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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
This thread has gotten even further from reality than usual.
Right? T-Zelda or Tetra are fine on their own, but, isn't having another character transform into somebody else a little much?

Thread needs to be renamed "3.0 potential fanbuild v2 thread". Or something.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
Right? T-Zelda or Tetra are fine on their own, but, isn't having another character transform into somebody else a little much?

Thread needs to be renamed "3.0 potential fanbuild v2 thread". Or something.

Clone Engine Wild Speculation About How to Avoid Using It.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
This thread has gotten even further from reality than usual.
Thread needs to be renamed "3.0 potential fanbuild v2 thread". Or something.
Sounds about right.

Let's get back to reality and realize that Pichu is probably the easiest character to make thanks to having an established moveset, model (would have to be remade probably), and voice.



Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
Oh hey, we're making fun of imagination now? Why be creative? The PMBR's doing that for you! Hooray! Long live the Cult of Reason!

Besides societal satire, I just stepped in to say that I'm removing my 1/2 vote for Sami. Representation aside, Snake would be a rather unfitting base, and I don't think the playstyle I could see Sami having would fit well with Smash in general, much less Snake's moveset. It wouldn't be an awful addition, but it seems like a ton of work for a character either too similar to a niche character like Snake (and not even fittingly so), or a unique character that has been given all the things I didn't like on Snake in the first place. As it is I've just lost all traces of enthusiasm for the character.
I apologize for micromanaging my votes, and I really wanted to wait until I had something else to add with that, but nothing's showing up. Thought I'd mention it while it still counts.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
There's a big difference between imagination and completely throwing away any semblance of reality.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
I would agree with you if you hadn't just resorted to blatant hyperbole just to disagree with me. Nobody threw any reality-bending ideas designed to break your mind out there. It was just "hey, it would be interesting if..."
The only thing it really disagreed with was the current restrictions of P:M's engine and mechanics.
If you think the P:M game engine is reality, frankly I think you have little room to talk about what qualifies as a semblance.
All I'm saying is that it would be great to actually discuss what makes the ideas unfeasible, or even just ignore them, instead of, well;
All aboard the disdain train!


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Project M is a competitive mod. It's meant to add to the meta. Obviously saying the only one that mattered was hyperbole, but no, there's no way importance and popularity are "just as important". Gameplay should take precedence above all else.
So a characters popularity shouldn't matter? Yes, because playing a character a majority of people have no interest in should be completely overlooked for the sake of a character no one likes just because of gameplay.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2012
East Coast, USA
So in the interest of promoting discussion of other candidates, what are some characters with less-than-likely chances for inclusion in Project M but are still [somewhat] relevant, [somewhat] popular, and - most importantly - have mention in Brawl and aren't likely for SM4SH? Well, let's see who I can think of:

Meowth (Pokemon) - The rumors have circulated for quite some time that Meowth was among a set of characters (Bowser, Peach, King Dedede, Pit, Mewtwo, I believe) that were thought of for inclusion in the original Super Smash Brothers, and overall Meowth, thanks in part to the major role one plays in the Pokemon Anime, is a pretty popular character. Obviously his chances are low since we have enough Pokemon characters as it is, and more than likely if anybody else is showing up its be Pichu because of being a veteran, while Meowth has the potential for being its own unique character but doesn't have the benefit of being a vet which makes things complicated and probably not worth the effort to spend creating from scratch. However, that being said, if Meowth were to be included as a clone, I cannot think of who he would be the base, so anybody have any ideas? Meowth is eligible for Project M due to his status as a Pokeball Pokemon, as well as a trophy (and possibly stickers as well).

Blaziken (Pokemon) - Blaziken is one of the most popular starter Pokemon evolutions, and one of the most popular Pokemon in general. It suffers from all of the same setbacks that Meowth does above, as well as not being a Pokeball Pokemon (Torchic is, however). However, that being said, if Blaziken were to be included as a clone, it, being a Fire/Fighting type, would most likely draw from Captain Falcon as a base (Fire Punch = Falcon Punch; Sky Uppercut = Raptor Boost without the dash - so basically just the uppercut, making it a short-range attack), with perhaps an adaptation of Mario's fireball or PK Fire to represent Ember (I haven't played Pokemon, so I don't know how the move looks in battle). Blaze Kick was Blaziken's Signature Move prior to Gen. IV, but I don't know who would be a good candidate for a translation for that attack as a special. Flare Blitz, seeing as the nature of the move is cloaking in fire and then charging at the foe, I could see easily as a translation-adaptation of Meta Knight's Final Smash, as the description lends itself to providing a similar situation. The difference would be that using the attack also damages the Pokemon using it, up to 1/3 of the damage it inflicts on the target, so it could be a very high risk-high reward Final Smash, as you'd do large damage to your opponents but also receive damage yourself, which would set up some interesting possibilities. Blaziken is eligible for Project M due to his status as a trophy.

