NC had like 5 people go to FC3, and 2 of us made top 50 I think. Me and Bobby. I know bobby did, but he may have advanced further than I did.
The road to FC3 (our road trip) we stayed with Azen first night. Got ***** by him, though their were some close games here and there. Did much better VS chillin, but probably luck with me 3 and 2 stocking him =P (i hope he reads this, ily chillin). Left the next day and headed up to ohio and played with a good bunch including drephen and mathos. I was being a ***** and just argued with my gf (at the time) on the phone the whole time. I got 1 game in with mathos and beat him on FoD (BS falco stage, so theres a john for him). Drephen I only played in our Ohio VS NC crew match. dolphin, jolly, and brown all got taken out by 2 stock of this peach =[. I came in as falcon, lost 1 stock to the peach and took out his remaining 2. Then had to play Anuj, lost one stock to him whilst taking his 4. Had to play our amazing housing mate, Rye, my falcon VS his marth on yoshi story. I didn't lose any stock. Then I had to play drephen sheik VS falcon on battlefield. I took 2 off him but then he ***** me. =[. We left Ohio and went up to michigan to stay with our bud jv3x3. first night was the onl good night of smashing due to brown outs all over the place. he beat us majority of the time, though matches were always close, and I took out his famous "arcade style" fox a couple times. No big things happened there though.
Black dolphin and I both went to MLG atl in 04 I think.
I won my round robin pool, got a good seed then ate some bad food and got sick, and went 1-2 in rounds =[.
Dolphin went 1-2 as well. I ended up getting like 20 something place, not sure.