Smash Ace
27th is good for me...but I'm flexible...nothing to do that first week since I'm not a freshman and don't need any of the orientation programs...I either know it or don't care (maybe the smash tourney held by the dorms for free food)im deifnitely down... except my whole crew is rusty as hell.
we have 3 people playing right now a lot so anyone in SB HIT US UP!!!! 650-773-9918
right now the first monthly looks to be on the 27th tell me if you guys are available or if i should switch.
in terms of the crew battle I don't think it'll happen soon as I need to get new crew members. other than our zelda player, KiRaY, and myself the rest of my crew is gone. I have no idea where our olimar is, our other marth alternate is too busy, and our snake player is in germany and will be there for the next 11 months.
maybe I should get nezumi to play on my crew