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Social Mother of the Cosmos: Rosalina [General/Social] Thread (Closed)

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Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Mother of the Cosmos: Rosalina [General/Social] Thread

Notice: This thread is no longer open for posting. Please go here for the new social thread.

Welcome to the Rosalina general and social thread. After Rosalina's confirmation back in December 2013, this thread first speculated how she would work out, while also having general discussions relating to Rosalina. But now, the speculation period is over, and as such, the thread has become a place where users can make conversations that don't belong anywhere else in Rosalina's sub-forum.

Anyway, any topics relating to Rosalina are permitted here, and if you're someone who wants to learn to use Rosalina in Smash 3DS and/or Smash Wii U, you can introduce yourself here. Social talk can also be made, but please make sure that all social conversations are completely civilized. Lastly, do not spam the thread with spam posts.

With that said, welcome aboard, and enjoy your visit here.

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Rosalina's Smash Bros. 4 Speculation Thread

As the thread implies, this thread is for speculations, discussions and theories for Rosalina's chances as a playable character for Smash 4. While granted, there are many Mario reps enough as it is, we have more than just Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Bowser, since technically, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, and Wario started off as Mario characters themselves, and can even still be seen as Mario series characters.

With that, discuss away. Below is my idea for a possible moveset. Of course, if anyone here have ideas for moves, then by all means, feel free to share them


Rosalina made her debut in the critically acclaimed Wii title, Super Mario Galaxy. Unlike Princess Peach, who is portrayed as the damsel in distress and an airhead, and Princess Daisy, who is portrayed as a tomboy in contrast to Peach's prim and proper character, Rosalina appears as a soft-spoken woman with a monotone voice, regardless of excitement, and is wise, kind, and motherly. She aids Mario on his quest, by giving him a Luma to help him on his journey. She is the adoptive mother of the star-like creatures, the Luma, and looks after them as she sails across the universe in her Comet Observatory; a giant space station acting as a vessel of which Rosalina and the Luma call home. Some of her abilities shown include creating bubble-like shields around herself and any entity she wishes, as well as the ability of levitation, much like the Luma. She appears to be tall (roughly the same height as Waluigi, or taller), and based on her appearance in Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart 7, is also implied that she's more of a heavy weight character.

Rosalina's character is given surprising depth for a Mario series character via a storybook Mario reads in the Observatory's library. As a result, she has received positive reception from critics and gamers alike for her tragic story as detailed in her story book, and her role as anything but another damsel in distress. She consistently ranks well in character polls and have even been placed in SloganYams wishlist for Super Smash Bros. 4. Though her appearances as a new character to the Mario series has been fairly few, she has made enough of an impact to warrant a fanbase that continues to grow. If there's one Mario character that has a decent shot at being made playable in Smash 4, Rosalina is definitely among those characters.

Rosalina's Body frame will be similar to Peach, but her actual size will be as tall as Zelda but as heavy as R.O.B.. The reason her weight is as such is due to her apparent heavy weight in the Mario Kart titles in which she's playable. She has a Yellow Luma that hovers around her body, but this does not affect her hurtboxes. Her walking speed is the same speed as Peach's, but her running speed is a little faster than Zelda's. Her falling speed is on the floaty side, falling with the same speed as R.O.B.. Her initial jump height is the same as Peach with her second jump being the height of Zelda's. Her height when crouched down is a little shorter than Zelda's crouch. Note that for her Dodge/Roll and Air Dodge stats "X-XX /" denotes Invincibility frames while "/ XX" denotes total number of frames.

Height: 7
Weight: 6.5
Overall Power: 6.5
Traction: 4.5
Ground Speed (Walk): 3
Ground Speed (Run): 3
Aerial Movement Speed: 5
Falling Speed (Normal): 3
Falling Speed (Fast): 5
Number of Jumps: 2 jumps
Jump Height (First Jump): 3
Jump Height (Second Jump): 4
Grab Range: 9
Grab Speed (Standing): 5
Grab Speed (Running): 5
Grab Speed (Pivot): 7
Dodge/Roll Frames: 2-23 / 25
Air Dodge Frames: 2-39 / 40

Special Attacks

Standard B - Starbit Fire: Rosalina's Luma fires a star bit that travels straight ahead. It has no start up frames or ending lag, but only three can be fired at a time. It travels at the speed equal to Captain Falcon's dash, and its range travels the distance of Final Destination and deals 2% damage with no knockback or hitstun.

Side B - Luma Charge: Rosalina's Luma charges forward, dealing multiple hits that drag the opponent(s) into the middle of the hitboxes with the last hit dealing knockback similar to Toon Link's bombs, only horizontal. When the B button is simply pressed, the Luma returns to Rosalina. If the B button is held, Rosalina will teleport to the Luma's position. The distance the Luma travels for this move is the distance of Olimar's Blue Pikmin grab range. It has no start-up frames, but has 10 frames of cooldown when the Luma returns and no cooldown when Rosalina teleports. Can be used as a recovery option, but it will not slow her falling speed. The attack, when all hitboxes (10 hits) connect, deals 14% damage.

Up B - Luminous Shield: Rosalina flies vertically, although slowly, and can be steered left and right. Her horizontal movement speed is the same as her Aerial Speed. As she flies, her Luma orbits her body rapidly in all angles dealing multiple hits to the opponent(s) within range. The radius of the attack is three times that of Nayru's Love. The last hit deals knockback equal to Toon Link's aerial Spin Attack's final hit. The attack has 13 hitboxes, the first 12 dealing 1% damage, with the last hit dealing 3% damage. The height she reaches when she flies is equal to Peach's Parasol. The start up is instantaneous, but the landing lag lasts 15 frames. This move will put her into a Helpless State at the end of the attack.

Down B - Star Sling: Rosalina does a spin that sets a Sling Star in on her current position. When either Rosalina or the opponent touches the sling star, they will be launched in the air approximately the height of the highest platform of Battlefield. Rosalina will not be launched when creating the Sling Star, and can move away from its position, but will be launched as soon as she touches it afterwards. It deals no damage, and its size is 50% larger than a Bumper horizontally. Only one can be set at a time. Using this move a second time will despawn the Sling Star with no start up or ending frames. The Sling Star lasts for 30 seconds or until Rosalina despawns it, or loses a stock. The start up frames for spawning a Sling Star (her spin animation) lasts 20 frames.

