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Montreal Thread - You better comming!!!1

what do we do now?

  • Play Brawl.

    Votes: 127 41.4%
  • Play Melee.

    Votes: 167 54.4%
  • Steal Airman from the Toronto guys, think about it later.

    Votes: 42 13.7%
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUVdA9ABzpg

    Votes: 19 6.2%

  • Total voters


Smash Ace
Mar 7, 2008
Thanks, btw I don't want to act like a ****, but do you think I could sleep over? :confused: I'm sorta homeless (not to mention poor)anyways and I'm seeing my gf downtown on wednesday so it would avoid me having to spend another 12$ and an extra three and a half hours in Public Transit :ohwell:

Don't feel like you have to if it's inconveniant/awkward

Edit: Also, my Lugi > Kirt's Kentucky Feather*** =P

No problem, but I have to be up at 10h30 and gone at 12h30.

Kirt: I know, huh? But, if you bring it back up like this I'd say you do care more then you seem to project. I said I didn't care anymore because you were finding weak excuses to not use your falco agaisn't my MK. I say we do this once and for all.

SG: Tru fax.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Wall Of Text

I have no idea why you'd single out Kirt. He's gotten better. We'll see at the weeklies though.
I know Zaf has definitely improved a lot over the past 2 months (And definitely so much better when I first played him, LOL). I'm pretty sure he's one of Montreal's best players by now. Just, me or the Montreal community can't recognize him as a good player since he hasn't shown up anywhere for the past few months or have consistent tournament results to back him up. And thrashtalking without that just makes him look bad. The insult towards Sphyra was completely uncalled for.

Anyways, this will die soon, yay.
dylan_tnga is still active on the boards. He just avoids 90% of it since he's avoiding anything related to brawl. He also has a child. Probably teaching him/her to hate brawl and how to wavedash.

s333f = SF333?!

No, s333f is Stef, a Diddy/Ness player, and one of the new players from Repentigny. He's shown his Diddy may be something to watch out for since he got first place in one of the singles tournaments at the weeklies, beating Chet and Fizzi for it.

I talked a little about power rankings with Joel, and we just don't have enough data about most of our players. Only the zafmobile has gone to tournaments. Wait for OBScene and FFYF2, because it would really be all opinion based right now.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2007
You guys all ****ing suck, get some money and pay zaf to come to the weeklies so you can get better, that is if you can give him a challenge, so forget this cause you don't.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2009
****ing Repentigny, QC, Canada
You guys all ****ing suck, get some money and pay zaf to come to the weeklies so you can get better, that is if you can give him a challenge, so forget this cause you don't.
Not that I don't like zaf, but he's been acting weird lately and If I can afford to come to the weeklies, he definitely can


Smash Ace
Mar 7, 2008
Aight, Kev, I'll be waiting for you by 5h pm. Tomorrow's will definitely be usefull for wednesday. I'm pretty sure I have my new good character now. If MK can't help me get better then I shall have to quit brawl. xD

Filauc, you should come more often instead of saying to others to come.

Btw: Dylan still ***** in 64. We're suppose to fight each others with Surri and deadetheus maybe this summer. He needs a bit time to get back into smash since he has a familly now. But, yeah he does HATE brawl like most of the 64/melee players. I'm one of the VERY FEW who talks good about brawl on kaillera when there's dumb debates on it.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2009
****ing Repentigny, QC, Canada
Aight, Kev, I'll be waiting for you by 5h pm. Tomorrow's will definitely be usefull for wednesday. I'm pretty sure I have my new good character now. If MK can't help me get better then I shall have to quit brawl. xD

Filauc, you should come more often instead of saying to others to come.
I'll be there at 5 ;), maybe slightly later, since I'm a little ******** when it comes to bus/metro :p

Mystic Viper

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2003
I'm only doing money matches Agony, that's my offer, take it or leave and live with the fact that you think you are better then me without having the opportunity to prove it and I'll be the one thinking that your bringing up petty excuses.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2009
****ing Repentigny, QC, Canada
I'm only doing money matches Agony, that's my offer, take it or leave and live with the fact that you think you are better then me without having the opportunity to prove it and I'll be the one thinking that your bringing up petty excuses.
You're STILL ignoring MY challenge!!!

refer to one of my previous posts!


Smash Ace
Mar 7, 2008
I'll be there at 5 ;), maybe slightly later, since I'm a little ******** when it comes to bus/metro :p

In case you didn't get to find about the metro/buses now that you bring it up.

It's either the 171 or 164 in West direction that means the side of the street where the petro canada is. And you get off the station right after the bridge, it's really easy,

Kirt: Having a little rivalry is pointless with you. You refuse any kind of challenge except when you win material gains. I was doing this for fun and to prove that I had skills in brawl like everybody at the weeklies.

Now that you're wimping out of the challenge maybe I should actually clarify myself about the post I said you sucked more then me.

I meant this by sarcasm (I know it wasn't easy to figure since I wanted to fight you it had to seem real -_-) because when you fought my noob luigi you lost really dumbly, lol. But I guess I should have said it was just a joke sooner. Knowing you would begin such a fuss about it. I didn't think you'd wimp out of a challenge though.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2009
****ing Repentigny, QC, Canada
In case you didn't get to find about the metro/buses now that you bring it up.

