With this level of condescension, I'd like to see your credibility card please. You literally won't respond to being called out on your strong opinions sometimes because something hasn't met your standard. As far as I'm (And many others are) concerned your opinions can't be taken seriously either.
My opinions are based on actually watching competitive matches (something the other user couldn't even claim), and while I haven't played in tournaments, I have played (and won) against players who have won tournaments, under tournament rules. Furthermore, various users have quoted me or come to me about the character in Smash.
I'm not even being arrogant or condescending, but dude, making an argument and not even trying to hide the fact you have no credibility, is just objectively a bad move in a debate. That's literally the definition of having no confidence in yourself or your arguments, it's admitting you're probably wrong.
Not bitter, I just bring it up because everytime you end up being wrong in an argument, you hold on to it like your life depends on it.
Three things:
1) On the old heavyweight thing, this was before the game was properly released to the world, and material I had seen and others had experienced contradicted what you had said. I had no reason to believe anything you said on the matter
at the time, and you did absolutely nothing to prove me wrong. You just told me I was wrong. Yes, you were right in that Rosalina was one of the lightest in the game, but your own arrogance alone is not proof of that. You failed to understand (and evidently still fail to understand) that for one to have trust, they must first doubt. I doubted you by default because not only had I known nothing about you at the time, but multiple other people contradicted your claim. If you had just posted a quick potato cam video or something, I would have believed you instantly.
2) Considering you have quoted old posts of mine from that thread/tagged me in order to get my attention while mocking me, only to later edit them with reference to me taken out, I would say you are bitter. And spineless. As an added note, that is terrible behaviour for a mod.
3) How exactly have I been proven wrong in this thread on the current topic? Spritzee has done nothing but throw out mindless accusations.
I've been following the Rosalina MU thread for a while and it does go like I described. I've even seen you throw out ridiculous numbers with no explanation. There was someone who said that Rosalina has a 100:0 MU against Ganondorf not all that long ago.
And I don't understand why you're pretending like you're above me because you're literally as irrelevant as I am. Neither of us matter to the smash scene, so I why should I have to pretend l'm some expert? You don't have any credibility for anything you say, so why is it so important that I have to? Gorl, get off your high horse because you mean as little as I do.
lol I can't even state my opinions without being accused of trying to pick a fight.
As for the whole "blinded by the love for your character" thing, I'm just going to come out and say it: that accurately describes the majority of the Rosalina boards. I am unsure how it came to be, but many of you like the character so much that you all believe that she is superior to everyone else and therefore cannot lose to anyone. Things such as saying she the best character in the game and has the greatest potential by far are all offshoots of this belief. To an outsider, the Rosalina boards are a cult that is better to avoid.
Rosalina is definitely one of the easier characters to use in lag because she can throw out hitboxes for free because lol Luma. Sure, characters like Falcon and Dedede benefit from lag more than her, but she's up there too. If you want a character that is hit hard by lag, Greninja is destroyed by it.
I have never once not given an explanation for an MU number. In fact, there were times where I simply
didn't give a number because I dislike the number ratio system due to how vague it is and how different people interpret the
same ratio differently, so I opted to ONLY give an explanation (this is how I believe debate and opinions should be expressed in general, for example, game reviews should not use arbitrary numbers). For example, I gave match-ups a 70:30 ratio in Rosalina's favour at times, and people would go ballistic, saying "WTF THAT'S LIKE SAYING SHE COMPLETELY SHUTS DOWN THAT CHARACTER?????". Except according to the thread's OP, a 70:30 match-up was just "moderate advantage" i.e. a more than slightly noticeable advantage but nowhere near overwhelming either.
Also there were multiple occasions where I disagreed with people on Rosalina having an extreme advantage against certain characters. Pac-Man and Shulk for example. Pac-Man mains actually thought they had a really bad disadvantage against Rosalina, and I always disagreed with that. That match-up is no higher than


IMO. I've seen many Pac-Man mains say it's


And I don't think


is a popular opinion in the Rosalina boards
AT ALL. You're literally taking one person's opinion and generalising the entire Rosalina boards as holding that opinion.
Also, I would like to inform you that
there was an entire thread dedicated to claiming Rosalina is broken and unbeatable, and every Rosalina main here, including myself, disagreed.
I do believe Rosalina is the best character in the game in terms of raw potential, as do many other Rosalina mains and non-Rosalina mains alike. I think she should be placed second on an overall tier list, and not many would disagree with me on that (including the community renowned best Smash 4 player in the world, ZeRo). However, just because I love the character outside of Smash, does not mean my views on the character, especially within Smash, are automatically biased. Sonic is also one of my faovurite video game characters, one I have valued for my entire life since I was two years old (compared to only discovering Rosalina when I was 13 years old). I also mained him in Brawl. Look at my username, for crying out loud.
Do I think Sonic is the best character in Brawl? No, not by a loooooong shot. I also don't think he's the best in Smash 4 (though he's just about top tier material after the nerfs).
My opinions on Rosalina are based on my own playtime with her (and impressions of my play from credible people), observing other players, and raw data that has
also been well proven with videos and multiple credible sources as opposed to just one (take note, Aerodrome). It's also based on tournament results (which are pretty amazing considering her tiny, underdeveloped player base in the competitive scene, most of which just copy Dabuz's flawed but well personalised playstyle).
And no, Rosalina is not easy to use online, not against other half decent players (yes, they exist online). How do you expect to perform Lunar Landing, especially with N-air, under constantly varying, laggy conditions? How do you expect to land SoRo's moves, which generally require precision to land? How do you expect to finely control
TWO separate characters, let alone one, under such conditions?
Also, a few final footnotes:
lol I can't even state my opinions without being accused of trying to pick a fight.
Oh you can, just make sure those opinions aren't A) completely biased and generalised, and B) well backed up with some kind of elaborated information or evidence. Something decent anecdotal evidence
at the least. You literally didn't even try to come across as anything but ignorant and inflammatory.
Gorl, get off your high horse because you mean as little as I do.
If you want me to respect you, I at least ask that you refer to me as my preferred gender pronoun. I'm a male in both gender and sex.
I also ask that you do not demand that others have as little self respect for themselves as you do for yourself. That's appauling behaviour.
To an outsider, the Rosalina boards are a cult that is better to avoid
That's funny, because so many new users have come these boards on plenty of occasions just to say how nice and welcoming we are. I personally hang around here so much because, while we have our squabbles, I find the Rosalina community here incredibly welcoming and well mannered, for the most part.
By contrast, I have heard many people outside of the Rosalina boards complain about the Zelda boards and their raids and overall "sassy" attitude.
I personally don't have an all encompassing opinion on the Zelda board users, nor do I think every one of them are bad (some of the nicest users on Smashboards I have met and spoke to casually are in fact Zelda mains - I can even link their accounts if I must), nor do I listen to heresay immediately. However, I HAVE witnessed the Zelda board users, en masse, organise raids. So the complaints are not invalid, which is very inconsiderate of the people involved to be doing that (it disrupts discussion in other character boards, and it makes the more grounded Zelda mains get stereotyped - as Tino just demonstrated). Rosalina mains have done NOTHING comparable to that.
I would also like to note that Zelda board using mods actively encourage such behaviour, and our mod does his best to keep things orderly, civilised, and free of arguments (sometimes ones I have kept going too long).