Standard Attacks

Standard A: Rosalina swings her right arm to the left, as the Luma flies in a pattern that follows her arm. Pressing the A button a second time causes Rosalina to swing her right arm to the right, with her Luma following her arm. The range of the Luma is equal to the tip of Link's sword during the third stike of his standard A. Her arm's hitbox deals 3% damage on both hits with knockback equal to Link's final hit on his standard A. The Luma deals 3% damage on the first hit and 2% on the second hit, with knockback similar to the second hit of Samus's standard A. The attack has an upward diagonal knockback.

Forward Tilt: Similar to Zelda's forward tilt, but with the Luma following Rosalina's arm movement. The range of the Luma is equal to Toon Link's aerial tether. The knockback is upward diagonal with her arm dealing 8% damage with knockback equal to Captain Falcon's Up Tilt, while the Luma deals 6% damage with knockback equal in power to Samus's final hit of her standard A.

Up Tilt: Rosalina swings her arm in an overhead arch similar to Zelda, but faster, with her Luma moving in an arch above her. The range of the Luma is equal to Donkey Kong's Up Tilt. Rosalina's arm deals 7% damage with knockback equal to Mario's Up tilt, while the Luma deals 6% damage and knockback equal to Falco's Up Tilt.

Down Tilt: Rosalina's Luma launches forward while hugging the ground, dealing multiple hits (3 hits) in rapid succession. The Luma travels as far as Toon Link's tether, and deal pure horizontal knockback equal to the second hit of R.O.B.s Standard A. The first two hits deal 2% damage and the final hit deals 4% damage.

Dash Attack: Rosalina flicks her right wrist to her right as the Luma swiftly swings to the right, following her wrist movement. The Luma's range is quite modest, being no longer than the Forward Tilt of Lucas. It's a single hit attack with the Luma being the only hitbox. The outer tip away from Rosalina deals 9% damage and knocks the opponent away from Rosalina horizontally with knockback strength equal to Captain Falcon's Dash Attack. The inner hitbox more towards Rosalina's body deals 5% damage and launches the opponent behind Rosalina with only slight knockback.

Aerial Attacks

Standard Aerial: Rosalina spins in a manner similar to Zelda, with the Luma orbiting her body horizontally at a rapid rate. The range of the Luma is equal to Zelda's Nayru's Love. It deals multiple hits that drags the opponent(s) towards Rosalina, with the last hit dealing upward horizontal knockback equal to Mario's Standard Aerial's initial hitbox. The attack hits 6 times, with the first 5 hits dealing 1% damage and the final hit dealing 6% damage.

Forward Aerial: Rosalina's swings her arm similar in movement and speed to Marth's Forward Aerial, with the Luma moving with her arm. The range of the Luma is equal to Marth's Forward Smash. She is able to perform two Forward Aerials in one short hop. Rosalina's arm deals 6% damage with knockback equal to Marth's Forward Aerial, while the Luma deals 5% damage with knockback similar in power to the last hit of Pit's Up Aerial. The attack has upward horizontal knockback.

Back Aerial: Rosalina spins her body clockwise as the Luma rotates with her. The Luma's range is a similar to Marth's Forward Aerial. Unlike Rosalina's Forward Aerial, in which the Luma comes down at a radius, the Luma merely orbits her waist area at a fast speed. She can perform three Back Airs in one short hop. The Luma's hitbox is a single strike with mostly light horizontal knockback with knockback strength slightly stronger than Toon Link's Back Aerial and deals 9% damage.

Up Aerial: Rosalina raises her right arm with the Luma launching itself straight up above her at a fast rate. The range of the Luma is equal to Zelda's Up Aerial. The Luma deals multiple hits (7 hits), with the first 6 hits dealing 1% damage and the last hit dealing 4% damage. The knockback launches the opponent vertically to the left or right randomly. The knockback is similar in strength to Peach's Up Aerial.

Down Aerial: Rosalina points downward as her Luma launches itself straight down below her. The rang of the Luma is equal to the length of Toon Link's tether. The Luma deals multiple hits (7 hits) as it drags the opponent into the hitboxes. Rosalina's body has a hitbox in the initial start-up frame that deals 3% damage and knocks the opponent towards the Luma. The Luma's first 6 hits deal 1% damage with the final hit dealing 5% damage with purely downward knockback similar in power to Mario's Forward Aerial meteor smash.

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash: Similar to her Luma Charge (Forward B), but the Luma does not drag the opponent into the hitboxes, nor does Rosalina teleport. It only deals 5 hits with each hit dealing 3% damage (uncharged) and 5% damage (fully charged). The distance is of the Luma is equal to Toon Link's tether, and has upward horizontal knockback similar in power to Peach's Forward Smash's tennis racket.

Up Smash: Similar to her Up Aerial, except it's used on the ground with the first 6 hits dealing 2% damage and the last hit dealing 3% damage (uncharged), and the first 6 hits dealing 3% damage and the last hit dealing 5% damage (fully charged). The knockback is similar in direction and power to Zelda's Up Smash.

Down Smash: Rosalina spreads her arms downward and out as the Luma rapidly circles around her feet. The horizontal range of the Luma is similar to R.O.B.'s Down Smash and hits both sides of Rosalina simultaneously. The Luma deals multiple hits (5 hits) with the first 4 hits dealing 2% damage and the last hit dealing 6% damage (uncharged) while dealing 12% damage on the last hit when fully charged. The attack has pure horizontal knockback similar in power to Zelda's Down Smash.

Other Attacks

Ledge Attack: Picks herself up while the Luma lunges itself forward, dealing 8% damage.

100% Ledge Attack: Slowly gets up as the Luma pulls her up. The Luma then lunges itself forward, dealing 11% damage.

Floor Attack: Rosalina picks herself off the floor as the Luma rotates around her body at high speed, attacking at both sides of Rosalina. Does 5% damage.


Rosalina's Luma acts as a tether grab, with range similar to Link's tether grab, but the Luma immediately returns to Rosalina upon whiffing, making her tether grabs relatively safe, like Olimar's. Rosalina does not have a tether recovery, however, as she lacks a Z Aerial.

