I think the same move can slightly differ in animation, bare in mind Robin has 2 up smashes. I think its also why most of the moves are seen as basic sword swipes, because they can be powered up to be unique. Also heres Kacrackle Slash having the shield pop back on after the animation, which gives it credit to it being an alternate f tilt. You'll have to watch the trailer because smashboards wont let me add images for some reason but it happens in literally 1 frame.
How does the shield coming back give it more credit? He is always holding his shield so it has to come back on, if anything I'd say it gives it much less credit because they went out of their way to change an animation that in no way needed changing.
I can't think of literally anyone in smash who has SLIGHTLY different animations for different moves which is why I think this. Up smash seems rather basic in its base form, but if it has the potential to literally shoot out thunder then that would explain why its a thrust upward, with up tilt being an arc above them. I know it seems strange to have a mechanic thats not even really in DQ but having a mechanic based on a description of a move from DQ, to make it more interesting than a one and done ice slash move FEELS like Sakurai. If you told me the character was gonna have Oomph AND Psyche Up I wouldn't believe it but we know they do.
The biggest problem with this theory is that this would mean they made 3 different animations for each attack in The Hero's kit and decided to change very minimal things such as Hero no longer holding his shield, his knee being bent, his head looking upwards, his wrist/hand being in a different angle (all of these are differences between the Zap picture and the Up-Smash). While doing so for one move might take only a few hours if you go through all of his normals this is days of work for something that is almost unnoticeable and is definitely completely unneeded.
Whereas, if it's just that Upwards Zap (or maybe level 3 Zap?) is just a slightly modified U-Smash, it comes off as completely the opposite, they saved tons of hours by not making a new animation and just very slightly altered an existing one until it was possible to tell that they are different and then called it a day (Same with Kacrackle Slash).
In my experience normally the theory which saves days of work for a benefit is more probable than the one that adds days of work for no change at all.
All of this said it is not impossible that you are right, it could be that Hero is able to enhance his normals with elements, but that is also giving this character way more mechanics than he needs.
He already has: MP management. 16 specials to remember. Menu navigation. Charged Moves that change their behavior depending on charge level (Think of Thoron as opposed to Charge Shot). Timed Stat Boosts.
I feel like having the ability to also change his normals behaviors might be overkill, although I would LOVE it if it was true. The more complex this char, the more I will like him tbh.
Have you really played Shulk? Quick menu or not, that is a lot to keep up with if there's only a few options. Turn it into a thing you do for every special and the character becomes unplayable.
I'm pretty certain the menu only appears with one specific command and then the alternative spells are unleashed from the menu only. The one menu list we saw didn't even seem to have the same type of specials. There was a combination of up, down, neutral, and side special variants. This doesn't explain the way they are "upgraded" but there's no way the developers would give you the ability to kamikazee rapidly. I'm willing to bet that the options change according to chance and that the list changes either every stock after using each one.
Actually your idea would literally make him impossible to play.
Imagine playing Shulk but instead of 5 auras, he had 10, 5 and 5. You might be overwhelmed at the beginning but after a while you know exactly where each one is and the button combination to get it, now it’s all about muscle memory and technical prowress.
Now imagine instead of using 2 buttons 5/5 each, they do 1 button but you get 3 at random whenever you press the button. Might seem “easier” if you give it no real thought, but whenever you get into a situation where you want to change to an aura you will now have to activate the dial and then manually check which auras are available to you. Not only that but once you know which ones you have, each one of those will have a completely new inputs, so you will always have to recognize the input before inputting it.
The worst part is that you will never be able to use an aura when you actually need it as you don’t know if it’s available or not and taking your time just to check will most of the time eliminate the opening you had.
Add to that the fact that even if you guessed that it was available casting it will now take much longer as you need to recognize it’s available and then afterwards recognize which input it is and then only afterwards are you actually able to activate it.
It makes Shulk 1,000 times harder to play than just having 5 auras on 2 buttons.