Sothe (Fire Emblem) - Sothe has been brought up before, but I'm bringing him up as he doesn't get as much attention as Lyn or Micaiah do. Sothe is one of the characters in your party in Path of Radiance, but grows up between games and is one of the principal main characters in Radiant Dawn. While he is a little more than a character you can recruit in Path of Radiance, his role grows very much in Radiant Dawn, due to his connection to and brother/sister-like relationship with Micaiah. He doesn't get as much attention as Lyn or Micaiah because he isn't as major a character nor nearly as popular, and he is not all that likely in comparison, so his chances as low. However, that being said, if Sothe were to be included as a clone, he would most definitely be a clone of Sheik, as he is classified as a Thief and Rogue in PoR and RD (respectively), as he is a user of knives and daggers. Seeing that he can be/is promoted in Radiant Dawn into the Whisper class, his Final Smash would most probably be Bane, as it deals high damage to any non-boss target, leaving them with all of their health gone, save 1 HP - which would make for a good translation to the game, though obviously it wouldn't be that powerful in PM. It would fit Sothe, as he is the first of only two characters who are Whispers, and his is non-optional and part of the story. Also his Whisper gear is awesome, Alternate Costume please. Sothe is eligible for Project M due to his status as a trophy.

Skull Kid (The Legend of Zelda) - I'm surprised more people haven't brought up Skull Kid considering his popularity in the Pre-Brawl days. A Skull Kid first appears in Ocarina of Time, in the Lost Woods. This particular Skull Kid is unhappy with having no face, so Link can give the Skull Kid his Skull Mask, as it takes an interest in it and believes it will makehim appear a little tougher. Just as well, Link can teach the him Saria's Song. If Link comes back as an adult, the Skull Kid will attack the player, hating adults, and uses its flute as a weapon from which to shoot poison darts. The real relevancy, however, comes from Majora's Mask, where the Skull Kid, under the influence of the eponymous mask, is the game's primary antagonist for the vast majority of the game and regarded as a powerful sorcerer due to Majora - though the Skull Kid itself is no evil and is merely being manipulated while wearing the mask. It is implied by the ending sequence of Majora's Mask that the Skull Kid is actually one and the same to the one from Ocarina of Time, providing a link for the character and making it, not just a one-off villain such as Zant or just a member of a species, but a reoccurring character in two of the three games of which it appears, possibly even all three (due to the connection that exists as well to the Skull Kid in Twilight Princess that lives in the Lost Woods and knows Saria's Song). His popularity has dwindled, likely meaning he'll never be included in the Smash franchise as a playable character, but this also works against him as he is not as popular nor nearly as requested for Project M, which understandably hurts his chances compared to more likely and obvious choices. However, that being said, if Skull Kid were to be included as a clone, I could see Zelda or Ness/Lucas being a good base due to his depiction as a powerful sorcerer under the influence of Majora's Mask, with those three being the ones who use magic or magic-like abilities. Diddy's peanut gun is also a good move to translate into a poison dart-shooting flute, as an Ocarina of Time throwback. Skull Kid is eligible for Project due to his status as two stickers, which are his Skull mask-included artwork in Ocarina of Time and his artwork in Majora's Mask. The latter would be more recognizable to use as his default whereas the former would be a very good Alternate Costume (and personally, I prefer the Ocarina of Time Skull Kid better). I would say the Twilight Princess Skull Kid is not eligible as an Alternate Costume due to a sticker representing the artwork from that game not being included, but I am unsure of the rules in that regard, as I know costumes are different than characters.

I cannot think of any other characters right now, but hopefully a discussion can be sparked over one or more of these characters. Also, each character description is longer than the last, haha.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
There's a big difference between imagination and completely throwing away any semblance of reality.