Pummel: Rosalina kick's the opponent in the shin while the Luma kicks the opponent in the head, dealing 3% damage each pummel. The speed of her pummel is similar to Snake's though only slightly slower.

Forward Throw: Rosalina launches the opponent slightly upward and horizontally while her Luma drills into the opponent, dealing multiple damage. Rosalina's throw deals no damage, but the Luma's hitboxes (7 hits) deals 1% damage on all hits with the final hit dealing upward horizontal knockback similar in power to Peach's Forward Throw.

Back Throw: Very similar to her Forward throw, but with a backthrow animation. The knockback is similar to Donkey Kong's Back Throw.

Up Throw: The Luma grabs the opponent, swings them clockwise around Rosalina's body and launches them in the air. The knockback deals 10% damage and is equal in power to Jigglypuff's Up Throw.

Down Throw: The Luma raises the opponent slightly above Rosalina and slams them on the ground dealing 11% damage and upward horizontal knockback similar in power to Squirtle's Down Throw, though a little weaker.

Final Smash

Luma Gathering: Rosalina's Yellow Luma calls out for more Lumas and then retreats into Rosalina. Afterwards, Rosalina is now sorrounded by a glowing aura and four Lumas of different colors; Red Lumas, Blue Lumas, Green Lumas, and Hungry Lumas. Rosalina is immune to damage and knockback as indicated by her glowing aura during the Final Smash. When she attacks, she performs the attack with her new Lumas alternating between colors in the following order: Red,Blue, Green, and Pink, similar to Olimar and his Pikmin. Each Luma deals twice the amount of damage and knockback as her normal Yellow Luma with the exception of the Pink Luma, which inflicts 3 times the damage and knockback. The Red Luma has a fire effect, engulfing the opponent in flames, the Blue Luma has a 50% chance to freeze the opponent solid, and the Green Luma has an electrocution effect. The Final Smash lasts for 15 seconds, after which all four of the different colored Lumas will disperse in four different random directions, inflicting 10% damage to any opponent in their way and causing their respective elemental effect, including the Blue Luma's freeze with a 100% chance. When the Pink Luma disperses, it inflicts 15% damage with very powerful upward horizontal knockback comparable to Ganondorf's fully charged Forward Smash. The Yellow Luma then reappears from within Rosalina.
Member-Posted Moveset Ideas

As the section implies, these are moveset ideas posted by other members. If you want your moveset ideas in this OP section, simply post your idea, and I'll get around to posting it here. Here are some guidelines for posting movesets:

- Detail how the animation works, where the hitboxes are, its range, and whether it's transcendent or not.
- How much damage the attack(s) inflict where applicable, including damage changes for charged attacks.
- The knockback angle and power of the move, even if you must compare it to another character's attack.
- Though not important, any info on frame data will also help quite significantly as a measure of usefulness.

Although not all the guidelines need to be followed exactly, giving a decent detailed description of the moves in the moveset can still give people a good idea of how the move is supposed to work, and how it's supposed to look when used. Also, creativity is a plus.

Moveset by Mario_and_Sonic_Guy

Physical Offense: 3/10
Magic Offense: 8/10
Defensive Strength: 7/10
Ground Speed: 6/10
Running Speed: 6/10
Jump Height: 6/10
Mid-air Jump Height: 6/10
Air Speed: 9/10
Falling Speed: 4/10
Recovery: 9/10
Size: > Samus; < Ganondorf
Weight: Equivalent to Lucario's weight

Standard B - Star Beam: Rosalina charges up her star wand with star energy. The star wand will glow brighter as it's getting charged up, and Rosalina can hold the charge as well. When released, Rosalina will fire an energy orb, which appears similar to Lucario's Aura Sphere. The size and power of the orb is dependent on how much power has been stored into the attack. The move can deal a minimum of 3% damage, up to a maximum of 26% damage. In terms of knockback, at its weakest, the attack hardly has any knockback, only briefly flinching the target. But as the attack's power grows, it'll deliver horizontal knockback, often sending foes flying at a 45 degree angle. The strength of the knockback will be at its strongest when the attack is released at full power, being capable of KOing lighter characters at less than 100% damage.

Side B - Luma Assist: Rosalina will bring out a Luma, and have it fly forward. Anyone who gets hit by the Luma will take damage. How powerful the Luma is is based on its color. Blue Lumas are the least powerful; Yellow Lumas are average powered; Red Lumas are stronger; Green Lumas pack the most power, and are the rarest to get. Blue Lumas can deal up to 5% damage, but deliver weak horizontal knockback. Opponents have to take over 250% damage before this Luma can have a shot at KOing them. Yellow Lumas can deal up to 13% damage, and deliver moderate horizontal knockback. Opponents who have taken over 200% damage are at risk of being KO'd by this Luma color. Red Lumas can deal up to 21% damage, and deliver strong horizontal knockback. It can KO opponents who have taken over 150% damage. Green Lumas can deal up to 32% damage, and offer the strongest horizontal knockback, being able to KO opponents who have over 100% damage.

Up B - Teleport: Rosalina will disappear, and reappear at a different spot. Its range is large, and is executed rather quickly. The angle of the teleportation can be adjusted, but it doesn't deal any damage. Basically, the move operates in a similar manner as Mewtwo's Teleport, but it has a range that's as long as Zelda's Farore's Wind.

Down B - Star Barrier: Rosalina will create a barrier around her, which protects her from almost every kind of indirect attack. It can also reflect projectiles right back at opponents with doubled strength. However, it has no effect against direct attacks. In terms of damage, let's say that Rosalina used the Star Barrier to reflect Lucario's Aura Sphere. If the Aura Sphere originally deals 26% damage, when reflected by the Star Barrier, its damage is doubled to 52%, and its knockback is also doubled as a result. Knockback angles vary, depending on the reflected projectiles.

