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MM14 Results


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
I'm going to try my best, first half I know though, second half it starts to get hazy
Melee Singles
1: PC Chris: next time we Link ditto, then maybe I'll let you win a few then you can train me with your good characters :bee:
2: Darc: we hardly did anything...except that one time *sighs and reminices...man I can't spell*
3: RaynEX: so i saw a comercial the other day for rain-x windshield whipers and I thought how mad technical those must be. You da coo-ist bra, definitely can't wait to play and hang out with you again.
4: Korean DJ: we didn't play, I'm not sure if we should have but we didn't. Link dittos next time son
5: th0rn: "that's a bad idea, I really wouldn't do that" haha shoulda let me **** him in Link dittos, good **** though
7: Banks: thanks for the hang out time, sorry I asked you when I ddi the first time but good **** keeping your cool.
7: Cactuar: we didn't play again, so I'm calling you out. Cactuar is afraid to fight a link main, mm at Revival?
9: Pine: i saw you once, I think you made fun of me, much love so homo
9: euphoria: another wicked chill canadian, can't wait to see you and raynex again, maybe that time we can play some more.
9: AOI: omg you were here, i saw you a few times, good to see you still play haha
9: Scar: I'll mm you at revival, you better not spend this on cigs, it's real authentic currency, it's nice lookin too
13: kwan: didn't play D: but I saw you, good **** on the placings, I'd say low tier represent but you're a ****ing mid tier now, you tier *****
13: DJ Nintendo: hahahahahaha all ness. You're too cool, very very chill, let's play some at Revival
13: kevin M: did...did we hang out once? I forget. What evs you was wif ur gf dawwwg lol jkjkjk we'll hang out on the 15th right?
13: kyu puffffff: **** who places 13th from banana bread? KYU PUFFFFFFFFF we didn't really hang out...I think
17: assman: you're so gay. Good **** on that shine spike. I'm sureI had you worried
17: Ogami Itto: elen? I'm impressed with the yellow, we missed your yellow
17: Mana Lord: we hardly hung outttt gfaqs needed to hang a little more son. what evs, go to revival and we'll play, good job keeping up with me, jk you scrub. Mind gamed when I did that donut
17: sai: GREAT TO SEE YOU! IT'S BEEN so long. Lucky talking about umass with those kids around, I wouldn't have found out otherwise.
17: MelvinK - Zoso: we hung out finally, thanks for the fish, but we didn't play D:
17: SOLAR: good **** in that set, it's uploaded, we should play more, i need practice against that play style
25: yedi: thanks for traveling and being as dark as night. And bailin wicked fast outa my car, good **** good ****, we didn't play though
25: Pixel: saw you once, that was to tell you your car is being threatened and that was it. GG.
25: roman: hardly saw you at all, hope you feel better now.
25: xander: great to see you too! Good **** in doubles, I'll have to come out to you guys some time for a smash fest.
25: spife the pony of death: STPD/STDP/not last place yeyuz
33: irish mafia: we didn't play either but that's okay, lifei s good, we coo, we the off beat
33: lamp: I love lamp
33: HaileyM: I saw you! I saw you once or twice with my eyes!
33: adhdfoy: Gamefaqqqqqs mad chill mang right here. Great hanging out wiht you foy but next time maybe we can PLAY?!
33: Purple Cobra: we didn't play either but I didn't think you'd be there, I think I was stunned seeing you each time haha, you disapeared from MM for a while
33: arc:
33: Ogami Daigoro: Questor? Did we play? Good hanging at lunch and talking, stay dedicated and you'll get better
33: proverbs: XD at you running away from my sticker, sawll goot
33: s.b.soldier: we talked briefly, I'm just not sure about what -_-
33: Flow: good set, I was hoping you'd go Link but thorn was present. Next time I'll be better practiced so I can bring my S ranked game.
49: pof: haha you wrecked me at matts, i'll play you at revival fo show to defend some honnor, I haven't beat you in a **** long time
49: Riel: hope to see you at more tournies, biggest mind game wasyou staying zelda. Good ****, keep practicing your mid-mid tier and a high tier >_> low tiers suuuuuuuuuuuck

Skler: Ninja! Where you go? Thanks for the advice.
Gorn: Good **** link dittos, I'll look for you next time so you can learn from my beastin haha. Look for skler too cause he'll actually **** you

alright boys and girls, I've run out of time, until next time, love with your heart, but use your brain for everything else.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
Dazwa, the other day I saw someone who looked just like you in my dining hall at Emerson. It freaked me out. I had to do a double-take o_O;; It was pretty legit--if anyone told me that was you, I wouldn't question it.

And did those matches of PC & Cort versus KDJ and Marcus ever get put up? I'm waiting ;~;


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
Captain disillusion away!

