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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
-cough cough-
Boy. That Shulk icon is going to look REAAAAAALLLY good on my mains list..
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
It's a very original idea, I actually kind of like it. It could have an awesome art style.

Don't pay attention to what that other kid was saying. As someone whose main Smash game was Melee for a long time, having this guy but not wireframes is a-okay.

That was a silly assumption.
Thanks :) Yeah I would love to see what he would look like with an upgraded model and texture.

You would pretty much have free reign to do whatever you want with his attacks, considering he could create polygons or morph parts of his body into different polygons. I'm not sure how hard that would be to do in Project M though. Maybe I'll make a moveset for him.

Regardless he's easily clonable of Mario (possibly a faster falling heavier version). He also doesn't even need a voice. Cos he just destroys you in silence.

So considering we can half vote as many times as we like:

+1/2 Fighting Polygon
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Thanks :) Yeah I would love to see what he would look like with an upgraded model and texture.

You would pretty much have free reign to do whatever you want with his attacks, considering he could create polygons or morph parts of his body into different polygons. I'm not sure how hard that would be to do in Project M though. Maybe I'll make a moveset for him.

Regardless he's easily clonable of Mario (possibly a faster falling heavier version).

Oh yeah considering we can half vote as many times as we like:

+1/2 Fighting Polygon
You're forgetting a key rule. A character has to be present in the game.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
You're forgetting a key rule. A character has to be present in the game.
Oh do they? Well that's kind of lame. I mean, it's not like you would need the polygon model. You would just need to take Mario and make him polygonated.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Oh do they? Well that's kind of lame. I mean, it's not like you would need the polygon model. You would just need to take Mario and make him polygonated.
Yeah, but that is a rule. And technically speaking, the fighting polygon team is a copyrighted character that exists outside of Brawl.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Oh do they? Well that's kind of lame. I mean, it's not like you would need the polygon model. You would just need to take Mario and make him polygonated.
The purpose of the rule is to ensure the character is already licensed to appear in the game in an attempt to avoid legal issues.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
That was a great Shulk reveal trailer today... So does anyone else's head hurt today?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2013
Somehow I have to contain all this hype to continue my workday. I'm still a little jittery from the excitement.

Although I'm a bit disappointed that Chrom isn't actually a playable character. I thought for sure he was at the end of that trailer, but after reading other comments I see he isn't.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Gematsu's head hurts today.
Somehow I have to contain all this hype to continue my workday. I'm still a little jittery from the excitement.

Although I'm a bit disappointed that Chrom isn't actually a playable character. I thought for sure he was at the end of that trailer, but after reading other comments I see he isn't.
Not that I'm disappointed in the reveal, but it worries me about the Gamatu's final characters. Fingers crossed that Shulk still has a chance.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
I too hope that Shulk still finds his way in. Honestly, I could live without Chorus Men though...

A good point to bring up about the reveal, as a way to stay on topic, none of our candidates were spoiled. That's a minor relief.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
Lucina looks like a Marth clone, probably to fill Roy's absence!

ROY DECONFIRMED, PMBR. You all know we want him in the game.



Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2013
Not that I'm disappointed in the reveal, but it worries me about the Gamatu's final characters. Fingers crossed that Shulk still has a chance.
Agreed. I still haven't played Xenoblade yet (I know, I know, I'm crazy), but I'd really like to see Shulk.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
... My preordered copy is still safely stored away, awaiting the day for me to finally pick it up and play. We have a really long backlog of games that we want to finish up first, but Smash keeps on getting in the way...

Dammit PMBR, why did you have to make this game so damn awesome.
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
But still.... This shows Sakurai was listening. Especially with the line from Robin, "I'm no ordinary Swordsmen". Proof that swordsmen, Fire Emblem or not, can be incredibly unique.

Agreed. I still haven't played Xenoblade yet (I know, I know, I'm crazy), but I'd really like to see Shulk.
Nobody would blame you, or think you are crazy. Xenoblade was incredibly grindy, but I did enjoy the game for its story more so than any RPG I've ever played. That being said, I just like Shulk as a character. He would feel better to me in the Smash setting than he does in his own game, much like how I feel about Roy.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I don't know how to feel about the fact that Isaac has a chance again. On the one hand, he deserves it and would be awesome. On the other hand... I want him badly in PM.
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I don't know how to feel about the fact that Isaac has a chance again. On the one hand, he deserves it and would be awesome. On the other hand... I want him badly in PM.
Feel happy. He is likely to be confirmed one way or another. And if your lucky, both. PMBR did say they wouldn't stop working on a character that they already started working on. So here's hoping they were working on Isaac before there is any chance of him being confirmed in Smash 4.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2014
I don't know how to feel about the fact that Isaac has a chance again. On the one hand, he deserves it and would be awesome. On the other hand... I want him badly in PM.