Final Smash - Grand Star Storm: Rosalina will summon a large number of Power Stars, which will fall down onto the battlefield at full force. The color of the Power Stars determine their power (yellow is average; red is strong; green is very strong), but the Grand Stars pack the most power, and are the most capable of delivering KOs. The Final Smash lasts for about 10 seconds. Yellow Power Stars deal up to 15% damage, and send foes flying at diagonal angles. They're capable of KOing at over 200% damage. Red Power Stars deal up to 30% damage, and send foes flying at diagonal angles. They're capable of KOing at over 150% damage. Green Power Stars deal up to 45% damage, and send foes flying at diagonal angles. They're capable of KOing at over 100% damage. Grand Stars deal up to 60% damage, and are capable of KOing players that have as low as 50% damage. Unlike the other Power Star colors, Grand Stars deliver mostly vertical knockback.

Moveset by FalchionX7

Standard B - Star Beam: Rosalina charges up energy with her star wand. The wand will glow brighter as it is charged up, she can also hold it. When it is released, it fire a full screen beam projectile that does multiple hits with weak knockback (Minimally charged) and strong knockback (When fully charged)

Side B - Luma Hold: Rosalina calls out her Luma partner. If the Luma touches an opponent it will hold them in place for 3 seconds allowing you to combo them. This move also has the added ability of allowing the Luma to bring items to Rosalina.

Up B - Stardust: Rosalina disappears into stardust and reappears with minimum startup and the direction can be changed depending on what angle you hold the control stick. The stardust will stay on screen for a few moments while damaging opponents who go near it, dealing multiple hits of damage (10% total). The move also goes the same length as Zelda's Farore's Wind.

Down B - Star Field: Rosalina puts a force field around her for a moment. This can have 3 effects:

- She gains a little extra jump
- Projectile speed and damage will increase when reflected
- Opponents will get knocked away in a diagonal angle

Final Smash - Comet Observatory: Rosalina shoots star energy from her wand into the sky, in the background of the stage you'll see her Comet Observatory being covered with energy into an oval shape, after that Rosalina will do a motion with her wand and send the Comet Observatory high into the air, allowing you to control it up to 4 times in 4 directions Up, Down, Left or Right. The observatory will go back into the background after each use.
Comet Observatory


The Comet Observatory is a stage that is inspired by the area acting as a "hub" in Super Mario Galaxy and is the signature stage of Rosalina. There are minimal hazards, and the stage changes much like Delfino Plaza in Brawl. It starts on a flat platform in space similar to Delfino Plaza, with Battlefield platform layouts. The platform then travels to various locations around the observatory in a random order:

Garage: A standard flat area. This part of the stage has no lower blast zone, and thus has walk-off edges. From time to time, Lumas and Toads in small cars will drive along the stage at a moderate speed. The knockback is relatively small, and the damage dealt is anywhere between 5% (Luma) and 8% (Toad). The ground here is metal.

Fountain: This part of the stage features a nearly all water-based ground, making it more likely for Olimar to pick up Blue Pikmin. The sides are composed of grass, however. The ledges can be grabbed and tethered. The sides of the stage continues down into the lower blast zone, making it impossible to glide underneath and slants downward similar to Final Destination in Melee. From time to time, water jets will fire from the ground, acting as platforms to those who happen to be standing underneath. The sides of the water spouts act as soft walls, blocking most projectiles, such as thrown/fired items, Mario's fireballs, and Olimar's Pikmin, but projectiles, like Fox/Falco's blaster and R.O.B.'s laser can phase through. Characters cannot wall jump or wall cling off the sides of the water spouts. Each water spout will remain erect for 10 seconds.

Kitchen: The kitchen is made up of one main platform in the middle in front of the entrance to the actual kitchen, and a smaller platform a little off the side to the right. Both platforms are solid and cannot be passed through from underneath. The ledges can be grabbed and tethered on both sides of both platforms. The ground here is made of grass. On occasion, a fireball will fire from the chimney of the kitchen and onto the stage, exploding on impact. The speed of the fireball is relatively slow, and can be easily avoided. When hit, it causes a fire effect that deals 7% damage with weak knockback. Sometimes, a fire pillar will erupt from the chimney, causing multiple (5-7) fireballs to rain down on the stage.

Gate: The gate area acts exactly like Final Destination, though is roughly 10% smaller. No hazards are present here.

Engine Room: The engine room is located out in the front of the actual room itself. The platforms making up this area of the stage are constantly rotating the room in the background, essentially making it a pseudo-moving stage, except the camera and - by extension - the side blast zones are fixed, forcing the players to stay in the middle of the stage. The top platform moves to the right, the middle platform moves to the left, and the bottom platform moves to the right. The platforms can be passed through from underneath, but cannot be passed through from the top. They also cannot be grabbed or tethered from the sides. The platforms themselves are rather long, with only two gaps; each gap appearing every 10 seconds, resulting in Meteor KOs being uncommon here. The platforms are made of metal.

Garden: The very peak of the stage, the garden area has no hazards, and the main stage itself is the size of Battlefield's main stage, but with no other platforms available. The sides can be grabbed or tethered. The sides of the stage continue into the lower blast zone, making gliding underneath impossible. The stage is composed of grass. Every 10 seconds, a star bit will rain down on the stage. When it hits the stage, or is broken by a player's attack, a random item will appear. If items are turned off, however, the star bit becomes merely a cosmetic part of the stage, much like the balloon in Smashville.


There are various tracks that can be played during matches on this stage. They are all inspired by Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Mario Kart Wii, and Mario Kart 7. The tracks are:

- Super Mario Galaxy OST - Egg Planet
- Super Mario Galaxy OST - Wind Garden
- Super Mario Galaxy OST - Hell Prominence
- Super Mario Galaxy OST - Fight to the Death at Koopa's Fort
- Super Mario Galaxy OST - Nemesis King Koopa
- Super Mario Galaxy 2 OST - Yoshi Star Galaxy Theme
- Super Mario Galaxy 2 OST - Puzzle Plank Galaxy Theme
- Super Mario Galaxy 2 OST - Wild Glide Galaxy Theme
- Super Mario Galaxy 2 OST - Final Bowser Battle Theme
- Mario Kart Wii - Rainbow Road
- Mario Kart 7 - Rainbow Road
Rosalina Alternate Colors Posted by Mario_and_Sonic_Guy

As you may or may not have noticed, I did not include a Trip Attack under "Other Attacks". This is because the moveset is for Smash 4; a game where - if Sakurai is smart - will not have random tripping. I might update later with taunts, though that's not of very great importance right now. Also, you'll notice that none of her moves involve her wand; I did this on purpose, as I wanted her attacks to be more about the Luma than anything else. Instead, I'll incorporate her wand into her taunt somewhere, similar to Ganondorf's Down Taunt in Brawl. Any thoughts or critiques? Also, if anyone have any stage music ideas, feel free to post them.