A year ago, you could've said the same thing about someone suggesting "What if Roy and Mewtwo returned and didn't have to replace anyone?" It wasn't realistic or feasible at all... until Danturion made it happen through sheer brilliant programming. All I'm saying is, maybe there's a chance the character cap can be removed entirely. The Clone Engine uses empty file space for characters that never got implemented to add new characters, so if you were somehow able to create more empty files, maybe the only limiting factor to how much you could add would be the memory on your SD card.

It'd be an incredibly difficult undertaking, I'm not trying to take away from the PMBR's skill and programming prowess, but to say there's no semblance of reality just doesn't make any sense. It's not like we're talking about time travel or zipping around at the speed of light.


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
I really do think toon zelda really isn't worth it. Tetra however is way better, she's a pirate!

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
Meowth and Blaziken are kinda boring to me. However, Skull Kid would probably be my top choice from the Zelda universe. He's much more interesting than Tetra (or a second Ganon) to me. While Sothe is one of my favorite Fire Emblem characters.....I need mah Lyn, bruh. If Sothe were to be added, I'd like him to have throwing knives or a command grab of some sort (it's unlikely that both are possible). His recovery move could be similar to ZSS's vanilla down B animation, with the ability to act out of it with any move, since he's so acrobatic and flashy.


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
I really do think toon zelda really isn't worth it. Tetra however is way better, she's a pirate!
I just can't imagine Tetra without Telda. I mean it'd be weird looking at Tetra by herself and than looking at Zelda and Sheik and bein' like "wut" and "where's mah fourth special".


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2012
East Coast, USA
Since, rather unfortunately, the great Vaati is not eligible for Project M due to having no representation at all in Smash period ( :( ), Skull Kid has the potential to be what Vaati could be, namely a magic-using character, plus with the added benefit of previously being a very highly-requested character. But Skull Kid is not me trying to find a replacement for Vaati (though Skull Kid will almost definitely take Vaati's spot in my poll list since the latter isn't eligible and I didn't know it at the time), because Skull Kid is awesome for his own merits.

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
This is making me wonder why Skull Kid hasn't had any reasonable discussion for 80 pages.
He's a recurring character, he's the main villain in one of the most meaningful pieces of art EVER, and he's definitely got the potential for a unique moveset. I can't believe I never brought up this guy either.
1/2 vote for Skull Kid, GOD DAYUM.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Skull Kid is pretty awesome, yeah. : D It would be nice to have an MM character too, since Young Link being gone kind of leaves that void. Sheik can always serve as an OoT rep, but in a sad way it's like there's no one carrying the torch for MM.

Plus Skull Kid would just be a blast to play. He'd definitely want to use the Mewtwo/Peach hovering mechanics, some version of that. And he should have that creepy, terrifying laugh as one of his taunts. That's pretty much mandatory, haha.

Oddly enough, I feel like Wolf's A-attacks would actually work really well on Skullkid. I have no idea why. O_o I must've downloaded a "Skullkid over Wolf" model swap or something and had that burned into my brain.

Edit: Alfonzo Bagpipez always has the most appropriate avatar for his posts, ROFL. Now it looks like he's disappointed in himself for not mentioning Skull Kid earlier.


Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Since, rather unfortunately, the great Vaati is not eligible for Project M due to having no representation at all in Smash period ( :( ), Skull Kid has the potential to be what Vaati could be, namely a magic-using character, plus with the added benefit of previously being a very highly-requested character. But Skull Kid is not me trying to find a replacement for Vaati (though Skull Kid will almost definitely take Vaati's spot in my poll list since the latter isn't eligible and I didn't know it at the time), because Skull Kid is awesome for his own merits.
Is there no Vaati sticker?

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
Plus Skull Kid would just be a blast to play. He'd definitely want to use the Mewtwo/Peach hovering mechanics, some version of that. And he should have that creepy, terrifying laugh as one of his taunts. That's pretty much mandatory, haha.

I like the idea of a hover for Skull Kid, and from what I've gathered, adding a hover isn't a big deal in terms of the Clone Engine. He should have a maniacal laugh on like half of his attacks. They could just grab the sound effects straight from MM and edit them a bit if that's possible, so voice acting is a non-issue.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Actually, in thinking about it more, I think Lucas is probably the perfect base for Skull Kid (as other people mentioned). PK freeze can become his blow-pipe and the artifacts from the other attacks leave a lot to work with as far as some MM-themed special attacks. On top of that, Lucas has a lot of attacks that would look great on Skull Kid. I'm thinking of the Up Smash in particular - doesn't that seem like a perfect skull kid move?

