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Miss Gigabits? Otronicon 2010 - 1/16-17th + Updates

Sleek Media

Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
ok lol wtf is up with this random trash talk

otronicons bull**** rules have always screwed better players, the last time all of us went...well here were the results

crappy rules aren't competitive at all and smashers who succeed in casual format tournaments usually don't perform as well in competitive settings

colbol for instance, who should've won that tournament, got 48th?? i mean that's crazy lol

Im possibly going to be attending Otronicon. Is any1 still without a partner(brawl) ? If so let me know. Im not 100% confirmed to this even yet, but I just wanna to know who all is going and who still needs a partner.
Just show up and start playing friendlies with people at the stations. I'm sure you'll find someone. There will be alot of people.

So who else is actually gonna do melee singles?
Probably, but not for sure. It depends on if my buddies want to go. I'm really in this for Brawl, but I guess I'll have to use those passes on something! Either way, if you want to go, GO! I'm sure you'll have a good time.

...I mostly just wanted to post the tiny violin.


Apr 21, 2004
Fort Myers, FL (Orlando/UCF for college)
I'd like to have more info on melee singles on Sunday...such as entrance fee (besides the fee just to be at Otronicon), prizes for each placing, what kind of TVs we'll be playing on, and if we can bring our own controllers???

I know you said we'll be supplied with controllers, but does that mean we cannot bring our own???



A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
nope, we can't bring our own controllers or setups at all, or they will be confiscated and we could be charged with theft.

Prizes are undetermined, and we probably wont know until the day of.

last two otronicons, the TV's were big laggy projection tvs, but they might have some better ones this time. If I go, I'm going to bring a tv or two in the car in case people want them for finals matches.

Entrance fee is $5 per event (90% sure on this).

Sleek Media

Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
The controller thing strikes me as odd, but if people were stealing last year, I can't blame them. As long as the controllers are new, or at least in very good condition, I don't see any problem. Can't be worse than my controllers, anyway. >_>

You'd love an item tournament. Honestly, it's not a huge gamebreaker like some people say. The most skilled players always rise to the top. Sure, once in a blue moon, you get nuked, but it's no worse than suffering a bad counterpick under SBR rules. More importantly, items destroy the tier system, and a whole new layer is added to the game. I think one of the main reasons the members of Smashboards hate items is that they make the game too hard to analyze. Right now, they have tier lists, matchup discussions, and even freakin' frame data. Items make it too hard to analyze, and leave the player to their own skill and instincts to make it through a match. You can't practice for it, and it's really fun to watch.

In a real item tournament, you'd want to take off the really bad items (hearts, fan, etc), and set the rest to low. Medium is a bit too frequent...low ensures that there's usually just one or two items in play at any given time. You still have to fight. I'd also recommend 5-stock. The more stocks, the less a random item mishap affects the match.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
The controller thing strikes me as odd, but if people were stealing last year, I can't blame them. As long as the controllers are new, or at least in very good condition, I don't see any problem. Can't be worse than my controllers, anyway. >_>

You'd love an item tournament. Honestly, it's not a huge gamebreaker like some people say. The most skilled players always rise to the top. Sure, once in a blue moon, you get nuked, but it's no worse than suffering a bad counterpick under SBR rules. More importantly, items destroy the tier system, and a whole new layer is added to the game. I think one of the main reasons the members of Smashboards hate items is that they make the game too hard to analyze. Right now, they have tier lists, matchup discussions, and even freakin' frame data. Items make it too hard to analyze, and leave the player to their own skill and instincts to make it through a match. You can't practice for it, and it's really fun to watch.

In a real item tournament, you'd want to take off the really bad items (hearts, fan, etc), and set the rest to low. Medium is a bit too frequent...low ensures that there's usually just one or two items in play at any given time. You still have to fight. I'd also recommend 5-stock. The more stocks, the less a random item mishap affects the match.

edit: Items are entirely random in nature. They appear, on random areas of the stage. The item that appears is random. That means one player RANDOMLY gets an advantage.

If you're up 40% on the last stock, even a "non broken" item could completely change the outcome of the match. A character without a projectile suddenly has a projectile for example. It completely changes the nature of the game and removes all skill. Luck is already a dumb factor in brawl (tripping -_-) and the game really doesn't need any more.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2006
Orlando, FL
I don't think there is much that I can do in regards to the controllers. He is pretty intent on not having last year's losses happen again, which is legit of course. We can manage, though. I know some folks liked to remove the spring in their classic controllers to get that extra edge, but at least everybody else will be at the same standard. Talk to Jim about it still. Perhaps if you marked your controller and didn't bring it in a backpack they might go for it. I don't know. It's out of my reach though.

Sleek Media

Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
I was under the impression that any kind of modification to controllers was illegal for tournament play.

Sleek Media

Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
What, is your shift 4PM-Midnight Fri-Mon? If you get a chance, you should try to make it. It'll be a good tournament. Or rather, four good tournaments.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2009
Is the schedule posted here on the first page the correct schedule because the schedule on the Otronicon website is completely different?