Moderator Edit (@ Mario & Sonic Guy Mario & Sonic Guy ): I really should've modified this post a lot sooner than this. Anyway, the speculation portion of the post is now in a collapse tag.

Moderator Edit 2 (@ Mario & Sonic Guy Mario & Sonic Guy ): I've updated the primary post even further.

Moderator Edit 3 (@ Mario & Sonic Guy Mario & Sonic Guy ): I've added a new warning that will be enforced from here on out.

Moderator Edit 4 (@ Mario & Sonic Guy Mario & Sonic Guy ): More warnings have been added.

Moderator Edit 5 (@ Mario & Sonic Guy Mario & Sonic Guy ): Added a notice in regards to this thread's successor.
Last edited by a moderator:

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
I'm all for Rosalina.

[COLLAPSE="Here is why"]

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Well, here are my special move inputs for her...
Standard - Star Beam

Rosalina charges up her star wand with star energy. The star wand will glow brighter as it's getting charged up, and Rosalina can hold the charge as well. When released, Rosalina will fire an energy orb, which appears similar to Lucario's Aura Sphere.

The size and power of the orb is dependent on how much power has been stored into the attack. The move can deal a minimum of 3% damage, up to a maximum of 26% damage.

In terms of knockback, at its weakest, the attack hardly has any knockback, only briefly flinching the target. But as the attack's power grows, it'll deliver horizontal knockback, often sending foes flying at a 45 degree angle. The strength of the knockback will be at its strongest when the attack is released at full power, being capable of KOing lighter characters at less than 100% damage.
Side - Luma Assist

Rosalina will bring out a Luma, and have it fly forward. Anyone who gets hit by the Luma will take damage. How powerful the Luma is is based on its color. Blue Lumas are the least powerful; Yellow Lumas are average powered; Red Lumas are stronger; Green Lumas pack the most power, and are the rarest to get.

Blue Lumas can deal up to 5% damage, but deliver weak horizontal knockback. Opponents have to take over 250% damage before this Luma can have a shot at KOing them.

Yellow Lumas can deal up to 13% damage, and deliver moderate horizontal knockback. Opponents who have taken over 200% damage are at risk of being KO'd by this Luma color.

Red Lumas can deal up to 21% damage, and deliver strong horizontal knockback. It can KO opponents who have taken over 150% damage.

Green Lumas can deal up to 32% damage, and offer the strongest horizontal knockback, being able to KO opponents who have over 100% damage.
Up - Teleport

Rosalina will disappear, and reappear at a different spot. Its range is large, and is executed rather quickly. The angle of the teleportation can be adjusted, but it doesn't deal any damage.

Basically, the move operates in a similar manner as Mewtwo's Teleport, but it has a range that's as long as Zelda's Farore's Wind.
Down - Star Barrier

Rosalina will create a barrier around her, which protects her from almost every kind of indirect attack. It can also reflect projectiles right back at opponents with doubled strength. However, it has no effect against direct attacks.

In terms of damage, let's say that Rosalina used the Star Barrier to reflect Lucario's Aura Sphere. If the Aura Sphere originally deals 26% damage, when reflected by the Star Barrier, its damage is doubled to 52%, and its knockback is also doubled as a result. Knockback angles vary, depending on the reflected projectiles.
Final Smash - Grand Star Storm

Rosalina will summon a large number of Power Stars, which will fall down onto the battlefield at full force. The color of the Power Stars determine their power (yellow is average; red is strong; green is very strong), but the Grand Stars pack the most power, and are the most capable of delivering KOs. The Final Smash lasts for about 10 seconds.

Yellow Power Stars deal up to 15% damage, and send foes flying at diagonal angles. They're capable of KOing at over 200% damage.

Red Power Stars deal up to 30% damage, and send foes flying at diagonal angles. They're capable of KOing at over 150% damage.

Green Power Stars deal up to 45% damage, and send foes flying at diagonal angles. They're capable of KOing at over 100% damage.

Grand Stars deal up to 60% damage, and are capable of KOing players that have as low as 50% damage. Unlike the other Power Star colors, Grand Stars deliver mostly vertical knockback.

In terms of her statistics, I see Rosalina being a character who has a very weak physical offense, while offering a powerful magic offense to make up for it. She'd also be portrayed as a mid-light character, being slightly heavier than Diddy Kong.

In terms of normal speed, Rosalina would only be able to rival Lucario's speed. Likewise, her running speed would rival Lucario's as well. Simply put, Rosalina would be a bit on the slow side, but would surprisingly move faster than Peach.

Regarding recovery, Rosalina would offer one of the best recovery abilities out there, which would make it hard to KO her horizontally. However, Rosalina would also be floaty, and fall rather slowly, so she'd be quite vulnerable to being Star KO'd.


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
Something I can forsee as being a problem, is getting the relationship between Rosalina and the Lumas right. Unlike Dedede's summons, whom are throw-away pawns to the King's schemes, and Olimar's Pikmin, which can be sacrificed for a "greater good", Rosalina has a mother/child relationship with the Lumas. And this relationship would make it awkward to see her tossing Lumas about.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
I updated the OP with my idea of Rosalina's potential moveset. Any feedback and or critiques are appreciated.

Mario_and_Sonic_Guy: Not a bad set of moves. It could help a bit better if you detailed the damage and possibly the knockback of the attacks where applicable, even if it means comparing knockback to moves from other characters.

