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NC Catfish Social Thread! *<3 KEV*


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2006
statesville/boone NC
if marth messes up the spacing on a majority of his stuff
grabs, fairs, movements in general
it's a rest

but marth should try and bait you back
stuff like him fairing forward is him dying
him fairing nuetral movement or moving away
is him baiting

as jiggs you really want to try and react to marth as much as possible and not fall for baits
ideally marth can apply almost the exact same set of guidelines to his playstyle

edit: it takes me too long to post
seriously guys : /


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
That sucks because I wanted to meet him. My friend and I use the Willis and Cletus voices in all of our school videos. I gave a speech in my speech class in that voice and actually used the phrase "Chops chu chu train" in my presentation.

Thanks for the help infernAPExp. how can all that stuff equal a rest? I want to rest marth a sh*t ton! (But it cant be that easy)


Smash Rookie
Oct 10, 2009
Wilmington, NC
From my experience, he's both incredibly easy to rest and very difficult. It all depends on spacing and baiting really. Sometimes I try to bait a Marth into approaching and rest OoS. Maybe it's not the best idea but that's how you learn, eh?

edit: I'll have to try resting Marth's from below more often if it's really that easy. I have a habit of Uairing and trying to combo.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
From my experience, he's both incredibly easy to rest and very difficult. It all depends on spacing and baiting really. Sometimes I try to bait a Marth into approaching and rest OoS. Maybe it's not the best idea but that's how you learn, eh?

edit: I'll have to try resting Marth's from below more often if it's really that easy. I have a habit of Uairing and trying to combo.
I need to learn the all important "sliq" and rest spacies and falcon out of fsmash on shield


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2006
statesville/boone NC
i'll try to list some punishment rests on marth
some of these are general things you can do on him

he fairs way to close > rest (his sword comes from above, if you're slightly below him you can pull this off with good reaction/prediction)
he misses fair (with the right movement on your part and the wrong kind on his part) > rest
fairs nontipped on your sheild > oos rest
he grabs to close (and you're crouching) > rest
he approaches you on the ground > rest (this usually works because when marth approaches on the ground it's typically a grab or fsmash, both of which you can easily rest him out of it, other reliable/safe attacks for him are jab and tilts, so don't think he doesn't have mixups)
he fsmashes too close > rest if you're not above him and within decent range (marth leans in to fsmash, he's asking for it)
he fsmashes > wavedash to rest (you gotta guess this one if you see him trying to space an fsmash, i once landed a waveland to rest on a fsmash that was spaced for a tipper initially)
miss-spaces nair > oos rest (btw a good way to setup miss-spaced aerials is to waveland into sheild sometimes. if you see marth setting up his own wop, but doing unnecessary aerials, you should take advantage of it)
marth is sheilding next to you, wait a bit > oos rest (this works so well. marth should roll away (even this can be rested if you expect him to) odds are he'll wavedash, jump oos, or grab)

marth playing offensively can be severely punished
marth playing defensively and using good baits though. is like puff with more range, you're really boned

think of it this way
marth has a comfort zone
it's basically the tip range of his sword
if you're outside of that, bait/mindgame to get into it, or die a really annoying death
if you're inside of it, **** him

there are also a few amount of offense rests you can land on marth that you can land (% varies) on other characters
like backwards nair > rest
bair > rest
fair > rest
utilt > rest
fh bair, ff uair > rest
he random di's pound > uair (if needed) > rest
dthrow facing off the edge > (he di's in, rest or free hit) (he di's away, edge guard)

it's best/easiest to land these out of him messing up something or he's given you the chance to go offensively.
like he's sitting in sheild or wiffed an fsmash, or something where a rest isn't possible without linking into it.

personally i like doing the bair wop in king's video's or setting up rollout kills
but that's just me


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA

that is really stupid.
It's basically like... one spacing mistake or wrong option and you lose a stock.
And then to kill jiggs you just have to play extremely safe and rack up damage very slowly...

I can see why many people don't like using Marth against Jiggs lol.

But if you used Marth and had, say, Hungrybox, as your training partner, you will learn to never make mistakes and have perfect spacing lol.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
DJ's schedule is stacked up lolz

I don't have to worry about signing up for classes until probably... next week. Kids at my school are so lazy lol. I can still get a good schedule ;)



Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
You guys ever rig up a semester so all you have is tues/thurs classes? I did this one semester at unc, with all my recitations/labs on wednesday (I got lucky how it all worked out). You can sorta get ***** by the courseload if you don't have good time management but **** 4 day weekends are awesome lol


Smash Lord
Sep 3, 2009
Fayetteville, NC
You guys ever rig up a semester so all you have is tues/thurs classes? I did this one semester at unc, with all my recitations/labs on wednesday (I got lucky how it all worked out). You can sorta get ***** by the courseload if you don't have good time management but **** 4 day weekends are awesome lol
Lol I did that my senior year in HS, it was so fun, those weekends never seemed to end, I tried to do that this semester, but yeah, as you can see it didn't work out. Iono if I manage to do that type of schedule again, I'd look for a job that I could do the other 4 days a week. The sushi man job ain't looking like I'm getting it.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
You guys ever rig up a semester so all you have is tues/thurs classes? I did this one semester at unc, with all my recitations/labs on wednesday (I got lucky how it all worked out). You can sorta get ***** by the courseload if you don't have good time management but **** 4 day weekends are awesome lol
I haven't had Friday classes for the past two semesters. Only one class on Monday/Wednesday.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Wait, wait. L0zR and I got this one for duke.

Duke gets love from the toilet.

Get it?



Mar 16, 2007
Hey, DJ, did you happen to catch who won the UNC MSU game? I was at work.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2006
statesville/boone NC
well unc won

but since you're so busy
if you want i could just link you
all the games and stats of the current number 11 team
to help you out
we're all friends here : P
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