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NCSU Smash Rehash Vol. 3 "Buy Xenoblade" Results


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC

1: Peepee ($66.00)
2: $Mike ($33.00)
3: Ronzell ($11.00)
4: Josh (Darksyde)
5: BlackChris
5: Stingers
7: Moophobia
7: EMB
9: Ballard
9: Juno McGrath
9: David
9: Smith
13: Yeroc
13: Foxy
13: Dark Hart
13: Gofg
17: Fadi
17: GJM
17: EWBF
17: bees
17: Chocolate Chip Cookies
17: Kresent
17: Pinheadz


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina

1: Peepee ($66.00) - :falconmelee: was grapes. that :mariomelee: is stupid, but you got me. :falcomelee: next time?

2: $Mike ($33.00) - zupp

3: Ronzell ($11.00) - g'****.. keep climbing the ladder. 64 at the crib my dude. :dk64:

4: Josh (Darksyde) - you've improved massively since the last time i played you. nc needs to keep their eyes open. also, our whacky, manly, american falcon dittos need to be a regular tourney routine from now on. ;)

5: BlackChris - keep on improving, that :ganonmelee: is on its way to being dirty. wonderful car rides. always a good time.

5: Stingers - that pools/bracket situation was really whack... other than that, s'cool. you're like the only person i didn't play. :\

9: Juno McGrath - my dude... we didn't hang nearly as much as necessary. give this ***** the olive garden.

9: David - :oneeye:

9: Smith - hi

13: Foxy - ggz

yay - how are you gonna talk **** the whole tournament (that you didn't enter) and not mm? ***** i'll tap that :falconmelee:, :foxmelee:, :falcomelee:, :linkmelee: ****in' anything. don't forget foosball. in other news... shapes. johl

dj - lots of 64 next time

twitch - looool you've clearly lost your touch since i've been gone. don't worry, i'll whip your lil dirt-stache into shape next time i drop the :falconmelee: on that ***


Smash Cadet
May 19, 2011
Chapel Hill, NC
whoa 9th. im happy

im not totally sure how to do shoutouts, but hey

BlackChris - good to see you at tournaments man, keep up that crazy ganon

Moonphobia - props for beating me, i thought i had that **** won. we need to play some more matches

seth - i forgot what your name on smashboards is, but we played some hella nice friendlies

Stingers- same too you, we need to play some more smash

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
ROFLLLLLL I already love this thread. It tastes like salt and smith won't even be in here.

Thanks for hosting, Stongers. Thanks for housing, Josh and Karn. Special shoutouts to the FL guest Linguini, games with you were legit man.

Shoutouts later tonight/tomorrow.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
yeah, winning in winners bracket is the same as winning two rounds in losers. or something like that. so since you started with a bye, and then beat gofg in winners, it set you up to place well.

i like pools.



Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
i guess smith tried camping everyone this tournament.

he does play yl after all.

i really don't wanna play that guy. i'd have to cg him like i did over a year ago at that duke tourney. either that or go fox like i did at G6. lol.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
theres a reason i took off the rage tag for game 3.

but if i could've changed tags mid game i would've.

hence the combeback.

but that set played out about as well as it could have. lol.

edit: if josh had anything to do with why i had the rage tag on then...maybe i guess. but clearly he didn't.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.

nah but seriously though, This tournament was a really big deal to me. I feel like Im finally seeing my improvement (I use that term really loosely I suck diq) become real and concrete.

Next tournament Im going even harder, cant stop, wont stop. Too much ambition.

I love all of you, shout outs soon.

You guys are all the family Ill ever need.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Shout outs to Falcon's Uair being the best move in the game. (<3 Chris)

Shout outs to not wanting to get Fair'd while recovering and just SD'ing instead. (<3 Chris)

Shout outs to not re-warming up my Falco before playing Cam in loser's and getting F'd. lmao

Shout outs to Cam ****** me with a wave bird whilst using his wavy bird. <3

Shout outs to the PERFECT spot with Austin, Cam and Smith. NC Creek of Solitude is so legit.

