2010 November-Today: >Wakeup>Wash up>Ponies/Smashboards/Watch last 30 seconds of Youtube videos due to terrible Internet or Manga only (Can't watch Anime)>Sleep for 2-5 hours or stay up for 1-3 days.
This is my schedule everyday, Why else do you think i've gone insane? The only times I'm able to leave my house that's
15 miles out of Actual Civilization in a Small town, coupled with another 60+ miles just to arrive in SA is for tournaments or Crazy appointments (Which I won't have for the summer) every 2 weeks on Wednesday.
And no I don't play video games or watch TV while secluded in my house. I've beaten them all.
Infact My TV is still sitting in the car back when I brought it for a tournament around Sunday... (Espy K Prime Tofer etc. knows)