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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
Just a reminder.

Ganondorf could get a sword via stance-change. No need to spoonfeed us Black Shadow who I'm certain 95% of Gdorf/Black Shadow supporters don't even care about. (Don't believe me? Poll them which they'd prefer if it were one VS the other)
Granted, a stance-change 'Dorf is preferred over Black Turd, but I just don't see a sword bringing anything to the table for Ganondorf. It'd be a cool nod to Twilight Princess and Wind Waker, the only two titles in which he uses one, but does he need it? He's already got a lightning-fast dashdance, with some powerful aerials that come out quickly, and one hell of a fast jab and f-tilt, with some serious bone-breaking power behind them. I just see a sword as some swishy fast thing that doesn't kill nearly as fast as his manly fists. G combos pretty quickly and fluidly without a sword. I just don't think he needs one.

I'm not saying it's not cool, or a nice touch, but I just don't think the dude needs it. He kills fine enough as it is. The only thing he needs is a better neutral-special.

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
If Skull Kid were added, he'd DEFINITELY have to be the MM Skull Kid.
However, abilities from all 3 Skull Kids could be incorporated into one character, with MM Skull Kid just being the texture.

Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
I agree that as much as it may make sense from a canon perspective, in Smash Bros Ganon has always been a bare-knuckles magic-steroid amped brawler, and after so many years of him being as such giving him a sword'd just feel *wrong*.

Besides, The Punch rips through everything ... swords, shields and FACES.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
If Skull Kid were added, he'd DEFINITELY have to be the MM Skull Kid.
However, abilities from all 3 Skull Kids could be incorporated into one character, with MM Skull Kid just being the texture.
As much as I loved Majora's Mask, I'd prefer it gameplay-wise to be the Ocarina Skull Kid. The Skull Kid himself has a wider pool of attacks and abilities demonstrated in Ocarina, as the Mask does the heavy lifting in MM.

Plus, they're the same character, anyway. So, that's a bonus.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Granted, a stance-change 'Dorf is preferred over Black Turd, but I just don't see a sword bringing anything to the table for Ganondorf. It'd be a cool nod to Twilight Princess and Wind Waker, the only two titles in which he uses one, but does he need it? He's already got a lightning-fast dashdance, with some powerful aerials that come out quickly, and one hell of a fast jab and f-tilt, with some serious bone-breaking power behind them. I just see a sword as some swishy fast thing that doesn't kill nearly as fast as his manly fists. G combos pretty quickly and fluidly without a sword. I just don't think he needs one.

I'm not saying it's not cool, or a nice touch, but I just don't think the dude needs it. He kills fine enough as it is. The only thing he needs is a better neutral-special.

I wouldn't want him changed, and I'm sure a lot of Ganon mains wouldn't either.
What I want to see is a PROPER F-Zero character, and BS just isn't it. Especially if he's the side-thought to make Ganondorf "look better".
We got a stance change system now, there's no need for the outdated idea of G/BS to go through when it's clearly nobody except a very small few care about BS or could go either way between him and Samurai Goroh.

I'm extremely indifferent to the idea of revamping Ganon's moveset... If the idea to revamp him gets through, more power to those who wanted it. Just don't take 2 slots to work him out.

Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
Yeah you may have jumped the gun there buddy. :p (i'm keeping this in case you edit out your post xD)
I stand by my extremely controversial stance. FOREVER AND ALWAYS.

Also, I'd advocate Blaziken for Clone Engine super hard - Falcon Clone sped up, unique moveset, combines combo potential with possibly some excellent specials for a unique moveset, could have a speed boost system like Lucario's aura where the more combos he does the faster he gets to a max - if not for the extremely slim chance of him making it in. Popular with Pokemon fans or no, we have 7 Pokemon in the game including Mewtwo. Sigh. No Gen 3 rep 4 u while Gen 1 gets 6 :p

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
I wouldn't want him changed, and I'm sure a lot of Ganon mains wouldn't either.
What I want to see is a PROPER F-Zero character, and BS just isn't it. Especially if he's the side-thought to make Ganondorf "look better".
We got a stance change system now, there's no need for the outdated idea of G/BS to go through when it's clearly nobody except a very small few care about BS or could go either way between him and Samurai Goroh.

I'm extremely indifferent to the idea of revamping Ganon's moveset... If the idea to revamp him gets through, more power to those who wanted it. Just don't take 2 slots to work him out.
This is basically what I said a few pages back, and I got blasted for it.......sooooo......good job.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
I agree that as much as it may make sense from a canon perspective, in Smash Bros Ganon has always been a bare-knuckles magic-steroid amped brawler, and after so many years of him being as such giving him a sword'd just feel *wrong*.

Besides, The Punch rips through everything ... swords, shields and FACES.
To quote Silpheed in regards to canon:

{...} Aaaaaand I can't believe someone tried to argue against costumes by using "canon" as an argument. This game is not canon to anything. You fight a giant hand at the end. Everyone is a statue/trophy. This game is the epitome of DREAM MATCH. Fan-****.