Shout outs to crazy whacky manly Falcon dittos with Mike. Also to wavedash Fsmash tipper kills at zero first match of the day. Get ****ed Mike, oh my goddddd. haha

Shout outs to "The Dark Sides". How is that even a team name. looool

Shout outs to demonstrating proper etiquette and not throwing **** in the direction of a TV where a Winner's bracket match is being played.

Shout outs to Kevin only playing me at 3 am while we're barely awake and then refusing to play me the next day when I'm awake. :[

Shout outs to my mental freakouts in tourney every time I realize I might get 3rd or higher and make money. Hype to consistent 4th place finishes.

Shout outs to Redd for always making me feel and warm and gushy in Results threads. Pleaseeeee show up to something of ours soon, you reclusive monster you.

Shout outs to Yay walking into my house while James, Cam and myself danced soulfully in my living room to the sounds of Heaven.

Shout outs to playing 3 For All Falco and Falcon dittos with Yay and Corey at my house for hours last night before Chipotle ***** me and induced food coma.

Shout outs to THE Wittle, Cam, Lucas, Smith, Dylan, Austin, Alex and anyone I might be forgetting who spent some time in the light awash in Shpongle or Chopin. My car will recover soon, I hope.

And of course, shout outs to Alex Flappinflip for hosting and being awesome, as always.

Sauce Boss

Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2011
my name is seth
1: Peepee- I'll be working on that stuff.
2: $Mike-You ****.
3: Ronzell-heh
4: Josh (Darksyde)-you ***** me in pools
5: BlackChris-yeah mang.
5: Stingers-<333333333333
7: Moophobia-Good seeing you.
7: EMB-Thanks for taking me there. you shouldn't have placed higher than me tho ;DDD
9: Ballard-asian hungrbox, ******ossi
9: Juno McGrath-;DD
9: David-loool hunter
9: Smith-i got you next time ******
13: Yeroc
13: Foxy
13: Dark Hart-We have to friendly next tournament or whatever
13: Gofg
17: Fadi
17: GJM-Who dat dood? oh hai grant
17: EWBF-you can't beat my falcon
17: bees-ggs
17: Chocolate Chip Cookies
17: Kresent
17: Pinheadz-how did i get down here i beat chocolate chip cookies.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Wish I could of been here. Hopefully I'll be at the next one. It was fun playing with people all night at my place.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina

Stongers- gooood stuff hosting!

Linguini- sick games Friday night. wish I had been more awake by the time switching was cool lol but oh well. glad you dropped by regardless haha.

dop- you exist?!?!

Foxy- Glad to know things are going better man. =) Good games haha.

Lucas- Buck up bro. <3 It was still nice to see you man haha.

Coreyyyy- Killer setup you had there. Always good to hang out with my dudez

ph00t- we have the weirdest interactions LOL XD

josh- tired friendlies like F LOL thanks for housing my car btw mad ****.

Yay- your hat holds mysterious secrets I somewhat want

David- LOOOOOOOOOOOL <3 more games in the future man you are too fun

Moo- STOP BEING EMO AND GAY!!! I told you what your problem is that I saw so work on that instead of getting caught up in it.

Killer- Nice stream d000d

DJ- Nice hair d0000d

Sushi- You ain't friendly me d00d

Seth- Keep that heart baby

Chris- =)

let's play more

Mike- ;)

let's play more Falcon dittos LOOOOL comboing you is more fun than most people for some reason XD

Karn- Thanks for housin me dawwgy. Also tell jennay I said hay again and hope the fair was fun

Camronzellers- ur nuts ROFLMAO

I know things

robert- bit

drunken matt- ROFL nice

smith- good job beating a little kid you still suck MM my kirby

ballard- GGs, don't let the haters get to you =)

cookies- Yo it's MAD tight we both know dotpwn haha. also hope you had a good time man. =)

Snap- Twas a fun car ride dooder, thanks for the laffs. Also good shee gettin it in on da bracket.

pools- legit

Marth- eh?

