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NC Catfish Social Thread! *<3 KEV*


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
i dont care about melee dj. if i really cared about gettin 4 stocked i'd train and get better like I did in brawl. but melee is a dead game so whats the point in training for it anymore? lol nice troll tho

sheik has a negative stigma about her. thats why nobody picks her. thats why nobody new picks jiggs either, the only jiggs you see winning tournaments today are ppl who have been playing for awhile but recently just started ******. i think hbox is the only exception to that, darc and mango are old school.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Marth's shield grab is dumb.

Shine+JC grab is the best option imo. You can usually get away with a late aerial to shine since Marth has to sit in his shield.

You can't pressure similarly since Marth has to kind of expect when to grab in order for the shield grab to work. A quick aerial to shine then fadeaway Nair is really good because it punishes Marth's other common option OOS(WD back Fsmash).

Obviously if you mix up your laser game and keep Marth afraid of your grabs as well as your general shield pressure then you don't have to worry about being shield grabbed as much. Confidence is vital for this to succeed.

I hope that helps man. It's not an easy thing to avoid but if you play with confidence then it's generally not an issue(Fair OOS and up-B OOS are bigger issues still though).

@Sheik vs Puff: Hbox says puff beats Sheik. The Sheik boards say puff beats Sheik.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Actually, I think Puff does beat Sheik.
I'm on the train that says Puff beats everyone.

Really. I think Puff has the best matchups in the game (Fox v Puff not in Fox's favor anymore?), along with the best tournament performance. Mango and Hbox are the best players atm.

PP: Shine JC grab is great, but how do you get the shine on shield without using an aerial. Laser>shine?


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
i dont care about melee dj. if i really cared about gettin 4 stocked i'd train and get better like I did in brawl. but melee is a dead game so whats the point in training for it anymore? lol nice troll tho

sheik has a negative stigma about her. thats why nobody picks her. thats why nobody new picks jiggs either, the only jiggs you see winning tournaments today are ppl who have been playing for awhile but recently just started ******. i think hbox is the only exception to that, darc and mango are old school.
you don't have to care for it to affect ur opinion. that's just fact. if you are saying that puffs are winning now is a result of skill getting better, it could just as easily be attributed to the metagame evolving. regardless, they are winning.

once again, whether by player skill or evolving metagame, sheiks are going down and mid tiers are coming up. it's impossible to say how much of each is the real contribution, but clearly the tier list is changing. idk how many more tournies it will take to reveal this to the world. . .

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
I think the tier list is something like this:

Fox (Loses only to Marth and Falco on certain stages)
Puff (Loses to Fox, Doc and maybe Falcon)
Falco (Loses to Puff, Marth on certain stages, and maybe Peach)
Marth (Loses to Sheik, Falco on certain stages, and maybe Falcon)
Sheik (Loses to Fox, Falco and Puff)
Peach (Loses to Fox, Puff and Marth)
Falcon (Loses to Fox, Falco, Sheik)
Ganon (Don't really know)
Doc (Maybe beats Puff)
other people

Fox seems obviously the best. Puff has a few bad matchups but none of them are really that terrible. Same with Falco. Marth has a pretty bad matchup with Sheik, and a few other arguable matchups. Sheik has three bad mathcups that aren't that bad but are obvious disadvantages at the highest level of play, imo. Peach has pretty much the same amount of bad matchups as Sheik, but they are just slightly harder for her. Falcon's bad matchups are terrible but he also has a lot of good ones.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I'm on the train that says Puff beats everyone.

Really. I think Puff has the best matchups in the game (Fox v Puff not in Fox's favor anymore?), along with the best tournament performance. Mango and Hbox are the best players atm.

PP: Shine JC grab is great, but how do you get the shine on shield without using an aerial. Laser>shine?
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. My bad.

Laser to shine is good. It's part of your mix up game.

You also have straight up dash into shine. Laser from a distance and just walk, or walk after they tech. Chop has done it before with a fair amount of success.

Btw puff raaaaapes


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. My bad.

Laser to shine is good. It's part of your mix up game.

You also have straight up dash into shine. Laser from a distance and just walk, or walk after they tech. Chop has done it before with a fair amount of success.
I could always pull the Dope, walk>grab.

This mix up game you speak of. What else is in it, and whats a short description of how it can be used? This part of my game is the part that needs work, not the technical aspect.

As to the tier list and matchup chart a couple posts ago, I like it! I might switch Fox and Puff, but that is very dependant on if we give that matchup to fox or puff. The winner of that is probably the best character in the game IMO. If we say Hbox and m2k are a similar skill level, perhaps it is a better matchup for puff, which in my view would make puff the best character. (If we say m2k is a better player, this is even clearer to see.)


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
Ganon's worst are Sheik and Fox. Next tier is Falco, then Puff/Falcon. IC's, Peach, Marth, and a few others are very stage dependent.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
I think Marth beats Jigglypuff barely, it's just that no one good uses Marth against Jiggs so no one knows for sure.

