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MLG Orlando 2010 Results (Apr 16-19) $7,000, COME TO MLG COLUMBUS IN JUNE!


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Overswarm will get no shoutouts because he is not in the results page. :(

Dr. Grandpa

Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2008
lol mad people r hating on u overswarm because of that. anyway, ggs to everyone i played. my dk mad ***** in friendlies i gotta step it up in tournament sets and all. DSF is too good for tornadoing out of my ***. Props to san beating ally first game then lost 2 games in a row ( u dont take ally to plaza man =/) I wish I could MM nick riddle for $100 but couldn't contact him. I spotted him on Sunday and got to play him in friendly. Best ZSS Ive ever played I had to adapt vs him in late game (snakeee u need to step it up if ur maining zss. Awesome meeting Red halberd and several other players.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
1: Mew2King - $2,500 Congrats on the win Jason. U played amazing man.
2: Ally - $1,500 This guy is just too good. I know u wanted first, but second is great. U'll get it next time.
3: Tyrant - $1,000 Really happy I got to hang out with you man and great set in teams. Defintely wanna see/play you again. Congrats on your placing.
4: ESAM - $700 Good pikachu. Idk wbat else to say we didnt really speak @ all D:
5: DSF - $500 Good stuff in teams. It was nice meeting you. Hella cool dude.
6: ADHD - $350 Wyatt you'll get em next time!! Banana Cabana @ Ohio on me. I got u.
7: DEHF - $250 Larry lurrrrrrrrrrr. Its great everytime I see u @ a tournament. Ur a hilariously soft spoken dude. Oh and great set in teams. Im working on my sig right now!
8: Big Lou - $200 We didnt really talk @ all but I jus wanna congratulate u on your placing. Good job!
9: Atomsk92 Trevorrrr. U did good man! Learn that weegee matchup. Thanks for cheering for me in my matches. U da bes mayne.
10: mikeHAZE Good stuff! Ur match vs Lee was insane. Really chill guy. It was fun talking to u but we gotta play @ Columbus! WC needs to pick up luigi after this.
11: Fatal Nice job man!! U and Zex got us in teams and u got this amazing placing in singles. Way to go bro.
13: LeeMartin LEEE!! U taught me soooo much about Anubis. Thanks man. It was a pleasure hanging out with you and I will learn to DMG even better than DMG in doubles =P
14: CO18 It was cool seeing u again. Good set in teams. Idk how I lived that long, but like I said it was my revenge vs the DDDs. U know u woulda got me good in singles lol.
15: HRnut
16: Chaz Great set man. U caused quite a bit of upsets. Glad u ended up placing so well overall. Good job!
17: Redhalberd Sorry we never played Halzy. I'll be back down to Florida tho...I love the weather and I had a blast so we'll defintely play then. Nice meeting you tho.
17: DewDaDash Tough set with a nail biter ending. Ur nerves clutched out. Good job man.
17: Felix This guy is amazin. Awesome meeting you. See you @ either Columbus or Apex!
17: dmbrandon Medciore MK. Amazing Superknight tho. Great stuff Brandon u really handled business at this. Oh and thanks for letting me in the hotel it was a lot of fun.
17: Havok Riiiight when we were gonna play we got kicked off for friendlies D: . Sucks but it was still nice seeing you again. Hopefully we'll play @ Columbus.
17: ChuDat Great job Chu! Good set in teams! GL next week on the West Coast.
17: lain Great seeing you and amazing placing. Also u and will were beasting in teams.
17: Candy Sorry about game 3 of our set in teams. other than that...AND THEY HANDS GO UPPPP. AND THEY STAY THERE!!! good stuff!
25: bschung Amazing stuff brian! U really proved urself. Congrats bro.
25: Tearbear We didnt talk much, but it was nice meeting you. =D
25: MeroKnight Amazing placing!! We'll get in some matches next time im in Florida. I'll let u knooo.
25: Shadow_111 I know u were a lil disappointed with ur placing but u played great man. It was awesome spending most of the weekend with you diem allied edd and kelvin.
25: Mk18 This guy! This hidden wario player! Lol. We didnt speak much but u seemed like a cool guy. Thanks for the advice vs D3 aka go MK. I'm honestly considering it. U played great and it was nice meeting you.
33: _choice_ Great meeting you! U are defintely one of my favorite ppl from the WC. Thanks for teaching me so much about Marth and Falco. I really appreciate it man.
33: Dekar Thanks for cheering for me during my matches! Its always great seeing you. Ur diddy is amazing. Going to columbus? I hope so. We'll MM or at least play there =D