Falco- ay ;)

Mario- LMAO gonna **** you Yay

project Melee- =O

faces- .....

chipotle- ***** smashers once again

bri- das ur name you real bri you

grapes- ain't that good

shoutouts- don't you wish they were over

okay they're over

<3333 everyone for coming out


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC

1: Peepee ($66.00) - yo i'ma continue to **** you in ganon dittos. DAT COMEBACK SON. good stuff wining with mario i guess.
2: $Mike ($33.00) - mmmm dat boston tea
3: Ronzell ($11.00) - wtf wavebird.
4: Josh (Darksyde) - RAGEEEEEE lol. good stuff finishing the match.
5: BlackChris - wow lol when did you get good?
5: Stingers - i enjoyed that set, overall. wish i could've pulled it out but *shrug* no regrets.
7: Moophobia - reverse bair lol. see if you can find ways to camp me harder or something.
7: EMB - good **** bro. keep rising. see ya wednesday.
9: Ballard - finally, we didn't have to play each other. good to see you made it up here. looking forward to that jiggs to keep rising. lol at those teams matches early on.
9: David - yo we woulda won teams
9: Smith - lol campfires. we should chill and play one of these days.
13: Yeroc - well, if you're gonna go around beating gboro crew members, we need to sit down and play.
13: Foxy - not sure how i feel about you going ganon and beating john. i guess good stuff. but it makes me want to challenge you in some way form or fashion.
13: Dark Hart - you good baby. lol at the moment of silence for the choking to subside. "you good?" "i'm good *dies*"
13: Gofg - our rivalry is too legit. i never feel more pent up going into a set than i do with ours.
17: Fadi - i'm running under the assumption that you're the mario i hyped on random occasions and if so, good stuff coming out.
17: GJM - asheboroooo keep that spirit alive.
17: EWBF - you can do better. you and I both know that. you got this bro.
17: bees - good to see you came out bro
17: Chocolate Chip Cookies - we'll get that marth back in shape. It'll take time, but you seem dedicated.
17: Kresent - yeah....WHOO!
17: Pinheadz - sup seth. we should play more. ganon is fun to get hit by, isn't he?

sushi - good stuff in our mm. next time, warm up, enter, and things of that sort, and come at me again, if you so desire.

dj - play me more sheik. i still have so much to learn...

taheem - wtf ness go away.

shoutouts to ganondorf, making scrubs into 5th place finishers.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2007
Asheboro, NC
1: Peepee ($66.00) - We should play again some day
2: $Mike ($33.00) - Glad you're back, had fun trying to play against you in pools.
3: Ronzell ($11.00) - Fun set. You're so good. : )
4: Josh (Darksyde) - Seems like I normally play you, never did this time. : (
5: BlackChris - ****.
5: Stingers - Thanks for hosting. What a cool dude.
7: Moophobia - <3
7: EMB - meh
9: Ballard - Had a lot of fun playing friendlies with you. Good stuff.
9: Juno McGrath - Nice work at this.
9: David - ggs in pools. Just to clarify for people reading results, he had to leave early/forfeit. Obviously I didn't beat him in bracket.
9: Smith - Good work mercilessly destroying Seth. :D
13: Yeroc - Always a pleasure to play you. Close stuff too, ggs.
13: Foxy - Fun matches. Too good.
13: Dark Hart - I've never been so consistently outplayed in multiple tournament sets that I won. : ( You got this.
13: Gofg - Never really saw/interacted with you at this. : (
17: Fadi - Not sure if I met you or not. : (
17: GJM - Glad we finally got you out to a real tournament. Hope you liked it enough to keep coming back.
17: EWBF - You're like the most fun person to play against. ggs.
17: bees - I like dat Roy. Keep it up.
17: Chocolate Chip Cookies - You seem like a chill dude. Good to meet you.
17: Kresent - Cool Mario. Good matches.
17: Pinheadz - Glad you got some of that unbridled happiness replaced with salt, you probably needed it. :p Don't let it get you down though.
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