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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
I didn't think Sticker Star was inherently terrible. It branches off into 3 separate paths in the very beginning instead of being linear, which works in the game's "discover things for yourself" vibe. The idea that you played an RPG without any EXP meant the battle system could potentially focus on other things. In this particular case, it was item management, i.e. the stickers. They worked because Mario fought by himself for the entirety of the game, unless you count Kersti (the syllables of sticker backwards btw) who was the reason you could do that slot machine thing that allowed more than 1 sticker per turn.

It's all a delightfully thought out battle system that I found REALLY neat! However, the game had some things working against it, like how you can just overload on Thing Stickers because they never run out in the place you find them. It makes them game breakers especially when in the final battle when you have a ton of room for them with the sticker pages you get at the end of every world. Also, there's a HUGE difficulty discrepancy between normal enemies and bosses, with the bosses taking forever unless you just so happen to have the right Thing stickers. Finally, while it's impossible to run out of stickers in battle (the game gives you one more every turn you have like 3 or less) it feels like battles could've been more exciting if running out of stickers meant instant Game Over. Stickers are EVERYWHERE, you have to be stupid to run out if you ever do.

All in all, Sticker Star is actually a fun little experiment in a one character RPG with its only emphasis being discovery and item management. It has flaws, but if the team took another crack at the idea I'm confident they could do better. EDIT: and now that others mention it, the jazzy soundtrack was indeed fantastic. The battle theme never got old because of how seriously happy and energetic it is despite being a remix of Gwarhar Lagoon's music from Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

...sorry about posting a whole review here lol, it's just I think a lot of the hate toward the latest Paper Mario is unjustified because they don't look at the game on its own and really analyze the core aspects, they just go "didn't IGN label this an RPG? SO WHERE ARE THE EXPERIENCE POINTS!?" and such. If you're all wonderin', my least favorite is Super Paper Mario.

I hope people start thinking about more clone engine candidates now that I got that out of my system.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
... So, Sticker Star aside... Ridley down b? I'm thinking something like he whips his tail forward, with the air version having it angled downward toward the front. Neutral b would probably be fireballs, side b is that dash attack / Quick Draw type of thing, and up b could be... I dunno, maybe a DDD style super jump that has him crash downwards at the end.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2010
in a yellow submarine
I thought of another Pichu idea-- who remembers the Plasma ability from Kirby's Super Star?

What if Pichu had a move like that? It could start off as a very weak attack with short range, but could charge the more you ran around (dashdancing FTW) It would work well for a hit-n-run esque character. When fully charged, Pichu would become electrified, which would damage enemies that touched it (like in Super Star) as well as Pichu itself. Using the move then would unleash an incredibly powerful electric ball of death :troll:

Back to the subject at hand, I would lol if Ridley got into PM as a fully playable 16-bit sprite.

Okay, jokes aside, that tail would make a GNARLY Dair. It would have to have deceptive range and be able to prop foes upwards so that Ridley can combo them with his claws in midair. After all, it's only natural that a character with wings would be better suited to aerial combat. :)

EDIT: Speaking of Shin B.'s previous post, what if Ridley had an Up-B similar to Falcon/Ganon? That launched Ridley upward and grabbed any unfortunate opponent that happened to be in his way?

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I thought of another Pichu idea-- who remembers the Plasma ability from Kirby's Super Star?

What if Pichu had a move like that? It could start off as a very weak attack with short range, but could charge the more you ran around (dashdancing FTW) It would work well for a hit-n-run esque character. When fully charged, Pichu would become electrified, which would damage enemies that touched it (like in Super Star) as well as Pichu itself. Using the move then would unleash an incredibly powerful electric ball of death :troll:
Bad. Ass. Plasma was always my favorite power, and if Pichu inherited it, I would probably begin to at the very least make him one of my secondaries.
Back to the subject at hand, I would lol if Ridley got into PM as a fully playable 16-bit sprite.

Okay, jokes aside, that tail would make a GNARLY Dair. It would have to have deceptive range and be able to prop foes upwards so that Ridley can combo them with his claws in midair. After all, it's only natural that a character with wings would be better suited to aerial combat. :)
16 bit Ridley would be hilarious!