33: lou Congrats on the placing! Nice G&W. U played great.
33: Zex It was a pleasure to meet you. I wish we could have gotten some matches in, but maybe @ the next one? Or maybe ill pay Norcal a visit. U guys were so cool im honestly considering it. Great stuff in teams!!
33: Snakeee Frank! It was great seeing you! Ur team wit Cura is gonna turn out to be unstoppable one of these days!
33: TheReflexWonder Ur a real crowd pleaser. We didnt really speak much but Felix and I admired your mashing abilities. Good stuff @ the tournament, but i heard about what happened before it and that sucks...I wish you the best of luck with getting everything together.
33: San Thank god u started travelling. Ur an absolute blast to be around. amazing Ike as always.
33: -ksizzle- U lost to good players man. Dont be down on urself just because of a number next to your name. Great stuff in teams. I feel like i let u down a bit, but we still did incredibly well for our first time teaming.
33: Kel Nice meeting u!! Its good to meet the man behind the 8minute mask vs BR. U were incredibly chill and def motivated me to visit the MW more often. I'll defintely see u @ Columbus!
49: Sky One of my favorite smashers. Thanks for having my back during all my matches, being absolutely hilarious and fun to be around. I know you could have placed better, but these things happen so don't let it discourage u. Columbus we both got this!
49: Pierce7d Sorry for misinterpreting your words and thank you sooo much for having my back during my matches. It really helped a lot. Ur better than your placing reflects and ill probably see u next week @ a tournament =D
49: D1 MY DU!! U definitely helped keep the hype the entire tournament. Hilarious as always. They need u @ every MLG.
49: _Mav_ Steak and shake was AMAZING!!! It was cool hanging out with you for a lil bit.
49: -Ajax- Good stuff in teams.
49: MaskyFL (Masky) Hahaha this guy. U get faaaar more satisfaction than I do out of seeing that clock run. Awesome meeting you and strangely enough I enjoyed watching you time people out. Its probably because you looked like you were enjoying it so much.
49: xxTheNerdyX TOO COOL! It was great hanging out with you. U are better than this placing and everybody knows it. See u @ Apex or Columbus. Can't wait.
65: 2nLio I believe it was you who I played in friendlies. Nice TL and fun matches.
65: |EddHunter| Ninjaedd? If so gooood ****! If this is the Ed that I played in friendlies who used sheik then great matches. Im unsure which 1 it is tho D:
65: Brocolli_Kong (Will) Will close matches vs Felix man. U got this @ Columbus and nice seeing you
65: Allied AMAZING hanging out with this guy! Too good and great encouragement during matches. Sucks you got so wrecked by brackets.
65: iRJi Nice seeing u down in FL. Now to see u back in NJ. =D
65: Dr.Grandpa DG!! Always awesome to see u. U were doin some work whenever i looked over @ a tv. Hope to see u @ more events and we HAVE TO PLAY ONE OF THESE DAYS.
65: Taigakan Great dude. Sucks we didnt play but it was great meeting you. Looks like this facepalm pic is better than my old avatar =D
65: QueWhatHuh WARIO!!! We didnt speak much but it was nice just seeing some familiar NJ faces and u did pretty well. Congrats bro.
65: MalcolmM Oh well. I got this next time
65: Kyon Great talking with u @ Steak n Shake. Really funny dude. We didnt get to play but we will eventually so no worries.
65: GDX Wario Diddy? We'll see! (Smirk)
97: Y.b.M. GC Controller seems to have gotten the best of u. Keep practicing and TEAR IT UP @ COLUMBUS!
97: ch33s3 Dont get so mad man. U let the weekend slip away because of how mad you were about your singles placing. With that said it was fun hanging out before you let the game get control of your mood.
97: NEO Absolutely sucked that we had to play. I dont even need to tell you that you are better than this...you already know. Jus go handle business @ Columbus bro. It was still great seeing you and your marth is still amazing.
97: TheSexPuma (did not attend) (mad)
97: KirinBlaze (did not attend) (mad)
129: Sphere. THIS GUY GETS NO SAD OR MAD FACES THO. HE WANTED THAT LAST AND GOT IT. Sphere is tooooooooo good. Honestly one of my favorite smashers. Had me laughin the entire weekend.
129: Rookie =( Sick. Rookie I hope u feel better.
129: ArturitoBurrito DQ'd =( . U woulda tore it up if u didnt get that.
129: D-Torr Great ZSS/Yoshi. We'll get in some matches next time im in FL.
129: Trent7 SONIC!! Awesome talking with u and playing some friendlies. I hope to see u @ columbus.