Dark Dawn Isaac is going to show up in the next Sm4sh trailer, but get his kicked by Jigglypuff. Before Isaac is finished off, a wall of rock appears out of nowhere to shield him. A new character appears on the scene and we're greeted with "Matthew Shakes things up?!" Chrom comes out at the end of the trailer to pat a depressed Isaac on the back and says "I know how you feel." A similar trailer is released at a later date involving Saki and Isa. Isaac and Saki are later revealed for Project M.

A man can dream, right?
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Smash Master
Mar 15, 2014
San Antonio
Shulk hasn't been deconfirmed yet. But please. Proceed to make an *** of yourself here. I enjoy having a reason to laugh at you.
Gematsu said that Chrom would be playable, where as he's only part of Robin's FS. Pretty debunked to me. I do think that Shulk has a chance though.

I'm just happy because it proves we arent just getting the characters outlined in Gematsu, which were honestly pretty meh. My only hope was Chorus Kid, and that was only in hope that he would bring something new to the table.

But thats why we have Robin :D


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Gematsu said that Chrom would be playable, where as he's only part of Robin's FS. Pretty debunked to me. I do think that Shulk has a chance though.

I'm just happy because it proves we arent just getting the characters outlined in Gematsu, which were honestly pretty meh. My only hope was Chorus Kid, and that was only in hope that he would bring something new to the table.

But thats why we have Robin :D
The guy missed two out of how many? Considering it is easy to mistake Rosalina for Peach for those unfamiliar with Mario lore, and likely there was a chance that the leaker was misinformed about Chrom, it is hardly fair to claim it completely debunked. There is such a thing as being wrong. And just because this tid bit of information got relayed incorrectly does not mean we will not see Shulk or Chorus Men. If anything, all this means is that there is a chance we getting more characters than we anticipated.

That being said, the way you quoted me was honestly uncalled for and rude. Calling me out for being wrong isn't exactly a way to approach me for conversation. I was just one of many people convinced that we were getting a character that was being hinted, and one I was excited for none-the-less.


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2014
I have a feeling there will be at most one sword character newcomer to prevent an oversaturation of sword characters. Here's hoping for Shulk but I'm almost 100% sure that Isaac won't be making it into Sm4sh

Also, with the success of Fire Emblem Awakening I feel they deserve the 2 new characters in Sm4sh...it's a good day to be a Fire Emblem fan :)
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Smash Master
Mar 15, 2014
San Antonio
The guy missed two out of how many? Considering it is easy to mistake Rosalina for Peach for those unfamiliar with Mario lore, and likely there was a chance that the leaker was misinformed about Chrom, it is hardly fair to claim it completely debunked. There is such a thing as being wrong. And just because this tid bit of information got relayed incorrectly does not mean we will not see Shulk or Chorus Men. If anything, all this means is that there is a chance we getting more characters than we anticipated.

That being said, the way you quoted me was honestly uncalled for and rude. Calling me out for being wrong isn't exactly a way to approach me for conversation. I was just one of many people convinced that we were getting a character that was being hinted, and one I was excited for none-the-less.
I wasn't trying to be rude, honestly I thought you were being sarcastic with the way you had your statement crossed out. I wasn't calling you out at all.


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2014
No character is worthless
I know what you are trying to get at but no
just no
I'm not going to sugar coat Pichu. He is worthless in Melee, he was overshadowed by his/her counterpart Pikachu and brought nothing to Melee itself other than troll tactics. If you read between the lines of my post I wasn't bashing Pichu because F.Blue liked the character, I was bashing Pichu because F.Blue wants him/her to continue to be garbage since it's obvious Pichu will never be in another Nintendo made Smash game. Also, reading between the lines I said "...continue to stay worthless" implying that I think Pichu can have use as a character so I'm being 100% honest in my post and not anti-Pichu for the sake of being anti-Pichu.
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I wasn't trying to be rude, honestly I thought you were being sarcastic with the way you had your statement crossed out. I wasn't calling you out at all.
When you put it that way, it was merely a misunderstanding. But no. I was actually ecstatic about Shulk. He is the newcomer I'm most excited for.

Man, **** Fire Emblem.
Says the person that likes a worthless character that you feel should continue to stay worthless with no improvements if it's even considered in Project M. :pichumelee:
I don't see why either of you should be displeased in characters that weren't targeted towards you. There are several fanbases being appealed to, so there is always a chance there will be a character that isn't to your liking. But someone else will like that character. I for one am very pleased with Robin and Lucina. Lyn isn't so bad of a character either, so I might enjoy her. I personally don't care at all for Pichu, but that doesn't mean I think he is worthless or should be left behind. The proof is in the fact people actually want this character. I would be mad too if they took away my main or a character I enjoy. Quit the being salty for having different tastes than one another. Because neither of you are right in this matter.


