Dark Hart
Rejected by Azua
I'm not going to lie, that's a pretty nice pic.What the hell is this? Long standing NC smashers who've been our community since the beginning, and you do dis?
I didn't think this would happen. I had the best of intentions: I just thought they'd be a bit stricter on locking threads, since most of the old MODs gave up. I never though that that NC DS PR thread would get locked and we'd all get infractions for it. Hell, 1 more infraction and I get banned for a week.
I'm really, really sorry, bros.
I know, I know, I know, but I never imagined that they'd ban people for it. That was never what me and Buzz talked about.That pic is great. Yay.
Lucas, if you feel it is right, more power to you. Just remember that this does mean something to the rest of us.
I know I thought it was the right thing to do, but I really fucked up, like, big time...