Hey y'all. Anybody know of the trick @
Dark Horse
mentioned where you put a tiny little plastic or rubber band around the joystick? it's probably a pretty temporary solution, but it's incredibly effective for restoring that tight, non-wiggly, small dead zone, new joy stick feeling. The only problem is finding a small thing to rap around the stick that's the exact right size.
I tried it on one of my extra sticks and the only problem is I used a normal sized rubber band. I cut it down and glued it in place to make it fit but it's still got too much excess so now I have an extra stick that is perfect in the x axis but there's a little too much resistance going up and down. It's a very awkward combination.
Are there any competent draftsmen in here that can give me a reading on the exact size of o-ring/rubber band you'd need to fit perfectly around the joystick right below the nob that sits on the gear? Darkhorse mentioned a model kit he got his parts from but it's so weird and nerdy and cheap and weird you can only order it on amazon as part of a bigger order.