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
so have we all come to a consensus on having pichu in next version?

For the sake of this thread's unstable sanity, no more discussion on Pichu.

FYI, the current results for Pichu are:

21 full votes
15 half votes
35 negative votes
(Total: -6.5, ahead of Krystal, Toon Zelda, Waluigi, and the three Sonic characters... and behind everyone else)
51.35% support

I'll let that speak for itself regarding "consensus"


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
This is making me wonder why Skull Kid hasn't had any reasonable discussion for 80 pages.
He's a recurring character, he's the main villain in one of the most meaningful pieces of art EVER, and he's definitely got the potential for a unique moveset. I can't believe I never brought up this guy either.
1/2 vote for Skull Kid, GOD DAYUM.
I would think because he has no established moveset at all.

The one time you fight him in the game he just sits there loling at how nothing affects him. (Why the **** didn't the light arrows work on him?!?!?!!?) but after you play the oath to order and all the stuff goes down, the mask detached himself from the host body.

I mean you could pull inspiration from the fight with Majora's mask but that involves whips and transformations.

It could work though. Captain falcon didn't have anything either and look at him.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
For the sake of this thread's unstable sanity, no more discussion on Pichu.

FYI, the current results for Pichu are:

21 full votes
15 half votes
35 negative votes
(Total: -6.5, ahead of Krystal, Toon Zelda, Waluigi, and the three Sonic characters... and behind everyone else)
51.35% support

I'll let that speak for itself regarding "consensus"
So wait? Just because you don`t like them your not letting anyone else talk or vote for Pichu? also
this thread has that?

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
I would think because he has no established moveset at all.

The one time you fight him in the game he just sits there loling at how nothing affects him. (Why the **** didn't the light arrows work on him?!?!?!!?) but after you play the oath to order and all the stuff goes down, the mask detached himself from the host body.

I mean you could pull inspiration from the fight with Majora's mask but that involves whips and transformations.

It could work though. Captain falcon didn't have anything either and look at him.
I guess Skull Kid could inherit some abilities from Majora herself. But if whips are gonna be a part of that, then that may not be a viable option, since whips are articles apparently. I wouldn't really want Skull Kid being cloned off of Ivysaur for the sake of a somewhat canon moveset.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2013
OK, im gonna take my time on this one, but please Anti Guy i would like if you atleast read it, not do it but consider it.

+1 Vote:
1st) Black Shadow/Ganondorf: MUST BE FREAKING DONE!!! why? first of all ganondorf being a Captain Falco clone is just not cool based on how much better he could be with his own moveset based on his game. still how he is already in PM is really good people might not want him out so giving Black Shadow that moveset would make more sense and a cool concept even though im not a Black Shadow fan, but just the concept its so perfect!!

2nd) Dark Samus: MUST BE DONE!!!! Why? well just imagine how awesome would it be and it fits perfectly with the "clone engine" and it could have an awesome and unique moveset and still be cloned from samus like the neutral b be more like falco's blaster on speed and damage and its attacks could be more like an electric and dark energy moveset, and also be a much faster but weaker(IN DAMAGE) than samus, I just see dark samus as a great option.

3rd) Shadow: SHOULD BE DONE!!!(btw, so many names with dark and shadow :p) why? well first of all he is one if not, the most requested and fan wanted character for super smash and he is already an assist trophy so i think it wouldnt be much of a problem regarding copy rights... another thing is it would satisfy soooo many hungry fans, im not one of them but i still would like it if he is added because it would be pretty cool (and also it would be better than tails >.>).

4th) Isaac: awesome idea!!! why? i dont know much of golden sun (to be honest nothing at all) but isaac looks really cool and suitable for super smash, besides he is already an assist trophy and his neutral b could be a chargable air palm (how i call its assist move) but not so over powered, and the rest of the moveset well, could just be a surprise i guess. he also seems to be really requested so people would be happy.

5th) Sukapon: should be done. why? well its odd decision but just the fact he is from the first fighting game from nintendo, i say he deserves a spot, and he just gives me this feeling it would be an interesting choice, and his character skin could be made so cool and its moveset. it would be an acceptable choice.