It's either the 171 or 164 in West direction that means the side of the street where the petro canada is. And you get off the station right after the bridge, it's really easy,
I'm fine, I checked it out on GoogleMaps, it<s just the timing of the buses/metro that I screw up on, often making me 10 minutes late or so

Mystic Viper

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2003
rofl, funny how your saying it was a joke but still calling the fact that you don't want to do a money match with me "me wimping out".

Kev, you needs to learn to write better; your previous post made it seem like agony was the one refusing your challenges.

Sure, I'll money match you.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2009
****ing Repentigny, QC, Canada
rofl, funny how your saying it was a joke but still calling the fact that you don't want to do a money match with me "me wimping out".

Kev, you needs to learn to write better; your previous post made it seem like agony was the one refusing your challenges.

Sure, I'll money match you.

Lol I wrote the previous one with your name in it like 3 times :p Learn to READ better, yeah, I know, the second one was a little confusing, but the first one was so uncalled for that I thought it would get your attention

Mystic Viper

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2003
I just checked your history of post and this is the only line that mentions a money match:

@ Kirt: He avoided MY provocations, 1$ MM, b.o.3 Or I'll consider I won by forfeit!

THat line makes you seem like your talking about Agony, since your talking straight to me and using the pronoun "he".

Other then that, I don't see any other post in your history that hints at you offering a money match prior to that one.

EDIT: Btw Agony, whatever happened to this?

The day MK and Snake are ban is the day I will care for brawl. And I still have hope that those codes could make brawl more technical and faster and with combos. Now I would play it with care.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
As far as my understanding from it, I don't think me and Zaf have any issues together anymore, especially not since I bought his friendship back the other day with a McFilet. ;)
I am in the process of reading the new pages of drama. But I just wanted to stop here and say: EWWWWWWWWW. That is all.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2008
Montreal, Quebec
after reading most of the drama and ****, I have to comment about some stuff

Like i said ********, it was between me and cruel.
You put yourself in it.

Its funny cuz kirt was angry at me in novemeber for leaving people like you out of smash fests. Almost 3months later you show no sign of improvements.
this post is ridicules, the problem is that after all what kirt said you still don't get it, why should we exclude someone from a smashfest because he is not good. I was voted as the second worst in canada does this mean I'm not allowed to play the game with you guys anymore because I can't improve as much as you, mostly when weeklies or fests are done most comments from people will be "guys it was a fun fest" or "I had fun today" I think mostly we play this game because we have fun doig so, I know you always wanna improve and be the best which is a good thing but your taking it to a whole new level, and I think chet is being bias because last time kage said something similar chet was the one arguing with him about it and that this logic is wrong since everyone started bad at some point, L2W isolated them selves because they can't find competition or whatever but remember zaf that once you were at the same level as us and you got better because some top players started playing with you and giving you tips, if you want to have a healthy community and healthy thread as chet says then I don't think that this attitude will ever make it happen, last time I was talking to joel about having crews in the community he said that it really benefits the scene and boost the skill and competition level but I don't see that happening, one more thing, cruel (I know he said some stuff that he shouldn't of but still he was new) just left the boards and hated the game because what people said, and reading from what he wrote I think he was going to be a great addition to the community especially since his parents were willing to help,and he had a big lost and money which we all lack, btw this is not only for zaf but to everyone, I would love to see the community grow but if we keep the trolling because people are bad. If you look at the GTAN scene and why it's so big mostly because they never act the same way we do, for example: mikey7 who is in the GTA PR started playing falco because minus encouraged him to and he gave him some tips. so why can't we do the same, mostly what we were going to do is troll him untill he leaves, anyway I wrote alot but I really like the community and would love to help it grow, that was my 2 cents no hard feeling and just wanted to clear stuff
<3 everyone and zafs MK (HOMO)

chet and zaf: i will really need your help in getting back in shape when I come back before the tournament
fizzi: I watched some videos of you recently and man you got really really good ****


Smash Ace
Mar 7, 2008
I just checked your history of post and this is the only line that mentions a money match:

@ Kirt: He avoided MY provocations, 1$ MM, b.o.3 Or I'll consider I won by forfeit!

THat line makes you seem like your talking about Agony, since your talking straight to me and using the pronoun "he".

Other then that, I don't see any other post in your history that hints at you offering a money match prior to that one.

EDIT: Btw Agony, whatever happened to this?

Did you really get that low, Kirt? Why the hell would you go back to previous pages just to dig up a post of when I hated brawl?

And you say I'M the one wimping out of the challenge? I told you I HAVE NO MONEY TO SPARE ON THIS. I'll tell you how it goes.

I have 40$ right now.

1.I gotta pay 12$ for 6 tickets (40-12 = 28)

2.I gotta go do my picture for the opus card soon enough maybe thursday (28-13 = 15)

3. Gotta pay 5-7$ for the weeklie tomorrow (15-5 = 10)

4. I might need more then 6 tickets for this week (surely actually...) (10-12 = -2 = FAIL)

So, if you think I'm stupid enough to play 5 or 10$ of this money you're stupid. I told you I'd play you for free, but you don't seem to be playing for fun, but only for money like I said in my earlier posts.


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
Sigh guys. I'm starting my own crew. It'll be called BBox and the others.

Anyone is free to join.

Oh and its drama free.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
congratulations jarc!

I was going to ask if i can get some inside scoop from upcoming ubisoft games, til i realised they dont make any games that spark any sort of interest.
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