Shoutouts to Action b@stard for being so helpful the entire weekend, taking me to and from the airport and just all around being a really chill guy. it was nice meeting you and ill let u know the next time im down there. your lucas and wario are great!!

Also everyone who I went to steak N shake with. I don't wanna leave you guys out, but I never really got many people's names. Everyone there was great to be around and suprisingly really really funny. Additionally the milkshakes were godlike.

Lady Legion it was nice meeting you. We will play Zelda/Peach without a doubt in melee next time im in the area. See u @ Apex or maybe Columbus?

Overswarm it was cool meeting you. I honestly went in thinking you would be this mean guy who was there @ every moment waiting to preach pro-ban but that wasnt the case at all. You were a blast to be around and I hope to see you @ columbus and that you get to enter.


MLG That Bracket Girl that makes cookies <font col
Jan 28, 2008
Pineville, NC
Overswarm will get no shoutouts because he is not in the results page. :(
It's okay, I won't either. Even you didn't realize my identity until I creeped upon you via AIM.

Haters gunna hate on the man. He was just doing his job, gawsh.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
It's okay, I won't either. Even you didn't realize my identity until I creeped upon you via AIM.

Haters gunna hate on the man. He was just doing his job, gawsh.

TanookiKai- C6 4 lyfe, yo. I won the race, I don't know where Iraqi or Erect Colon were flying but I'm sure they weren't good places, and an airport is a bird's personal hell.

Take that, people not in the loop.


Jan 3, 2006
@CO from page 10.
I've thought ZSS vs. MK was even for a while now... But okay.

@Dr. Grandpa: Sorry man. Was running around the entire time. We'll do it next time. :D


