My schedule since Tuesday.
Woke up around 11 PM, Streamed Rest of Banjo-Kazooie/CBFD/MP2 until around 8 AM.
Forgot about loony appointment around 5 PM yesterday so I left for that.
Came home around 9 PM and stayed up all night playing Wi-fi with Zajice Leaf and K Prime..
Basically i've been up almost 34 hours. Now for upcoming for Friday/Saturday...
Now here's where my post is now actually worth reading... I don't
Feel tired, but I
Know I am. So... should I just stay up till around 8-11 PM (making it 45-48 hours no sleep) to get my schedule back intact, Or just sleep now and hopefully wake up and not be tired enough to last all Friday (Since I live an hour away from Beros)
Decide for me as I ingorge myself in food since I also have not eaten for awhile, I'm counting on everypony! Don't Disappoint