice) and Dair saves you without a second aerial.
You can only fastfall once. There's no such thing as fastfalling the second aerial.