Marth vs Sheik at the highest level play is actually kinda even. Somewhere around 45:55 (sheik) and 40:60 (sheik).
Marth vs Sheik at mid-level play is ****. Like 35:65 (sheik) or even 30:70 (sheik) lol.

those same numbers are also pretty close for the marth vs falcon matchup (45:55 falcon), except marth beats falcon at mid level play at 60:40 (marth)

just my irrelevant opinions.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
I think Marth beats Jigglypuff barely, it's just that no one good uses Marth against Jiggs so no one knows for sure.

Marth vs Sheik at the highest level play is actually kinda even. Somewhere around 45:55 (sheik) and 40:60 (sheik).
Marth vs Sheik at mid-level play is ****. Like 35:65 (sheik) or even 30:70 (sheik) lol.

those same numbers are also pretty close for the marth vs falcon matchup (45:55 falcon), except marth beats falcon at mid level play at 60:40 (marth)

just my irrelevant opinions.
i agree with this except i think puff>=marth


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Hey guys,

South Carolina's next tournament is going to be running Melee. You can find the topic here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=247401

Now they've always been real nice about coming to our stuff, Devin has taken a car to NC for practically all of the (Brawl) tournaments we've had since September. Now that they're having a tournament with Melee in it, it'd be really cool if some of the NC melee scene could come down and support them too. South Carolina melee has been dead for as long as I can remember, but now that they're starting to build their scene back up again, it'd be cool if we could support them.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
@PEEF: This mixup game is basically what allows Falco to keep himself from being Fair'd OOS when he approaches, Up-B'd/WD OOS Fsmash'd when he shield pressures, and shield grabbed. By keeping Marth nervous in his shield because of his options, Falco has an easier time executing all of his options.

By varying how close you get to Marth when you land from a laser, Marth could be afraid of an aerial, or a grab, or a shine(to whatever), or any of these. You have laser spacing tricks and laser follow-up tricks. You also have Dair or Nair to follow up with, which means you could be going for the shieldpoke shine combo or the catch marth out of his jump/WD back/reaction to Dair counter approach.

I'm having a hard time explaining this fully, but hopefully some of it makes sense....


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Tips on the Puff vs Marth matchup? (tips for puff plz)

@PEEF: This mixup game is basically what allows Falco to keep himself from being Fair'd OOS when he approaches, Up-B'd/WD OOS Fsmash'd when he shield pressures, and shield grabbed. By keeping Marth nervous in his shield because of his options, Falco has an easier time executing all of his options.

By varying how close you get to Marth when you land from a laser, Marth could be afraid of an aerial, or a grab, or a shine(to whatever), or any of these. You have laser spacing tricks and laser follow-up tricks. You also have Dair or Nair to follow up with, which means you could be going for the shieldpoke shine combo or the catch marth out of his jump/WD back/reaction to Dair counter approach.

I'm having a hard time explaining this fully, but hopefully some of it makes sense....
Yeah that sounds good. I need to work on encorporating that. I find this kind of stuff alot harder to do on small stages. On FD this all seems reasonable, but on YS and especially FOD I find myself much more limited and frankly helpless against marth.

Are you going to NES's memorial tournament aka innsomnia? Im driving down 6-7 hours to make it to that **** so you better go and give me a lesson or two.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
stingers is right. puff has to play a bait and punish game vs marth which usually beats his range. the cooldown of marth's moves prevent him from being able to spam aerials/tilts aimlessly. marth usually has to put his sword where he think puff WILL BE, and this is not very easy against puff players with good movement/spacing.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I reallllly want to go. If I can get another NC player or 2 to go with me that would be ****.

Parents might also stop me(I'll be home by the time I wanna leave), but you'd better believe I'm gonna fight them hard about it.

NC, follow the link or go to the thread in AS for the insomnia tournament. Tell me if you're interested.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
I'm torn about going to that tourney. It's on the same weekend as winterfest :x

I know it's for nes n00b, but I barely knew the guy :(


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2006
statesville/boone NC
the tips for puff are exactly right
and marth does have to do some guessing on where puff will be

marth's bait and punish game is just as good if not better (cause of his range)

so it really comes down to adapting
and just outplaying the other guy


Smash Rookie
Oct 10, 2009
Wilmington, NC
I'd love to see more Marth and Shiek players. I suck horribly against Shiek and just when I start learning Jigg v Marth Spoon decides to stop playing his **** Marth. On the bright side, I get to try to learn how to not get ***** so hard by Fox. :D

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I just want to go because Nes N00b was a great dude and I feel bad that such a talented person left us so suddenly. I want to honor him. It being a good tournament is secondary to me.


Smash Rookie
Oct 10, 2009
Wilmington, NC
Also against Marth if Jigg messes up spacing (if you're a noob like me) she can shield and punish easily. That's usually how I get inside usually. Once you get in, Marth seems pretty easy to combo. Then again, what do I know? =p


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Deff. He was one of the nicest guys ive ever played with.

While being a good tournament might be secondary to you and I, it might be important to fill a car from NC...

Thanks much for the puff vs marth tips. Marth just gods me in general.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
You need to win more tournaments and get more world fame so I can start entering as Dr.PeefPeef and getting laughs.
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