C'mon, yall.
Canon shouldn't mean jack-**** in Smash. Well, to an extent. Anyway, a sword could only hinder Ganondorf, since it'd just be weaker than his already fast and powerful normals. Plus, Warlock Punch is downright awful. It's hilarious when it hits, but he could use some work in the n-special department. Not that having a dud move is a bad thing, but, this is like a turbo-dud move.

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
Just don't take 2 slots to work him out.

It's one slot. The original slot becomes Black Shadow, and the new slot becomes Ganondorf.

Also, I wouldn't say the idea is completely outdated. There's no indication that they would employ the stance change for Ganondorf. Doing so would introduce a significant change in his moveset. Samus only has minor effects with hers.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
I wouldn't want him changed, and I'm sure a lot of Ganon mains wouldn't either.
My old buddy from WA who got me into P:M and mains Ganondorf hates the idea, and for valid reasons that I'm sure any Ganondorf main would agree with. A sword is just a weak option that doesn't kill stuff as quickly as his fists, and there's no reason why he needs it.

It's one slot. The original slot becomes Black Shadow, and thenew slot becomes Ganondorf.
How about that piece of trash stays out of the game, or gets his own moveset? Ganondorf was here first. There's no reason why he needs to be bumped off just for F-Zero representation, which would be even more insulting to Ganondorf mains for two reasons:

1) They'd have to learn a new character to play Ganondorf. Being told "Black Shadow is the Ganondorf you used!" is just a massive cockslap to the face.

2) Black Shadow would remain the same as Ganondorf was, so what's the point?

I don't even understand how Black Shadow advocates even have a voice in this.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Just a reminder.

Ganondorf could get a sword via stance-change. No need to spoonfeed us Black Shadow who I'm certain 95% of Gdorf/Black Shadow supporters don't even care about. (Don't believe me? Poll them which they'd prefer if it were one VS the other)
If this is possible. Then this can easily satisfy both camps. I don't think people want Black Shadow so much as they want Ganondorf to have his own moveset.

Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
Okay, suddenly I'm consumed by a burning desire to see Blaziken in a smash game ... Flamethrower neutral B for gimping and stifling approaches similar to Zard and Bowser, which is already enough to set him apart from Falcon. Give him less KO potential, more speed, some unique animations/move property tweaks and make his most powerful KO move a full body tackle that makes Blaziken take a significant chunk of the damage he deals to his opponent. Flare Blitz Down-Special or somesuch, Sky Uppercut up-smash that pops up like Lucario's without the multi-hits ... And have Speed Boost as a core mechanic that makes Blaziken go faster the longer he stays out, beginning from a fairly lackluster speed. This completely reflects the way Blaziken actually plays in Pokemon. The skill comes from staying alive long enough to get to a faster pace and constantly adapting to the character's changing speed, both for the player and the opponent.

... Oh my God, I think I hyped myself to the max for something that will never be. Halp :(

Votes for Blaziken, Lyn, Isaac and Dark Samus guyz.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Where was all this support when I was talking about a stance change?
Well was your idea posted before the 3.0 video was shown? Project M Samus shows that stance changes are possible.

However, with Ganondorf, its going to take far more work considering it would be a completely new moveset, as opposed to a few swapped moves (like the case of Samus).

Thinking about it more, I think Project M could actually rival Smash 4 in terms of its newcomers.

Mewtwo and Roy are among the Top 5 most wanted characters for Smash 4, and adding those two brought a lot more exposure to Project M. Ridley, Isaac, and Dixie Kong are also all among the Top 10 most wanted newcomers for Smash 4. That is a lot of starpower right there.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2012
If this is possible. Then this can easily satisfy both camps. I don't think people want Black Shadow so much as they want Ganondorf to have his own moveset.

I really think another good option would be do just keep Ganondorf as he is, and bring in OOT Ganondorf as another character. I don't care about black shadow either way.

A sword stance would be okay, but it wouldn't solve the problems with the rest of the move set (mainly the projectile).

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
I'd hop in, but I'm ass at making puns.
Everyone else would certainly overShadow my measly attempts.

*cricket sounds*


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Where was all this support when I was talking about a stance change?
If you got shot down, then you should shoot THEM down even lower. The idea is just nonsense, and wanting a complete moveset overhaul when the stance change was revealed, that's just greedy! :facepalm:

I think it's only FAIR that the mere concept of Ganondorf/Black Shadow should take up TWO voting slots, because not only is the ammount of change and work significantly bigger (it's working on two characters, wether it takes a single slot or not), but also because the support of Black Shadow is in reality WEAK compared to the ammount of people who DON'T want Black Shadow.

