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Montage Presents: The Peak, Already? Princeton, NJ! May 17th (update)

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
green hill and mario circuit should def be banned, look at all the majority of good characters and how many of em can be chain grabbed. UNLESS you allow each person to have 2 stage bans, they should be banned. Pirate ship and frigate are def legal


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
green hill and mario circuit should def be banned, look at all the majority of good characters and how many of em can be chain grabbed. UNLESS you allow each person to have 2 stage bans, they should be banned. Pirate ship and frigate are def legal
The logic behind this post is well supported by examples and factual statements. It is an excellent rebuttal to my arguments with intelligent arguments in responses to each of the various points I bring up. I mean, obviously stages where there are easy, obvious ways to deal with the gayness should be banned over stages where random events can make you lose the match.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
I just hate annoying stages. I find Orpheon and Green Hill annoying. It's not annoying for no reason of course. It's cause of the flipping to death on Orpheon and the extreme camping and cheap kills on Green Hill. Mario Circuit should be banned for the DDD chaingrab but these walk-off stages just cause cheap kills that I feel is should be banned besides that.

Pirate ship is ******** but fun so I'm okay with that for counterpick. Hannebow is okay for counterpick but I think it's a gay stage that if someone counterpicked it against me I'd have assumptions of bisexuality in them. It's just gay.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
fine unban green hill and mario circuit, but ban chain throwing and wow 2/3 of the cast are playable again.

frankly I cant grasp the concept of why chain throws aren't banned. They bring huge unbalance to the game and limit character picks. its such a simple thing to ban and wow, look at all the stages that return to being playable.

not many people respect chain throwers anyway so I don't understand the big loss. =/


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
the extreme camping and cheap kills on Green Hill.
You can run to the other side of the stage if someone decides to camp until the checkpoint goes down and then attack them. That's what Emblem Lord did against me and he took me to last stock. As for cheap kills, come on...you're begging to be gimped if you camp the sides when I'm right next to you. You should only be at the sides when the checkpoint is up and I'm camping it, and if I stop camping it you shouldn't be there anymore or if I hit you there at high %, at which point it's hardly a cheap kill if I hit you again near the side.

Mario Circuit should be banned for the DDD chaingrab
No. The cars stop it, camping the top stops it, and 1/3 of the cast, which includes MANY good characters at fighting Dedede shut it down.

Pirate ship is ******** but fun so I'm okay with that for counterpick.
How much "fun" you have is absolutely irrelevant. I would have tons of fun counterpicking Hyrule Temple against Bowser only players but that doesn't make it a stage that shouldn't be banned.

Hannebow is okay for counterpick but I think it's a gay stage that if someone counterpicked it against me I'd have assumptions of bisexuality in them. It's just gay.
On the left and the right ledges, if the leaf is going to go up if you hit it, if you drop from the ledge and do Meta Knight's up B you automatically regrab the ledge in the middle of the up b animation. Meta's up b is already amazing and with this he can ledge camp with no fear. On the left side of the stage it's just too gay. Meta Knight can up b and grab the bottom left leaf when it's going down and hit the leaf at the right so he moves it all the way down then he can drop down and grab that ledge and camp the leaf until it goes all the way up. Even if you can't camp the leaf going down, you can glide under the stage to the other ledge and camp again from there. It's absolutely ridiculous.

NC1 PRiDe said:
not many people respect chain throwers anyway
Yeah, I completely disrespect Mew2King because he chaingrabs so much. It's a very cheap unbalanced technique that has no counter and makes the game so boring. I mean come on, all he's doing is grabbing you over and over again and you can't escape. Mad unbalanced.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
do you guys realize what you're saying, standing CG luigi is so ****ing hard I can't do it well and I'm good with DDD and good at CGing, it's never going to be used in tourneys to help make you win, it's always better to just back throw for the 16 damage.

maybe if the infinite it easy, say.... DDD dittos at the edge, or DDD vs Bowser/DK on the stage. Those are easy. Standing CG vs luigi and samus and stuff is very hard and not practical at all, it's like saying oh Fox (ssbm) hit me once ill be infinited to death ... how many top players do you see spamming that stuff. It's too hard for the reward that you get to be worth it in important tourney matches.

edit - DDDs back throw has very little knockback, it just does damage. If you die from that move you most likely would have died from half the charaters in the game back throws at that position. His throw is designed for damage not knockback.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
lol at spammers post. ok, why mario circuit and green hill should be banned.
besides the obvious aspects of camping on a big stage like green hill especially with goal posts to make it even worse, the DDD chain grab is ultimately game breaking here. Over half of the characters can be chain grabbed, and if the DDD is set on it, you really can't get away from it, and both sides are walk offs. You can also CG on the top half of mario circuit, just not the middle platform.

