Quick shoutouts while I have some free time. Finished my last assignment today wooooo!
Sorta stealing from the results/pools lists for people’s names.
Thanks for coming. If you happen to namesearch and read this, please know that despite the short comings people may see in you, you’ll at least have a fan in me
We barely saw each other the whole trip wtffff!!!
ComboTurtle and SD:
Seeing you and SD at tournaments have always made my day. You guys make a really inspiring combo, and I hope Robocop isn’t the last we see of it. It’s always a lot of fun talking and hanging out with you guys too. I still remember SQUAT V and that dinner at Pancake Manor.
Good to finally meet you! Even though you probably didn’t know me, Amaterasu talks about you all the time

You’re pretty good at both games too :D
WTF, we both suck :X
Thanks for hosting us the last night.
Luke and Ted:
You guys are two of my favourite members of the smash scene. One of these days I’ll have to come back to NSW and hang out with the Sydney crew since I really enjoy being around you guys. Nazo no Douchemen, fufufufufufufu. It was hilarious when you guys paraded M2k around. Rofl. Only you guys could get the best out of him.
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JEI! Omg, was great to see you after so long. I’m glad you’re sticking with it all. It’s a shame we never got to play, but hey, your Pit is still looking mighty fine. I suppose you have to be good to live in Melbourne lol. For the brief times we talked at least, it was fun
Dekar! It was good to finally meet the man behind the dog face. You were nothing like I expected, in fact, I can only say ‘their loss’ to those that expect otherwise. Keep tearing it up in Melee!
Lets get smashed sometime soon. I’m nearly done with Uni, so I’m due for a drink or two.
Hey Cal, it was definitely interesting getting to know you better over the time we were in Melbourne. Keep working at Brawl and practicing when you can. And thanks again for coming with me to the hospital. I owe you one for that.
Meteor and Leisha:
Ricky! Leisha! You two cute little things,
You’re both fun to hang out with and talk to, so it was good to see you both again.
Hot. Didn’t get a chance to see your MK in action this time around which is a shame because I enjoyed watching it at Thriller :X
I bunch you guys together because you are all seriously awesome. I pity everyone throwing shots at one another since everyone in the smash scene is cool to hang out with It was really fun hanging out, walking around Perth, eating donuts with Splice. Ugh those donuts. Everything.
**** machine omahgourd. Grats on placing so well. I hope you keep going strong with Melee in QLD. Also what goes on in Siberia stays in Siberia.
Grats on doing really well too!
Dave, thank you very much for hosting both Cal and I.
I really appreciate everything you did for us and for everyone. I’m not sure anybody can quite appreciate the sheer level of organisation and effort you put into what you do. But they can love you for it, and we all do. I hope I can take the insight I was privy to for those 5 days and make use of it in Queensland and build a smash scene at least twice as good as Melbourne’s one day

Thanks for telling me which hospital to go to.
Also, PM me your postal address. I still have your SD card.
Omg, Gords, hows it going? Come back to Queensland again! Always fun talking and hanging out with you.
Good stuff reppin it. Though, I would have liked to have watched more matches of you and everyone else, I was far too gone x_x
Awesome to see you again too. Pity we didn’t play, though, ICs are nothing to look forward to lmao.
Holy **** dude, good stuff on making it to Australia. What’s been needed to be said already has, so I just hope you enjoyed Australia, and I hope I get to see everyone in San Diego again before Brawl’s time is done.
Thanks for diagnosing me

Hanging with you and Sydney is always so much fun.
Good stuff reppin that Diddy. I hope you and your brother keep on playing because you guys are a real inspiration. Take this game and make it your own. One day I’ll come down whilst not feeling like crap and we’ll go out and have fun and ****.
QLD rep right here. Laughed so hard at the human turret during Dodgeball.
Scabe! See! You and Toki are twins! Zomg.
Omg, too tired to keep going. Shoutouts to Khoa, Nova, Toki, ViVa, Vermy, Nix, Scoot, Dean and Liam (My pool of 3 rofl), Splice, Smoking Puppy (BL on your plane ticket bro ), ZXV and anyone I missed.
I’ll reflect on Robocop properly later. Right now I just wanna vege out.