That, or just settle for a stance change which is OPTIONAL to former Ganon mains, and will make those who wanted him changed significantly happier.
He could have the ground pound everyone wants, for starters. Everything except projectiles.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
Seriously, I don't understand why you say a Snake moveset wouldn't fit her. Obviously she wouldn't keep have the changes made to Snake from Project M (the knife and the tranquilizer), but she could have Snake's original moves there (the Nikita, and the original Smash-A). In all of her artwork she is seen with realistic military hardware so I don't see how her moveset is out of place. She is also an elite special ops soldier outside of being a CO, so she is probably just as acrobatic as Snake is.

Really, the only two moves that would seem out of place for her of Snake's moveset are:
- The Cypher
- The Final Smash

Final Smash can easily be a Landmaster type deal where she attacks with a tank from Advance Wars.
Well, I'll try to explain it better. Just to be clear though, I never said I consider Sami a bad choice. I am placing her at neutral for both objective and somewhat subjective reasons.

Snake is not acrobatic. He is one of the slowest characters in the game. His air speed is terrible, he has no wavedash, and he can't run. It's meant to be that way because it plays into his playstyle quite well.
What I mean to say is that Snake's moveset would not work well with how I envision Sami's playstyle, not that it's out of place aesthetically. It isn't just a simple concept of he uses guns, she also uses guns.
I think that Snake's moveset wouldn't work because he is based on traps and controlling space. Isn't Sami's big thing that her forces run n' gun better than anyone else's? She overruns territory very efficiently and quickly, and I don't think there is any indication of CQC ability, although that's a lesser concern. Mines also seem out of place to me, as does C4. Overall, it just seems more likely that she would have something more suited to gunning down her enemy quickly. Setting a mine, grabbing the opponent, sticking with C4, tech chasing for a regrab, then finally throwing her opponent onto a mine and activating C4 for a KO does not seem like a good fit for playstyle. If Sami were as slow as Snake I'd actually be a little disappointed.

If the Nikita was imbalanced on Snake, it will be the same on Sami. Giving it back is bad idea, unless it were modified to a normal rocket launcher, which would require extra work and still might turn out to be a balancing act.
I am far from fond of the vBrawl fsmash, too. I think the concept was a little ridiculous and it's usefulness compared to anything you could put in it's place is questionable. I realize it would sort of work better on Sami, but I'm not exactly eager to see it make a return. There's my subjective reasoning.

At the very least she would be easier to implement and is a lot less niche than Masked Man/Claus. :troll:
I'm sorry you still feel that way about the Masked Man :troll:

Sami requires an entirely new model, I don't think she'll be easy by any means. I don't think animations will carry over too smoothly, either, if you're only taking a vaguely similar model and probably speeding up animations, etc. I don't know how effectively I can consider your statement without actually hearing your breakdown of the process and what will cause the difficulties, though. For now, I hope you can understand why my enthusiasm for the concept has lowered into neutral levels.


Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Are we still doing puns..?

Because yellow is totally red's compliment.
Oh well, better than green, anyway. I prefer blue to my scarves. Blue goes well with nearly anything...

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Y'know, the reason I want Ganondorf/Black Shadow is because it's insulting, as a Zelda fan, to see someone else wearing Ganondorf's face in Smash. The man that's running around Warlock Punching people is awesome, don't get me wrong. He's just not Ganondorf. Coming from this perspective, it feels wrong.

The thing about Ganon mains who like him for his moves and not for the character is valid, but if the moveset is still there as Black Shadow, they can always put a Ganondorf skin over it with no problem, and he would be no different than what they're used to. Zelda fans who want Ganondorf to be himself can't make him a moveset as easily. That's why I support the idea. True, I don't care about Black Shadow at all. I don't even care about F-Zero as a series. But it's the only way that I see to give Ganondorf the moves he deserves while not leaving people who main him in the cold, other than just having another Ganondorf - and that's overkill, IMO.

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
If you got shot down, then you should shoot THEM down even lower. The idea is just nonsense, and wanting a complete moveset overhaul when the stance change was revealed, that's just greedy! :facepalm:

I twaied and I twaied and I twaied, but it was no use


Smash Lord
May 26, 2012
If you got shot down, then you should shoot THEM down even lower. The idea is just nonsense, and wanting a complete moveset overhaul when the stance change was revealed, that's just greedy! :facepalm:

I think it's only FAIR that the mere concept of Ganondorf/Black Shadow should take up TWO voting slots, because not only is the ammount of change and work significantly bigger (it's working on two characters, wether it takes a single slot or not), but also because the support of Black Shadow is in reality WEAK compared to the ammount of people who DON'T want Black Shadow.

That, or just settle for a stance change which is OPTIONAL to former Ganon mains, and will make those who wanted him changed significantly happier.
He could have the ground pound everyone wants, for starters. Everything except projectiles.

I just said this, but you probably missed it - instead of Black Shadow, just keep Ganondorf as is and bring OOT Ganondorf with a new move set...
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