however if each player is allowed to ban two stages, then if someone knows theyr going against a DDD they can ban mario circuit and green hill. if you can only ban one, the other stage will always be there and if the DDD gets a counterpick, theres an easy win.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
lol at spammers post. ok, why mario circuit and green hill should be banned.
besides the obvious aspects of camping on a big stage like green hill especially with goal posts to make it even worse, the DDD chain grab is ultimately game breaking here. Over half of the characters can be chain grabbed, and if the DDD is set on it, you really can't get away from it, and both sides are walk offs. You can also CG on the top half of mario circuit, just not the middle platform.

however if each player is allowed to ban two stages, then if someone knows theyr going against a DDD they can ban mario circuit and green hill. if you can only ban one, the other stage will always be there and if the DDD gets a counterpick, theres an easy win.
i'd have no problem with people banning these stages on my ddd

because theres definetly like no other stages where his penguin *** is broken :chuckle:


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Simple solutions to avoid dedede chain grab:

1) Camp.
2) Don't get grabbed
3) Pick up a character that can't get chain grabbed (it's brawl you can learn fox or falco in 20 minutes)

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
1. you cant just expect someone to pick up a new character. does this mean that every snake or ROB main is forced to play someone else? say goodbye to snake being best in the game

2. if the DDD is set on getting a grab, its impossible to not get grabbed. its too easy in this game. powershield to grab, your dead.

1. mario circuit isnt that big a stage and camping still wont help much. youl get grabbed either way


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
1. you cant just expect someone to pick up a new character. does this mean that every snake or ROB main is forced to play someone else? say goodbye to snake being best in the game

2. if the DDD is set on getting a grab, its impossible to not get grabbed. its too easy in this game. powershield to grab, your dead.

1. mario circuit isnt that big a stage and camping still wont help much. youl get grabbed either way
1. Yes. I main snake. I had to do it to beat inui and atomsk's dedede's. Brawl's rock paper scissors. deal with it.

2. learn spacing.

1. mario circuit is huge lol.

edit: double posted cuz i'm awesome.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
do you guys realize what you're saying, standing CG luigi is so ****ing hard I can't do it well and I'm good with DDD and good at CGing, it's never going to be used in tourneys to help make you win, it's always better to just back throw for the 16 damage.
Wow Jason, how the HELL did you miss my sarcasm? Holy **** dude, wtf. I DO respect your skill and I was poking fun at the fact that other people would make nonsensical suggestions for stage bans.

ChiboSempai said:
ok, why mario circuit and green hill should be banned. besides the obvious aspects of camping on a big stage like green hill especially with goal posts to make it even worse, the DDD chain grab is ultimately game breaking here. Over half of the characters can be chain grabbed, and if the DDD is set on it, you really can't get away from it, and both sides are walk offs.You can also CG on the top half of mario circuit, just not the middle platform.
I'm not going to spend my time repeating the exact same thing I said so I'll just quote it and color code corresponding segments.
me said:
You can run to the other side of the stage if someone decides to camp until the checkpoint goes down and then attack them.Stages in Melee were banned when if you were Fox, you had a 100% chance of winning unless the other player was Fox or if the stage was retardedly gay. Neither Mario Circuit nor Green Hill Zone is like that.
Characters Dedede can't chaingrab said:
Mr. Game & Watch
Meta Knight
Luigi(is susceptible to standing infinite)
Clearly none of the these characters can fight Dedede at all. Jigglypuff, ZSS, Game and Watch, and Squirtle are all highly susceptible to being shieldgrabbed by Dedede. Pikachu and Zelda both get massively outcamped on that stage. It's not like Olimar doesn't have to worry about being screwed by not being able to grab the ledge on Mario Circuit. Sheik and Fox obviously can't combo or kill off the top. It's so unfair that Dedede can standing infinite Luigi on Mario Circuit, it's not like he can't do that on any other stage. Falco obviously can't camp or chaingrab Dedede off the sides and I'm not even going to go into Meta Knight because he's bottom tier trash. Clearly Ice Climbers are highly susceptible to the chaingrab and the second climber can't just hit Dedede to break the grab and Ice Climbers can't do an inescapable chaingrab on him.
Let's ignore the fact that Snake could hold a grenade at all times so if he gets grabbed it'll explode of that he can lay a land mine and fight in front of it so if he gets chaingrabbed, the mine will stop the CG. Let's also ignore the fact that you can camp the top until the cars come and then be safe.
Just kidding, I'm going to add MORE examples. It's not like bananas will force Dedede to trip, w/e the fawk those stupid things are ROB throws out will stop him. Nope, that doesn't happen. And no one is allowed to go to the top middle platform in this game. It's not allowed so Dedede can chaingrab across the top and bottom.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
spammer i didnt miss your sarcasm but other people on the boards HAVE brought this up in a serious manner before, and that reminded me of it so i wanted to say it

even with the chain grab DDD is still a level below snake and MK, banning the CG would just make him pointless to use compared to MK and snake


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Thank you Chibo. That's what I think was the thing. He beat Velocity. Also beating Triad is very impressive. I think it was some of his losses and inactivity kept him from possible rankings.