Something I can forsee as being a problem, is getting the relationship between Rosalina and the Lumas right. Unlike Dedede's summons, whom are throw-away pawns to the King's schemes, and Olimar's Pikmin, which can be sacrificed for a "greater good", Rosalina has a mother/child relationship with the Lumas. And this relationship would make it awkward to see her tossing Lumas about.
A great point indeed, but not something I haven't already considered. This is why my moveset idea involves Rosalina and the Luma working together via Rosalina's guidance using gestures and arm movements, all the while, the single Luma that's with Rosalina is following her at all times in the same way it does in Mario Kart Wii.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I do need to question your weight input for Rosalina. She looks more like middleweight material, despite of her tall frame.

Anyway, in terms of my special move inputs, I'll go back and edit my previous post if you want me to be more specific with my damage and knockback statements.


Smash Lord
Feb 29, 2012
Baguetteandwine Land

I really like the moveset,she should use her wand in a tilt or something.Whatever.That idea for a recovery side special is wonderful.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
I'm all for Rosalina.

[COLLAPSE="Here is why"]
That is rather creepy. Not going to lie.
I do need to question your weight input for Rosalina. She looks more like middleweight material, despite of her tall frame.
I was initially thinking middle weight, but considering how they demonstrated her weight in Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart 7, combined with her height (being as tall or even taller than Waluigi), it would stand to reason she'd be more on the heavier side. That's just me though.
Anyway, in terms of my special move inputs, I'll go back and edit my previous post if you want me to be more specific with my damage and knockback statements.
Cool. I mean, it's not like you have to do it, more so than it would just help if you did. From what I see, I'd say it looks good.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Leave it to the #1 Ghirahim supporter to make anything creepy. Anyway, I did run into some DeviantART images, showing concepts of what Rosalina's dress would look like if she ever does make it as a playable...



Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
I would certainly not mind Rosalina. She's one of the few females who could be justified, and would have a great moveset. I wouldn't mind pretty much any of the other Mario newcomers either, though - the only ones I don't want are Paper Mario and -especially- Toad. Any out of her, Waluigi, Bowser Jr., and Fawful are fine, largely because of their movesets.

Unfortunately her chances are lower than everyone else I've listed (Save Fawful). Yes, she's relevant right now. . .But. . .I can't help but feel her toned down role in Galaxy 2 and a Luma being playable over her in Mario Tennis 3DS hurts her. Ninty doesn't seem to like her too much.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Rosalina has been having it rough with spin-off appearances; Mario Party doesn't really work, neither does Mario Strikers. I guess when you think it over, Rosalina's character doesn't exactly go well with most sports games.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Anyway, I did run into some DeviantART images, showing concepts of what Rosalina's dress would look like if she ever does make it as a playable...

I can see designs like these making it in. I mean, they really upped the visuals with Peach in Brawl, so it stands to reason they'd do the same for Rosalina's appearance, and imagining this in HD makes it sound even better.
I would certainly not mind Rosalina. She's one of the few females who could be justified, and would have a great moveset. I wouldn't mind pretty much any of the other Mario newcomers either, though - the only ones I don't want are Paper Mario and -especially- Toad. Any out of her, Waluigi, Bowser Jr., and Fawful are fine, largely because of their movesets.

Unfortunately her chances are lower than everyone else I've listed (Save Fawful). Yes, she's relevant right now. . .But. . .I can't help but feel her toned down role in Galaxy 2 and a Luma being playable over her in Mario Tennis 3DS hurts her. Ninty doesn't seem to like her too much.
That's potentially the problem: Nintendo may not include her because they feel she isn't worthy enough, despite how well-received she was with game critics and how large her fanbase has become and is still becoming. I can also say I want Waluigi and Bowser Jr. as well, but then that could potentially be too many reps for the Mario series in one game. Honestly, I see Waluigi and Bowser Jr. having more priority over Rosalina, but having the wishful thinking that she would be in the game is rather nice. As for Fawful, he'd be a nice addition too, but I don't know exactly how significant he is to the Mario series.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
That's potentially the problem: Nintendo may not include her because they feel she isn't worthy enough, despite how well-received she was with game critics and how large her fanbase has become and is still becoming. I can also say I want Waluigi and Bowser Jr. as well, but then that could potentially be too many reps for the Mario series in one game. Honestly, I see Waluigi and Bowser Jr. having more priority over Rosalina, but having the wishful thinking that she would be in the game is rather nice. As for Fawful, he'd be a nice addition too, but I don't know exactly how significant he is to the Mario series.
It is quite ironic how Rosalina has been neglected frequently, despite of her huge fanbase. Heck, one of the Nintendo Power magazines that I saw actually showed positive respect towards her, or at least I think that's the case. But I guess having a tough girl attitude does not go well with Rosalina's personality, which likely explains her absence in the last set of Mario spin-offs.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Yeah, she certainly doesn't have a tough attitude, but neither does Peach, and yet she's in so many Mario Spin-offs, including the aggressive Mario Strikers. Though it can be argued that Peach has been around since day 1 in the original Super Mario Bros. and is thus entitled to such appearances whilst Rosalina is still too new.

Also, another thing to note, if they do put Rosalina in, they had better get Mercedes Rose to reprise her role, I don't care how they get her in. Kerri Kane was okay as Rosalina in Mario Kart 7, but I really liked the monotone, loving voice provided by Rose as it seemed to really capture the mystery that is Rosalina.


Banned via Warnings
May 6, 2012
YES! Rosalina is my favorite Mario character and I would love to see her in...she's probably the best character you could come up with for the series. either her or waluigi :bee:


That's a paddlin'
Dec 31, 2011
I'm all for Rosalina, shes easily my favourite Mario character.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
She's most certainly among one of my favorites as well. I just hope she doesn't fall too much in obscurity in Nintendo's eyes to be excluded as a playable character in Smash 4.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
Well there is definitely going to be Galaxy rep in the form of a stage or two, trophies, and assist trophies in the game and perhaps we could get a character.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Updated the OP with an overview, character stats, and a Final Smash. Will update with stages, music, and taunts at a later point. Anyone else have any ideas for a possible Rosalina moveset, stage, etc.? Feel free to share your idea(s).