EDIT: Speaking of Shin B.'s previous post, what if Ridley had an Up-B similar to Falcon/Ganon? That launched Ridley upward and grabbed any unfortunate opponent that happened to be in his way?
Oooh, ouch. What if he grabbed them, then slammed them in the style of Bowser's vBrawl Koopa Klaw? Or spit a fireball into their face point blank?


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
It still sucked, i get what they were trying to do, but it didn't work out for me I didn't like it, the only good thing was the music, that's it.

Even tho i hated that super paper mario wasn't turn based, i still enjoyed it. But SS had no redeeming qualities while SPM had a good story etc.

Ridley should have rob like recovery, use his tail and fireballs, etc. I'm sure the PMBR could work something out if they decide to go with him.

@soda: Yes! that sounds like a cool thing for pichu to have, i'm all for it.

(sorry tomato, I promise the SS is done now.)


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I actually think he should be hunched over like he is in his Super Metroid sprite. Bowser and DK would be far taller if they were both upright, yet both are hunched over. I think the same might also work for Ridley. He would be roughly the same size as the rest of the cast (probably the same size as the tallest/biggest character Ganondorf and Bowser) with that stance.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I actually think he should be hunched over like he is in his Super Metroid sprite. Bowser and DK would be far taller if they were both upright, yet both are hunched over. I think the same might also work for Ridley. He would be roughly the same size as the rest of the cast (probably the same size as the tallest/biggest character Ganondorf and Bowser) with that stance.
Yeah, that's how I always pictured him as well. Makes sense to me.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2010
in a yellow submarine
I actually think he should be hunched over like he is in his Super Metroid sprite. Bowser and DK would be far taller if they were both upright, yet both are hunched over. I think the same might also work for Ridley. He would be roughly the same size as the rest of the cast (probably the same size as the tallest/biggest character Ganondorf and Bowser) with that stance.
That would make a lot of sense. If they can get away with being around the same size as Bowser in the SSBM intro, then dagnabit, they can do it here too! (I'm starting to sound like Cranky Kong all of a sudden. haha)

To elaborate on the Plasma Pichu idea (spoilertagged in the hopes of not derailing the Ridley discussion)

Pichu's Thunder Jolt (B), Agility (up B) and Thunder (down B) would be his most revamped moves.

Thunder jolt would have less range, but would be able to paralyze opponents like ZSS's Paralyzer. Pichu will take damage from using this move, but it can give you time to escape if you're in a bind.

Agility would feature three zips instead of two (each zip would be slightly shorter than one of Pika's). The move still does no damage.

Thunder would instead become Discharge. Normally, Discharge would be a VERY weak move. The more Pichu runs around (again, dashdancing FTW), the more electricity it will build up. When fully charged, Pichu will become electrified-- anything it touches will take damage, and Pichu will take damage itself until it uses Discharge. Discharge would look similar to Pika's Thunder except for one thing-- it travels horizontally! Instead of coming from the clouds, Pichu will discharge a gigantic thunderbolt from it's own body that would shoot straight ahead, decimating all that it touches! The question is: can Pichu live long enough to use it?

Also, I had a really silly idea. If Pichu got a final smash, what if it was Destiny Bond? A 20-second timer would appear above Pichu's head, and if it is KO'd before that timer runs out, whoever landed the killing blow will be instantly defeated! Imagine the salt this would cause in Team Matches! :kappa:

EDIT: I'm pretty sure that Pichu can't use destiny bond. Would still be hilarious though.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
That would make a lot of sense. If they can get away with being around the same size as Bowser in the SSBM intro, then dagnabit, they can do it here too! (I'm starting to sound like Cranky Kong all of a sudden. haha)

To elaborate on the Plasma Pichu idea (spoilertagged in the hopes of not derailing the Ridley discussion)

Pichu's Thunder Jolt (B), Agility (up B) and Thunder (down B) would be his most revamped moves.

Thunder jolt would have less range, but would be able to paralyze opponents like ZSS's Paralyzer. Pichu will take damage from using this move, but it can give you time to escape if you're in a bind.