+1/2 Vote:
a) Bowser Jr: a really suggested one and it is also a cool idea to make a much faster but weaker bowser ( like in between squirtle and bowser) and also some unique moves, like shooting the missiles with face instead of breathing fire or using its painting staff to attack.
b) Claus(masked man): i just love how it looks and it could be made so good!!!
c) Paper Mario: it could be a possibility since game and watch exists...

-1 Vote:
1st) Ridley: IT CANT HAPPEN!! NOT OVER DARK SAMUS!!! why? first of all it just doesnt fit in my opinion, and he is already a BOSS in game!!! just imagine how weird would it be you using ridley in boss battle fighting ridley ._. .... and besides that, like seriously... who can prefer him over dark samus?!?! dark samus is a perfect fit for this whole clone engine system!!! ridley could be clone of charizard, and it wouldnt be that bad actually, but seriously its just a no in my opinion, not over the perfectly perfect dark samus!!! (PLEASE PMBR THINK OF THIS!! DARK SAMUS FITS 100 TIMES MORE THAN RIDLEY!!)

2nd) Pichu: IT JUST NO!!! why? its as simple as this... in the aprils fool joke video of Project M, Pichu was OBVIOUSLY THE JOKE!!! besides that having more pokemon, and one as bad as pichu, would just be an overkill in my opinion ( im probably get many hates for this down votes but its just my opinion).

- Others:
Toad: to put this way, toad is used as a shield by peach!!! why make him a character and loose space?
Waluigi: i really dont see him as a revelant character, maybe he has some support but in my opinion he shouldnt
Dixie: i really dont see this happening and im also not in favor for it to happen.

Thanks for whoever read this long post, i really took my time to write this and i hope the PMBR could take to consideration my thoughts especially on the +1 and -1 votes.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
I would think because he has no established moveset at all.

The one time you fight him in the game he just sits there loling at how nothing affects him. (Why the **** didn't the light arrows work on him?!?!?!!?) but after you play the oath to order and all the stuff goes down, the mask detached himself from the host body.

I mean you could pull inspiration from the fight with Majora's mask but that involves whips and transformations.

It could work though. Captain falcon didn't have anything either and look at him.

What do you think about maybe using other MM-themed moves on Skull Kid, the same way that Ness/Lucas use a bunch of EB moves that they don't have?

So maybe he'd do a little Deku spin for his dash attack, or his side-B would be throwing out some electrically-charged boomerangs.

He could even have some moves that reference other things, like the ELEGY of emptiness. Maybe that's his Down-B, and when he does it a statue of Goron Link falls down and he cackles. "HAHAHAHAHA"

It would be kind of a sick moveset - as though he'd gotten all those masks, too, and now was tapping into their powers. O_O

And then yeah, some of his tilts or smash attacks could be huge tentacles or arms coming out from his mask.

Man, that would be a freaky moveset! But it'd be kinda awesome, too. <_<


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
So wait? Just because you don`t like them your not letting anyone else talk or vote for Pichu? also
this thread has that?
Naw, he's probably tired of hearing everyone go back and forth on Pichu.

I mean we are talking about the clone engine character speculation but this might as well be "Should Pichu make it in or not?"

Honestly I had hopes for this thread being seen by the PMBR initially to show what is liked and what isn't but at this point; I'd rather them just stick with what they will do.

At least that way if they don't add Pichu I can say that they didn't want him and accept that then have to deal with the fact that they might of wanted him but ended up scrapping him due to the community's dislike of the character.

For the sake of this thread's unstable sanity, no more discussion on Pichu.
This is my last statement on the matter of Pichu unless someone else decides to come in with a critical, uninformed view of the character.

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
So wait? Just because you don`t like them your not letting anyone else talk or vote for Pichu? also
this thread has that?

No, it's because every time Pichu comes up, the next few pages start turning into a Pichu argument. We've heard everything that needs to be heard already, and there's no point in putting us through purgatory again.

OK, im gonna take my time on this one, but please Anti Guy i would like if you atleast read it, not do it but consider it.

- Others:

Thanks for whoever read this long post, i really took my time to write this and i hope the PMBR could take to consideration my thoughts especially on the +1 and -1 votes.
Those last 3 won't count unless you give an explanation. Doesn't need to be long, but you just need to have a reason.