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Updated the OP with an overview, character stats, and a Final Smash. Will update with stages, music, and taunts at a later point. Anyone else have any ideas for a possible Rosalina moveset, stage, etc.? Feel free to share your idea(s).
Rather than do some small planet with 360 gravity gimmick I'd thing Rosalina's stage would be the Observatory. All I can think of is Star bit meteors hit the stage dropping healing Star Bits but hurt if you touch them before they explode.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Rather than do some small planet with 360 gravity gimmick I'd thing Rosalina's stage would be the Observatory. All I can think of is Star bit meteors hit the stage dropping healing Star Bits but hurt if you touch them before they explode.
Yeah, that was my idea exactly (minus the Star Bit thing). I'll probably get to work on a stage analysis at some point later. Maybe tonight (though I stress the word "maybe").

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Rosalina would be a great character due to her popularity and unique abilities. She has a higher chance at making it compared to Daisy and Honey Queen. The more magic users, the better. :)


Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Updated the OP with a stage overview, music for the stage, and also added an "Other Attacks" category into her moveset which includes her Ledge Attack, 100% Ledge Attack, and Floor Attack.

If anyone wishes to post more ideas for music, or give some ideas to add to the stage and or add their own stage idea, you're free to do so.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Hmmm... in terms of Mario reps I would be OK with her getting in past Toad, Waluigi, and Bowser Jr. if she really borrows heavily from Galaxy. The Galaxies were really fun, inventive games.

I think shooting star bits is an obvious special.

But she can also summon a yellow meteor that cruises upwards and toward the stage with her standing on top. Rosalina could walk around the meteor as seen in the game during the Bowser boss battles. Maybe even attack with her wand with a press of A. After a few seconds the meteor crumbles and rains debris downwards. Rosalina goes into free-fall or perhaps regular fall, able to use her aerials but not Up B again until she lands.

I see her as a defensive character. Perhaps she can summon a small swirling black hole in front of her. Projectiles are sucked in and a vacuum effect (like Gannondorf's Volcnoe foot) can pull the trajectory of certain characters toward her. The lighter, the easier the character is pulled toward Rosalina.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Hmmm... in terms of Mario reps I would be OK with her getting in past Toad, Waluigi, and Bowser Jr. if she really borrows heavily from Galaxy. The Galaxies were really fun, inventive games.

I think shooting star bits is an obvious special.

But she can also summon a yellow meteor that cruises upwards and toward the stage with her standing on top. Rosalina could walk around the meteor as seen in the game during the Bowser boss battles. Maybe even attack with her wand with a press of A. After a few seconds the meteor crumbles and rains debris downwards. Rosalina goes into free-fall or perhaps regular fall, able to use her aerials but not Up B again until she lands.

I see her as a defensive character. Perhaps she can summon a small swirling black hole in front of her. Projectiles are sucked in and a vacuum effect (like Gannondorf's Volcnoe foot) can pull the trajectory of certain characters toward her. The lighter, the easier the character is pulled toward Rosalina.
Those actually sound like good ideas. I think I'll make a section detailing other possible attacks submitted by other people into the OP. Of course, you'll need to give me an idea of what B moves those would be and how much damage/knockback they inflict.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
There's hardly any way for Rosalina to be heavier than Wario though, and she's obviously lighter than Mewtwo.

Basically, she's like Waluigi; tall, but more portrayed as a middleweight.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
There's hardly any way for Rosalina to be heavier than Wario though, and she's obviously lighter than Mewtwo.

Basically, she's like Waluigi; tall, but more portrayed as a middleweight.
Well, the thing is, she's heavier than Waluigi, as is proven in Mario Kart Wii. I can buy that she isn't heavier than Wario, and so she isn't (R.O.B. is only a little lighter than Wario). As for Mewtwo, I can see if she's lighter in a literal sense (in the Pokédex, Mewtwo is 269.0 lbs.), but in a Smash Bros. game, I don't see her as being as light as they portrayed Mewtwo. Making her mid-weight, in my opinion, wouldn't really do her justice in the same vein they made Mewtwo a feather in Melee. To me - as well as others who have seen Rosalina in play in Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart 7 - it would make more sense if she were a mid-heavy character. I mean, sure, she's as tall as Waluigi, or taller, but unlike Waluigi, she isn't lanky or anorexic.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I guess in a literal sense, I don't see Rosalina being heavier than Mario. But I guess the Smash Bros. series just has a funny way with handling weight attributes at times.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
I updated the OP with a section detailing moveset ideas from other members. So far, only Mario_and_Sonic_Guy has posted a moveset, but anyone who wishes for their moveset to be posted are free to do so. That said, do refer to the "Moveset Submitted by Other Members" section of the OP for some guidelines. If you're not detailed enough (damage, knockback, and what button inputs such as "Side B", "Up Tilt", etc.), I may not add the moveset into the OP.


That's a paddlin'
Dec 31, 2011
B - Star Beam: Rosalina charges up energy with her star wand. The wand will glow brighter as it is charged up, she can also hold it. When it is released, it fire a full screen beam projectile that does multiple hits with weak knockback (Minimally charged) and strong knockback (When fully charged)

Side B - Luma Hold: Rosalina calls out her Luma partner. If the Luma touches an opponent it will hold them in place for 3 seconds allowing you to combo them. This move also has the added ability of allowing the Luma to bring items to Rosalina.

Up B - Stardust: Rosalina disappears into stardust and reappears with minimum startup and the direction can be changed depending on what angle you hold the control stick. The stardust will stay on screen for a few moments while damaging opponents who go near it, dealing multiple hits of damage (10% total). The move also goes the same length as Zelda's Farore's Wind.

Down B - Star Field: Rosalina puts a force field around her for a moment. This can have 3 effects:
  • She gains a little extra jump
  • Projectile speed and damage will increase when reflected
  • Opponents will get knocked away in a diagonal angle

Final Smash - Comet Observatory: Rosalina shoots star energy from her wand into the sky, in the background of the stage you'll see her Comet Observatory being covered with energy into an oval shape, after that Rosalina will do a motion with her wand and send the Comet Observatory high into the air, allowing you to control it up to 4 times in 4 directions Up, Down, Left or Right. The observatory will go back into the background after each use.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I have a couple things that I'd like to add...