Agility would feature three zips instead of two (each zip would be slightly shorter than one of Pika's). The move still does no damage.

Thunder would instead become Discharge. Normally, Discharge would be a VERY weak move. The more Pichu runs around (again, dashdancing FTW), the more electricity it will build up. When fully charged, Pichu will become electrified-- anything it touches will take damage, and Pichu will take damage itself until it uses Discharge. Discharge would look similar to Pika's Thunder except for one thing-- it travels horizontally! Instead of coming from the clouds, Pichu will discharge a gigantic thunderbolt from it's own body that would shoot straight ahead, decimating all that it touches! The question is: can Pichu live long enough to use it?

Also, I had a really silly idea. If Pichu got a final smash, what if it was Destiny Bond? A 20-second timer would appear above Pichu's head, and if it is KO'd before that timer runs out, whoever landed the killing blow will be instantly defeated! Imagine the salt this would cause in Team Matches! :kappa:
I want to add a 1/2 for Pichu now. If he got this moveset, he would be an instant secondary for me, and the fact that it doesn't reward getting hurt, but balances the self-damage works really well.


Apr 13, 2008
You know... depending on how long it takes to unveil certain characters, the PMBR might withhold from developing more clones for a long time. Highly sought characters like Ridley might not be revealed until the release of SSB4, which could be any time in 2014—with a high possibility in Q4.

A lot of discussion here is pointless. Fun, but with little measure.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
You know... depending on how long it takes to unveil certain characters, the PMBR might withhold from developing more clones for a long time. Highly sought characters like Ridley might not be revealed until the release of SSB4, which could be any time in 2014—with a high possibility in Q4.

A lot of discussion here is pointless. Fun, but with little measure.
Yeah. They may even decide to just never add any more at all, but I think the fun of coming up with ideas is an end unto itself.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
You guys want to know the best part about Eggman? His taunts are better than Sonic's.

Eggman Taunt Quotes:

-Get a load of this!
-You know what they say, the more the merrier.
-Time for a change in pace!


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
I want a true Shadow Link skin reminiscent of OoT and nothing else.
While that's cool it belongs in the Alt Costume Thread. Because if you mean a moveset based on him, he'd be nothing more than another Link clone.

EDIT: and where is your Christmas avatar mister? ;)


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
I thought of another Pichu idea-- who remembers the Plasma ability from Kirby's Super Star?

What if Pichu had a move like that? It could start off as a very weak attack with short range, but could charge the more you ran around (dashdancing FTW) It would work well for a hit-n-run esque character. When fully charged, Pichu would become electrified, which would damage enemies that touched it (like in Super Star) as well as Pichu itself. Using the move then would unleash an incredibly powerful electric ball of death :troll:


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
After many hours of sleep, I finally remembered what I was going to say.

And it turns out everyone has already said it in one way or another...

So yeah, Ridley would have to be the most comfortable char in the air, even more so than MK and the Jiggs. A glide would be neat and multiple jumps would be necessary, but a vertical B recovery would be too much, specially taking into consideration that his jumps would most probably be better than Charizard's.

EDIT: Oh, and I just realized that, were they to keep some of Zard's move visually the same for Ridley (nair and fair come to mind), it would still make sense, since both their tails have dangerous tips.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2013
Ridley would have to be tough as nails, like I said he needs to be the biggest character so he'd be easy to combo, but at the same time he'll need to have some slick moves of his owns to counter the combos


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
That down B seems waayyy OP as a recovery, and that's not even taking into account the up b. Super armor for three hits?


I agree, which is why I wanted feedback. I was originally considering making it his ONLY recover option.

Edit: Better yet, that may just be the case. Edited until a better option can be thought up.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2010
Celaya, Guanjuato, Mexico
While that's cool it belongs in the Alt Costume Thread. Because if you mean a moveset based on him, he'd be nothing more than another Link clone.

EDIT: and where is your Christmas avatar mister? ;)
You're right, I hate Christmas.
If you just want to make him full black, that would be extremely easy to do yourself.
But that would make me the only one in the world who has it :(
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