Phantom Gamer
<font color="#ff00ff">pranked!</font>
as Phantom pointed out to me, you cannee lf of mmy shirtless body in the blue picture.
Yeah but ... half-naked Mink. :3Yeah but ... foot.
also Mink I think you should edit that post unless it's intentionally supposed to be a bit of a jumbled mess of misspelled words in the middle of your sentence.
If so then ... carry on.
Seems well written. Good job.I wrote this for the Speedfic challenge on Equestria Daily last night, but was too late to submit it.
What say ye?
It was very detailed with what was going on in the setting and such. Had plenty of intellectual words being used to describe stuff. Even some words I've never even heard of before.
Can't think of any negative feedback ATM. If you really want any I can look over it again and see if there's anything that needs improving, but everything looks great from what I can tell right now.
Also that fiasco in your fanfic totally made me think of this pic instantly.