And I doubt the PMBR really cares for anyone's thoughts. But at least with more votes there can be a stronger impression.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Besides societal satire, I just stepped in to say that I'm removing my 1/2 vote for Sami. Representation aside, Snake would be a rather unfitting base, and I don't think the playstyle I could see Sami having would fit well with Smash in general, much less Snake's moveset. It wouldn't be an awful addition, but it seems like a ton of work for a character either too similar to a niche character like Snake (and not even fittingly so), or a unique character that has been given all the things I didn't like on Snake in the first place. As it is I've just lost all traces of enthusiasm for the character.
At the very least she would be easier to implement and is a lot less niche than Masked Man/Claus. :troll:

Seriously, I don't understand why you say a Snake moveset wouldn't fit her. Obviously she wouldn't keep have the changes made to Snake from Project M (the knife and the tranquilizer), but she could have Snake's original moves there (the Nikita, and the original Smash-A). In all of her artwork she is seen with realistic military hardware so I don't see how her moveset is out of place. She is also an elite special ops soldier outside of being a CO, so she is probably just as acrobatic as Snake is.

Really, the only two moves that would seem out of place for her of Snake's moveset are:
- The Cypher
- The Final Smash

Final Smash can easily be a Landmaster type deal where she attacks with a tank from Advance Wars.

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
At the very least she would be easier to implement and is a lot less niche than Masked Man/Claus. :troll:

Seriously, I don't understand why you say a Snake moveset wouldn't fit her. Obviously she wouldn't keep have the changes made to Snake from Project M (the knife and the tranquilizer), but she could have Snake's original moves there (the Nikita, and the original Smash-A). In all of her artwork she is seen with realistic military hardware so I don't see how her moveset is out of place. She is also an elite special ops soldier outside of being a CO, so she is probably just as acrobatic as Snake is.

Really, the only two moves that would seem out of place for her of Snake's moveset are:
- The Cypher
- The Final Smash

Final Smash can easily be a Landmaster type deal where she attacks with a tank from Advance Wars.
Has anyone ever brought up the idea of a rocket jump Up B for Sami?
It's just begging to happen.

Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
I couldn't disagree more, sorry! Spacies are something wholly unique to Smash. They're immensely popular and their playstyle is kind of an encapsulation of everything that's great about Smash Bros.

"The series doesn't deserve that many characters" is pretty hard to quantify, too. Everyone seems to be on board with Lyn being added into the game. Unless you can give me a thorough mathematical breakdown as to why Fire Emblem "deserves" 4 characters and Star Fox only "deserves" 3, I don't see that as a reason to keep a character out. The way they'd fight, and what PM could do with them, matters far more to the mod than anything else.

Taking that a step further, there's no reason for Slippy, Peppy, Krystal, Leon, or any other potential Spacie to be a clone. It could be a chance for the PM to do a totally original moveset, working with the spacie core kit - a blaster, a reflector, being heavier than a rock, having crazy martial arts skills, a dashing Side-B, and an Up-B that's easier to gimp than most, giving them a much-needed weakness.

But even if the next Spacie was a clone, it'd still be awesome. I'd actually love a faster, quicker Wolf (or if that would be obscene, a slower one! whichever works better haha).

Spacies are some of the most fun characters to watch, too. Have you seen Chillen's Wolf? Man, it's beautiful. Something about shines and how they combo so smoothly is just gorgeous. I'd love to see Slippy dunking fools or Peppy stringing together nasty combos. Just thinking about this makes me shiver with hype-ticipation. I never got into playing Fox or Falco, but I always love to watch them in tournies.

I think moreso than games, franchises, reps, who deserves what, who's relevant, who made the most money, or any of that other speculative Smash talk, PM as an experience would benefit from an additional Spacie playstyle, custom made by the PMBR.
Lyn is far more relevant to Fire Emblem than Slippy is to Star Fox.

For example, if Lyn dies, you get a game over screen. If Slippy dies, it's because I blew him up rather than wait for the enemies to inevitably converge on his useless butt, saving me the anguish if listening to his Ashera-forsaken voice.

I would support Slippy if this was his moveset, though:

<any input> Slippy yells out "Fox, help me!" A laser shoots down from the sky and blows him up. Slippy loses all stocks but one and is replaced by Fox in infinite Turbo Mode. We also hear Falco laughing as Slippy winks into a star.

