For our current assignment, we are writing satirical commentary. I decided to have fun with it.
Video Games, the Modern Plague
Modern games are riddled with violence. Everywhere you turn, you see armored marines getting shot in the head, armies of helpless goblins being torn to shreds by lone a lone swordsman, and worst of all, overweight Italian plumbers stomping on defenseless turtles? The madness seems like it will never end, but it is having real world effects?
A perfect example of violence in the gaming industry is Prototype, a "sandbox" game for the XBOX 360 and Sony Playstation 3. You play as Alex Mercer, a man who is also a living weapon with the ability to transform his body. While many games offer moral choice systems to allow the gamer to be good or evil, the only moral choice Alex ever has to make is how he wants to kill someone, and he sure has a lot of choices, for there are an endless number of ways to kill the millions of innocent Manhattan citizens. You can throw cars and air conditioners, steal military weapons, commit vehicular homicide, turn your hands into claws that instantly liberate your victim's top halves from their bottom halves, devour them and take their bodies, and countless other sadistic acts that can either be considered horrifying or downright hilarious depending on what type of person you are. To give you an example, you can grab a random civilian, run up the nearest skyscraper, and while she screams to be let down, you send her flying off the top and into a crowded street. To quote the eccentric game critic, Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, "If only Jeffrey Dahmer had had this game to blow off steam with…" Alex Mercer's preferred method of transportation is even gory. He "flies by shooting blood out of his wrist like emo Peter Pan." Despite all this, the Activision still had the gall to pass Alex off as a decent man seeking justice through his dialogue. Once again quoting Croshaw, "I had to laugh when I was on a mission, plowing a tank through a crowded street, and over the agonized screams, Alex said 'Gosh, I sure hope this is the right thing to do.' That's like if Mr. Bean were a mass murderer."
So do video games cause violence? Surely, the murders of people like OJ Simpson, the famous former football star, the earlier mentioned Jeffrey Dahmer, and Hitler must have been the result of playing too much Pokemon. The need to catch 'em all drove them all to insanity and caused many an unnecessary loss of human life. Why, even Tiger Wood's questionable activities were the result of countless hours of Mario and Donkey Kong. Games must be to blame for everything that goes wrong in society. Stupid, immature people have nothing to do with it.