How early can we arrive for friendlies? (On friday)

Sleek Media

Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
Go with the latest update for times, Spike. Also, I'm pretty sure they'll have stations open all day for casual matches (they have in the past). Remember that the Smash tournament is just one feature in the bigger event, so there probably isn't going to be some big structured crowd like there is at a dedicated tournament until 15min before they call signup.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2009
Go with the latest update for times, Spike. Also, I'm pretty sure they'll have stations open all day for casual matches (they have in the past). Remember that the Smash tournament is just one feature in the bigger event, so there probably isn't going to be some big structured crowd like there is at a dedicated tournament until 15min before they call signup.
kk thanks. Do u know what time the event opens (Otronicon itself?)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2006
Orlando, FL
Friendlies can be played during ALL hours of the convention aside from actual tournament time. If you buy entry into the con you're set.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2005
The controller thing strikes me as odd, but if people were stealing last year, I can't blame them. As long as the controllers are new, or at least in very good condition, I don't see any problem. Can't be worse than my controllers, anyway. >_>

You'd love an item tournament. Honestly, it's not a huge gamebreaker like some people say. The most skilled players always rise to the top. Sure, once in a blue moon, you get nuked, but it's no worse than suffering a bad counterpick under SBR rules. More importantly, items destroy the tier system, and a whole new layer is added to the game. I think one of the main reasons the members of Smashboards hate items is that they make the game too hard to analyze. Right now, they have tier lists, matchup discussions, and even freakin' frame data. Items make it too hard to analyze, and leave the player to their own skill and instincts to make it through a match. You can't practice for it, and it's really fun to watch.

In a real item tournament, you'd want to take off the really bad items (hearts, fan, etc), and set the rest to low. Medium is a bit too frequent...low ensures that there's usually just one or two items in play at any given time. You still have to fight. I'd also recommend 5-stock. The more stocks, the less a random item mishap affects the match.
So, you basically just want to ban the items that YOU dislike? What is it exactly that makes your set of made up rules better than our set of made up rules? Why not leave those "really bad items" on as well, because it makes the game "fun to watch"?


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2009
they keep saying wii... it's wiimote, nunchuk + wiimote, or classic controller, vaguely mentioning GC at all... soo it's pretty iffy. cecil u gotta clarify about that.

lol time to learn Razer's controller technique
LOL! But yea, I was wondering the same thing. I assumed by classic they meant gamecube controller, but if they are talking about the wii classic controller i dont think anybody will be attending this tournament. Cecil can you make sure that they will be providing gamecube controllers.


Sep 29, 2007
UCF (Orlando, FL)
trust me they're gonna have gamecube controllers

u can't even play melee without them so of course they'll have them for that and then probably the next day for brawl also


Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2006
Orlando, FL
I just have a few questions about the Saturday Brawl singles. On the Otronicon website, they say that the tournament is a 32 man bracket. It also says that there is preregistration for the tournament by phone. Being as I've already bought a ticket for the main convention, would I still be able to register for the tournament the day of? Or would it be easier to just do the pre-registration by phone? I just noticed nobody brought it up so I would just ask here.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2004
Orlando, Florida (UCF)
I tried calling but no one answered.
Theres a fee of $16 to get in the door on friday.
Do u have to pay $16 again on saturday to play 1v1? That would suck.
It says $16 daily on the website.
I wont be able to do both days, too poor for that.

I also need to find out about usin my controller, ill paint it pink if i have to

Sleek Media

Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
So, you basically just want to ban the items that YOU dislike? What is it exactly that makes your set of made up rules better than our set of made up rules? Why not leave those "really bad items" on as well, because it makes the game "fun to watch"?
Because players like you would have a heart attack. I'm fine with any and all items, but I'm willing to compromise on the "balanced" list that smashboards came up with.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Mad lame if you have to pay $16 each day. I'd have to pick one event only to play in.

This. I've been trying to contact them for 4 days now but no one ever answers the phone, and the email that I've sent hasn't been replied to yet. I wanted to volunteer so to have my fee waived, but as of now I don't think that I'm going to be able to do that. :/


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
It's just dumb that each event is on a different day. Last year everything was on the same day so we only had to pay for 1 day of the convention.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2006
Orlando, FL
If you can only attend one event, I'd attend the Saturday Brawl 1v1. I don't think you'll have a chance of bringing your controller. Just borrow the classic controllers that they will be providing. I know, it sucks, but it's not really -that- horrific considering how much better it will be handled this year as opposed to the ones in the past. You forget that I pretty much have full reign on this thing, save loss prevention issues and corporate logistics.

I'll see some of you tomorrow for Brawl 2v2! I recommend getting there first thing tomorrow so you can enjoy a day of friendlies. Your ticket to get in covers all friendly time you can play and other amenities provided to you during the con. As an added bonus from NLL, there WILL be extra prizes given out by them this year. First and second place will receive gift cards, memberships, t-shirts and more just so you can get a taste of the future Orlando tourneys! IN ADDITION to that, NLL got in touch with some folks and well... one thing led to another and the girl who got first place at Blizzcon '09 (THE MISTRESS OF PAIN!) will be at the con this year adorning her award winning costume! She won't be hard to miss, and she'll be passing around NLL fliers as well.

I'm super-psyched for this year's events. Just go easy on me, I'm sick right now =\ I'll try to avoid any close contact with you guys. I'll be behind the booth in the cinnedome mostly while Katie and Robbie will be in the field. Remember if you are volunteering to come up to me before the tournament begins so I can give you some volunteer work and that I can write you off as serving your volunteer hours. Thats all for now. I'll see you guys this weekend!


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2004
Orlando, Florida (UCF)
yea, it looks like u gota pay $16 each day, plus the $5 for each tourny.
This. I've been trying to contact them for 4 days now but no one ever answers the phone, and the email that I've sent hasn't been replied to yet. I wanted to volunteer so to have my fee waived, but as of now I don't think that I'm going to be able to do that. :/
ive been trying for 4 days also. Left messages but no word.
That and i cant even use my controller.
Not worth spending that much $
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