I mean, really, if you're going to advocate a fourth SF character, don't pick the series' equivalent of Na'vi. Krystal, Leon and even Panther have more claim to that spot than the sodding frog, who isn't even a proper combatant but the Arwing's engineer. See: Slippy's utter astonishment at landing a single kill when the remainder of the team has mowed down the equivalent of a battalion, apiece.

Edit: Okay, so I quoted the wrong post and things look messed up. My point still stands, even though I'm misremembering and people were advocating more for a 4th Spacie than Slippy in particular. Which is fine.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
Skull Kid is pretty awesome, yeah. : D It would be nice to have an MM character too, since Young Link being gone kind of leaves that void. Sheik can always serve as an OoT rep, but in a sad way it's like there's no one carrying the torch for MM.
At the expense of sounding too hyped or saying "do this character" just for the sake of saying it, I do love Skull Kid, with MM being my favorite LoZ title to date. Already came up with a moveset for Zant, and still think it's totally viable, but Skull Kid has been around in many more titles.

BUT, there's the matter of which Skull Kid would be used as a model, and which one (or ones) it'd inherit traits from.

Let's break down what each one could bring to the table in terms of special attacks alone.

[collapse=Ocarina of Time Skull Kid (race)]

N-Special: Dart. A simple dart, similar to Sheik's needle, fired from the flute that Skull Kid plays. Properties could include stun similar to Snake's tranq. gun, high hitstun and aerial downward angle similar to Sheik's (used primarily for gimping and hampering recovery), a charge capability for a flurry of darts, or simple rapid-fire with no hitstun similar to Fox's laser.

F-Special: Vanishing ability. When attacked by Seven-Years-Later Link, the Skull Kid 'vanishes' until the map is reloaded. The Smash rendition of Skull Kid could take advantage of this in the form of a 'warp' similar to Lucario's. Used to aid in recovery, chases, and evading attacks. On the ground, you could 'guide' Skull Kid forward or back. Alternatively, and uniquely, it could make Skull Kid backflip, just like he does in Ocarina, which would serve strictly as a 'run away' move (but could aid in chasing opponents who are knocked behind him).

U-Special: The Forest elements in Ocarina were originally slated to be related to wind in some way, evidenced by the forest section of Ganondorf's Castle of the same game. Perhaps Skull Kid could play his flute while rising in a quick gust of wind? It'd be a weak hit, striking multiple times, 'carrying' the opponent but having a sweetspot at the tip, and launching him upward similar to Wario's recovery.

Alternatively, he could pull out a Peahat larva and rise skyward similarly to Snake and Cypher. Absolutely hilarious, and practical.

D-Special: I honestly have no idea what could go here that could be drawn from Ocarina Skull Kid. Perhaps a Deku Nut flash? Stunning anybody who happens to be right on top of him? And, being in the air, he could throw them down at an angle at opponents, with the aerial version having no splash damage and stunning only on a direct hit on a grounded opponent.

Next up on the list, is Majora's Mask Skull Kid.

[collapse=Majora's Mask Skull Kid]

Of course, using any abilities from this appearance of his means that he'd have to be in the mask, but that doesn't mean he couldn't use any of the abilities of the Ocarina Skull Kid.

With a moveset focused more on high-powered, close-ranged magic (as opposed to the ranged trickery of the prankster Ocarina Skull Kid), Majora's Mask Skull Kid would boast more outright power and killing potential than the other two versions.

N-Special: Scream: Skull Kid could charge for a little while, and unleash a scream like he does in Majora's Mask. The effects of which are only observed to be the calling of the Moon on the Final Day, but it can't be assumed that this scream can't do something else like, say, stun your opponent (Skull Kid seems to be asking for a moveset revolving around stunning, it seems). Alternatively, instead of stunning, a damaging aura of electricity and magic could burst from the mask when a charge is used, zapping opponents and flinging them away.

F-Special: Chains: Okay, so, I know that only Majora's Wrath is shown to use the chains, but, what else can we go off of? Why not toss it out there? Skull Kid could whip out a chain for an attempt at a tether-like grab, similarly to Zero Suit's F-Special in which she attempts to 'reel' opponent's in with knockback.

U-Special: A tether grab with the chains. Eh, can't think of anything from MM Skull Kid, to be honest.

D-Special: No ideas here either. Man, you'd think that I'd have more for Majora's Mask Skull Kid, but I just don't. It's the Mask that has all of the cool stuff going on during the fights.