Unless you're Tec0 or as amazing as him it's hard to go from unknown to something in Inui's eyes :laugh:
Beating Velocity is all right, but Triad(the Samus player, I assume) isn't special. Also placing first in your crew rankings is lol considering that none of you were high-level.

You just have to attend tournaments and do well consistently to be good...which he didn't, so oh well.

Neither Mario Circuit nor Green Hill Zone is like that but that doesn't matter at all to dmbrandon because he thinks it's unfair that one grab means you die if Dedede doesn't trip.
I back those rules.

Mario Circuit and Green Hill Zone will remain banned. Frigate Orpheon, Pirate Ship, and Hanenbow are possible bans.

Dedede's standing infinites are banned. Marth's infinite grab nonsense is banned. We're trying to have actual matches here and not let Sakurai kill the competitive Smash scene with all the nonsense he put in.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
bleh, if u can ban those why cant we just ban chain throwing period. if its not a big part of ur ddd game then why do u care if its banned?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
Mario Circuit and Green Hill Zone will remain banned. Frigate Orpheon, Pirate Ship, and Hanenbow are possible bans.

Dedede's standing infinites are banned. Marth's infinite grab nonsense is banned. We're trying to have actual matches here and not let Sakurai kill the competitive Smash scene with all the nonsense he put in.
I agree with the infinites. It's not like wobbling, where you had to set-up and keep timing. This is just bs.

And Frigate, Pirate***ship, are not going anywhere, soon. They pose no threat to intelligent players. Cept those bombs, lulz. Frigate gays people WAY less than FD does, IMO.

Hananbow poses a threat for ultra camping, and is still under consideration.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
bleh, if u can ban those why cant we just ban chain throwing period. if its not a big part of ur ddd game then why do u care if its banned?
D3's ability to chain for massive damage is his main offense. That's like no Bairing for yoshi


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
bairing with yoshi can be blocked. chain grabbing is almost unavoidable. not to mention bairing with yoshi can be block grabbed by ddd resulting in an instant 40% ++ with his cg. unless u want me to throw eggs the entire game its always gonna be an instant loss.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Dedede has terrible damage output without chaingrabbing. He can only pray you mess up and then gay you with luck without it. His b-throw will prorate, so screw that.

Hanenbow is like Hyrule Temple without the bottom part or a Norfair without lava that gays tether characters. Hanenbow being banned would come before Great Sea and Frigate Orpheon, imo.

bairing with yoshi can be blocked. chain grabbing is almost unavoidable. not to mention bairing with yoshi can be block grabbed by ddd resulting in an instant 40% ++ with his cg. unless u want me to throw eggs the entire game its always gonna be an instant loss.
Ban FD + play safer. I don't know what else to say. Your character isn't good and Dedede crushes him.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
This is why it's important to play other characters. You should at least have one character to fight Dedede with, and it doesn't have to be a high tier if you still want to be a low tier hero.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
and yoshi is mid tier... ;P way better than samus, mario, captain, gannon, olimar


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
and honestly even though losing doesn't account for anything, my matches are always down to the last couple of hits, I lose cause I suck, not cause of Yoshi.. so leave him out!


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
I still think it's sucks to choose other characters to stop stuff. I never had to do that in Melee and obviously Brawl is a different game but jeese. I want to win because I am a better player with my character not because I choose the right character for their character on their counterpick stage.

I'm happy with Inui's ruleset of bans. I'll just ban Frigate vs anyone that may choose it.

@ Spam: Of course whether I find a stage fun or not does not mean I think it's banable/unabanable, I just find it fun. I also have fun with Hyrule Temple, lets play it in either game when we get a chance, Fox dittos!!


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Stop double posting. Just use edit. >_>;

I never had to do that in Melee and obviously Brawl is a different game but jeese. I want to win because I am a better player with my character not because I choose the right character for their character on their counterpick stage.
Umm... You used broken tier in Melee, so of course you didn't. Also, I'm pretty sure last time I played you, I wrecked your Marth and you tried Fox on Pokemon Stadium.

This game is not like other fighters. It has different stages and learning multiple characters is not only viable, but necessary.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
*agrees with Keitaro..

and now we are back to my post a week ago, me thinks I be playing the wrong competitive game. =/


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
If you have fun and like some people in the community, keep doing it.

If you want to win, learn more characters and get good at counterpicking.
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