Thanks for the shoutout jerkface :mad:
Dazwa: you're welcom, jerkface! Dazwa we talked about how brawl was treating you,, and I didn't see any black eyes so I think the relationship is working out. I'm really happy for both of you and hope to be a brides maid when the time comes ;););)

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
(Note-I entered as Fires On Playgrounds in this tournament but I'm Prince of Fire)

People Who Suck At Brawl

1: Dazwa-I like playing you in Brawl. You dont camp and play like a scrub. Is my Marth good? please do tell me! I like him and plan on only using him and possibly Ike because I use Marth and Roy in Melee and I'm a big Emblem homo. lol
2: Omegablackmage-Thanks for seeding me decently and making my life fun while waiting for melee to start. LOL. Now for the next tournament you can still seed me well. haha YAY. I will play Brawl more now...but Melee is still > Brawl in every which way. I like Marth and will stick with him because I think I can get even better with Marth. Hes so fun...and hes not GAY and does not make the game stupid (MK, Snake)
4: Nuro-I lost to you? and you came in fourth? I'll buy that for someone who doesnt play Brawl. :) Sorry I got all pissy when I lost. I'm a jerk. :)
7: Kevin/Bizkit-You're Snake is really good. I played a total of three Snakes before you in tournament and was REALLY getting sick of the matchup however, good first match. That second match on BF was a horrible idea. Halfway during our match, I realized how amazing snake is on BF. Whatever though, good ****.
17: fires on playgrounds-Good ****!
17: alukard-You placed 17th too? LOL, who did you use? please dont say MK or Snake. Gay.
25: dj nintendo-Kevin beat you! Soooooo wanted to play your Bowser in brawl man. Brawl sucks. haha
25: Solid Jake-Wow....25th? Step your game up.
25: reno-You suck at this game.
33: Boxman-See Jakes shout....but with a 33
33: Roy-Start playing Melee again. Good **** using Roy!
33: aids-Why did you enter as this name? Thats dumb. :psycho:
49: Chewman-Use F tilts all match and then kill with u tilt. You lose because you spam F tilt all match.
65: Rainy-I know the peach matchup well because I play Melee marth and he ***** Melee peach.
65: Cogsmooch-ROY is my BOY. :)

Melee for life losers-

1: PC Chris-Umm thanks for housing me, spawn, and aesir for this upcomming weekend. <3 Hopefully you can give me more good advice as well. Good **** for not using Snake at this tournament and using MK and being even more of a homo. LOL. Also, thanks for not shouting to me you piece of crap. :psycho:
2: Darc-Look at the last thing I said to PC. A-S-S. You smell.
3: RaynEX-Holy **** your Fox is soooo pretty. > PC's Fox in terms of sexy. Thank You so much for the amazing advice you gave at Matts place. Hopefully we can play more at NY. One of the nicest smashers I've ever met.
4: Korean DJ-I was more than happy with getting you down to 1 stock VS your Sheik (I know you weren playing 100%...but still LOL) You're Falcon ***** me on FOD....ouch! Nice meeting you sir.
5: Wife-We are playing eachother at ROM. Prepare to get *****. Can't wait to see your Peach.
5: th0rn-Your Falco is gay.
7: Banks-Your Sheik is gay. Come to my next tournament and bring Maine with you.
7: Cactuar-Fun times with our doubles...If I didnt tipper you twice we probably would have won. Teach me how to be good with Marth. GG's.
9: Pine-Thanks for telling me you noticed I got better. That made me happy :) and more determined to develop. Hearing I'm doing well from good players is a good thing!
9: euphoria-Stop sand bagging! lol. Fun times at Matts and nice meeting you sir.
9: AOI-You got sooooo much better since we last played. I'll get you next time....maybe?
9: Scar-I want to play you again. :mad:
13: kwan
13: DJ Nintendo-Brawl sucks. I want that Bowser at ROM! We also need to play Street Fighter IV online man.
13: kevin M-Your GF did better than me in Melee. Although....im sure she had a nicer bracket. lol
13: kyu puff-I want to play you in tournament. We are generally even in friendlies.
17: Mana Lord-Good times at Matts. We didnt get to play.....gay.
17: mike money-I see you all the time.
17: Zoso-You're welcome for the money. Marth in Brawl makes the game decent. I think you noticed this too.....thats why I play Brawl now. Playing Brawl marth really helps spacing my fairs in Melee much easier and improvising my gimp game as well since thats all brawl is in terms of edge guarding.
17: SOLAR-Your Fox beat me because I was pissed off that day. Play me another day and MM me again for ten dollars when I'm not pissed off. :) You camped me the entire time and I was playing stupid so i did not punish your laser spam. I knew what you were doing all mach...but was far too aggressive in the set.
25: Pixel-I lost to Falcon on Yoshis as Marth but I won on Pokey? That pissed me off. You've got a good Falcon but I like...love fighting Falcon...horrible edge guarding by me. Weak set for me but good games.
25: roman-Money Match at ROM. I will probably lose but we always MM and I keep doing better and better each time...I need to force myself to go into painful matchups...thats how you grow.
25: Trademark-I need to play your Peach more so I can start seeing why Marth ***** Peach.
25: spife-Mute City, DK 64, Rainbow Cruise, for life. :)
33: HaileyM-Nice meeting you! Kevins a homo. Get rid of him. Kidding. Kevins awesome.
33: CHEWMAN-Buy me beer. :)

49: POF- You ****ing Suck.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
Wilbraham, MA (Springfield)
17: SOLAR-Your Fox beat me because I was pissed off that day. Play me another day and MM me again for ten dollars when I'm not pissed off. :) You camped me the entire time and I was playing stupid so i did not punish your laser spam. I knew what you were doing all mach...but was far too aggressive in the set.

25: roman-Money Match at ROM. I will probably lose but we always MM and I keep doing better and better each time...I need to force myself to go into painful matchups...thats how you grow.
sure $5?


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)

banks did better then me in bracket because of my moral support against raynex...


you decide
i took your support and turned it into a raging fire in the seat of my pants!!!!
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