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
1: Mew2King - Finally won a tourney with ally and adhd there as well. congrats. btw u are so pale in all the pics lol
2: Ally - <3 dont ever give up. keep looking at the screen no matter how bleak things are. you're the best man and ill always root for you
3: Tyrant - so black! we never got our drunk zss dittos in but great seeing you. ocngrats on dat money
4: ESAM - pikaaaachuuuu. u seemed chill lol good stuff
5: DSF - u make the funniest faces. you have hair! good stuff beating all those people plus adhd
6: ADHD - never in teams!
7: DEHF - my fav wc person! i love you! icarly in nj or socal next time ;)
8: Big Lou - you did very ****ing good. most of the decisions u made mid match were super human if u ask me ahah. good job
9: Atomsk92 - nice seeing ya again. i wont quit until i beat adhd so youll see me soon ;)
10: mikeHAZE - i thought wed have bad blood or something cuz of aib talks but we turned out to be pretty gud friends. good stuff and nice seeing ya
11: Fatal - the most dangerous snake!
12: NickRiddle - ggs dude. people say you play like 2008 snakeee but i think ur just dam good. ill get ya next time ;)
13: LeeMartin - ma lucario brotha! good stuff at this man. get that d phat mentality off next time wen things get scary. u had it!!
14: CO18 - you never speak! but u did more than at pound lolz. ggs in teams
15: HRnut - good stuff vs shadow
16: Chaz - beat some good people. congrats
17: Redhalberd - you soo black! lmao they call me snakekiller4000 ;) ggs in friendlies lol
17: Felix - youre so depressed!
17: dmbrandon - thanks for hotel funsies and stuff. see ya soon
17: Havok - haviki! nice seein ya and ggs in friendlies lol
17: ChuDat - good stuff at this! beating shadow is impressive as ehll. and ggs in teams. sd's were unfortunate =/
17: lain - smoking is bad for you!
17: Candy - ma fav snake! yea we gonna team one day and call ourselves the favorites
25: bschung - u did really well too! good stuff man
25: Tearbear - f smash!
25: Seibrik - cable loves you
25: Shadow_111 - dont worry love. well get them next time. fun hangin with ya
25: kismet2 - i always thought u were white! another black falco and a very good on at that! nice meetin ya
25: Mk18 - ggs dude. wario scares the hell out of me and you ***** me.
33: Dekar - i wuv u
33: Zex - ggs. sorry about after our doubles match. just didnt like my deaths but oh well. see ya someday lol
33: Snakeee - ma boi fred! im da best zss gah
33: TheReflexWonder - u are so much fun to watch! good stuff man. hope u got home safely
33: San - almost got dq'd then ***** the guy! good stuff haha
33: -ksizzle- :(
49: Affinity - u were mad fun to play. i see a lot of potential. good stuff and nice meeting ya
49: Sky - teddy bear!! i love you!
49: Pierce7d - 7th grade dan!
49: D1 - ma doo!
49: xxTheNerdyX - nerd! keep improving! glad i helped ur game. nice seein ya
65: |EddHunter| - nice seein ya and chillin with u at the hotel
65: Brocolli_Kong (Will) - dk too good
65: Allied - nice hanging with you yo! ur so cool!
65: iRJi - nice seeing you here
65: Dr.Grandpa - Axelol!
65: QueWhatHuh - good seeeing you and the rest of zb bro
65: MalcolmM - bad luck as always in singles man. next time lets hope that bad luck ends. and you didnt let me down in teams. we did great. if anything i feel i let you down cuz of the omnigay, 0 to deathed, and dying at 80 from mortar cost us that set. still good for our first time and would team again :D
97: Y.b.M. - will smith!
97: ch33s3 - best iceys

and big shoutout to action b@stard for the rides to and from hotel/airport even with the big issue. i got home safely. thanks man

had fun. didnt like tv's but loved the girls and free stuff ;D

arcade was too good as well.

ggs all


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2009
maaad fun. I suck though. "Good for a girl" is bulls***. I wanna be just flat out good.

I'll get there. ;]

Nice meeting all of you for reeaaaal. Friendlies were fun with everyone.

Allied had me soooo weak.

Matches = intense. Lots of upsets, lots of good s***. BigLou = crazy. Time outs = hilarious.

Columbus! :D!


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Everyone telling me how i missed out... feel bad for not going :(

I want to try to go to Columbus but it might not be the samee =/


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2005
awesome tourney :)

I'll make shoutouts in a bit but b4 I do I'm kinda wondering about something.

Do you get points after 16th place? Cuz im considering going to columbus but am wondering if its worth the trip.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
17th + something in the top 16 would probably secure you a spot in the top 16. Might be close. After Cbus the top 16 in season points get $200 stipends at Raleigh.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2005
17th + something in the top 16 would probably secure you a spot in the top 16. Might be close. After Cbus the top 16 in season points get $200 stipends at Raleigh.
Wow thats some really good news to hear. I'm considering it more now after that thanks for the info. But atm i'd need to figure out how to raise the money to go and my hs graduation is on the 4th so it makes things tough :urg:

mayb i can pull some strings but right now i dont know


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Don't sacrifice school for video games people. Graduation is a once in a life time event. There will be more MLG's to go to.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Don't sacrifice school for video games people. Graduation is a once in a life time event. There will be more MLG's to go to.
...unless you go to college for undergraduate studies. Or graduate school. Or a technical school. Or a two week long program. Or a special academy.

But other than that, once in a lifetime event.

(I played the DS through my college graduation)


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
That's funny cause I remember people playing the PSP and DS during my HS graduation.

Regardless, my point should be pretty clear. Graduation is a long term goal. Don't miss it for short term gains.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Eh. I'd attend my high school graduation out of respect for family and because I had a ton of friends there. College graduation is worthless. Just get your diploma mailed to you, unless college was some super special thing for your family and they want to act proud of you or something.
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