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2014
I don't see why either of you should be displeased in characters that weren't targeted towards you. There are several fanbases being appealed to, so there is always a chance there will be a character that isn't to your liking. But someone else will like that character. I for one am very pleased with Robin and Lucina. Lyn isn't so bad of a character either, so I might enjoy her. I personally don't care at all for Pichu, but that doesn't mean I think he is worthless or should be left behind. The proof is in the fact people actually want this character. I would be mad too if they took away my main or a character I enjoy. Quit the being salty for having different tastes than one another. Because neither of you are right in this matter.
Did you read the post above yours because I don't want to sound like a broken record. Reply if you did so I can understand this misunderstanding
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Did you read the post above yours because I don't want to sound like a broken record. Reply if you did so I can understand this misunderstanding
I'm not misunderstanding anything at all. You attacked his post because you had a different opinion. You followed up by doing the same to a character he supports. It makes you no better than him.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Not that I'm disappointed in the reveal, but it worries me about the Gamatu's final characters. Fingers crossed that Shulk still has a chance.
The main theory is that his source had outdated information. Lucina looks to be a Marth clone, so she could easily have been created within the last few months. Robin on the otherhand, I don't know how he overlooked that.

With four playable Fire Emblem characters in Smash 4, I think it is high time that the sister series of Fire Emblem, Advance/Famicom Wars, gets one in Smash Bros., and its certainly not going to happen in Smash Bros. 4 (Sakurai has already said we are nearing the end for newcomer unveils).

Hopefully, Project M fulfills that and gives this legendary Nintendo franchise its due in Smash Bros.
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Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
(Sakurai has already said we are nearing the end for newcomer unveils).
Yeah, that, there may even be a few more for players to discover when they get their hands on the game. If they don't have a few extra trailers to show us, it doesn't mean they don't have more characters to show afterwards.

Remember, Brawl held off on showing us R.O.B., Toon Link, Wolf, and Lucario until after the games were released. The same might apply here.

But yeah I support Andy in Project M nonetheless ;p
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
The main theory is that his source had outdated information. Lucina looks to be a Marth clone, so she could easily have been created within the last few months. Robin on the otherhand, I don't know how he overlooked that.

With four playable Fire Emblem characters in Smash 4, I think it is high time that the sister series of Fire Emblem, Advance/Famicom Wars, gets one in Smash Bros., and its certainly not going to happen in Smash Bros. 4 (Sakurai has already said we are nearing the end for newcomer unveils).

Hopefully, Project M fulfills that and gives this legendary Nintendo franchise its due in Smash Bros.
Not really a fan of the characters in Advance Wars personally, but they are deserving of more credit than they have received in the past. I would personally like to see Custom Robo get some more attention myself for the very same reason though. That series has done well enough to crank out 5 titles and all it gets is trophy / sticker exposure in Smash, as well as a single assist trophy. I would say it has merited enough attention to at least get a single character.


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2014
I'm not misunderstanding anything at all. You attacked his post because you had a different opinion. You followed up by doing the same to a character he supports. It makes you no better than him.
Alright where to start. I'll go step by step.

"You attacked his post because you had a different opinion"

"He is worthless in Melee, he was overshadowed by his/her counterpart Pikachu and brought nothing to Melee itself other than troll tactics."

True this is an opinion but it is a very accurate one to the point where I can argue that this is a fact. F.Blue's post was an attack with no reason behind it so already I don't see why I'm labelled the same as someone with no sense of logic.

"You followed up by doing the same to a character he supports."

"If you read between the lines of my post I wasn't bashing Pichu because F.Blue liked the character, I was bashing Pichu because F.Blue wants him/her to continue to be garbage since it's obvious Pichu will never be in another Nintendo made Smash game. "

"Also, reading between the lines I said "...continue to stay worthless" implying that I think Pichu can have use as a character so I'm being 100% honest in my post and not anti-Pichu for the sake of being anti-Pichu."

This already counters what you said but to reinforce my claim I ask that you reread all my posts about this topic. I did not deny Pichu, I only stated that Pichu in his latest form (Melee) is worthless. I never implied he was "a lost cause" or not worthy of getting another chance. While once again F.Blue's post is used to deny and attack a franchise which I might add...with no reason for the attack.

"It makes you no better than him."

Please refer to the comparisons I made between myself and F.Blue

So I will ask once more, are you sure you read my post?
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