So I was thinking about the first episode.
The episode begins with Twilight reading about Nightmare while sitting under a tree outside? How did she get to this situation? It can't be a coincidence that she was reading about Nightmare two days before the end of her 1000 year imprisonment. There must be an explanation. My first thought was that somepony else mentions the story to her, but that doesn't work. First of all, nobody else sees the return of Nightmare coming, and second of all why would she be reading outside? She always reads in her library, no matter which city she's in. This leads me to conclude that Celestia planted the book there, so Twilight would read it out of curiosity.
And this led to me thinking about what else Celestia did to influence Twilight, because one thing always bugged me: who puts Fluttershy in charge of music and not DJ P0N-3? Then it dawned on me.
If you think about Twilight's cutie mark story, Celestia is outside when Twilight goes beast mode. She doesn't notice Twilight until Spike goes gigantic. But the point is Celestia was outside. She must have seen the Rainboom. Nobody else in Equestria knew what it was, since nopony saw Rainbow do it and they had never seen it before, but Celestia would know. So she sees the first Rainboom in centuries (I don't believe that this is the first one ever, how would AJ even know that?) and seconds later, she sees Twilight go beast mode. Then she calms Twilight down and notices her cutie mark: a gigantic spark with 5 smaller ones around it. I'm sure Celestia had been on the lookout for sometime for the resurgence of the elements of harmony, since Nightmare was coming back in a few years. It probably only took her seconds to realize that Twilight was destined to lead the elements, and that whoever did the Rainboom was one of the five others.
This leads us to Twilight's training. Twilight says in the first episode "I know I've heard of the elements of harmony, but where?" Well, it's pretty clear that Celestia made damn sure she had read about them at some point in her studies. That way, when she read the book that Celestia planted at that tree, Twilight would be curious enough to study further.
But Celestia wasn't just preparing Twilight. It could not have been hard to track down Rainbow Dash and learn that she moved to Ponyville. Once Celestia narrowed the location down to that town, she needed to find out who the rest of the elements were. THIS IS THE ONE THING I DON'T KNOW YET. HELP ME. HOW DID SHE ID THE OTHERS? Once Celestia confirmed who all the elements were, she decided to host the Summer Sun Celebration of the 1000th year in Ponyville (You thought that was a coincidence, right?). We see in multiple episodes that the Mare of Ponyville is on very good terms with Celestia. Otherwise, it would be BS that Celestia has to leave the party in the episode about Philomena to talk to the Mare. That pony should be coming to the princess, not the other way around! But it's cool, since they are friends.
Which is why Celestia told the Mare to put Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy in charge of preparations. Then she sent Twilight to oversee those preparations, ensuring that the elements meet before Nightmare's return. As for Pinkie, Celestia just had to trust that Pinkie's excitement over new ponies would lead to her meeting Twilight.
Celestia couldn't reveal all this to Twilight because the friendships between the elements had to be completely genuine for them to have the power to defeat Nightmare. Twilight would not be able to have a real friendship with someone she thought she needed to join with to stop an evil force.
Well that's all I got. Bottom line is that Celestia is awesome and spent years manipulating everything to prepare for her sister's return, and it worked. I'd like to know your thoughts on all this, Smashboards.
- TP