You know what, this game feels like it should be fun but something just feels so off about it and it's only gotten worse since the beta.
The gameplay feels very sluggish. It's slower than ever, and somehow manages to feel both too floaty and too heavy at the same time, like the characters are underwater.
It's too hard to kill with practically anyone, even the tanks. Every move seems to be too weak, knockback doesn't matter because recovery is too good across the board with how everyone can basically fly around the stage.
The stages are still just flat boxes. No unique terrain or anything, just flat surfaces with some breakable bits here and there.
The camera is WAY too close, the characters are too big, the stages are too small, the whole thing feels insanely cramped.
There's still too much **** on screen, and it still feels too chaotic.
Because it's so slow, weak, and floaty, matches can go on for what feels like forever.
All this together makes for a straight up unironically exhausting experience. I swear to god, this game makes me feel tired. Smash doesn't do that, NASB doesn't do that. MVS feels like I'm fighting the game itself as much as I'm fighting the opponent. Like I have to pull myself out of quicksand on the moon before I can give Batman a little slap on the nose. All this in extreme close up.
Adding to the frustration, the drops and missions are bugged. I still haven't gotten Volleyball Garnet, the Banana Guard mission doesn't work, the way they sent out codes on the Youtube thing yesterday was a disaster, and the amount of griding is ridiculous. Also the character writing doesn't seem to have improved much. Banana Guard feels nothing like the ones in the show, not even being voiced by the same guy, who's in the game already.
There's a lot to like about this game, but man, for the amount of grinding they expect you to do as a F2P player, the game just does not feel good to play right now.