Rosalina's Stats
Physical Offense: 3/10
Magic Offense: 8/10
Defensive Strength: 7/10
Ground Speed: 6/10 (rivals Lucario)
Running Speed: 6/10 (rivals Lucario)
Jump Height: 6/10 (rivals Lucario)
Mid-air Jump Height: 6/10 (rivals Wario)
Air Speed: 9/10 (rivals Wario)
Falling Speed: 4/10
Recovery: 9/10
Size: > Samus; < Ganondorf
Weight: 17/26 (based on my weight scale from here)


Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
OP updated to include FalchionX7's moveset. Also updated it to include Mario_and_Sonic_Guy's Rosalina stats into his moveset, as well as a section that displays his posted pic for Rosalina's alternate colors.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
B - Star Beam: Rosalina charges up energy with her star wand. The wand will glow brighter as it is charged up, she can also hold it. When it is released, it fire a full screen beam projectile that does multiple hits with weak knockback (Minimally charged) and strong knockback (When fully charged)

Side B - Luma Hold: Rosalina calls out her Luma partner. If the Luma touches an opponent it will hold them in place for 3 seconds allowing you to combo them. This move also has the added ability of allowing the Luma to bring items to Rosalina.

Up B - Stardust: Rosalina disappears into stardust and reappears with minimum startup and the direction can be changed depending on what angle you hold the control stick. The stardust will stay on screen for a few moments while damaging opponents who go near it, dealing multiple hits of damage (10% total). The move also goes the same length as Zelda's Farore's Wind.

Down B - Star Field: Rosalina puts a force field around her for a moment. This can have 3 effects:
  • She gains a little extra jump
  • Projectile speed and damage will increase when reflected
  • Opponents will get knocked away in a diagonal angle

Final Smash - Comet Observatory: Rosalina shoots star energy from her wand into the sky, in the background of the stage you'll see her Comet Observatory being covered with energy into an oval shape, after that Rosalina will do a motion with her wand and send the Comet Observatory high into the air, allowing you to control it up to 4 times in 4 directions Up, Down, Left or Right. The observatory will go back into the background after each use.
clever and creative moveset. I like it.

but I would like to have the Comet Observatory as a playable stage...


Smash Cadet
Jun 17, 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana
Yeah rosalina all the way a moving horizantally rainbow road stage would be cool!!! A taunt where different colored lumas rotate around her would be nice or one where she laughs when you select her in mario kart wii.



Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2009
Double posting in ur threads.
Well, here are my special move inputs for her...
Standard - Star Beam

Rosalina charges up her star wand with star energy. The star wand will glow brighter as it's getting charged up, and Rosalina can hold the charge as well. When released, Rosalina will fire an energy orb, which appears similar to Lucario's Aura Sphere.

Side - Luma Assist

Rosalina will bring out a Luma, and have it fly forward. Anyone who gets hit by the Luma will take damage. How powerful the Luma is is based on its color. Blue Lumas are the least powerful; Yellow Lumas are average powered; Red Lumas are stronger; Green Lumas pack the most power, and are the rarest to get.

Blue Lumas can deal up to 5% damage, but deliver weak horizontal knockback. Opponents have to take over 250% damage before this Luma can have a shot at KOing them.

Yellow Lumas can deal up to 13% damage, and deliver moderate horizontal knockback. Opponents who have taken over 200% damage are at risk of being KO'd by this Luma color.

Red Lumas can deal up to 21% damage, and deliver strong horizontal knockback. It can KO opponents who have taken over 150% damage.

Green Lumas can deal up to 32% damage, and offer the strongest horizontal knockback, being able to KO opponents who have over 100% damage.
Up - Teleport

Rosalina will disappear, and reappear at a different spot. Its range is large, and is executed rather quickly. The angle of the teleportation can be adjusted, but it doesn't deal any damage.

Basically, the move operates in a similar manner as Mewtwo's Teleport, but it has a range that's as long as Zelda's Farore's Wind.
What sort of Samus/Olimar/Zelda clone....



Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2009
Rosalina's weight makes sense. She could be like Samus, with odd attributes (Samus is a heavyweight but floaty).

I'm all for Rosalina.


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
A great point indeed, but not something I haven't already considered. This is why my moveset idea involves Rosalina and the Luma working together via Rosalina's guidance using gestures and arm movements, all the while, the single Luma that's with Rosalina is following her at all times in the same way it does in Mario Kart Wii.
Sorry for replying to this so late, but I'm not sure that resolves the issue at play here. There's no incentive to look after the Luma. Instead Rosalina seems to be actually putting that Luma directly into danger by the simple fact she's using it as a hitbox. There's no punishment for, for example, hurling the Luma with Side Special directly into Bowser's Forward Smash.

I'd suggest that Luma have a hurtbox of its own, and can be knocked away from Rosalina when attacked (then it needs to return to Rosalina before any of her attacks involving Luma can have hitboxes again [i.e. like how Olimar needs Pikmin for his attacks]). This would give the player a reason to protect the Luma, and be more wary with using it in dangerous situations.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Sorry for replying to this so late, but I'm not sure that resolves the issue at play here. There's no incentive to look after the Luma. Instead Rosalina seems to be actually putting that Luma directly into danger by the simple fact she's using it as a hitbox. There's no punishment for, for example, hurling the Luma with Side Special directly into Bowser's Forward Smash.

I'd suggest that Luma have a hurtbox of its own, and can be knocked away from Rosalina when attacked (then it needs to return to Rosalina before any of her attacks involving Luma can have hitboxes again [i.e. like how Olimar needs Pikmin for his attacks]). This would give the player a reason to protect the Luma, and be more wary with using it in dangerous situations.
That's not a bad idea, actually, although it could potentially cripple her more so than Olimar's Pikmin being hittable, since Olimar can have multiple Pikmin, while Rosalina only has one Luma (save for my idea of her Final Smash). Would giving the Luma its own hurtbox balance Rosalina? Perhaps, but it could also hurt her at the same time. I can still see where you're getting at though, but the way my Rosalina moveset plays, giving the Luma a hurtbox would make her potentially worse unless I do some pretty significant changes, and considering how far into her moveset I've committed my time into, I don't really want to do anything major, at least not right now. That said, if you have any ideas of a moveset that can implement such a system, then feel free to post it, and I'll be happy to add it to the OP.

Thanks for the feedback.
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