Okay, and finally, here's Twilight Princess Skull Kid. The oft-forgotten appearance that has plenty of interesting quirkiness and creepiness to go around.

[collapse=Twilight Princess Skull Kid]

Based more around trickery than the other two versions, having some of the attacks of this one mean that it couldn't use the Majora abilities and make sense, but here it is nonetheless. Think of Carl and Relius Clover from the BlazBlue series, how they fight with their own puppets as a duo. I'm not saying that Skull Kid should (or could, from a programming standpoint) be an Ice Climber-esque fighter, but that some of his specials could utilize the marionette for attacking. There are some pretty quirky and clever ideas to be had. Where would the puppet be? I don't know, on his back or something, I'm not a genius.

N-Special: The Skull Kid blasts a note from his horn, pushing those in front of him away, and knocking them down to their feet. A stronger charge means a small increase in range, but the attack itself would simply knock the opponent on their feet, dealing very little damage.

F-Special: Skull Kid throws his puppet forward with arms outstretched, attempting to 'snag' an opponent with it, reeling them in to him. Just a different take on the 'chains' thing from Majora's Mask Skull Kid.

U-Special: Skull Kid throws his puppet skyward, where it would attempt to snag a ledge for recovery, or drag himself to an opponent should the move connect with one. Skull Kid would, if airborne, jump off of this opponent if he happened to catch them, and be able to use the move again (similar to Captain Falcon and Ganondorf's recoveries). Opponents caught in this manner wouldn't be launched down, but thrown forward-facing of Skull Kid (again, just like Cap and 'Dorf's). If this attack is used on the ground, and hits an airborne opponent, it will drag them to the ground similarly to ZSS's recovery.

D-Special: Skull Kid twirls about, spouting fire in a small circle around him with his lantern.


Crawl: Twili. Skull Kid could potentially have a crawling mechanic using the puppet. Skull Kid himself would remain in place, but the puppet could be moved forward and backward, sweeping with the arm-slash D-tilt at a short range. The puppet would retreat back to Skull Kid if 'hit', and simply cancel out his crawl. The move would not extend over platforms and ledges.

SO, the way I see it, Majora's Mask Skull Kid is probably the one everybody wants, Ocarina Skull Kid has a wider pool of attacks to choose from for Skull Kid himself, and Twili. Skull Kid has some very interesting (but way too complicated) concepts, none of which are probably possible.

Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
Is that the post I'm replying to? Let me go look for it and edit it into mine, hahahaha

Edit: Nope, still can't find the post that was 100% advocating Slippy over Lyn. I may have made this up out of my own defensiveness.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
so have we all come to a consensus on having pichu in next version?
As much as I hate the little *******, it's probably going to be him, and it's probably going to turn out to be nipple-perkingly awesome...

...just let me hate you, Pichu. Things were easier before the P:MBR remembered you.

Really, the only two moves that would seem out of place for her of Snake's moveset are:- The Final SmashFinal Smash can easily be a Landmaster type deal where she attacks with a tank from Advance Wars.
Well, you could just 'repaint' the helicopter used for Snake's final smash and make it orange. If that's possible. It'd be a nice little nod to the Orange Star Army. Cypher though, got nothing for that.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Just a reminder.

Ganondorf could get a sword via stance-change. No need to spoonfeed us Black Shadow who I'm certain 95% of Gdorf/Black Shadow supporters don't even care about. (Don't believe me? Poll them which they'd prefer if it were one VS the other)


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Is that the post I'm replying to? Let me go look for it and edit it into mine, hahahaha

Edit: Nope, still can't find the post that was 100% advocating Slippy over Lyn. I may have made this up out of my own defensiveness.
I would support Slippy if this was his moveset, though:

<any input> Slippy yells out "Fox, help me!" A laser shoots down from the sky and blows him up. Slippy loses all stocks but one and is replaced by Fox in infinite Turbo Mode. We also hear Falco laughing as Slippy winks into a star.

I mean, really, if you're going to advocate a fourth SF character, don't pick the series' equivalent of Na'vi. Krystal, Leon and even Panther have more claim to that spot than the sodding frog, who isn't even a proper combatant but the Arwing's engineer. See: Slippy's utter astonishment at landing a single kill when the remainder of the team has mowed down the equivalent of a battalion, apiece.

Yeah you may have jumped the gun there buddy. :p (i'm keeping this in case you edit out your post xD)
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