Smash Ace
We all love tournaments. The matches are great, the community is awesome, the atmosphere is electric, and the air is thick with Smashly-goodness. At the end of the day, win or lose, almost everyone has a great time.
But what about those things about tournaments that really piss you off? Maybe it's that one really out of place guy who doesn't talk to anyone, maybe it's the overly-excited twelve year old that ****s a brick every time he sees a combo, or maybe it's something totally different.
Name something that really grinds your gears at tournaments.
I'll start:
People who don't shower beforehand, or don't wear deodorant.
Seriously? Stop helping grow the "Gamers are gross nerds" stereotype and practice some god**** personal hygiene. Smash pits are grody.
But what about those things about tournaments that really piss you off? Maybe it's that one really out of place guy who doesn't talk to anyone, maybe it's the overly-excited twelve year old that ****s a brick every time he sees a combo, or maybe it's something totally different.
Name something that really grinds your gears at tournaments.
I'll start:
People who don't shower beforehand, or don't wear deodorant.
Seriously? Stop helping grow the "Gamers are gross nerds" stereotype and practice some god**** personal hygiene. Smash pits are grody.