OK, here's my writeup on MLG Dallas.
First of all, I'll start by saying that this was easily the best tournament I've ever been to in my life. It was ran so well, and had so many people to play and so much to do! Free stuff was EVERYWHERE! I got a free backpack thing and a water bottle, along with nine Hot Pockets coupons.
My carpool stayed with the San Antonio crew, and Rayziak (sp?) from Nova Scotia was there as well. I didn't play too much in the hotel, but got in a bunch of games with Paw (ZSS player). Very fun matches. Also in the hotel KPrime (Pikachu) ***** me pretty badly. I played one match with Tearbear, got *****. I need to learn how to play on Lylat, lol. Tearbear was mad cool, though. One of my favorite OoS players.
Also, I met Oats! He was really cool. Me and my doubles partner (P4, MK) money matched him and his partner (Zekey, GW/MK) to doubles dittos. They won 2-0. But then we played a bunch of amazingly fun doubles friendlies.
My buddy Gnes won the whole thing! I was talking mad **** to everyone all day, and Gnes thanked me. At one point, Overswarm threatened to kick me out of the venue for yelling "**** HIM!" to every one of Gnes' opponents. And **** them he did. Gnes is gonna take me and some other friends out to lunch or something, I think.
As for the tournament:
Winner's round 1: Bye
Winner's round 2: Hylian. Game 1 was Lucas vs IC's, ended with 2 stock, high percent, Nana dead. I counterpicked Norfair (bad for ICs) and he switched to Game and Watch. I switched to ROB and got *****. Before we played, Hylian told me that he plays with FAE a lot, so he knows the Lucas match up. F U, FAE, for teaching him the Lucas match up.
Loser's round 2: Bye.
Loser's round 3: I have a story for this one. In between nights, I checked the bracket to see who I had to play. I see that I play the winner of a no-show and somebody named jiveturkey33. So I knew I was gonna play jiveturkey. I looked who he lost to in winners, and I see he lost to Tearbear.
I rush up to our hotel room, because Tearbear was randomly over, and asked how he was. He said "Oh, he was this free Game and Watch player." "****, Game and Watch hard counters all my characters!" "I can help you if you'd like." So Tearbear played GW against my ROB, and told me I'd win.
Come tourney time, we play. Game one was on FD, GW vs ROB. He ***** me for about 50%, and then I start reading him SO HARD. I win game 1, one stock, about 45%.
Game two, he counterpicks Lylat, and I stay ROB. He ***** me so hard first stock. By the time I take his first, I'm up to about 70%. I decide to harden up and start ******. I take his second stock while I still have mine, and I was at 176%. After he finally kills me, he ends up SD'ing while I was still at 0%. JV 2 stock.
Loser's round 4: Sinister Slush (Yoshi). I banned FD thinking he'd chaingrab me. He never did, I was salty about my wasted ban. He beats my Lucas game one and I go ROB and counterpick Frigate. I beat him. He counterpicks Delfino, and for some reason I stayed ROB. He won. I was so salty after losing to a Yoshi, but I soon got over it. I'll beat him next time.
In doubles, as I said before, I teamed with P4, a Meta Knight player. Here's how our adventures went:
Winner's round 1: vs Curlz & Jiovanni. Game 1 was on Halberd, and we managed to take two stocks in about 20 seconds. Curlz called for a ref because his C stick was not working. While they were all talking we kept fighting, and P4 ended up losing his first stock. They ask if we can reset the match, and we agree to, but only if people who have lost stocks suicide once. They agree, which leaves me with three completely fresh stocks. We ***** them hard. Upsmashes abounding.
Game 2 they CP'd pictochat, and the Lucario switched to Kirby. Pictochat is a mad gay stage, it literally killed everyone at least once. But me and P4 had no problems winning.
Winner's round 2: vs ESAM and MVD. Needless to say, we got beat. ESAM was surprisingly not that good in teams. He died really really fast and SD'd both games. Game 1 ended up 2v1 vs P4, and P4 held his own fairly well. MVD was at a high percent because ESAM had took a stock, so P4 killed him, and kept up with ESAM pretty well. Game 2 they just straight up beat us. I got upsmash kills on both of them though. Though P4 naired MVD and stole my kill, but I'm still considering it an upsmash kill.
Loser's round 2: vs Dakpo and his partner (ZSS and DDD. We brought it back this set. Game 1 ended up on Delfino, and they ended up winning literally because P4 accidentally SD'd early one stock. Games 2 and 3 were just straight up ****. We had our team combos going (MK downthrow to Lucas upsmash is DELICIOUS). Game 3 they counterpicked us to FD, THOSE FOOLISH FOOLS! That's my favorite teams stage. It was a good set, and we won soundly. They looked salty about losing.
Loser's round 3: vs error13 and Tetsuya (Marth and Diddy/Wario). We lost 2-0. Not much to say except they ***** up.
Overall, I think I did ALRIGHT in tournament, I was aiming for 49th or better in singles, but I'm not gonna complain. Overall, I had an amazing time, and I have so many stories that would take way too long to tell. Provided they have Smash next year, PLEASE go. You will NOT be disappointed.
In conclusion, here is a picture of me and Oats.